[asdf-devel] never ending component relative pathnames [2]

Faré fahree at gmail.com
Wed Mar 10 04:31:56 UTC 2010

> I think we're on the same page about that, but it seems to me that the
> rule in your email earlier was ".lisp" is added to the filename if there
> isn't a dot in the name already and if the filetype is null.
No. The current rule is:
".lisp" is added to the filename *always* if the component type is ".lisp".

Which rule the user pretty much knows already, since he has plenty of
components like "foo" that correspond to file "foo.lisp".

> I thought your proposal was that if the file was a cl-source file (and
> would get ".lisp" added because of source-file-type), then if you put a
> ".lisp" in the filename, you would get TWO copies --- ".lisp.lisp"
> because the .lisp in the filename would not be interpreted as a type,
> but as a part of the name proper.
Yes, this is my proposal and what the current code does.
On the other hand if you use #p"foo.lisp" then no additional ".lisp" is added
(and neither is it added if you use #p"foo"). So if you want that behavior,
you can have it, too.

@james: I suppose that #p"..." names that only use portable characters could
be portably accepted in pathname arguments.

> I was unhappy with that because it
> seemed like a complex dependency on something that's invisible to the
> system definer (viz. the component-file-type method). But maybe I
> misread your original email?
The "complex" dependency already exists in legacy ASDF. Reliance upon
".lisp" being added to :file components but not :static-file components
is pervasive.

[ François-René ÐVB Rideau | Reflection&Cybernethics | http://fare.tunes.org ]
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