[armedbear-cvs] r14419 - branches/typed-asm/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp

ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Sun Mar 3 22:06:27 UTC 2013

Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Sun Mar  3 14:06:26 2013
New Revision: 14419

Add required properties and correct header.

   branches/typed-asm/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-method.lisp   (contents, props changed)

Modified: branches/typed-asm/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-method.lisp
--- branches/typed-asm/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-method.lisp	Sun Mar  3 14:02:50 2013	(r14418)
+++ branches/typed-asm/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-method.lisp	Sun Mar  3 14:06:26 2013	(r14419)
@@ -1,479 +1,479 @@
-;;; jvm-class-file.lisp
-;;; Copyright (C) 2010 Erik Huelsmann
-;;; $Id: jvm-class-file.lisp 14096 2012-08-15 22:55:27Z ehuelsmann $
-;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
-;;; As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
-;;; permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
-;;; executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
-;;; modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
-;;; terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
-;;; independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
-;;; module.  An independent module is a module which is not derived from
-;;; or based on this library.  If you modify this library, you may extend
-;;; this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
-;;; obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to do so, delete this
-;;; exception statement from your version.
-(in-package "JVM")
-(require '#:jvm-class-file)
-(require '#:jvm-instructions)
-(defvar *stack-effects*
-  (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
-(defun %define-stack-effect (names lambda)
-  (dolist (name (if (consp names) names (list names)))
-    (setf (gethash name *stack-effects*) lambda)))
-(defmacro define-stack-effect (opcode args &body body)
-  `(%define-stack-effect ',opcode (lambda ,args , at body)))
-(define-stack-effect (nop ineg lneg fneg dneg)
-    (instruction stack locals pool)
-  (declare (ignore instruction locals pool))
-  stack)
-(define-stack-effect aconst_null (instruction stack locals pool)
-  (declare (ignore instruction locals pool))
-  (cons :null stack))
-(define-stack-effect (iconst_m1 iconst_0 iconst_1
-                      iconst_2 iconst_3
-                      iconst_4 iconst_5
-                      bipush sipush
-                      iload_0 iload_1
-                      iload_2 iload_3) (instruction stack locals pool)
-  (declare (ignore instruction locals))
-  (cons :int stack))
-(define-stack-effect iload (instruction stack locals pool)
-  (declare (ignore instruction locals))
-  (cons :int stack))
-(define-stack-effect (aload_0 aload_1 aload_2 aload_3)
-    (instruction stack locals pool)
-  (declare (ignore instruction locals))
-  (let* ((opcode (instruction-opcode instruction)))
-    (cons (car (nth (ecase opcode
-                      ;; todo? use the instruction opcode register
-                      (aload_0 0)
-                      (aload_1 1)
-                      (aload_2 2)
-                      (aload_3 3))
-                    locals))
-          stack)))
-(define-stack-effect (istore fstore astore istore_0 istore_1
-                      istore_2 istore_3 fstore_0 fstore_1 fstore_2
-                      fstore_3 astore_1 astore_2 astore_3 pop)
-    (instruction stack locals pool)
-  (declare (ignore instruction locals))
-  (cdr stack))
-(defun apply-stack-effect (context instruction)
-  (let ((handler (gethash (instruction-opcode instruction)
-                          *stack-effects*)))
-    (if handler
-        (funcall handler instruction (method-context-stack context)
-                 (method-context-locals context)
-                 (class-pool (method-context-class context)))
-        ;; (method-context-stack context)
-        (assert (and "no opcode defined" nil)))))
-(defstruct (method-context (:constructor %make-method-context))
-  method ;; jvm method
-  code   ;; list of lists with the first value the instruction,
-         ;; the second the stack after instruction execution and
-         ;; the third the state of the function locals during execution
-  class ;; jvm class
-  locals ;; a list of conses: each local occupies a cons of which
-         ;;   the CAR is the type last declared (or NIL if none)
-         ;;   and the CDR indicates availability (NIL or :AVAILABLE)
-  stack  ;; a list of types pushed onto the stack
-         ;;   either a symbol, indicating a primitive type, or
-         ;;   a JVM-CLASS-NAME structure indicating a real class
-  )
-(defun make-method-context (class name return args &key (flags '(:public)))
-  (let ((frame (make-stack-frame-state))
-        (method (make-jvm-method name return args :flags flags)))
-    (dolist (arg args)
-      (allocate-local frame arg))
-    (%make-method-context :method method
-                          :code (method-ensure-code method)
-                          :class class
-                          :frame-state frame)))
-(defun add-instruction (context instruction)
-  "Adds the instruction to the method, updating the context's stack."
