Issue running minimal example with jss: module java.base does not "opens java.util.jar" to unnamed module

Phil Eaton phil at
Tue Aug 3 16:46:50 UTC 2021

Hey folks,

I've got a minimal program I'm trying to run:

(require 'abcl-contrib)
(require 'jss)
(setf jss:*muffle-warnings* nil)

(add-to-classpath #P"~/.m2/repository/io/javalin/javalin/3.13.10/")
(jss:jar-import "javalin-3.13.10.jar")

(let* ((port 8080)
       (app (#"start" (#"create" 'Javalin) port)))
   (#"get" app (lambda (ctx)
                 (#"result" ctx "Hello World")))))

When I run it:

abcl --batch --noinform --load main.lisp

I get the following exception when requiring jss I think.

jssASDF could not load  because Java exception
'java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make public
java.lang.String java.util.jar
.JarFile$JarFileEntry.getName() accessible: module java.base does not
"opens java.util.jar" to unnamed module @1ece4432'..
Error loading
at line 17
3 (offset 14319)
#<THREAD "interpreter" {14B117F6}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type
  Java exception 'java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to
make public java.lang.String java.util.jar.JarFile$JarFileEntry.getName(
) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util.jar" to unnamed
module @1ece4432'.

Any suggestions for getting this (require :jss) working?

Thank you!
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