[armedbear-cvs] r14362 - trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp
mevenson at common-lisp.net
mevenson at common-lisp.net
Mon Jan 28 13:24:59 UTC 2013
Author: mevenson
Date: Mon Jan 28 05:24:57 2013
New Revision: 14362
asdf- current asdf plus ABCL conditional for SETF DOCUMENTATION bug.
Modified: trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/asdf.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/asdf.lisp Sun Jan 27 01:47:48 2013 (r14361)
+++ trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/asdf.lisp Mon Jan 28 05:24:57 2013 (r14362)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-;; -*- mode: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-
-;;; This is ASDF Another System Definition Facility.
+;;; -*- mode: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-
+;;; This is ASDF Another System Definition Facility.
;;; Feedback, bug reports, and patches are all welcome:
;;; please mail to <asdf-devel at common-lisp.net>.
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
#+(or abcl clisp cmu)
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
- (unless (member :asdf2.27 *features*)
+ (unless (member :asdf3 *features*)
(let* ((existing-version
(when (find-package :asdf)
(or (symbol-value (find-symbol (string :*asdf-version*) :asdf))
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
;; See https://bugs.launchpad.net/asdf/+bug/485687
;; CAUTION: we must handle the first few packages specially for hot-upgrade.
-;; asdf/package will be frozen as of 2.27
+;; asdf/package will be frozen as of ASDF 3
;; to forever export the same exact symbols.
;; Any other symbol must be import-from'ed
;; and reexported in a different package
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@
import-from export intern
recycle mix reexport
- (declare (ignorable documentation))
+ #+(or gcl2.6 genera) (declare (ignore documentation))
(macrolet ((when-fishy (&body body) `(when-package-fishiness , at body))
(fishy (&rest info) `(note-package-fishiness , at info)))
(let* ((package-name (string name))
@@ -591,7 +591,8 @@
(when (and accessible (eq ustat :external))
(ensure-exported name sym u)))))))
- #-(or gcl genera) (setf (documentation package t) documentation) #+gcl documentation
+ #-(or gcl2.6 genera)
+ (when documentation (setf (documentation package t) documentation))
(loop :for p :in (set-difference (package-use-list package) (append mix use))
:do (fishy :use (package-names p)) (unuse-package p package))
(loop :for p :in discarded
@@ -707,7 +708,6 @@
(setf excl::*autoload-package-name-alist*
(remove "asdf" excl::*autoload-package-name-alist*
:test 'equalp :key 'car))
;; Debian's GCL 2.7 has bugs with compiling multiple-value stuff,
;; but can run ASDF 2.011. GCL 2.6 has even more issues.
@@ -736,6 +736,7 @@
(:reexport :common-lisp)
(:recycle :asdf/common-lisp :asdf)
#+allegro (:intern #:*acl-warn-save*)
+ #+cormanlisp (:shadow #:user-homedir-pathname)
#:logical-pathname #:translate-logical-pathname
@@ -774,6 +775,9 @@
(deftype logical-pathname () nil)
(defun make-broadcast-stream () *error-output*)
(defun translate-logical-pathname (x) x)
+ (defun user-homedir-pathname (&optional host)
+ (declare (ignore host))
+ (parse-namestring (format nil "~A\\" (cl:user-homedir-pathname))))
(defun file-namestring (p)
(setf p (pathname p))
(format nil "~@[~A~]~@[.~A~]" (pathname-name p) (pathname-type p))))
@@ -857,26 +861,43 @@
(setq clos::*redefine-class-in-place* t)) ;; Make sure we have strict ANSI class redefinition semantics
-;;;; compatfmt: avoid fancy format directives when unsupported
+;;;; Looping
(defmacro loop* (&rest rest)
#-genera `(loop , at rest)
#+genera `(lisp:loop , at rest)) ;; In genera, CL:LOOP can't destructure, so we use LOOP*. Sigh.
+;;;; compatfmt: avoid fancy format directives when unsupported
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
- (defun strcat (&rest strings)
- (apply 'concatenate 'string strings)))
+ (defun remove-substrings (substrings string)
+ (let ((length (length string)) (stream nil))
+ (labels ((emit (start end)
+ (when (and (zerop start) (= end length))
+ (return-from remove-substrings string))
+ (unless stream (setf stream (make-string-output-stream)))
+ (write-string string stream :start start :end end))
+ (recurse (substrings start end)
+ (cond
+ ((= start end))
+ ((null substrings) (emit start end))
+ (t (let* ((sub (first substrings))
+ (found (search sub string))
+ (more (rest substrings)))
+ (cond
+ (found
+ (recurse more start found)
+ (recurse more (+ found (length sub)) end))
+ (t
+ (recurse more start end))))))))
+ (recurse substrings 0 length))
+ (if stream (get-output-stream-string stream) ""))))
(defmacro compatfmt (format)
#+(or gcl genera)
- (loop* :for (unsupported . replacement)
- :in (append
- '(("~3i~_" . ""))
- #+(or genera gcl2.6) '(("~@<" . "") ("; ~@;" . "; ") ("~@:>" . "") ("~:>" . ""))) :do
- (loop :for found = (search unsupported format) :while found :do
- (setf format (strcat (subseq format 0 found) replacement
- (subseq format (+ found (length unsupported)))))))
- format)
+ (remove-substrings `("~3i~_" #+(or genera gcl2.6) ,@'("~@<" "~@;" "~@:>" "~:>")) format)
+ #-(or gcl genera) format)
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; General Purpose Utilities for ASDF
@@ -884,9 +905,9 @@
(:recycle :asdf/utility :asdf)
(:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/package)
;; import and reexport a few things defined in :asdf/common-lisp
- (:import-from :asdf/common-lisp #:strcat #:compatfmt #:loop*
+ (:import-from :asdf/common-lisp #:compatfmt #:loop* #:remove-substrings
#+ecl #:use-ecl-byte-compiler-p #+mcl #:probe-posix)
- (:export #:nil #:strcat #:compatfmt #:loop*
+ (:export #:compatfmt #:loop* #:remove-substrings #:compatfmt
#+ecl #:use-ecl-byte-compiler-p #+mcl #:probe-posix)
;; magic helper to define debugging functions:
@@ -895,7 +916,7 @@
