[asdf-devel] Is this a bug? or my error?

Louis A. Turk lou at dayspringpublisher.com
Mon Jun 28 19:03:59 UTC 2010

On Mon, 2010-06-28 at 11:23 -0500, Robert Goldman wrote:
> On 6/28/10 Jun 28 -10:39 AM, Louis A. Turk wrote:
> > asdf version 2.104
> > 
> It looks suspiciously like either (1) you are mixing different versions
> of ASDF, including one from before Faré eliminated the internal
> 'ASDF::AROUND method qualifier, (2) someone in the definition of
> ITERATE, or possibly another system, broke the abstraction and defined
> an ASDF:AROUND method or (3) you have some stale fasl mixed in.
> HtH,
> r

Thanks for replying. You were right about this. However, I'm still
having a problem. I'm getting the following error message:

failed to find the TRUENAME of /home/lat/lisp/il/collate.lisp:

The problem is that collate.lisp is is not in the /home/lat/lisp/il/
directory. It is in the /home/lat/lisp/collate/ directory.

I've been reading sections 3.1 and 5.3.6 of the asdf2 manual, and trying
to apply what is written there, but it doesn't seem to help with the
above problem. I'm probably misunderstanding something. Would you please
point me in the right direction?


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