-  (let ((stack (apply-stack-effect instruction (method-context-stack context))))
-    (push (list instruction stack (method-context-locals context)) code)
-    (setf (method-context-stack context) stack)))
-(defun allocate-local (context type)
-  (let ((allocated (find-if :available (method-context-locals context)
-                            :key #'cdr))
-        (new-value (cons type)))
-    (setf (method-context-locals context)
-          (if allocated
-              (substitute (cons type) allocated
-                          (method-context-locals context))
-              (append (method-context-locals context)
-                      (list new-value))))
-    new-value))
-(defun declare-local-type (context local-number type)
-  (let ((local (nth local-number (method-context-locals frame))))
-    (assert local)
-    (setf (car local) type)))
-(defun free-local (context local-number)
-  (let ((local (nth local-number (method-context-locals frame))))
-    (assert local)
-    (setf (cdr local) :available)))
-(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) analyze-stack-path))
-(defun analyze-stack-path (code start-index depth)
-  (declare (optimize speed))
-  (declare (type fixnum start-index depth))
-  (do* ((i start-index (1+ i))
-        (limit (length code)))
-       ((>= i limit))
-    (declare (type fixnum i limit))
-    (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
-           (instruction-depth (instruction-depth instruction))
-           (instruction-stack (instruction-stack instruction)))
-      (declare (type fixnum instruction-stack))
-      (when instruction-depth
-        (unless (= (the fixnum instruction-depth)
-                   (the fixnum (+ depth instruction-stack)))
-          (internal-compiler-error "Stack inconsistency detected ~
-                                    in ~A at index ~D: ~
-                                    found ~S, expected ~S."
-                                   (if *current-compiland*
-                                       (compiland-name *current-compiland*)
-                                       "<unknown>")
-                                   i instruction-depth
-                                   (+ depth instruction-stack)))
-        (return-from analyze-stack-path))
-      (let ((opcode (instruction-opcode instruction)))
-        (setf depth (+ depth instruction-stack))
-        (setf (instruction-depth instruction) depth)
-        (unless (<= 0 depth)
-          (internal-compiler-error "Stack inconsistency detected ~
-                                    in ~A at index ~D: ~
-                                    negative depth ~S."
-                                   (if *current-compiland*
-                                       (compiland-name *current-compiland*)
-                                       "<unknown>")
-                                   i depth))
-        (when (branch-p opcode)
-          (let ((label (car (instruction-args instruction))))
-            (declare (type symbol label))
-            (analyze-stack-path code (symbol-value label) depth)))
-        (when (unconditional-control-transfer-p opcode)
-          ;; Current path ends.
-          (return-from analyze-stack-path))))))
-(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) analyze-stack))
-(defun analyze-stack (code exception-entry-points)
-  (declare (optimize speed))
-  (let* ((code-length (length code)))
-    (declare (type vector code))
-    (dotimes (i code-length)
-      (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
-             (opcode (instruction-opcode instruction)))
-        (when (eql opcode 202) ; LABEL
-          (let ((label (car (instruction-args instruction))))
-            (set label i)))
-        (unless (instruction-stack instruction)
-          (setf (instruction-stack instruction)
-                (opcode-stack-effect opcode))
-          (unless (instruction-stack instruction)
-            (sys::%format t "no stack information for instruction ~D~%"
-                          (instruction-opcode instruction))
-            (aver nil)))))
-    (analyze-stack-path code 0 0)
-    (dolist (entry-point exception-entry-points)
-      ;; Stack depth is always 1 when handler is called.
