[asdf-devel] Cache? Translations? How to get rid of them?

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at sift.info
Mon Mar 15 20:37:37 UTC 2010

On 3/15/10 Mar 15 -3:20 PM, Faré wrote:
>>> (defmethod output-files :around ((op operation) (c component))
>>>  "Translate output files, unless asked not to"
>>>   (values
>>>    (multiple-value-bind (files fixedp) (call-next-method)
>>>      (if fixedp
>>>          files
>>>          (mapcar #'apply-output-translations files)))
>>>    t))
>>> It has the advantage that the :AROUND method also follows the API and
>>> other functions calling OUTPUT-FILES get to know that the paths are now
>>> fixed.
> Yup, that's better. I'm putting that in my local copy, to be released
> this week (hopefully after having a chance to look at janderson's
> pathname test).
>> Isn't this a job for
>> (defmethod output-files asdf:around ((op operation) (c component)
>> ...)
>> ?
> Meh, right at the moment I was considering getting rid of asdf:around...

Right, but the programmer is likely to want to be able to have his/her
own :around method on this function signature....


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