ABCL 1.8.0

Mark Evenson evenson at
Sun Nov 1 09:04:22 UTC 2020

> On Oct 30, 2020, at 16:07, Blake McBride <blake at> wrote:
> I have provided support in the past and would do so again if possible.

The direct current mechanism for materially support of ABCL development is
provided by the ongoing [ABCL appreciation][] campaign.

If someone wants a more directly responsible arrangement, I would be more than
willing to engage in a more mutually beneficial direct commercial relationship.

There will certainly be an abcl-1.8.1 in the near term, but if there was
sufficient commercial interest in supporting openjdk8 as a thing, I would be
happy to direct more of my efforts towards longer temporal terms.

In any event, regardless of future possible material donations, I am very happy
that you find commercial utility with the current ABCL on openjdk8.


[ABCL appreciation]: <>

"A screaming comes across the sky.  It has happened before but there is nothing 
to compare to it now."

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