-      (analyze-stack-path code (symbol-value entry-point) 1))
-    (let ((max-stack 0))
-      (declare (type fixnum max-stack))
-      (dotimes (i code-length)
-        (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
-               (instruction-depth (instruction-depth instruction)))
-          (when instruction-depth
-            (setf max-stack (max max-stack (the fixnum instruction-depth))))))
-      max-stack)))
-;; (defun analyze-locals (code)
-;;   (let ((code-length (length code))
-;;         (max-local 0))
-;;     (dotimes (i code-length max-local)
-;;       (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
-;;              (opcode (instruction-opcode instruction)))
-;;         (setf max-local
-;;               (max max-local
-;;                    (or (let ((opcode-register
-;;                                 (jvm-opcode-register-used opcode)))
-;;                          (if (eq t opcode-register)
-;;                              (car (instruction-args instruction))
-;;                              opcode-register))
-;;                        0)))))))
-(declaim (ftype (function (t) label-target-instructions) hash-labels))
-(defun label-target-instructions (code)
-  (let ((ht (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
-        (code (coerce code 'vector))
-        (pending-labels '()))
-    (dotimes (i (length code))
-      (let ((instruction (aref code i)))
-        (cond ((label-p instruction)
-               (push (instruction-label instruction) pending-labels))
-              (t
-               ;; Not a label.
-               (when pending-labels
-                 (dolist (label pending-labels)
-                   (setf (gethash label ht) instruction))
-                 (setf pending-labels nil))))))
-    ht))
-(defun delete-unused-labels (code handler-labels)
-  (declare (optimize speed))
-  (let ((code (coerce code 'vector))
-        (changed nil)
-        (marker (gensym)))
-    ;; Mark the labels that are actually branched to.
-    (dotimes (i (length code))
-      (let ((instruction (aref code i)))
-        (when (branch-p (instruction-opcode instruction))
-          (let ((label (car (instruction-args instruction))))
-            (set label marker)))))
-    ;; Add labels used for exception handlers.
-    (dolist (label handler-labels)
-      (set label marker))
-    ;; Remove labels that are not used as branch targets.
-    (dotimes (i (length code))
-      (let ((instruction (aref code i)))
-        (when (= (instruction-opcode instruction) 202) ; LABEL
-          (let ((label (car (instruction-args instruction))))
-            (declare (type symbol label))
-            (unless (eq (symbol-value label) marker)
-              (setf (aref code i) nil)
-              (setf changed t))))))
-    (values (if changed (delete nil code) code)
-            changed)))
-(defun optimize-instruction-sequences (code)
-  (let* ((code (coerce code 'vector))
-         (changed nil))
-    (dotimes (i (1- (length code)))
-      (let* ((this-instruction (aref code i))
-             (this-opcode (and this-instruction
-                               (instruction-opcode this-instruction)))
-             (labels-skipped-p nil)
-             (next-instruction (do ((j (1+ i) (1+ j)))
-                                   ((or (>= j (length code))
-                                        (/= 202 ; LABEL
-                                            (instruction-opcode (aref code j))))
-                                    (when (< j (length code))
-                                      (aref code j)))
-                                 (setf labels-skipped-p t)))
-             (next-opcode (and next-instruction
-                               (instruction-opcode next-instruction))))
-        (case this-opcode
-          (205 ; CLEAR-VALUES
-           (when (eql next-opcode 205)       ; CLEAR-VALUES
-             (setf (aref code i) nil)
-             (setf changed t)))
-          (178 ; GETSTATIC
-           (when (and (eql next-opcode 87)   ; POP
-                      (not labels-skipped-p))
-             (setf (aref code i) nil)
-             (setf (aref code (1+ i)) nil)
-             (setf changed t)))
-          (176 ; ARETURN
-           (when (eql next-opcode 176)       ; ARETURN
-             (setf (aref code i) nil)
-             (setf changed t)))
-          ((200 167)                         ; GOTO GOTO_W
-           (when (and (or (eql next-opcode 202)  ; LABEL
-                          (eql next-opcode 200)  ; GOTO_W
-                          (eql next-opcode 167)) ; GOTO
-                      (eq (car (instruction-args this-instruction))
-                          (car (instruction-args next-instruction))))
-             (setf (aref code i) nil)
-             (setf changed t))))))
-    (values (if changed (delete nil code) code)
-            changed)))
-(defun optimize-jumps (code)
-  (declare (optimize speed))
-  (let* ((code (coerce code 'vector))
-         (ht (label-target-instructions code))
-         (changed nil))
-    (dotimes (i (length code))
-      (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
-             (opcode (and instruction (instruction-opcode instruction))))
-        (when (and opcode (branch-p opcode))
-          (let* ((target-label (car (instruction-args instruction)))
-                 (next-instruction (gethash1 target-label ht)))
-            (when next-instruction
-              (case (instruction-opcode next-instruction)
-                ((167 200)                  ;; GOTO
-                 (setf (instruction-args instruction)
-                       (instruction-args next-instruction)
-                       changed t))
-                (176 ; ARETURN
-                 (when (unconditional-control-transfer-p opcode)
-                   (setf (instruction-opcode instruction) 176
-                         (instruction-args instruction) nil
-                         changed t)))))))))
-    (values code changed)))
-(defun delete-unreachable-code (code)
-  ;; Look for unreachable code after GOTO.