#:if-let ;; basic flow control
#:while-collecting #:appendf #:length=n-p #:remove-plist-keys #:remove-plist-key ;; lists and plists
#:emptyp ;; sequences
- #:first-char #:last-char #:split-string ;; strings
+ #:strcat #:first-char #:last-char #:split-string ;; strings
#:string-prefix-p #:string-enclosed-p #:string-suffix-p
#:find-class* ;; CLOS
#:stamp< #:stamps< #:stamp*< #:stamp<= ;; stamps
@@ -958,7 +979,9 @@
;;; Magic debugging help. See contrib/debug.lisp
(defvar *asdf-debug-utility*
- '(ignore-errors (merge-pathnames "cl/asdf/contrib/debug.lisp" (user-homedir-pathname)))
+ '(or (ignore-errors
+ (symbol-call :asdf :system-relative-pathname :asdf-driver "contrib/debug.lisp"))
+ (merge-pathnames "cl/asdf/contrib/debug.lisp" (user-homedir-pathname)))
"form that evaluates to the pathname to your favorite debugging utilities")
(defmacro asdf-debug (&rest keys)
@@ -1040,6 +1063,8 @@
;;; Strings
+(defun* strcat (&rest strings)
+ (apply 'concatenate 'string strings))
(defun* first-char (s)
(and (stringp s) (plusp (length s)) (char s 0)))
@@ -1281,225 +1306,474 @@
(defmacro with-muffled-uninteresting-conditions ((conditions) &body body)
`(call-with-muffled-uninteresting-conditions #'(lambda () , at body) ,conditions))
-;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;;;; Portability layer around Common Lisp pathnames
-(asdf/package:define-package :asdf/pathname
- (:recycle :asdf/pathname :asdf)
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; Access to the Operating System
+(asdf/package:define-package :asdf/os
+ (:recycle :asdf/os :asdf)
(:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/package :asdf/utility)
- #:*resolve-symlinks*
- ;; Making and merging pathnames, portably
- #:normalize-pathname-directory-component #:denormalize-pathname-directory-component
- #:pathname-equal
- #:merge-pathname-directory-components #:make-pathname* #:*unspecific-pathname-type*
- #:make-pathname-component-logical #:make-pathname-logical
- #:merge-pathnames*
- ;; Directories
- #:pathname-directory-pathname #:pathname-parent-directory-pathname
- #:directory-pathname-p #:ensure-directory-pathname #:file-pathname-p
- ;; Absolute vs relative pathnames
- #:ensure-pathname-absolute
- #:relativize-directory-component #:relativize-pathname-directory
- ;; Parsing filenames and lists thereof
- #:component-name-to-pathname-components
- #:split-name-type #:parse-unix-namestring #:unix-namestring
- #:split-unix-namestring-directory-components
- #:subpathname #:subpathname* #:subpathp
- ;; Resolving symlinks somewhat
- #:truenamize #:resolve-symlinks #:resolve-symlinks*
- ;; Wildcard pathnames
- #:*wild* #:*wild-file* #:*wild-directory* #:*wild-inferiors* #:*wild-path* #:wilden
- ;; Pathname host and its root
- #:absolute-pathname-p #:relative-pathname-p #:hidden-pathname-p
- #:pathname-root #:directory-separator-for-host
- #:directorize-pathname-host-device
- ;; defaults
- #:nil-pathname #:with-pathname-defaults
- ;; probe filesystem
- #:truename* #:probe-file* #:safe-file-write-date
- #:subdirectories #:directory-files #:directory*
- #:filter-logical-directory-results #:collect-sub*directories
- ;; Simple filesystem operations
- #:ensure-all-directories-exist
- #:rename-file-overwriting-target
- #:delete-file-if-exists
- ;; Translate a pathname
- #:translate-pathname*
- ;; temporary
- #:add-pathname-suffix #:tmpize-pathname
- #:call-with-staging-pathname #:with-staging-pathname
- ;; physical pathnames
- #:logical-pathname-p #:physical-pathname-p #:sane-physical-pathname #:root-pathname
+ #:featurep #:os-unix-p #:os-windows-p #:os-genera-p #:detect-os ;; features
+ #:getenv #:getenvp ;; environment variables
+ #:implementation-identifier ;; implementation identifier
+ #:implementation-type #:*implementation-type*
+ #:operating-system #:architecture #:lisp-version-string
+ #:hostname #:getcwd #:chdir
;; Windows shortcut support
#:read-null-terminated-string #:read-little-endian
- #:parse-file-location-info #:parse-windows-shortcut
- ;; Checking constraints
- #:ensure-pathname
- #:absolutize-pathnames
- ;; Output translations
- #:*output-translation-function*))
+ #:parse-file-location-info #:parse-windows-shortcut))
+(in-package :asdf/os)
-(in-package :asdf/pathname)
+;;; Features
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defun* featurep (x &optional (*features* *features*))
+ (cond
+ ((atom x) (and (member x *features*) t))
+ ((eq :not (car x)) (assert (null (cddr x))) (not (featurep (cadr x))))
+ ((eq :or (car x)) (some #'featurep (cdr x)))
+ ((eq :and (car x)) (every #'featurep (cdr x)))
+ (t (error "Malformed feature specification ~S" x))))
-;;; User-visible parameters
-(defvar *resolve-symlinks* t
- "Determine whether or not ASDF resolves symlinks when defining systems.
+ (defun* os-unix-p ()
+ (or #+abcl (featurep :unix)
+ #+(and (not abcl) (or unix cygwin darwin)) t))
-Defaults to T.")
+ (defun* os-windows-p ()
+ (or #+abcl (featurep :windows)
+ #+(and (not (or unix cygwin darwin)) (or win32 windows mswindows mingw32)) t))
+ (defun* os-genera-p ()
+ (or #+genera t))
-;;; Normalizing pathnames across implementations
+ (defun* detect-os ()
+ (flet ((yes (yes) (pushnew yes *features*))
+ (no (no) (setf *features* (remove no *features*))))
+ (cond
+ ((os-unix-p) (yes :os-unix) (no :os-windows) (no :genera))
+ ((os-windows-p) (yes :os-windows) (no :os-unix) (no :genera))
+ ((os-genera-p) (no :os-unix) (no :os-windows) (yes :genera))
+ (t (error "Congratulations for trying XCVB on an operating system~%~
+that is neither Unix, nor Windows, nor even Genera.~%Now you port it.")))))
-(defun* normalize-pathname-directory-component (directory)
- "Given a pathname directory component, return an equivalent form that is a list"
- #+gcl2.6 (setf directory (substitute :back :parent directory))
- (cond
- #-(or cmu sbcl scl) ;; these implementations already normalize directory components.
