[armedbear-devel] "Hardcoding" methods that funcall a symbol

Theam Yong Chew senatorzergling at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 23:49:44 UTC 2013

On 12/16/13, Pascal J. Bourguignon <pjb at informatimago.com> wrote:
> Theam Yong Chew <senatorzergling at gmail.com> writes:
>> I also updated java:jnew-runtime-class's docstring, but I'm not sure
>> if the wording "function designator" is accurate enough, since
>> (funcall '(lambda () 1)) => 1
>> Would '(lambda () 1) be considered a FUNCTION DESIGNATOR?
> CLHS Glossary says:
>     function designator n. a designator for a function; that is, an
>     object that denotes a function and that is one of: a symbol
>     (denoting the function named by that symbol in the global
>     environment), or a function (denoting itself). The consequences are
>     undefined if a symbol is used as a function designator but it does
>     not have a global definition as a function, or it has a global
>     definition as a macro or a special form. See also extended function
>     designator.
> therefore:
>     (defun function-designator-p (object)
>        (or (symbolp object)
>            (functionp object)))
>     (function-designator-p '(lambda () 1))
>     --> NIL
> So, the answer is no.
> --
> __Pascal Bourguignon__
> http://www.informatimago.com/

Ok, I did see that. I was momentarily confused by ABCL's behaviour, it
accepted this,

CL-USER(1): (funcall '(lambda (x) 1) 1)
==> 1

whereas in SBCL: (funcall '(lambda (x) 1) 1)   leads to an error.

The value (LAMBDA (X) 1) is not of type (OR FUNCTION SYMBOL).
   [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR]

 0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.

After re-reading CLHS (glossary, FUNCALL, APPLY etc), this seems
expected. I'm also trying to remember, this seems to that conform to
my muscle memory more consistently as well.

I was going to modify my patch to change "FUNCTION designator" ->
"FUNCALLable Lisp object" instead, but perhaps ABCL's APPLY needs to
be modified instead? Is this non-compliant behaviour?