-  (declare (optimize speed))
-  (let* ((code (coerce code 'vector))
-         (changed nil)
-         (after-goto/areturn nil))
-    (dotimes (i (length code))
-      (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i))
-      (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
-             (opcode (instruction-opcode instruction)))
-        (cond (after-goto/areturn
-               (if (= opcode 202) ; LABEL
-                   (setf after-goto/areturn nil)
-                   ;; Unreachable.
-                   (progn
-                     (setf (aref code i) nil)
-                     (setf changed t))))
-              ((unconditional-control-transfer-p opcode)
-               (setf after-goto/areturn t)))))
-    (values (if changed (delete nil code) code)
-            changed)))
-(defvar *enable-optimization* t)
-(defknown optimize-code (t t) t)
-(defun optimize-code (code handler-labels pool)
-  (unless *enable-optimization*
-    (format t "optimizations are disabled~%"))
-  (when *enable-optimization*
-    (when *compiler-debug*
-      (format t "----- before optimization -----~%")
-      (print-code code pool))
-    (loop
-       (let ((changed-p nil))
-         (multiple-value-setq
-             (code changed-p)
-           (delete-unused-labels code handler-labels))
-         (if changed-p
-             (setf code (optimize-instruction-sequences code))
-             (multiple-value-setq
-                 (code changed-p)
-               (optimize-instruction-sequences code)))
-         (if changed-p
-             (setf code (optimize-jumps code))
-             (multiple-value-setq
-                 (code changed-p)
-               (optimize-jumps code)))
-         (if changed-p
-             (setf code (delete-unreachable-code code))
-             (multiple-value-setq
-                 (code changed-p)
-               (delete-unreachable-code code)))
-         (unless changed-p
-           (return))))
-    (unless (vectorp code)
-      (setf code (coerce code 'vector)))
-    (when *compiler-debug*
-      (sys::%format t "----- after optimization -----~%")
-      (print-code code pool)))
-  code)
-(defun code-bytes (code)
-  (let ((length 0)
-        labels ;; alist
-        )
-    (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) length))
-    ;; Pass 1: calculate label offsets and overall length.
-    (dotimes (i (length code))
-      (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i))
-      (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
-             (opcode (instruction-opcode instruction)))
-        (if (= opcode 202) ; LABEL
-            (let ((label (car (instruction-args instruction))))
-              (set label length)
-              (setf labels
-                    (acons label length labels)))
-            (incf length (opcode-size opcode)))))
-    ;; Pass 2: replace labels with calculated offsets.
-    (let ((index 0))
-      (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) index))
-      (dotimes (i (length code))
-        (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i))
-        (let ((instruction (aref code i)))
-          (when (branch-p (instruction-opcode instruction))
-            (let* ((label (car (instruction-args instruction)))
-                   (offset (- (the (unsigned-byte 16)
-                                (symbol-value (the symbol label)))
-                              index)))
-              (assert (<= -32768 offset 32767))
-              (setf (instruction-args instruction) (s2 offset))))
-          (unless (= (instruction-opcode instruction) 202) ; LABEL
-            (incf index (opcode-size (instruction-opcode instruction)))))))
-    ;; Expand instructions into bytes, skipping LABEL pseudo-instructions.
