[armedbear-devel] compiler problem

Alan Ruttenberg alanruttenberg at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 22:48:00 UTC 2010

I sent a message earlier in the week about a miscompilation - a case
where jss was landing up calling a java function on a cons rather than
the intended object. In case it helps, here is a function in which
that happens as well as the disassembly.

The call that is miscompiled is the call to #"setLayout, which expands to


It's hard for me to follow the disassembly, but I see:

;     //  142  242:getstatic       #88  <Field Symbol SYM13802_GET_JAVA_FIELD>
;     //  143  245:getstatic       #86  <Field Symbol
;     //  144  248:getstatic       #90  <Field SimpleString STR13803>
;     //  145  251:invokevirtual   #93  <Method LispObject
LispThread.execute(LispObject, LispObject, LispObject)>

which apparently is the call to compute the value for remainder,
immediately before the setLayout call.

I'm guessing that <Field LispObject LFUN13809> is the compiled
function for the lambda in the macroexpansion.

(BTW, I don't see why there would be an actual function created here -
should be optimized away)

You can see that the values to the call to setLayout, are java objects.

(panel (new 'javax.swing.JPanel))
(layout (new 'java.awt.GridBagLayout))

However the call results in the error

Debugger invoked on condition of type JAVA-EXCEPTION:
  SchemeException: ERROR:

  (.setLayout org.armedbear.lisp.Cons ...)
	at jsint.E.error(E.java:14)
	at jsint.E.error(E.java:19)
	at jsint.Invoke.methodTable(Invoke.java:221)
	at jsint.Invoke.invokeMethod(Invoke.java:117)
	at jsint.Invoke.invokeInstance(Invoke.java:110)
	at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor7.invoke(Unknown Source)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:592)
	at org.armedbear.lisp.Java.jstatic(Java.java:393)
	at org.armedbear.lisp.Java.access$600(Java.java:51)
	at org.armedbear.lisp.Java$8.execute(Java.java:424)
	at org.armedbear.lisp.Primitive.execute(Primitive.java:174)

So apparently the wrong argument is being passed in.

As I said, the function executes properly when evaluated.  The same
error occurs in other methods that call java function in this way -
the wrong argument is passed in. In another call (in a different
function) I see

  (.setLayout org.armedbear.lisp.StandardGenericFunction ...)
	at jsint.E.error(E.java:14)
	at jsint.E.error(E.java:19)

And elsewhere with calls to different java functions.

Hope this gives you something to go on.


(defmethod make-contents ((this inspector))
  (with-slots (object header fields table table-maker history) this
    (let ((table-panel nil)		
	  (panel (new 'javax.swing.JPanel))
	  (layout (new 'java.awt.GridBagLayout))
	  (constraints (new 'java.awt.GridBagConstraints))
	  (remainder (get-java-field 'java.awt.GridBagConstraints "REMAINDER")))

      (#"setLayout" panel layout)
      (labels ((add-component (comp)
		 (#"setConstraints" layout comp constraints)
		 (#"add" panel comp))
	       (jump-selected ()
		 (multiple-value-bind (field row)
		     (selected-field this)
		   (oojump this field row t))))

	(loop for button in (make-inspector-buttons this)
	     do (add-component button))
	(setq table-maker
	      #'(lambda ()
		  (if table-panel
		      (let ((parent (#"getParent" table-panel)))
			(#"remove" parent table-panel)))

		  (set-java-field constraints "gridwidth" remainder)
		  (set-java-field constraints "gridheight" remainder)
		  (set-java-field constraints "weightx" 1.0)
		  (set-java-field constraints "weighty" 1.0)
		  (set-java-field constraints "gridx" 0)
		  (set-java-field constraints "gridy" 1)
		  (set-java-field constraints "fill" (get-java-field
'java.awt.GridBagConstraints "BOTH"))

		  (let ((data (oinspect-data this object)))
		    (setq header (car data))
		    (setq fields (cdr data))
		    (setq table (make-table (mapcar #'(lambda (row)
							(mapcar #'(lambda (field)
								    (tostring this field))
		  (#"addMouseListener" table
				       (jinterface-safe-implementation (jclass
								  #'(lambda (evt)
								      (if (= (#"getClickCount" evt) 2)

