[asdf-devel] Error loading closure-html

Samium Gromoff _deepfire at feelingofgreen.ru
Mon Mar 29 21:38:53 UTC 2010

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 19:08:27 -0400, Faré <fahree at gmail.com> wrote:
> There is no portable way to distinguish between the many filesystem
> errors, anyway.
> Is there a good reason to not let LOAD report whatever error it wants?

Hmm, LOAD is specified to raise a FILE-ERROR upon failure and I missed
that SBCL's SIMPLE-FILE-ERROR is a subtype of it, so we get the failed
upon pathname.

The status quo is that currently ASDF provides the name of the system
in the condition, which we'd have to deduce from the pathname, if we
were to let LOAD do the error checking.

In the cases of SBCL, ECL and CLisp FILE-ERROR-PATHNAME on a dead symlink
is reasonable and returns the pathname of the dead symlink, not what
it points to.

But there is something that bothers me still, as there are those
multiple-systems-per-file .asd files, which makes pathname->system
mapping less trivial.  How much this makes a problem in the real life
I cannot tell, just that it might be one in general.

In the end, I'm not sure, it's been long since I touched desire.

  Samium Gromoff
"Actually I made up the term 'object-oriented', and I can tell you I
did not have C++ in mind." - Alan Kay (OOPSLA 1997 Keynote)

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