-    (let ((bytes (make-array length))
-          (index 0))
-      (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) index))
-      (dotimes (i (length code))
-        (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i))
-        (let ((instruction (aref code i)))
-          (unless (= (instruction-opcode instruction) 202) ; LABEL
-            (setf (svref bytes index) (instruction-opcode instruction))
-            (incf index)
-            (dolist (byte (instruction-args instruction))
-              (setf (svref bytes index) byte)
-              (incf index)))))
-      (values bytes labels))))
-(defun finalize-code (code handler-labels optimize pool)
-  (setf code (coerce (nreverse code) 'vector))
-  (when optimize
-    (setf code (optimize-code code handler-labels pool)))
-  (resolve-instructions (expand-virtual-instructions code)))
+;;; jvm-method.lisp
+;;; Copyright (C) 2010 Erik Huelsmann
+;;; $Id$
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+;;; As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
+;;; permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
+;;; executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
+;;; modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
+;;; terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
+;;; independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
+;;; module.  An independent module is a module which is not derived from
+;;; or based on this library.  If you modify this library, you may extend
+;;; this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
+;;; obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to do so, delete this
+;;; exception statement from your version.
+(in-package "JVM")
+(require '#:jvm-class-file)
+(require '#:jvm-instructions)
+(defvar *stack-effects*
+  (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
+(defun %define-stack-effect (names lambda)
+  (dolist (name (if (consp names) names (list names)))
+    (setf (gethash name *stack-effects*) lambda)))
+(defmacro define-stack-effect (opcode args &body body)
+  `(%define-stack-effect ',opcode (lambda ,args , at body)))
+(define-stack-effect (nop ineg lneg fneg dneg)
+    (instruction stack locals pool)
+  (declare (ignore instruction locals pool))
+  stack)
+(define-stack-effect aconst_null (instruction stack locals pool)
+  (declare (ignore instruction locals pool))
+  (cons :null stack))
+(define-stack-effect (iconst_m1 iconst_0 iconst_1
+                      iconst_2 iconst_3
+                      iconst_4 iconst_5
+                      bipush sipush
+                      iload_0 iload_1
+                      iload_2 iload_3) (instruction stack locals pool)
+  (declare (ignore instruction locals))
+  (cons :int stack))
+(define-stack-effect iload (instruction stack locals pool)
+  (declare (ignore instruction locals))
+  (cons :int stack))
+(define-stack-effect (aload_0 aload_1 aload_2 aload_3)
+    (instruction stack locals pool)
+  (declare (ignore instruction locals))
+  (let* ((opcode (instruction-opcode instruction)))
+    (cons (car (nth (ecase opcode
+                      ;; todo? use the instruction opcode register
+                      (aload_0 0)
+                      (aload_1 1)
+                      (aload_2 2)
+                      (aload_3 3))
+                    locals))
+          stack)))
+(define-stack-effect (istore fstore astore istore_0 istore_1
+                      istore_2 istore_3 fstore_0 fstore_1 fstore_2
+                      fstore_3 astore_1 astore_2 astore_3 pop)
+    (instruction stack locals pool)
+  (declare (ignore instruction locals))
+  (cdr stack))
+(defun apply-stack-effect (context instruction)
+  (let ((handler (gethash (instruction-opcode instruction)
+                          *stack-effects*)))
+    (if handler
+        (funcall handler instruction (method-context-stack context)
+                 (method-context-locals context)
+                 (class-pool (method-context-class context)))
+        ;; (method-context-stack context)
+        (assert (and "no opcode defined" nil)))))
+(defstruct (method-context (:constructor %make-method-context))
+  method ;; jvm method
+  code   ;; list of lists with the first value the instruction,
+         ;; the second the stack after instruction execution and
+         ;; the third the state of the function locals during execution
+  class ;; jvm class
+  locals ;; a list of conses: each local occupies a cons of which
+         ;;   the CAR is the type last declared (or NIL if none)
+         ;;   and the CDR indicates availability (NIL or :AVAILABLE)
+  stack  ;; a list of types pushed onto the stack
+         ;;   either a symbol, indicating a primitive type, or
+         ;;   a JVM-CLASS-NAME structure indicating a real class
+  )
+(defun make-method-context (class name return args &key (flags '(:public)))
+  (let ((frame (make-stack-frame-state))
+        (method (make-jvm-method name return args :flags flags)))
+    (dolist (arg args)
+      (allocate-local frame arg))
+    (%make-method-context :method method
+                          :code (method-ensure-code method)
+                          :class class
+                          :frame-state frame)))
+(defun add-instruction (context instruction)
+  "Adds the instruction to the method, updating the context's stack."