		  (#"addMouseMotionListener" table
				       (jinterface-safe-implementation (jclass
								       #'(lambda (evt)
									   (let* ((point (#"getPoint" evt))
										  (col (#"columnAtPoint" table point))
										  (row (#"rowAtPoint" table point))
										  (value (value-at this row col)))
									     (#"setToolTipText" table (html-wrap-string (tostring
this value)))))))

		  (setq table-panel (make-table-panel table 350 200))
		  (add-component table-panel)))

	(funcall table-maker)

CL-USER(82): (disassemble (mop::%method-function (car
(mop::%compute-applicable-methods #'make-contents (list (make-instance

; Couldn't fully decompile method execute
; // Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
; // Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html
; // Decompiler options: packimports(3) annotate
; // Source File Name:   oinspect.lisp
; package org.armedbear.lisp;
; // Referenced classes of package org.armedbear.lisp:
; //            Primitive, LispThread, ClosureBinding, LispObject,
; //            Lisp, CompiledClosure, Symbol, SimpleString,
; //            AutoloadedFunctionProxy
; public class oinspect_21 extends Primitive
; {
;     public LispObject execute(LispObject lispobject, LispObject lispobject1)
;     {
;         LispThread lispthread;
;         ClosureBinding aclosurebinding[];
;         lispthread = LispThread.currentThread();
;     //    0    0:invokestatic    #54  <Method LispThread
;     //    1    3:astore_3
;         aclosurebinding = (new ClosureBinding[] {
;             new ClosureBinding(null), new ClosureBinding(null), new
ClosureBinding(null), new ClosureBinding(null), new
ClosureBinding(null), new ClosureBinding(null), new
ClosureBinding(null), new ClosureBinding(null), new
;         });
;     //    2    4:bipush          9
;     //    3    6:anewarray       ClosureBinding[]
;     //    4    9:dup
;     //    5   10:iconst_0
;     //    6   11:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //    7   14:dup
;     //    8   15:aconst_null
;     //    9   16:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;     //   10   19:aastore
;     //   11   20:dup
;     //   12   21:iconst_1
;     //   13   22:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //   14   25:dup
;     //   15   26:aconst_null
;     //   16   27:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;     //   17   30:aastore
;     //   18   31:dup
;     //   19   32:iconst_2
;     //   20   33:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //   21   36:dup
;     //   22   37:aconst_null
;     //   23   38:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;     //   24   41:aastore
;     //   25   42:dup
;     //   26   43:iconst_3
;     //   27   44:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //   28   47:dup
;     //   29   48:aconst_null
;     //   30   49:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;     //   31   52:aastore
;     //   32   53:dup
;     //   33   54:iconst_4
;     //   34   55:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //   35   58:dup
;     //   36   59:aconst_null
;     //   37   60:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;     //   38   63:aastore
;     //   39   64:dup
;     //   40   65:iconst_5
;     //   41   66:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //   42   69:dup
;     //   43   70:aconst_null
;     //   44   71:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;     //   45   74:aastore
;     //   46   75:dup
;     //   47   76:bipush          6
;     //   48   78:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //   49   81:dup
;     //   50   82:aconst_null
;     //   51   83:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;     //   52   86:aastore
;     //   53   87:dup
;     //   54   88:bipush          7
;     //   55   90:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //   56   93:dup
;     //   57   94:aconst_null
;     //   58   95:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;     //   59   98:aastore