- ((stringp directory) `(:absolute ,directory))
- #+gcl2.6
- ((and (consp directory) (eq :root (first directory)))
- `(:absolute ,@(rest directory)))
- ((or (null directory)
- (and (consp directory) (member (first directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
- directory)
- #+gcl2.6
- ((consp directory)
- `(:relative , at directory))
- (t
- (error (compatfmt "~@<Unrecognized pathname directory component ~S~@:>") directory))))
+ (detect-os))
-(defun* denormalize-pathname-directory-component (directory-component)
- #-gcl2.6 directory-component
- #+gcl2.6
- (let ((d (substitute-if :parent (lambda (x) (member x '(:up :back)))
- directory-component)))
- (cond
- ((and (consp d) (eq :relative (first d))) (rest d))
- ((and (consp d) (eq :absolute (first d))) `(:root ,@(rest d)))
- (t d))))
+;;;; Environment variables: getting them, and parsing them.
-(defun* merge-pathname-directory-components (specified defaults)
- ;; Helper for merge-pathnames* that handles directory components.
- (let ((directory (normalize-pathname-directory-component specified)))
- (ecase (first directory)
- ((nil) defaults)
- (:absolute specified)
- (:relative
- (let ((defdir (normalize-pathname-directory-component defaults))
- (reldir (cdr directory)))
- (cond
- ((null defdir)
- directory)
- ((not (eq :back (first reldir)))
- (append defdir reldir))
- (t
- (loop :with defabs = (first defdir)
- :with defrev = (reverse (rest defdir))
- :while (and (eq :back (car reldir))
- (or (and (eq :absolute defabs) (null defrev))
- (stringp (car defrev))))
- :do (pop reldir) (pop defrev)
- :finally (return (cons defabs (append (reverse defrev) reldir)))))))))))
+(defun* getenv (x)
+ (declare (ignorable x))
+ #+(or abcl clisp ecl xcl) (ext:getenv x)
+ #+allegro (sys:getenv x)
+ #+clozure (ccl:getenv x)
+ #+(or cmu scl) (cdr (assoc x ext:*environment-list* :test #'string=))
+ #+cormanlisp
+ (let* ((buffer (ct:malloc 1))
+ (cname (ct:lisp-string-to-c-string x))
+ (needed-size (win:getenvironmentvariable cname buffer 0))
+ (buffer1 (ct:malloc (1+ needed-size))))
+ (prog1 (if (zerop (win:getenvironmentvariable cname buffer1 needed-size))
+ nil
+ (ct:c-string-to-lisp-string buffer1))
+ (ct:free buffer)
+ (ct:free buffer1)))
+ #+gcl (system:getenv x)
+ #+genera nil
+ #+lispworks (lispworks:environment-variable x)
+ #+mcl (ccl:with-cstrs ((name x))
+ (let ((value (_getenv name)))
+ (unless (ccl:%null-ptr-p value)
+ (ccl:%get-cstring value))))
+ #+mkcl (#.(or (find-symbol* 'getenv :si nil) (find-symbol* 'getenv :mk-ext nil)) x)
+ #+sbcl (sb-ext:posix-getenv x)
+ #-(or abcl allegro clisp clozure cmu cormanlisp ecl gcl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
+ (error "~S is not supported on your implementation" 'getenv))
-;; Giving :unspecific as :type argument to make-pathname is not portable.
-;; See CLHS make-pathname and
-;; This will be :unspecific if supported, or NIL if not.
-(defparameter *unspecific-pathname-type*
- #+(or abcl allegro clozure cmu gcl genera lispworks mkcl sbcl scl xcl) :unspecific
- #+(or clisp ecl #|These haven't been tested:|# cormanlisp mcl) nil)
+(defun* getenvp (x)
+ "Predicate that is true if the named variable is present in the libc environment,
+then returning the non-empty string value of the variable"
+ (let ((g (getenv x))) (and (not (emptyp g)) g)))
-(defun* make-pathname* (&rest keys &key (directory nil directoryp)
- host (device () devicep) name type version defaults
- #+scl &allow-other-keys)
- "Takes arguments like CL:MAKE-PATHNAME in the CLHS, and
- tries hard to make a pathname that will actually behave as documented,
- despite the peculiarities of each implementation"
- (declare (ignorable host device devicep name type version defaults))
- (apply 'make-pathname
- (append
- #+allegro (when (and devicep (null device)) `(:device :unspecific))
- (when directoryp
- `(:directory ,(denormalize-pathname-directory-component directory)))
- keys)))
-(defun* make-pathname-component-logical (x)
- "Make a pathname component suitable for use in a logical-pathname"
- (typecase x
- ((eql :unspecific) nil)
- #+clisp (string (string-upcase x))
- #+clisp (cons (mapcar 'make-pathname-component-logical x))
- (t x)))
+;;;; implementation-identifier
+;; produce a string to identify current implementation.
+;; Initially stolen from SLIME's SWANK, completely rewritten since.
+;; We're back to runtime checking, for the sake of e.g. ABCL.
-(defun* make-pathname-logical (pathname host)
- "Take a PATHNAME's directory, name, type and version components,
-and make a new pathname with corresponding components and specified logical HOST"
- (make-pathname*
- :host host
- :directory (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-directory pathname))
- :name (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-name pathname))
- :type (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-type pathname))
- :version (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-version pathname))))
+(defun* first-feature (feature-sets)
+ (dolist (x feature-sets)
+ (multiple-value-bind (short long feature-expr)
+ (if (consp x)
+ (values (first x) (second x) (cons :or (rest x)))
+ (values x x x))
+ (when (featurep feature-expr)
+ (return (values short long))))))
+(defun* implementation-type ()
+ (first-feature
+ '(:abcl (:acl :allegro) (:ccl :clozure) :clisp (:corman :cormanlisp)
+ (:cmu :cmucl :cmu) :ecl :gcl
+ (:lwpe :lispworks-personal-edition) (:lw :lispworks)
+ :mcl :mkcl :sbcl :scl (:smbx :symbolics) :xcl)))
-;;; Some pathname predicates
+(defvar *implementation-type* (implementation-type))
-(defun* pathname-equal (p1 p2)
- (when (stringp p1) (setf p1 (pathname p1)))
- (when (stringp p2) (setf p2 (pathname p2)))
- (flet ((normalize-component (x)
- (unless (member x '(nil :unspecific :newest (:relative)) :test 'equal)
- x)))
- (macrolet ((=? (&rest accessors)
- (flet ((frob (x)
- (reduce 'list (cons 'normalize-component accessors)
- :initial-value x :from-end t)))
- `(equal ,(frob 'p1) ,(frob 'p2)))))
- (or (and (null p1) (null p2))
- (and (pathnamep p1) (pathnamep p2)
- (and (=? pathname-host)
- (=? pathname-device)
- (=? normalize-pathname-directory-component pathname-directory)
- (=? pathname-name)
- (=? pathname-type)
- (=? pathname-version)))))))
+(defun* operating-system ()
+ (first-feature
+ '(:cygwin (:win :windows :mswindows :win32 :mingw32) ;; try cygwin first!
