[armedbear-devel] abcl-1.3.0 released

Mark Evenson evenson at panix.com
Sun Mar 16 09:21:28 UTC 2014


abcl-1.3.0 is a feature release.


## Features

*  Make LispStackFrame.UNAVAILABLE_ARG a singleton object,
   and lazily create the little used portions of the Lisp stack.

    Aggressively cache and control the use of memory by the underlying
    Lisp stack frame representation by introducing the private
    LispThread.StackFrame and LispThread.StackSegments classes.

    Contributed by Dmitry Nadezhin.

    LispStackFrame object are allocated on every
    LispThread.execute(...) .  However, they are seldom [accessed]
    ([... verify via] inspect[tion of the] stack trace). This patch
    delays allocation of LispStackFrame? objects until they are
    requested.  Raw information about stack frames is stored in
    stack. Stack is an Object[] array (more precisely a list of [...]4
    [Mib] Object[] arrays).

    ME: We are going to need a way to try to less agressively grab 4Mib
    chunks in low memory situations.

    Memory profiling of ABCL shows that the classes with largest
    allocation count are org.armedbear.lisp.LispStackFrame and

    Contributed by Dmitry Nadezhin.

    [r14572]: http://abcl.org/trac/changeset/14572
    [r14579]: http://abcl.org/trac/changeset/14579

*  ASDF shipped with the implementation

*  per function call stack and memory exception handler in CL:COMPILE

   Inline calls to jrun-exception-protected (used by handler-bind to
   catch out of memory conditions).  This commit saves generation
   roughly 50 cls files.

   [r14552]: http://abcl.org/trac/changeset/14552

*  SYS:SHA256 audited

    The functionality if the SYS:SHA256 algorithim has been audited for
    use on inputs of single for files with recently shipping ORCL Java 7
    implementations (through jdk-1.7.0_51).

    [r14582]:  http://abcl.org/trac/changeset/14582

* Connect to NetBeans controlled JDWP via SLIME

    The Netbeans IDE configuration now includes a way to connect to
    the running-under-jdb ABCL via SLIME.  One needs a version of
    SLIME able to be loaded from its 'swank.asd' definition.  

* Install 'abcl.jar' and 'abcl-contrib.jar' locally as Maven artifacts

    The Ant `abcl.mvn.install` target now installs build artifacts
    into the local Maven repository (Olof-Joachim Frahm)

    [r14579]: http://abcl.org/trac/changeset/14606

## Compatibility


   The implementation specific :RESOLVE-SYMLINKS argument to the ANSI
   DIRECTORY function has been changed to nil.  This implements
   behavior closer to SBCL and guarantees that a DIRECTORY operation
   will not signal a file error.

   [r14619]: http://abcl.org/trac/changeset/14619
   [ticket-340]: http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/340

## Fixes

*  Fix CL:SLEEP for intervals less than a millisecond.  

   For intervals less than or equal to a nanosecond, including an
   interval of zero, the current thread merely yields execution to
   other threads.

   [r14632]: http://abcl.org/trac/changeset/14632

## Tested

### "Java_HotSpot(TM)_64-Bit_Server_VM-Oracle_Corporation-1.7.0_51-b13" "x86_64-Mac_OS_X-10.9.1"

### "Java_HotSpot(TM)_64-Bit_Server_VM-Oracle_Corporation-1.8.0-b129" "x86_64-Mac_OS_X-10.9.2"

## Contrib

#### abcl-asdf

*  Now working with both Maven 3.0.x and 3.1.x.  Thanks to Anton for
   the help!

   [ticket-328]: http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/328

*  cache Maven dependency resolution to avoid repeated lookups.

   Instead of calling ABCL-ASDF:RESOLVE in both the ASDF COMPILE-OP
   and LOAD-OP, we now cache the result of invocation in COMPILE-OP
   and add this value in the LOAD-OP phase. Contributed by Cyrus

   [r14631]: http://abcl.org/trac/changeset/14631

#### jna
   Now references jna-4.0.0.  Some incompatibility with CFFI ([in
   progress with fixing upstream][cffi-easye]).

[cffi-easye]: http://github.com/easye/cffi/

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