;     //   60   99:dup
;     //   61  100:bipush          8
;     //   62  102:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //   63  105:dup
;     //   64  106:aconst_null
;     //   65  107:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;     //   66  110:aastore
;     //   67  111:astore          4
;         new ClosureBinding(lispobject.car());
;     //   68  113:aload_1
;     //   69  114:invokevirtual   #66  <Method LispObject LispObject.car()>
;     //   70  117:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //   71  120:dup_x1
;     //   72  121:swap
;     //   73  122:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;         aclosurebinding;
;     //   74  125:aload           4
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //   75  127:swap
;         0;
;     //   76  128:iconst_0
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //   77  129:swap
;         JVM INSTR aastore ;
;     //   78  130:aastore
;         new ClosureBinding(aclosurebinding[0].value);
;     //   79  131:aload           4
;     //   80  133:iconst_0
;     //   81  134:aaload
;     //   82  135:getfield        #69  <Field LispObject ClosureBinding.value>
;     //   83  138:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //   84  141:dup_x1
;     //   85  142:swap
;     //   86  143:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;         aclosurebinding;
;     //   87  146:aload           4
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //   88  148:swap
;         1;
;     //   89  149:iconst_1
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //   90  150:swap
;         JVM INSTR aastore ;
;     //   91  151:aastore
;         new ClosureBinding(Lisp.NIL);
;     //   92  152:getstatic       #74  <Field LispObject Lisp.NIL>
;     //   93  155:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //   94  158:dup_x1
;     //   95  159:swap
;     //   96  160:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;         aclosurebinding;
;     //   97  163:aload           4
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //   98  165:swap
;         2;
;     //   99  166:iconst_2
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //  100  167:swap
;         JVM INSTR aastore ;
;     //  101  168:aastore
;         new ClosureBinding(lispthread.execute(SYM13798_NEW,
;     //  102  169:aload_3
;     //  103  170:getstatic       #78  <Field Symbol SYM13798_NEW>
;     //  104  173:getstatic       #80  <Field Symbol SYM13799_JAVAXSWINGJPANEL>
;     //  105  176:invokevirtual   #82  <Method LispObject
LispThread.execute(LispObject, LispObject)>
;     //  106  179:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //  107  182:dup_x1
;     //  108  183:swap
;     //  109  184:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;         aclosurebinding;
;     //  110  187:aload           4
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //  111  189:swap
;         3;
;     //  112  190:iconst_3
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //  113  191:swap
;         JVM INSTR aastore ;
;     //  114  192:aastore
;         new ClosureBinding(lispthread.execute(SYM13798_NEW,
;     //  115  193:aload_3
;     //  116  194:getstatic       #78  <Field Symbol SYM13798_NEW>
;     //  117  197:getstatic       #84  <Field Symbol
;     //  118  200:invokevirtual   #82  <Method LispObject
LispThread.execute(LispObject, LispObject)>
;     //  119  203:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //  120  206:dup_x1
;     //  121  207:swap
;     //  122  208:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;         aclosurebinding;
;     //  123  211:aload           4
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //  124  213:swap
;         4;
;     //  125  214:iconst_4
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //  126  215:swap
;         JVM INSTR aastore ;
;     //  127  216:aastore
;         new ClosureBinding(lispthread.execute(SYM13798_NEW,
