Patch for a couple of stack inconsistency bugs

Mark Evenson evenson at
Sat Nov 16 14:45:48 UTC 2019

> On May 31, 2019, at 23:49, Mark Evenson <evenson at> wrote:
>> On May 29, 2019, at 15:21, somewhat-functional-programmer <somewhat-functional-programmer at> wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> Lately I have been starting to dive deeper into Common Lisp and have started to
>> use ABCL more than SBCL or CCL lately. It is a very impressive project.
> Thanks.  Welcome!
>> Let me know what you think, and again please review, there aren't many lines
>> changed but I am new to the internals of the project. I think I ran all tests
>> (ant abcl.test) but while the ant task completed successfully, my output
>> complained of a missing dependency and I'm not sure what actually ran.
> Initial testing of your patch looks good, in that it makes sense as a patch and that it doesn’t seem to break anything obvious under both java-8 and java-11.  I will try to incorporate into the mainline repos soonish.  
> Best,
> Mark <evenson at>
> -- 
> "A screaming comes across the sky.  It has happened before but there is nothing 
> to compare to it now."

Thanks ever so-much for the patch!  [It will be part of abcl-1.6.0][1] 


"A screaming comes across the sky.  It has happened before but there is nothing 
to compare to it now."

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