[armedbear] #487: Compiler macro called for functions declared NOTINLINE

armedbear armedbear-devel at common-lisp.net
Mon Nov 29 15:30:04 UTC 2021

#487: Compiler macro called for functions declared NOTINLINE
      Reporter:  Eric Timmons  |       Type:  defect
        Status:  new           |   Priority:  major
     Milestone:  1.8.1         |  Component:  compiler
       Version:  1.8.1-dev     |   Keywords:
Parent Tickets:                |
 According to, compiler macros must not be applied if the
 function is declared notinline. ABCL seems to call them anyways.

 To reproduce, compile the following:

 (in-package #:cl-user)

 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (declaim (inline explain))
   (define-compiler-macro explain (&whole form &rest args)
     (declare (ignore args))
     (warn "Compile macro called!")
   (defgeneric explain (operation component))
   (defmethod explain ((o string) c)
     (declare (notinline explain))
     (explain (find-class (read-from-string o)) c))
   (defmethod explain ((o class) c)
     (format t "~S ~S~%" o c)))


 I expect no warning. However, one is signaled.

 This is a reduction of something I noticed when prepping for the ASDF 3.4
 series. It causes self upgrade to fail on ABCL.

 I tried writing a version with normal functions, but couldn't reproduce.
 So I don't know if I was just doing something wrong or if this only
 happens with generic functions.

Ticket URL: <https://abcl.org/trac/ticket/487>
armedbear <https://abcl.org>

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