-------------- next part --------------
Index: src/org/armedbear/lisp/runtime-class.lisp
--- src/org/armedbear/lisp/runtime-class.lisp	(revision 14590)
+++ src/org/armedbear/lisp/runtime-class.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
    Method definitions are lists of the form
    (method-name return-type argument-types function &key modifiers annotations)
    where method-name is a string, return-type and argument-types are strings or keywords for
-   primitive types (:void, :int, etc.), and function is a Lisp function of minimum arity
+   primitive types (:void, :int, etc.), and function is a FUNCALLable Lisp object of minimum arity
    (1+ (length argument-types)); the instance (`this') is passed in as the first argument.
    Field definitions are lists of the form (field-name type &key modifiers annotations)."
@@ -116,59 +116,104 @@
      (error "Unsupported return type: ~A" return-type))))
+(defun java::runtime-class-common-add-method-boxer (argument-types)
+  (let ((argc (length argument-types)))
+    ;;Allocate registers (2 * argc to load and store arguments + 2 to box "this")
+    (dotimes (i (* 2 (1+ argc)))
+      (allocate-register nil))
+    ;;Box "this" (to be passed as the first argument to the Lisp function)
+    (aload 0)
+    (emit 'iconst_1) ;;true
+    (emit-invokestatic +abcl-java-object+ "getInstance"
+                       (list +java-object+ :boolean) +lisp-object+)
+    (astore (1+ argc))
+    ;;Box each argument
+    (loop
+     :for arg-type :in argument-types
+     :for i :from 1
+     :do (progn
+           (cond
+             ((keywordp arg-type)
+              (error "Unsupported arg-type: ~A" arg-type))
+             ((eq arg-type :int) :todo)
+             (t (aload i)
+                (emit 'iconst_1) ;;true
+                (emit-invokestatic +abcl-java-object+ "getInstance"
+                                   (list +java-object+ :boolean) +lisp-object+)))
+           (astore (+ i (1+ argc)))))))
+(defun java::runtime-class-common-add-method-return (argument-types return-type)
+  (let ((argc (length argument-types)))
+    (if (<= (1+ argc) call-registers-limit)
+        (progn
+          ;;Load the boxed this
+          (aload (1+ argc))
+          ;;Load each boxed argument
+          (dotimes (i argc)
+            (aload (+ argc 2 i))))
+        (error "execute(LispObject[]) is currently not supported")))
+  (emit-call-execute (1+ (length argument-types)))
+  (java::emit-unbox-and-return return-type))
+(defun java::runtime-class-add-normal-method-body (function class-file field-name argument-types return-type)
+  (java::runtime-class-common-add-method-boxer argument-types)
+  ;;Load the Lisp function from its static field
+  (emit-getstatic (class-file-class class-file) field-name +lisp-object+)
+  (java::runtime-class-common-add-method-return argument-types return-type))
+(defun java::runtime-class-add-symbol-method-body (function class-file field-name argument-types return-type)
+  ;; symbol = org.armedbear.lisp.Packages.findPackage(<package>).findAccessibleSymbol(<symbol-name>)
+  (emit 'ldc (pool-add-string *pool* (package-name (symbol-package function))))
+  (emit-invokestatic +lisp-packages+
+                     "findPackage"
+                     (list +java-string+)
+                     +lisp-package+)
+  (let* ((num-locals (* 2 (1+ (length argument-types))))
+         (local-var-1-index (+ 0 num-locals))
+         (local-var-2-index (+ 1 num-locals)))
+    (dotimes (i 2) (allocate-register nil))
+    (astore local-var-1-index)
+    (aload local-var-1-index)
+    (emit 'ldc (pool-add-string *pool* (symbol-name function)))
+    (emit-invokevirtual +lisp-package+
+                        "findAccessibleSymbol"
+                        (list +java-string+)
+                        +lisp-symbol+)
+    (astore local-var-2-index)
+    (aload local-var-2-index))
+  (java::runtime-class-common-add-method-boxer argument-types)
+  (java::runtime-class-common-add-method-return argument-types return-type))
 (defun java::runtime-class-add-methods (class-file methods)
+  "Lisp functions (lisp objects) are saved and referenced from
+  public static class fields, while symbols (function names) are
+  hardcoded into the method body to be funcalled. The user must
+  separately ensure the callee function is loaded/maintained within
+  the Lisp Interpreter. No additional handling is provided here for
+  serialising/deserialising the function definition. That means if
+  this class is loaded from a new Interpreter (for instance from a
+  class file), the method call will fail."
   (let (method-implementation-fields)
     (dolist (m methods)
       (destructuring-bind (name return-type argument-types function
                            &key (modifiers '(:public)) annotations override) m
         (let* ((argument-types (mapcar #'java::canonicalize-java-type argument-types))
-               (argc (length argument-types))
                (return-type (java::canonicalize-java-type return-type))
                (jmethod (make-jvm-method name return-type argument-types :flags modifiers))
                (field-name (string (gensym name))))
           (class-add-method class-file jmethod)
-          (let ((field (make-field field-name +lisp-object+ :flags '(:public :static))))
-            (class-add-field class-file field)
-            (push (cons field-name function) method-implementation-fields))
+          (unless (symbolp function)
+            (let ((field (make-field field-name +lisp-object+ :flags '(:public :static))))
+              (class-add-field class-file field)
+              (push (cons field-name function) method-implementation-fields)))
           (when annotations
             (method-add-attribute jmethod (make-runtime-visible-annotations-attribute
                                            :list (mapcar #'parse-annotation annotations))))
           (with-code-to-method (class-file jmethod)
-            ;;Allocate registers (2 * argc to load and store arguments + 2 to box "this")
-            (dotimes (i (* 2 (1+ argc)))
-              (allocate-register nil))
-            ;;Box "this" (to be passed as the first argument to the Lisp function)
-            (aload 0)
-            (emit 'iconst_1) ;;true
-            (emit-invokestatic +abcl-java-object+ "getInstance"
-                               (list +java-object+ :boolean) +lisp-object+)
-            (astore (1+ argc))
-            ;;Box each argument
-            (loop
-               :for arg-type :in argument-types
-               :for i :from 1
-               :do (progn
-                     (cond
-                       ((keywordp arg-type)
-                        (error "Unsupported arg-type: ~A" arg-type))
-                       ((eq arg-type :int) :todo)
-                       (t (aload i)
-                          (emit 'iconst_1) ;;true
-                          (emit-invokestatic +abcl-java-object+ "getInstance"
-                                             (list +java-object+ :boolean) +lisp-object+)))
-                     (astore (+ i (1+ argc)))))
-            ;;Load the Lisp function from its static field
-            (emit-getstatic (class-file-class class-file) field-name +lisp-object+)
-            (if (<= (1+ argc) call-registers-limit)
-                (progn
-                  ;;Load the boxed this
-                  (aload (1+ argc))
-                  ;;Load each boxed argument
-                  (dotimes (i argc)
-                    (aload (+ argc 2 i))))
-                (error "execute(LispObject[]) is currently not supported"))
-            (emit-call-execute (1+ (length argument-types)))
-            (java::emit-unbox-and-return return-type))
+            (funcall (if (symbolp function)
+                         'java::runtime-class-add-symbol-method-body
+                         'java::runtime-class-add-normal-method-body)
+                     function class-file field-name argument-types return-type))
             ((eq override t)
              (let ((super-method
Index: src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-class-file.lisp
--- src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-class-file.lisp	(revision 14590)
+++ src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-class-file.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -200,6 +200,7 @@
 (define-class-name +lisp-eql-hash-table+ "org.armedbear.lisp.EqlHashTable")
 (define-class-name +lisp-hash-table+ "org.armedbear.lisp.HashTable")
+(define-class-name +lisp-packages+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Packages")
 (define-class-name +lisp-package+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Package")
 (define-class-name +lisp-readtable+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Readtable")
 (define-class-name +lisp-stream+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Stream")
@@ -1734,4 +1735,4 @@
-(provide '#:jvm-class-file)
\ No newline at end of file
+(provide '#:jvm-class-file)

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