[asdf-devel] translate-jar-pathname : The value NIL is not of type (OR PATHNAME STRING FILE-STREAM).

Mark Evenson evenson at panix.com
Sat Apr 10 13:25:32 UTC 2010

On 4/6/10 1:24 AM, james anderson wrote:
> given:
> [1] CL-USER(69): (lisp-implementation-type)
> "Armed Bear Common Lisp"
> [2] CL-USER(70): (lisp-implementation-version)
> "0.19.1"
> [3] CL-USER(73): asdf::*asdf-version*
> "1.666"
> asdf fails to compile alexandria.
> translate-jar-pathname applies namestring to the null device
> component of a pathname and fails.

Acknowledged and reproduced as a bug in "somewhere" in ABCL.

ABCL built with the attached patch does not exhibit this error.  The 
patch represents the current state branch in progress that fixes a 
number of things dealing with Pathnames in addition to introducing 
support for URLs as Pathnames.  It's not immediately clear how to 
separate out the fix for the ASDF2 problem, so I'm planning on spending 
what time I've got pushing this patch towards a point to push to trunk. 
  If someone has time to help diagnose the specific part that fixes 
ASDF2, I'd be happy to sponsor that commit to ABCL trunk.

Once I graft my patch to the ABCL trunk, I will tackle adding ASDF2 into 
the ABCL distribution.

"A screaming comes across the sky.  It has happened before, but there
is nothing to compare to it now."
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