+ (:linux :linux :linux-target) ;; for GCL at least, must appear before :bsd
+ (:macosx :macosx :darwin :darwin-target :apple) ; also before :bsd
+ (:solaris :solaris :sunos) (:bsd :bsd :freebsd :netbsd :openbsd) :unix
+ :genera)))
-(defun* logical-pathname-p (x)
- (typep x 'logical-pathname))
+(defun* architecture ()
+ (first-feature
+ '((:x64 :x86-64 :x86_64 :x8664-target :amd64 (:and :word-size=64 :pc386))
+ (:x86 :x86 :i386 :i486 :i586 :i686 :pentium3 :pentium4 :pc386 :iapx386 :x8632-target)
+ (:ppc64 :ppc64 :ppc64-target) (:ppc32 :ppc32 :ppc32-target :ppc :powerpc)
+ :hppa64 :hppa :sparc64 (:sparc32 :sparc32 :sparc)
+ :mipsel :mipseb :mips :alpha (:arm :arm :arm-target) :imach
+ ;; Java comes last: if someone uses C via CFFI or otherwise JNA or JNI,
+ ;; we may have to segregate the code still by architecture.
+ (:java :java :java-1.4 :java-1.5 :java-1.6 :java-1.7))))
-(defun* physical-pathname-p (x)
- (and (pathnamep x) (not (logical-pathname-p x))))
+(defun* ccl-fasl-version ()
+ ;; the fasl version is target-dependent from CCL 1.8 on.
+ (or (let ((s 'ccl::target-fasl-version))
+ (and (fboundp s) (funcall s)))
+ (and (boundp 'ccl::fasl-version)
+ (symbol-value 'ccl::fasl-version))
+ (error "Can't determine fasl version.")))
-(defun* absolute-pathname-p (pathspec)
- "If PATHSPEC is a pathname or namestring object that parses as a pathname
-possessing an :ABSOLUTE directory component, return the (parsed) pathname.
-Otherwise return NIL"
- (and pathspec
- (typep pathspec '(or null pathname string))
- (let ((pathname (pathname pathspec)))
- (and (eq :absolute (car (normalize-pathname-directory-component
- (pathname-directory pathname))))
- pathname))))
+(defun* lisp-version-string ()
+ (let ((s (lisp-implementation-version)))
+ (car ; as opposed to OR, this idiom prevents some unreachable code warning
+ (list
+ #+allegro
+ (format nil "~A~@[~A~]~@[~A~]~@[~A~]"
+ excl::*common-lisp-version-number*
+ ;; M means "modern", as opposed to ANSI-compatible mode (which I consider default)
+ (and (eq excl:*current-case-mode* :case-sensitive-lower) "M")
+ ;; Note if not using International ACL
+ ;; see http://www.franz.com/support/documentation/8.1/doc/operators/excl/ics-target-case.htm
+ (excl:ics-target-case (:-ics "8"))
+ (and (member :smp *features*) "S"))
+ #+armedbear (format nil "~a-fasl~a" s system::*fasl-version*)
+ #+clisp
+ (subseq s 0 (position #\space s)) ; strip build information (date, etc.)
+ #+clozure
+ (format nil "~d.~d-f~d" ; shorten for windows
+ ccl::*openmcl-major-version*
+ ccl::*openmcl-minor-version*
+ (logand (ccl-fasl-version) #xFF))
+ #+cmu (substitute #\- #\/ s)
+ #+scl (format nil "~A~A" s
+ ;; ANSI upper case vs lower case.
+ (ecase ext:*case-mode* (:upper "") (:lower "l")))
+ #+ecl (format nil "~A~@[-~A~]" s
+ (let ((vcs-id (ext:lisp-implementation-vcs-id)))
+ (subseq vcs-id 0 (min (length vcs-id) 8))))
+ #+gcl (subseq s (1+ (position #\space s)))
+ #+genera
+ (multiple-value-bind (major minor) (sct:get-system-version "System")
+ (format nil "~D.~D" major minor))
+ #+mcl (subseq s 8) ; strip the leading "Version "
+ s))))
-(defun* relative-pathname-p (pathspec)
- "If PATHSPEC is a pathname or namestring object that parses as a pathname
-possessing a :RELATIVE or NIL directory component, return the (parsed) pathname.
-Otherwise return NIL"
- (and pathspec
- (typep pathspec '(or null pathname string))
- (let* ((pathname (pathname pathspec))
- (directory (normalize-pathname-directory-component
- (pathname-directory pathname))))
- (when (or (null directory) (eq :relative (car directory)))
- pathname))))
+(defun* implementation-identifier ()
+ (substitute-if
+ #\_ #'(lambda (x) (find x " /:;&^\\|?<>(){}[]$#`'\""))
+ (format nil "~(~a~@{~@[-~a~]~}~)"
+ (or (implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-type))
+ (or (lisp-version-string) (lisp-implementation-version))
+ (or (operating-system) (software-type))
+ (or (architecture) (machine-type)))))
+;;;; Other system information
+(defun* hostname ()
+ ;; Note: untested on RMCL
+ #+(or abcl clozure cmucl ecl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl) (machine-instance)
+ #+cormanlisp "localhost" ;; is there a better way? Does it matter?
+ #+allegro (symbol-call :excl.osi :gethostname)
+ #+clisp (first (split-string (machine-instance) :separator " "))
+ #+gcl (system:gethostname))
-(defun* hidden-pathname-p (pathname)
- "Return a boolean that is true if the pathname is hidden as per Unix style,
-i.e. its name starts with a dot."
- (and pathname (equal (first-char (pathname-name pathname)) #\.)))
+;;; Current directory
+(defun* getcwd ()
+ "Get the current working directory as per POSIX getcwd(3), as a pathname object"
+ (or #+abcl (parse-namestring
+ (java:jstatic "getProperty" "java.lang.System" "user.dir") :ensure-directory t)
+ #+allegro (excl::current-directory)
+ #+clisp (ext:default-directory)
+ #+clozure (ccl:current-directory)
+ #+(or cmu scl) (ext:parse-unix-namestring
+ (nth-value 1 (unix:unix-current-directory)) :ensure-directory t)
+ #+cormanlisp (pathname (pl::get-current-directory)) ;; Q: what type does it return?
