Syntactic sugar to call Java from ABCL?

EGarrulo egarrulo at
Fri Mar 4 17:54:41 UTC 2016

Hello ABCL developers,

has anybody written some macros to make calling Java from ABCL more 
straightforward?  I mean something that, instead of this code from the ABCL 

(defun void-function (param)
  (let* ((class (jclass "Main"))
         (intclass (jclass "int"))
         (method (jmethod class "addTwoNumbers" intclass intclass))
         (result (jcall method param 2 4)))
    (format t "in void-function, result of calling addTwoNumbers(2, 4): ~a~%" 

would let you write something like this, for example:

(format t
        "in void-function, result of calling addTwoNumbers(2, 4): ~a~%"
        ;; Let's imagine that we have defined a -> macro.
        (-> |Main.addTwoNumbers| 2 4)

Thank you.

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