;     //  128  217:aload_3
;     //  129  218:getstatic       #78  <Field Symbol SYM13798_NEW>
;     //  130  221:getstatic       #86  <Field Symbol
;     //  131  224:invokevirtual   #82  <Method LispObject
LispThread.execute(LispObject, LispObject)>
;     //  132  227:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //  133  230:dup_x1
;     //  134  231:swap
;     //  135  232:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;         aclosurebinding;
;     //  136  235:aload           4
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //  137  237:swap
;         5;
;     //  138  238:iconst_5
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //  139  239:swap
;         JVM INSTR aastore ;
;     //  140  240:aastore
;         new ClosureBinding(lispthread.execute(SYM13802_GET_JAVA_FIELD,
;     //  141  241:aload_3
;     //  142  242:getstatic       #88  <Field Symbol SYM13802_GET_JAVA_FIELD>
;     //  143  245:getstatic       #86  <Field Symbol
;     //  144  248:getstatic       #90  <Field SimpleString STR13803>
;     //  145  251:invokevirtual   #93  <Method LispObject
LispThread.execute(LispObject, LispObject, LispObject)>
;     //  146  254:new             #56  <Class ClosureBinding>
;     //  147  257:dup_x1
;     //  148  258:swap
;     //  149  259:invokespecial   #60  <Method void ClosureBinding(LispObject)>
;         aclosurebinding;
;     //  150  262:aload           4
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //  151  264:swap
;         6;
;     //  152  265:bipush          6
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //  153  267:swap
;         JVM INSTR aastore ;
;     //  154  268:aastore
;         ClosureBinding aclosurebinding1[];
;         lispthread._values = null;
;     //  155  269:aload_3
;     //  156  270:aconst_null
;     //  157  271:putfield        #97  <Field LispObject[] LispThread._values>
;     //* 158  274:getstatic       #99  <Field LispObject LFUN13809>
;         System.arraycopy(aclosurebinding, 0, aclosurebinding1 = new
ClosureBinding[9], 0, 9);
;     //  159  277:aload           4
;     //  160  279:iconst_0
;     //  161  280:bipush          9
;     //  162  282:anewarray       ClosureBinding[]
;     //  163  285:dup
;     //  164  286:astore          5
;     //  165  288:iconst_0
;     //  166  289:bipush          9
;     //  167  291:invokestatic    #105 <Method void
System.arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int, int)>
;         Lisp.makeCompiledClosure(LFUN13809, aclosurebinding1);
;     //  168  294:aload           5
;     //  169  296:invokestatic    #109 <Method LispObject
Lisp.makeCompiledClosure(LispObject, ClosureBinding[])>
;         lispthread;
;     //  170  299:aload_3
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //  171  300:swap
;         aclosurebinding[3].value;
;     //  172  301:aload           4
;     //  173  303:iconst_3
;     //  174  304:aaload
;     //  175  305:getfield        #69  <Field LispObject ClosureBinding.value>
;         aclosurebinding[4].value;
;     //  176  308:aload           4
;     //  177  310:iconst_4
;     //  178  311:aaload
;     //  179  312:getfield        #69  <Field LispObject ClosureBinding.value>
;         execute();
;     //  180  315:invokevirtual   #93  <Method LispObject
LispThread.execute(LispObject, LispObject, LispObject)>
;         JVM INSTR pop ;
;     //  181  318:pop
;         lispthread._values = null;
;     //  182  319:aload_3
;     //  183  320:aconst_null
;     //  184  321:putfield        #97  <Field LispObject[] LispThread._values>
;     //* 185  324:getstatic       #111 <Field LispObject LFUN13827>
;     //* 186  327:checkcast       #113 <Class CompiledClosure>
;         System.arraycopy(aclosurebinding, 0, aclosurebinding1 = new
ClosureBinding[9], 0, 9);
;     //  187  330:aload           4
;     //  188  332:iconst_0
;     //  189  333:bipush          9
;     //  190  335:anewarray       ClosureBinding[]
;     //  191  338:dup