+ #+ecl (ext:getcwd)
+ #+gcl (parse-namestring ;; this is a joke. Isn't there a better way?
+ (first (symbol-call :asdf/driver :run-program '("/bin/pwd") :output :lines)))
+ #+genera *default-pathname-defaults* ;; on a Lisp OS, it *is* canonical!
+ #+lispworks (system:current-directory)
+ #+mkcl (mk-ext:getcwd)
+ #+sbcl (sb-ext:parse-native-namestring (sb-unix:posix-getcwd/))
+ #+xcl (extensions:current-directory)
+ (error "getcwd not supported on your implementation")))
+(defun* chdir (x)
+ "Change current directory, as per POSIX chdir(2)"
+ (declare (ignorable x))
+ (or #+abcl (java:jstatic "setProperty" "java.lang.System" "user.dir" (namestring x))
+ #+allegro (excl:chdir x)
+ #+clisp (ext:cd x)
+ #+clozure (setf (ccl:current-directory) x)
+ #+(or cmu scl) (unix:unix-chdir (ext:unix-namestring x))
+ #+cormanlisp (unless (zerop (win32::_chdir (namestring x)))
+ (error "Could not set current directory to ~A" x))
+ #+ecl (ext:chdir x)
+ #+genera (setf *default-pathname-defaults* (pathname x))
+ #+lispworks (hcl:change-directory x)
+ #+mkcl (mk-ext:chdir x)
+ #+sbcl (symbol-call :sb-posix :chdir (sb-ext:native-namestring x))
+ (error "chdir not supported on your implementation")))
+;;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; Windows shortcut support. Based on:
+;;;; Jesse Hager: The Windows Shortcut File Format.
+;;;; http://www.wotsit.org/list.asp?fc=13
+#-(or clisp genera) ; CLISP doesn't need it, and READ-SEQUENCE annoys old Genera.
+(defparameter *link-initial-dword* 76)
+(defparameter *link-guid* #(1 20 2 0 0 0 0 0 192 0 0 0 0 0 0 70))
+(defun* read-null-terminated-string (s)
+ (with-output-to-string (out)
+ (loop :for code = (read-byte s)
+ :until (zerop code)
+ :do (write-char (code-char code) out))))
+(defun* read-little-endian (s &optional (bytes 4))
+ (loop :for i :from 0 :below bytes
+ :sum (ash (read-byte s) (* 8 i))))
+(defun* parse-file-location-info (s)
+ (let ((start (file-position s))
+ (total-length (read-little-endian s))
+ (end-of-header (read-little-endian s))
+ (fli-flags (read-little-endian s))
+ (local-volume-offset (read-little-endian s))
+ (local-offset (read-little-endian s))
+ (network-volume-offset (read-little-endian s))
+ (remaining-offset (read-little-endian s)))
+ (declare (ignore total-length end-of-header local-volume-offset))
+ (unless (zerop fli-flags)
+ (cond
+ ((logbitp 0 fli-flags)
+ (file-position s (+ start local-offset)))
+ ((logbitp 1 fli-flags)
+ (file-position s (+ start
+ network-volume-offset
+ #x14))))
+ (strcat (read-null-terminated-string s)
+ (progn
+ (file-position s (+ start remaining-offset))
+ (read-null-terminated-string s))))))
+(defun* parse-windows-shortcut (pathname)
+ (with-open-file (s pathname :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ (handler-case
+ (when (and (= (read-little-endian s) *link-initial-dword*)
+ (let ((header (make-array (length *link-guid*))))
+ (read-sequence header s)
+ (equalp header *link-guid*)))
+ (let ((flags (read-little-endian s)))
+ (file-position s 76) ;skip rest of header
+ (when (logbitp 0 flags)
+ ;; skip shell item id list
+ (let ((length (read-little-endian s 2)))
+ (file-position s (+ length (file-position s)))))
+ (cond
+ ((logbitp 1 flags)
+ (parse-file-location-info s))
+ (t
+ (when (logbitp 2 flags)
+ ;; skip description string
+ (let ((length (read-little-endian s 2)))
+ (file-position s (+ length (file-position s)))))
+ (when (logbitp 3 flags)
+ ;; finally, our pathname
+ (let* ((length (read-little-endian s 2))
+ (buffer (make-array length)))
+ (read-sequence buffer s)
+ (map 'string #'code-char buffer)))))))
+ (end-of-file (c)
+ (declare (ignore c))
+ nil)))))
+;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; Portability layer around Common Lisp pathnames
+(asdf/package:define-package :asdf/pathname
+ (:recycle :asdf/pathname :asdf)
+ (:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/package :asdf/utility :asdf/os)
+ (:export
+ #:*resolve-symlinks*
+ ;; Making pathnames, portably
+ #:normalize-pathname-directory-component #:denormalize-pathname-directory-component
+ #:merge-pathname-directory-components #:*unspecific-pathname-type* #:make-pathname*
+ #:make-pathname-component-logical #:make-pathname-logical
+ #:merge-pathnames*
+ ;; Predicates
+ #:pathname-equal #:logical-pathname-p #:physical-pathname-p
+ #:absolute-pathname-p #:relative-pathname-p #:hidden-pathname-p #:file-pathname-p
+ ;; Directories
+ #:pathname-directory-pathname #:pathname-parent-directory-pathname
+ #:directory-pathname-p #:ensure-directory-pathname
+ ;; defaults
+ #:nil-pathname #:with-pathname-defaults #:*nil-pathname*
+ ;; Parsing filenames
+ #:component-name-to-pathname-components
+ #:split-name-type #:parse-unix-namestring #:unix-namestring
+ #:split-unix-namestring-directory-components
+ #:native-namestring #:parse-native-namestring
+ #:subpathname #:subpathname*
+ ;; Wildcard pathnames
+ #:*wild* #:*wild-file* #:*wild-directory* #:*wild-inferiors* #:*wild-path* #:wilden
+ ;; probe filesystem
+ #:truename* #:safe-file-write-date #:probe-file*
+ #:directory* #:filter-logical-directory-results #:directory-files #:subdirectories
+ #:collect-sub*directories
+ ;; Absolute vs relative pathnames
+ #:ensure-pathname-absolute
+ #:pathname-root #:pathname-host-pathname
+ #:subpathp
+ ;; Resolving symlinks somewhat
+ #:truenamize #:resolve-symlinks #:resolve-symlinks*
+ ;; Checking constraints
+ #:ensure-pathname
+ ;; merging with cwd
+ #:get-pathname-defaults #:call-with-current-directory #:with-current-directory
+ ;; Environment pathnames
+ #:inter-directory-separator #:split-native-pathnames-string
+ #:getenv-pathname #:getenv-pathnames
+ #:getenv-absolute-directory #:getenv-absolute-directories
+ #:lisp-implementation-directory #:lisp-implementation-pathname-p
+ ;; Translate a pathname
+ #:relativize-directory-component #:relativize-pathname-directory
+ #:directory-separator-for-host #:directorize-pathname-host-device
+ #:translate-pathname*
+ #:*output-translation-function*))
+(in-package :asdf/pathname)
+;;; User-visible parameters
+(defvar *resolve-symlinks* t
+ "Determine whether or not ASDF resolves symlinks when defining systems.
