[Armedbear-ticket] [armedbear] #365: ABCL-Jar not working on Mac OS X

armedbear armedbear-devel at common-lisp.net
Mon Aug 18 06:15:33 UTC 2014

#365: ABCL-Jar not working on Mac OS X
  Reporter:  robert goldman  |      Owner:  mevenson
      Type:  defect          |     Status:  closed
  Priority:  major           |  Milestone:  1.4.0
 Component:  abcl-contrib    |    Version:  1.4.0-dev
Resolution:  fixed           |   Keywords:

Comment (by mevenson):

 Replying to [comment:14 robert goldman]:
 > One last question if you don't mind: there seems like a Catch-22 about
 using these jar files. You have to add them to the ASDF path using the
 asdf-jar contrib, but how do you know where they are? Seems like the asdf-
 contrib.jar has a cleaner solution where you can simply `(require :asdf-
 contrib)`, and all the systems in the jar file can become loadable. Is
 there something like this one can do with a jar file make with ASDF-JAR?

 The jar is 'abcl-contrib.jar' located via {{{(require :abcl-contrib)}}}.
 This is considered a "system jar" to be distributed with 'abcl.jar', which
 would usually be in a location not directly writable by the user.

 One possibility would be if you are looking to distribute a standalone
 application, simply adding such packages  to {{{abcl-contrib.jar}}}.

 But for locating ASDF systems in general, I suppose that the right way
 forward would be to use the ASDF configuration DSL to provide the location
 of your systems, which just happen to be packaged in jar files.  ABCL uses
 a EXT:JAR-PATHNAME to represent such locations which is an extension of
 CL:PATHNAME, so if we were to ensure that the ASDF configuration DSL can
 deal with such extensions, things might be able to work.  Now if only I
 could find an ASDF maintainer to talk to about this…

Ticket URL: <http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/365#comment:15>
armedbear <http://abcl.org>

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