+  (let ((stack (apply-stack-effect instruction (method-context-stack context))))
+    (push (list instruction stack (method-context-locals context)) code)
+    (setf (method-context-stack context) stack)))
+(defun allocate-local (context type)
+  (let ((allocated (find-if :available (method-context-locals context)
+                            :key #'cdr))
+        (new-value (cons type)))
+    (setf (method-context-locals context)
+          (if allocated
+              (substitute (cons type) allocated
+                          (method-context-locals context))
+              (append (method-context-locals context)
+                      (list new-value))))
+    new-value))
+(defun declare-local-type (context local-number type)
+  (let ((local (nth local-number (method-context-locals frame))))
+    (assert local)
+    (setf (car local) type)))
+(defun free-local (context local-number)
+  (let ((local (nth local-number (method-context-locals frame))))
+    (assert local)
+    (setf (cdr local) :available)))
+(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) analyze-stack-path))
+(defun analyze-stack-path (code start-index depth)
+  (declare (optimize speed))
+  (declare (type fixnum start-index depth))
+  (do* ((i start-index (1+ i))
+        (limit (length code)))
+       ((>= i limit))
+    (declare (type fixnum i limit))
+    (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
+           (instruction-depth (instruction-depth instruction))
+           (instruction-stack (instruction-stack instruction)))
+      (declare (type fixnum instruction-stack))
+      (when instruction-depth
+        (unless (= (the fixnum instruction-depth)
+                   (the fixnum (+ depth instruction-stack)))
+          (internal-compiler-error "Stack inconsistency detected ~
+                                    in ~A at index ~D: ~
+                                    found ~S, expected ~S."
+                                   (if *current-compiland*
+                                       (compiland-name *current-compiland*)
+                                       "<unknown>")
+                                   i instruction-depth
+                                   (+ depth instruction-stack)))
+        (return-from analyze-stack-path))
+      (let ((opcode (instruction-opcode instruction)))
+        (setf depth (+ depth instruction-stack))
+        (setf (instruction-depth instruction) depth)
+        (unless (<= 0 depth)
+          (internal-compiler-error "Stack inconsistency detected ~
+                                    in ~A at index ~D: ~
+                                    negative depth ~S."
+                                   (if *current-compiland*
+                                       (compiland-name *current-compiland*)
+                                       "<unknown>")
+                                   i depth))
+        (when (branch-p opcode)
+          (let ((label (car (instruction-args instruction))))
+            (declare (type symbol label))
+            (analyze-stack-path code (symbol-value label) depth)))
+        (when (unconditional-control-transfer-p opcode)
+          ;; Current path ends.
+          (return-from analyze-stack-path))))))
+(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) analyze-stack))
+(defun analyze-stack (code exception-entry-points)
+  (declare (optimize speed))
+  (let* ((code-length (length code)))
+    (declare (type vector code))
+    (dotimes (i code-length)
+      (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
+             (opcode (instruction-opcode instruction)))
+        (when (eql opcode 202) ; LABEL
+          (let ((label (car (instruction-args instruction))))
+            (set label i)))
+        (unless (instruction-stack instruction)
+          (setf (instruction-stack instruction)
+                (opcode-stack-effect opcode))
+          (unless (instruction-stack instruction)
+            (sys::%format t "no stack information for instruction ~D~%"
+                          (instruction-opcode instruction))
+            (aver nil)))))
+    (analyze-stack-path code 0 0)
+    (dolist (entry-point exception-entry-points)
+      ;; Stack depth is always 1 when handler is called.
+      (analyze-stack-path code (symbol-value entry-point) 1))
+    (let ((max-stack 0))
+      (declare (type fixnum max-stack))
+      (dotimes (i code-length)
+        (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
+               (instruction-depth (instruction-depth instruction)))
+          (when instruction-depth
+            (setf max-stack (max max-stack (the fixnum instruction-depth))))))
+      max-stack)))
+;; (defun analyze-locals (code)
+;;   (let ((code-length (length code))
+;;         (max-local 0))
+;;     (dotimes (i code-length max-local)
+;;       (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
+;;              (opcode (instruction-opcode instruction)))
+;;         (setf max-local
+;;               (max max-local
+;;                    (or (let ((opcode-register
+;;                                 (jvm-opcode-register-used opcode)))
+;;                          (if (eq t opcode-register)
+;;                              (car (instruction-args instruction))
+;;                              opcode-register))
+;;                        0)))))))
+(declaim (ftype (function (t) label-target-instructions) hash-labels))
+(defun label-target-instructions (code)
+  (let ((ht (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
+        (code (coerce code 'vector))
+        (pending-labels '()))
+    (dotimes (i (length code))
+      (let ((instruction (aref code i)))
+        (cond ((label-p instruction)
+               (push (instruction-label instruction) pending-labels))
+              (t
+               ;; Not a label.