;     //  192  339:astore          5
;     //  193  341:iconst_0
;     //  194  342:bipush          9
;     //  195  344:invokestatic    #105 <Method void
System.arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int, int)>
;         Lisp.makeCompiledClosure((CompiledClosure)LFUN13827,
;     //  196  347:aload           5
;     //  197  349:invokestatic    #109 <Method LispObject
Lisp.makeCompiledClosure(LispObject, ClosureBinding[])>
;         aclosurebinding[7];
;     //  198  352:aload           4
;     //  199  354:bipush          7
;     //  200  356:aaload
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //  201  357:swap
;         value;
;     //  202  358:putfield        #69  <Field LispObject ClosureBinding.value>
;     //* 203  361:getstatic       #115 <Field LispObject LFUN13838>
;     //* 204  364:checkcast       #113 <Class CompiledClosure>
;         System.arraycopy(aclosurebinding, 0, aclosurebinding1 = new
ClosureBinding[9], 0, 9);
;     //  205  367:aload           4
;     //  206  369:iconst_0
;     //  207  370:bipush          9
;     //  208  372:anewarray       ClosureBinding[]
;     //  209  375:dup
;     //  210  376:astore          5
;     //  211  378:iconst_0
;     //  212  379:bipush          9
;     //  213  381:invokestatic    #105 <Method void
System.arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int, int)>
;         Lisp.makeCompiledClosure((CompiledClosure)LFUN13838,
;     //  214  384:aload           5
;     //  215  386:invokestatic    #109 <Method LispObject
Lisp.makeCompiledClosure(LispObject, ClosureBinding[])>
;         aclosurebinding[8];
;     //  216  389:aload           4
;     //  217  391:bipush          8
;     //  218  393:aaload
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //  219  394:swap
;         value;
;     //  220  395:putfield        #69  <Field LispObject ClosureBinding.value>
;         LispObject lispobject2 = Lisp.NIL;
;     //  221  398:getstatic       #74  <Field LispObject Lisp.NIL>
;     //  222  401:astore          5
;         LispObject lispobject4 =
;     //  223  403:aload_3
;     //  224  404:getstatic       #117 <Field Symbol
;     //  225  407:aload           4
;     //  226  409:iconst_0
;     //  227  410:aaload
;     //  228  411:getfield        #69  <Field LispObject ClosureBinding.value>
;     //  229  414:invokevirtual   #82  <Method LispObject
LispThread.execute(LispObject, LispObject)>
;     //  230  417:astore          6
;         lispthread._values = null;
;     //  231  419:aload_3
;     //  232  420:aconst_null
;     //  233  421:putfield        #97  <Field LispObject[] LispThread._values>
;         do
;         {
;             if(lispobject4.endp())
;     //* 234  424:aload           6
;     //* 235  426:invokevirtual   #121 <Method boolean LispObject.endp()>
;     //* 236  429:ifeq            444
;             {
;                 if(Lisp.interrupted)
;     //* 237  432:getstatic       #125 <Field boolean Lisp.interrupted>
;     //* 238  435:ifeq            441
;                     Lisp.handleInterrupt();
;     //  239  438:invokestatic    #129 <Method void Lisp.handleInterrupt()>
;                 break;
;     //  240  441:goto            484
;             }
;             LispObject lispobject3 = lispobject4.car();
;     //  241  444:aload           6
;     //  242  446:invokevirtual   #66  <Method LispObject LispObject.car()>
;     //  243  449:astore          5
;             lispobject4 = lispobject4.cdr();
;     //  244  451:aload           6
;     //  245  453:invokevirtual   #132 <Method LispObject LispObject.cdr()>
;     //  246  456:astore          6
;             aclosurebinding[7].value.execute(lispobject3);
;     //  247  458:aload           4
;     //  248  460:bipush          7
;     //  249  462:aaload
;     //  250  463:getfield        #69  <Field LispObject ClosureBinding.value>
;     //  251  466:aload           5
;     //  252  468:invokevirtual   #135 <Method LispObject
;     //  253  471:pop
;             if(Lisp.interrupted)