+Defaults to T.")
+;;; Normalizing pathnames across implementations
+(defun* normalize-pathname-directory-component (directory)
+ "Given a pathname directory component, return an equivalent form that is a list"
+ #+gcl2.6 (setf directory (substitute :back :parent directory))
+ (cond
+ #-(or cmu sbcl scl) ;; these implementations already normalize directory components.
+ ((stringp directory) `(:absolute ,directory))
+ #+gcl2.6
+ ((and (consp directory) (eq :root (first directory)))
+ `(:absolute ,@(rest directory)))
+ ((or (null directory)
+ (and (consp directory) (member (first directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
+ directory)
+ #+gcl2.6
+ ((consp directory)
+ `(:relative , at directory))
+ (t
+ (error (compatfmt "~@<Unrecognized pathname directory component ~S~@:>") directory))))
+(defun* denormalize-pathname-directory-component (directory-component)
+ #-gcl2.6 directory-component
+ #+gcl2.6
+ (let ((d (substitute-if :parent (lambda (x) (member x '(:up :back)))
+ directory-component)))
+ (cond
+ ((and (consp d) (eq :relative (first d))) (rest d))
+ ((and (consp d) (eq :absolute (first d))) `(:root ,@(rest d)))
+ (t d))))
+(defun* merge-pathname-directory-components (specified defaults)
+ ;; Helper for merge-pathnames* that handles directory components.
+ (let ((directory (normalize-pathname-directory-component specified)))
+ (ecase (first directory)
+ ((nil) defaults)
+ (:absolute specified)
+ (:relative
+ (let ((defdir (normalize-pathname-directory-component defaults))
+ (reldir (cdr directory)))
+ (cond
+ ((null defdir)
+ directory)
+ ((not (eq :back (first reldir)))
+ (append defdir reldir))
+ (t
+ (loop :with defabs = (first defdir)
+ :with defrev = (reverse (rest defdir))
+ :while (and (eq :back (car reldir))
+ (or (and (eq :absolute defabs) (null defrev))
+ (stringp (car defrev))))
+ :do (pop reldir) (pop defrev)
+ :finally (return (cons defabs (append (reverse defrev) reldir)))))))))))
+;; Giving :unspecific as :type argument to make-pathname is not portable.
+;; See CLHS make-pathname and
+;; This will be :unspecific if supported, or NIL if not.
+(defparameter *unspecific-pathname-type*
+ #+(or abcl allegro clozure cmu gcl genera lispworks mkcl sbcl scl xcl) :unspecific
+ #+(or clisp ecl #|These haven't been tested:|# cormanlisp mcl) nil)
+(defun* make-pathname* (&rest keys &key (directory nil #+gcl2.6 directoryp)
+ host (device () #+allegro devicep) name type version defaults
+ #+scl &allow-other-keys)
+ "Takes arguments like CL:MAKE-PATHNAME in the CLHS, and
+ tries hard to make a pathname that will actually behave as documented,
+ despite the peculiarities of each implementation"
+ (declare (ignorable host device directory name type version defaults))
+ (apply 'make-pathname
+ (append
+ #+allegro (when (and devicep (null device)) `(:device :unspecific))
+ #+gcl2.6
+ (when directoryp
+ `(:directory ,(denormalize-pathname-directory-component directory)))
+ keys)))
+(defun* make-pathname-component-logical (x)
+ "Make a pathname component suitable for use in a logical-pathname"
+ (typecase x
+ ((eql :unspecific) nil)
+ #+clisp (string (string-upcase x))
+ #+clisp (cons (mapcar 'make-pathname-component-logical x))
+ (t x)))
+(defun* make-pathname-logical (pathname host)
+ "Take a PATHNAME's directory, name, type and version components,
+and make a new pathname with corresponding components and specified logical HOST"
+ (make-pathname*
+ :host host
+ :directory (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-directory pathname))
+ :name (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-name pathname))
+ :type (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-type pathname))
+ :version (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-version pathname))))
-;;;; merging pathnames
(defun* merge-pathnames* (specified &optional (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
if the SPECIFIED pathname does not have an absolute directory,
@@ -1523,7 +1797,7 @@
(type (or (pathname-type specified) (pathname-type defaults)))
(version (or (pathname-version specified) (pathname-version defaults))))
(labels ((unspecific-handler (p)
- (if (logical-pathname-p p) #'make-pathname-component-logical #'identity)))
+ (if (typep p 'logical-pathname) #'make-pathname-component-logical #'identity)))
(multiple-value-bind (host device directory unspecific-handler)
(ecase (first directory)
@@ -1541,7 +1815,80 @@
:type (funcall unspecific-handler type)
:version (funcall unspecific-handler version))))))
-;;; Directories
+;;; Some pathname predicates
+(defun* pathname-equal (p1 p2)
+ (when (stringp p1) (setf p1 (pathname p1)))
+ (when (stringp p2) (setf p2 (pathname p2)))
+ (flet ((normalize-component (x)
+ (unless (member x '(nil :unspecific :newest (:relative)) :test 'equal)
+ x)))
+ (macrolet ((=? (&rest accessors)
+ (flet ((frob (x)
+ (reduce 'list (cons 'normalize-component accessors)
+ :initial-value x :from-end t)))
+ `(equal ,(frob 'p1) ,(frob 'p2)))))
+ (or (and (null p1) (null p2))
+ (and (pathnamep p1) (pathnamep p2)
+ (and (=? pathname-host)
+ (=? pathname-device)
+ (=? normalize-pathname-directory-component pathname-directory)
+ (=? pathname-name)
+ (=? pathname-type)
+ (=? pathname-version)))))))
+(defun* logical-pathname-p (x)
+ (typep x 'logical-pathname))
+(defun* physical-pathname-p (x)
+ (and (pathnamep x) (not (logical-pathname-p x))))
+(defun* absolute-pathname-p (pathspec)
+ "If PATHSPEC is a pathname or namestring object that parses as a pathname
+possessing an :ABSOLUTE directory component, return the (parsed) pathname.