+               (when pending-labels
+                 (dolist (label pending-labels)
+                   (setf (gethash label ht) instruction))
+                 (setf pending-labels nil))))))
+    ht))
+(defun delete-unused-labels (code handler-labels)
+  (declare (optimize speed))
+  (let ((code (coerce code 'vector))
+        (changed nil)
+        (marker (gensym)))
+    ;; Mark the labels that are actually branched to.
+    (dotimes (i (length code))
+      (let ((instruction (aref code i)))
+        (when (branch-p (instruction-opcode instruction))
+          (let ((label (car (instruction-args instruction))))
+            (set label marker)))))
+    ;; Add labels used for exception handlers.
+    (dolist (label handler-labels)
+      (set label marker))
+    ;; Remove labels that are not used as branch targets.
+    (dotimes (i (length code))
+      (let ((instruction (aref code i)))
+        (when (= (instruction-opcode instruction) 202) ; LABEL
+          (let ((label (car (instruction-args instruction))))
+            (declare (type symbol label))
+            (unless (eq (symbol-value label) marker)
+              (setf (aref code i) nil)
+              (setf changed t))))))
+    (values (if changed (delete nil code) code)
+            changed)))
+(defun optimize-instruction-sequences (code)
+  (let* ((code (coerce code 'vector))
+         (changed nil))
+    (dotimes (i (1- (length code)))
+      (let* ((this-instruction (aref code i))
+             (this-opcode (and this-instruction
+                               (instruction-opcode this-instruction)))
+             (labels-skipped-p nil)
+             (next-instruction (do ((j (1+ i) (1+ j)))
+                                   ((or (>= j (length code))
+                                        (/= 202 ; LABEL
+                                            (instruction-opcode (aref code j))))
+                                    (when (< j (length code))
+                                      (aref code j)))
+                                 (setf labels-skipped-p t)))
+             (next-opcode (and next-instruction
+                               (instruction-opcode next-instruction))))
+        (case this-opcode
+          (205 ; CLEAR-VALUES
+           (when (eql next-opcode 205)       ; CLEAR-VALUES
+             (setf (aref code i) nil)
+             (setf changed t)))
+          (178 ; GETSTATIC
+           (when (and (eql next-opcode 87)   ; POP
+                      (not labels-skipped-p))
+             (setf (aref code i) nil)
+             (setf (aref code (1+ i)) nil)
+             (setf changed t)))
+          (176 ; ARETURN
+           (when (eql next-opcode 176)       ; ARETURN
+             (setf (aref code i) nil)
+             (setf changed t)))
+          ((200 167)                         ; GOTO GOTO_W
+           (when (and (or (eql next-opcode 202)  ; LABEL
+                          (eql next-opcode 200)  ; GOTO_W
+                          (eql next-opcode 167)) ; GOTO
+                      (eq (car (instruction-args this-instruction))
+                          (car (instruction-args next-instruction))))
+             (setf (aref code i) nil)
+             (setf changed t))))))
+    (values (if changed (delete nil code) code)
+            changed)))
+(defun optimize-jumps (code)
+  (declare (optimize speed))
+  (let* ((code (coerce code 'vector))
+         (ht (label-target-instructions code))
+         (changed nil))
+    (dotimes (i (length code))
+      (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
+             (opcode (and instruction (instruction-opcode instruction))))
+        (when (and opcode (branch-p opcode))
+          (let* ((target-label (car (instruction-args instruction)))
+                 (next-instruction (gethash1 target-label ht)))
+            (when next-instruction
+              (case (instruction-opcode next-instruction)
+                ((167 200)                  ;; GOTO
+                 (setf (instruction-args instruction)
+                       (instruction-args next-instruction)
+                       changed t))
+                (176 ; ARETURN
+                 (when (unconditional-control-transfer-p opcode)
+                   (setf (instruction-opcode instruction) 176
+                         (instruction-args instruction) nil
+                         changed t)))))))))
+    (values code changed)))
+(defun delete-unreachable-code (code)
+  ;; Look for unreachable code after GOTO.
