Compiler can generate code it cannot load....

Mark Evenson evenson at
Wed Sep 2 22:34:02 UTC 2015

On 2015/9/2 23:34, Patrick Stein wrote:
> This is a short program for which the compiler creates a file it cannot load.  Save this program to a file, then try: (load (compile-file “this-file.lisp”))
> ;;; This program causes the ABCL compiler to generate code it cannot load.
> ;;;
> ;;; The code compiles and loads correctly if you do any of the following:
> ;;;   * change BUFSIZE to be 'INTEGER instead of '(INTEGER 0 100)
> ;;;   * delete the INLINE declaration for BUFFER-LENGTH
> ;;;   * delete the FTYPE declaration for BUFFER-LENGTH
> ;;;   * delete the TYPE declaration for NEW-CAPACITY
> (deftype bufsize () '(integer 0 100))
> (declaim (inline buffer-length)
>          (ftype (function () bufsize) buffer-length))
> (defun buffer-length ()
>   (the bufsize 10))
> (defun calculate-new-buffer-length (new-capacity)
>   (declare (type bufsize new-capacity))
>   (min (buffer-length) new-capacity))


Filed as [ticket][397]. Your case definitely seems to be a bug in our
compiler.  Having such nicely specified, small test cases helps us
immensely in tracking down problems in the current compiler.


Thanks for the bug report.

"A screaming comes across the sky.  It has happened before, but there
is nothing to compare to it now."

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