;     //* 254  472:getstatic       #125 <Field boolean Lisp.interrupted>
;     //* 255  475:ifeq            481
;                 Lisp.handleInterrupt();
;     //  256  478:invokestatic    #129 <Method void Lisp.handleInterrupt()>
;         } while(true);
;     //  257  481:goto            424
;         lispthread._values = null;
;     //  258  484:aload_3
;     //  259  485:aconst_null
;     //  260  486:putfield        #97  <Field LispObject[] LispThread._values>
;     //* 261  489:aload_3
;     //* 262  490:getstatic       #137 <Field Symbol SYM13851_SET_SLOT_VALUE>
;     //* 263  493:aload           4
;     //* 264  495:iconst_1
;     //* 265  496:aaload
;     //* 266  497:getfield        #69  <Field LispObject ClosureBinding.value>
;     //* 267  500:getstatic       #139 <Field Symbol SYM13852_TABLE_MAKER>
;     //* 268  503:getstatic       #141 <Field LispObject LFUN13987>
;         ClosureBinding aclosurebinding2[];
;         System.arraycopy(aclosurebinding, 0, aclosurebinding2 = new
ClosureBinding[9], 0, 9);
;     //  269  506:aload           4
;     //  270  508:iconst_0
;     //  271  509:bipush          9
;     //  272  511:anewarray       ClosureBinding[]
;     //  273  514:dup
;     //  274  515:astore          5
;     //  275  517:iconst_0
;     //  276  518:bipush          9
;     //  277  520:invokestatic    #105 <Method void
System.arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int, int)>
;         lispthread.execute(SYM13851_SET_SLOT_VALUE,
aclosurebinding[1].value, SYM13852_TABLE_MAKER,
Lisp.makeCompiledClosure(LFUN13987, aclosurebinding2));
;     //  278  523:aload           5
;     //  279  525:invokestatic    #109 <Method LispObject
Lisp.makeCompiledClosure(LispObject, ClosureBinding[])>
;     //  280  528:invokevirtual   #144 <Method LispObject
LispThread.execute(LispObject, LispObject, LispObject, LispObject)>
;     //  281  531:pop
;         lispthread.execute(Symbol.SLOT_VALUE,
aclosurebinding[1].value, SYM13852_TABLE_MAKER);
;     //  282  532:aload_3
;     //  283  533:getstatic       #149 <Field Symbol Symbol.SLOT_VALUE>
;     //  284  536:aload           4
;     //  285  538:iconst_1
;     //  286  539:aaload
;     //  287  540:getfield        #69  <Field LispObject ClosureBinding.value>
;     //  288  543:getstatic       #139 <Field Symbol SYM13852_TABLE_MAKER>
;     //  289  546:invokevirtual   #93  <Method LispObject
LispThread.execute(LispObject, LispObject, LispObject)>
;         lispthread;
;     //  290  549:aload_3
;         JVM INSTR swap ;
;     //  291  550:swap
;         execute();
;     //  292  551:invokevirtual   #150 <Method LispObject
;         JVM INSTR pop ;
;     //  293  554:pop
;         lispthread._values = null;
;     //  294  555:aload_3
;     //  295  556:aconst_null
;     //  296  557:putfield        #97  <Field LispObject[] LispThread._values>
;         return aclosurebinding[3].value;
;     //  297  560:aload           4
;     //  298  562:iconst_3
;     //  299  563:aaload
;     //  300  564:getfield        #69  <Field LispObject ClosureBinding.value>
;     //  301  567:areturn
;     }
;     public oinspect_21()
;     {
;         super(Lisp.NIL, Lisp.readObjectFromString("(MOP::ARGS
;     //    0    0:aload_0
;     //    1    1:getstatic       #74  <Field LispObject Lisp.NIL>
;     //    2    4:ldc1            #154 <String "(MOP::ARGS MOP::NEXT-EMFUN)">
;     //    3    6:invokestatic    #158 <Method LispObject
;     //    4    9:invokespecial   #161 <Method void
Primitive(LispObject, LispObject)>
;     //    5   12:ldc1            #6   <String "NEW">
;     //    6   14:ldc1            #8   <String "COMMON-LISP-USER">
;     //    7   16:invokestatic    #165 <Method Symbol
Lisp.internInPackage(String, String)>
;     //    8   19:putstatic       #78  <Field Symbol SYM13798_NEW>
;     //    9   22:ldc1            #11  <String "JAVAX.SWING.JPANEL">
;     //   10   24:ldc1            #8   <String "COMMON-LISP-USER">
;     //   11   26:invokestatic    #165 <Method Symbol