+  (declare (optimize speed))
+  (let* ((code (coerce code 'vector))
+         (changed nil)
+         (after-goto/areturn nil))
+    (dotimes (i (length code))
+      (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i))
+      (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
+             (opcode (instruction-opcode instruction)))
+        (cond (after-goto/areturn
+               (if (= opcode 202) ; LABEL
+                   (setf after-goto/areturn nil)
+                   ;; Unreachable.
+                   (progn
+                     (setf (aref code i) nil)
+                     (setf changed t))))
+              ((unconditional-control-transfer-p opcode)
+               (setf after-goto/areturn t)))))
+    (values (if changed (delete nil code) code)
+            changed)))
+(defvar *enable-optimization* t)
+(defknown optimize-code (t t) t)
+(defun optimize-code (code handler-labels pool)
+  (unless *enable-optimization*
+    (format t "optimizations are disabled~%"))
+  (when *enable-optimization*
+    (when *compiler-debug*
+      (format t "----- before optimization -----~%")
+      (print-code code pool))
+    (loop
+       (let ((changed-p nil))
+         (multiple-value-setq
+             (code changed-p)
+           (delete-unused-labels code handler-labels))
+         (if changed-p
+             (setf code (optimize-instruction-sequences code))
+             (multiple-value-setq
+                 (code changed-p)
+               (optimize-instruction-sequences code)))
+         (if changed-p
+             (setf code (optimize-jumps code))
+             (multiple-value-setq
+                 (code changed-p)
+               (optimize-jumps code)))
+         (if changed-p
+             (setf code (delete-unreachable-code code))
+             (multiple-value-setq
+                 (code changed-p)
+               (delete-unreachable-code code)))
+         (unless changed-p
+           (return))))
+    (unless (vectorp code)
+      (setf code (coerce code 'vector)))
+    (when *compiler-debug*
+      (sys::%format t "----- after optimization -----~%")
+      (print-code code pool)))
+  code)
+(defun code-bytes (code)
+  (let ((length 0)
+        labels ;; alist
+        )
+    (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) length))
+    ;; Pass 1: calculate label offsets and overall length.
+    (dotimes (i (length code))
+      (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i))
+      (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
+             (opcode (instruction-opcode instruction)))
+        (if (= opcode 202) ; LABEL
+            (let ((label (car (instruction-args instruction))))
+              (set label length)
+              (setf labels
+                    (acons label length labels)))
+            (incf length (opcode-size opcode)))))
+    ;; Pass 2: replace labels with calculated offsets.
+    (let ((index 0))
+      (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) index))
+      (dotimes (i (length code))
+        (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i))
+        (let ((instruction (aref code i)))
+          (when (branch-p (instruction-opcode instruction))
+            (let* ((label (car (instruction-args instruction)))
+                   (offset (- (the (unsigned-byte 16)
+                                (symbol-value (the symbol label)))
+                              index)))
+              (assert (<= -32768 offset 32767))
+              (setf (instruction-args instruction) (s2 offset))))
+          (unless (= (instruction-opcode instruction) 202) ; LABEL
+            (incf index (opcode-size (instruction-opcode instruction)))))))
+    ;; Expand instructions into bytes, skipping LABEL pseudo-instructions.
+    (let ((bytes (make-array length))
+          (index 0))
+      (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) index))
+      (dotimes (i (length code))
+        (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i))
+        (let ((instruction (aref code i)))
+          (unless (= (instruction-opcode instruction) 202) ; LABEL
+            (setf (svref bytes index) (instruction-opcode instruction))
+            (incf index)
+            (dolist (byte (instruction-args instruction))
+              (setf (svref bytes index) byte)
+              (incf index)))))
+      (values bytes labels))))
+(defun finalize-code (code handler-labels optimize pool)
+  (setf code (coerce (nreverse code) 'vector))
+  (when optimize
+    (setf code (optimize-code code handler-labels pool)))
+  (resolve-instructions (expand-virtual-instructions code)))
 (provide '#:jvm-method)
\ No newline at end of file

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