+Otherwise return NIL"
+ (and pathspec
+ (typep pathspec '(or null pathname string))
+ (let ((pathname (pathname pathspec)))
+ (and (eq :absolute (car (normalize-pathname-directory-component
+ (pathname-directory pathname))))
+ pathname))))
+(defun* relative-pathname-p (pathspec)
+ "If PATHSPEC is a pathname or namestring object that parses as a pathname
+possessing a :RELATIVE or NIL directory component, return the (parsed) pathname.
+Otherwise return NIL"
+ (and pathspec
+ (typep pathspec '(or null pathname string))
+ (let* ((pathname (pathname pathspec))
+ (directory (normalize-pathname-directory-component
+ (pathname-directory pathname))))
+ (when (or (null directory) (eq :relative (car directory)))
+ pathname))))
+(defun* hidden-pathname-p (pathname)
+ "Return a boolean that is true if the pathname is hidden as per Unix style,
+i.e. its name starts with a dot."
+ (and pathname (equal (first-char (pathname-name pathname)) #\.)))
+(defun* file-pathname-p (pathname)
+ "Does PATHNAME represent a file, i.e. has a non-null NAME component?
+Accepts NIL, a string (converted through PARSE-NAMESTRING) or a PATHNAME.
+Note that this does _not_ check to see that PATHNAME points to an
+actually-existing file.
+Returns the (parsed) PATHNAME when true"
+ (when pathname
+ (let* ((pathname (pathname pathname))
+ (name (pathname-name pathname)))
+ (when (not (member name '(nil :unspecific "") :test 'equal))
+ pathname))))
+;;; Directory pathnames
(defun* pathname-directory-pathname (pathname)
"Returns a new pathname with same HOST, DEVICE, DIRECTORY as PATHNAME,
and NIL NAME, TYPE and VERSION components"
@@ -1575,30 +1922,15 @@
(check-one (pathname-type pathname))
-(defun* file-pathname-p (pathname)
- "Does PATHNAME represent a file, i.e. has a non-null NAME component?
-Accepts NIL, a string (converted through PARSE-NAMESTRING) or a PATHNAME.
-Note that this does _not_ check to see that PATHNAME points to an
-actually-existing file.
-Returns the (parsed) PATHNAME when true"
- (when pathname
- (let* ((pathname (pathname pathname))
- (name (pathname-name pathname)))
- (when (not (member name '(nil :unspecific "") :test 'equal))
- pathname))))
-(defun* ensure-directory-pathname (pathspec)
+(defun* ensure-directory-pathname (pathspec &optional (on-error 'error))
"Converts the non-wild pathname designator PATHSPEC to directory form."
((stringp pathspec)
(ensure-directory-pathname (pathname pathspec)))
((not (pathnamep pathspec))
- (error (compatfmt "~@<Invalid pathname designator ~S~@:>") pathspec))
+ (call-function on-error (compatfmt "~@<Invalid pathname designator ~S~@:>") pathspec))
((wild-pathname-p pathspec)
- (error (compatfmt "~@<Can't reliably convert wild pathname ~3i~_~S~@:>") pathspec))
+ (call-function on-error (compatfmt "~@<Can't reliably convert wild pathname ~3i~_~S~@:>") pathspec))
((directory-pathname-p pathspec)
@@ -1609,28 +1941,10 @@
:name nil :type nil :version nil :defaults pathspec))))
-;;; Wildcard pathnames
-(defparameter *wild* (or #+cormanlisp "*" :wild))
-(defparameter *wild-directory-component* (or #+gcl2.6 "*" :wild))
-(defparameter *wild-inferiors-component* (or #+gcl2.6 "**" :wild-inferiors))
-(defparameter *wild-file*
- (make-pathname :directory nil :name *wild* :type *wild*
- :version (or #-(or allegro abcl xcl) *wild*)))
-(defparameter *wild-directory*
- (make-pathname* :directory `(:relative ,*wild-directory-component*)
- :name nil :type nil :version nil))
-(defparameter *wild-inferiors*
- (make-pathname* :directory `(:relative ,*wild-inferiors-component*)
- :name nil :type nil :version nil))
-(defparameter *wild-path*
- (merge-pathnames* *wild-file* *wild-inferiors*))
-(defun* wilden (path)
- (merge-pathnames* *wild-path* path))
-;;; Probing the filesystem
+;;; defaults
(defun* nil-pathname (&optional (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+ "A pathname that is as neutral as possible for use as defaults
+ when merging, making or parsing pathnames"
;; says a NIL host can mean a default host;
;; see also "valid physical pathname host" in the CLHS glossary, that suggests
;; strings and lists of strings or :unspecific
@@ -1640,142 +1954,10 @@
;; the default shouldn't matter, but we really want something physical
:defaults defaults))
-(defmacro with-pathname-defaults ((&optional defaults) &body body)
- `(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* ,(or defaults '(nil-pathname)))) , at body))
-(defun* truename* (p)
- ;; avoids both logical-pathname merging and physical resolution issues
- (and p (ignore-errors (with-pathname-defaults () (truename p)))))
-(defun* probe-file* (p &key truename)
- "when given a pathname P (designated by a string as per PARSE-NAMESTRING),
-probes the filesystem for a file or directory with given pathname.
-If it exists, return its truename is ENSURE-PATHNAME is true,
-or the original (parsed) pathname if it is false (the default)."
- (with-pathname-defaults () ;; avoids logical-pathname issues on some implementations
- (etypecase p
- (null nil)
- (string (probe-file* (parse-namestring p) :truename truename))
- (pathname (unless (wild-pathname-p p)
- (let ((foundtrue
- #.(or #+(or allegro clozure cmu cormanlisp ecl lispworks mkcl sbcl scl)
- '(probe-file p)
- #+clisp (if-let (it (find-symbol* '#:probe-pathname :ext nil))
- `(ignore-errors (,it p)))
- #+gcl2.6
- '(or (probe-file p)
- (and (directory-pathname-p p)
- (ignore-errors
- (ensure-directory-pathname
- (truename* (subpathname
- (ensure-directory-pathname p) "."))))))