Lisp.internInPackage(String, String)>
;     //   12   29:putstatic       #80  <Field Symbol SYM13799_JAVAXSWINGJPANEL>
;     //   13   32:ldc1            #14  <String "JAVA.AWT.GRIDBAGLAYOUT">
;     //   14   34:ldc1            #8   <String "COMMON-LISP-USER">
;     //   15   36:invokestatic    #165 <Method Symbol
Lisp.internInPackage(String, String)>
;     //   16   39:putstatic       #84  <Field Symbol
;     //   17   42:ldc1            #17  <String "JAVA.AWT.GRIDBAGCONSTRAINTS">
;     //   18   44:ldc1            #8   <String "COMMON-LISP-USER">
;     //   19   46:invokestatic    #165 <Method Symbol
Lisp.internInPackage(String, String)>
;     //   20   49:putstatic       #86  <Field Symbol
;     //   21   52:ldc1            #20  <String "GET-JAVA-FIELD">
;     //   22   54:ldc1            #8   <String "COMMON-LISP-USER">
;     //   23   56:invokestatic    #165 <Method Symbol
Lisp.internInPackage(String, String)>
;     //   24   59:putstatic       #88  <Field Symbol SYM13802_GET_JAVA_FIELD>
;     //   25   62:new             #167 <Class SimpleString>
;     //   26   65:dup
;     //   27   66:ldc1            #24  <String "REMAINDER">
;     //   28   68:invokespecial   #170 <Method void SimpleString(String)>
;     //   29   71:putstatic       #90  <Field SimpleString STR13803>
;     //   30   74:ldc1            #28  <String "oinspect-22.cls">
;     //   31   76:invokestatic    #175 <Method LispObject
;     //   32   79:putstatic       #99  <Field LispObject LFUN13809>
;     //   33   82:ldc1            #31  <String "oinspect-23.cls">
;     //   34   84:invokestatic    #175 <Method LispObject
;     //   35   87:putstatic       #111 <Field LispObject LFUN13827>
;     //   36   90:ldc1            #34  <String "oinspect-26.cls">
;     //   37   92:invokestatic    #175 <Method LispObject
;     //   38   95:putstatic       #115 <Field LispObject LFUN13838>
;     //   39   98:ldc1            #37  <String "MAKE-INSPECTOR-BUTTONS">
;     //   40  100:ldc1            #8   <String "COMMON-LISP-USER">
;     //   41  102:invokestatic    #165 <Method Symbol
Lisp.internInPackage(String, String)>
;     //   42  105:putstatic       #117 <Field Symbol
;     //   43  108:ldc1            #40  <String "%SET-SLOT-VALUE">
;     //   44  110:ldc1            #42  <String "MOP">
;     //   45  112:invokestatic    #165 <Method Symbol
Lisp.internInPackage(String, String)>
;     //   46  115:putstatic       #137 <Field Symbol SYM13851_SET_SLOT_VALUE>
;     //   47  118:ldc1            #45  <String "TABLE-MAKER">
;     //   48  120:ldc1            #8   <String "COMMON-LISP-USER">
;     //   49  122:invokestatic    #165 <Method Symbol
Lisp.internInPackage(String, String)>
;     //   50  125:putstatic       #139 <Field Symbol SYM13852_TABLE_MAKER>
;     //   51  128:ldc1            #48  <String "oinspect-27.cls">
;     //   52  130:invokestatic    #175 <Method LispObject
;     //   53  133:putstatic       #141 <Field LispObject LFUN13987>
;     //   54  136:return
;     }
;     static final LispObject LFUN13987 =
;     private static final Symbol SYM13852_TABLE_MAKER =
Lisp.internInPackage("TABLE-MAKER", "COMMON-LISP-USER");
;     private static final Symbol SYM13851_SET_SLOT_VALUE =
Lisp.internInPackage("%SET-SLOT-VALUE", "MOP");
;     private static final Symbol SYM13842_MAKE_INSPECTOR_BUTTONS =
;     static final LispObject LFUN13838 =
;     static final LispObject LFUN13827 =
;     static final LispObject LFUN13809 =
;     private static final SimpleString STR13803 = new
;     private static final Symbol SYM13802_GET_JAVA_FIELD =
Lisp.internInPackage("GET-JAVA-FIELD", "COMMON-LISP-USER");
;     private static final Symbol SYM13801_JAVAAWTGRIDBAGCONSTRAINTS =
;     private static final Symbol SYM13800_JAVAAWTGRIDBAGLAYOUT =
;     private static final Symbol SYM13799_JAVAXSWINGJPANEL =
;     private static final Symbol SYM13798_NEW =
Lisp.internInPackage("NEW", "COMMON-LISP-USER");
; }

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