[asdf-devel] ASDF2 cache control?

Mario S. Mommer m_mommer at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 5 18:51:32 UTC 2010


Faré <fahree at gmail.com> writes:
> Mario's analogy with make is OK to a point, but ASDF differs very much
> from make, too. And with multiple implementations, making a "don't
> map" default can really get in the way. Especially as I'd like to
> promote some portability and "test with multiple
> architectures/implementations" style. I do catch more bugs thanks to
> SBCL, CLISP, ECL, etc.

How about a special


that controls the default, and have that default to "classic behavior"?
then people who do not want the "don't map" default (like you) just need
to add the line

(setf asdf:*output-translation-defaults* ...

or something like that to their lisp's startup file to get what they


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