- '(truename* p))))
- (cond
- (truename foundtrue)
- (foundtrue p)
- (t nil))))))))
-(defun* safe-file-write-date (pathname)
- ;; If FILE-WRITE-DATE returns NIL, it's possible that
- ;; the user or some other agent has deleted an input file.
- ;; Also, generated files will not exist at the time planning is done
- ;; and calls compute-action-stamp which calls safe-file-write-date.
- ;; So it is very possible that we can't get a valid file-write-date,
- ;; and we can survive and we will continue the planning
- ;; as if the file were very old.
- ;; (or should we treat the case in a different, special way?)
- (and (probe-file* pathname) (ignore-errors (file-write-date pathname))))
-(defun* directory* (pathname-spec &rest keys &key &allow-other-keys)
- (apply 'directory pathname-spec
- (append keys '#.(or #+allegro '(:directories-are-files nil :follow-symbolic-links nil)
- #+clozure '(:follow-links nil)
- #+clisp '(:circle t :if-does-not-exist :ignore)
- #+(or cmu scl) '(:follow-links nil :truenamep nil)
- #+sbcl (when (find-symbol* :resolve-symlinks '#:sb-impl nil)
- '(:resolve-symlinks nil))))))
-(defun* filter-logical-directory-results (directory entries merger)
- (if (logical-pathname-p directory)
- ;; Try hard to not resolve logical-pathname into physical pathnames;
- ;; otherwise logical-pathname users/lovers will be disappointed.
- ;; If directory* could use some implementation-dependent magic,
- ;; we will have logical pathnames already; otherwise,
- ;; we only keep pathnames for which specifying the name and
- ;; translating the LPN commute.
- (loop :for f :in entries
- :for p = (or (and (logical-pathname-p f) f)
- (let* ((u (ignore-errors (funcall merger f))))
- ;; The first u avoids a cumbersome (truename u) error.
- ;; At this point f should already be a truename,
- ;; but isn't quite in CLISP, for it doesn't have :version :newest
- (and u (equal (truename* u) (truename* f)) u)))
- :when p :collect p)
- entries))
-(defun* directory-files (directory &optional (pattern *wild-file*))
- (let ((dir (pathname directory)))
- (when (logical-pathname-p dir)
- ;; Because of the filtering we do below,
- ;; logical pathnames have restrictions on wild patterns.
- ;; Not that the results are very portable when you use these patterns on physical pathnames.
- (when (wild-pathname-p dir)
- (error "Invalid wild pattern in logical directory ~S" directory))
- (unless (member (pathname-directory pattern) '(() (:relative)) :test 'equal)
- (error "Invalid file pattern ~S for logical directory ~S" pattern directory))
- (setf pattern (make-pathname-logical pattern (pathname-host dir))))
- (let ((entries (ignore-errors (directory* (merge-pathnames* pattern dir)))))
- (filter-logical-directory-results
- directory entries
- #'(lambda (f)
- (make-pathname :defaults dir
- :name (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-name f))
- :type (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-type f))
- :version (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-version f))))))))
-(defun* subdirectories (directory)
- (let* ((directory (ensure-directory-pathname directory))
- #-(or abcl cormanlisp genera xcl)
- (wild (merge-pathnames*
- #-(or abcl allegro cmu lispworks sbcl scl xcl)
- *wild-directory*
- #+(or abcl allegro cmu lispworks sbcl scl xcl) "*.*"
- directory))
- (dirs
- #-(or abcl cormanlisp genera xcl)
- (ignore-errors
- (directory* wild . #.(or #+clozure '(:directories t :files nil)
- #+mcl '(:directories t))))
- #+(or abcl xcl) (system:list-directory directory)
- #+cormanlisp (cl::directory-subdirs directory)
- #+genera (fs:directory-list directory))
- #+(or abcl allegro cmu genera lispworks sbcl scl xcl)
- (dirs (loop :for x :in dirs
- :for d = #+(or abcl xcl) (extensions:probe-directory x)
- #+allegro (excl:probe-directory x)
- #+(or cmu sbcl scl) (directory-pathname-p x)
- #+genera (getf (cdr x) :directory)
- #+lispworks (lw:file-directory-p x)
- :when d :collect #+(or abcl allegro xcl) d
- #+genera (ensure-directory-pathname (first x))
- #+(or cmu lispworks sbcl scl) x)))
- (filter-logical-directory-results
- directory dirs
- (let ((prefix (or (normalize-pathname-directory-component (pathname-directory directory))
- '(:absolute)))) ; because allegro returns NIL for #p"FOO:"
- #'(lambda (d)
- (let ((dir (normalize-pathname-directory-component (pathname-directory d))))
- (and (consp dir) (consp (cdr dir))
- (make-pathname
- :defaults directory :name nil :type nil :version nil
- :directory (append prefix (make-pathname-component-logical (last dir)))))))))))
+(defvar *nil-pathname* (nil-pathname (translate-logical-pathname (user-homedir-pathname))))
-(defun* collect-sub*directories (directory collectp recursep collector)
- (when (funcall collectp directory)
- (funcall collector directory))
- (dolist (subdir (subdirectories directory))
- (when (funcall recursep subdir)
- (collect-sub*directories subdir collectp recursep collector))))
+(defmacro with-pathname-defaults ((&optional defaults) &body body)
+ `(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* ,(or defaults '*nil-pathname*))) , at body))
;;; Parsing filenames and lists thereof
@@ -1873,7 +2055,7 @@
which must be one of :BACK or :UP and defaults to :BACK.
HOST, DEVICE and VERSION components are taken from DEFAULTS,
-which itself defaults to (ROOT-PATHNAME), also used if DEFAULTS in NIL.
+which itself defaults to *NIL-PATHNAME*, also used if DEFAULTS in NIL.
No host or device can be specified in the string itself,
which makes it unsuitable for absolute pathnames outside Unix.
@@ -1910,7 +2092,7 @@
:directory (unless file-only (cons relative path))
:name name :type type
- :defaults (or defaults (nil-pathname)))
+ :defaults (or defaults *nil-pathname*))
(remove-plist-keys '(:type :dot-dot :defaults) keys))))))
(defun* unix-namestring (pathname)
@@ -1955,6 +2137,36 @@
(or (null type) (err))))))))))
+(defun* native-namestring (x)
+ "From a non-wildcard CL pathname, a return namestring suitable for passing to the operating system"
+ (when x
+ (let ((p (pathname x)))
+ #+clozure (with-pathname-defaults () (ccl:native-translated-namestring p)) ; see ccl bug 978
+ #+(or cmu scl) (ext:unix-namestring p nil)
+ #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring p)
+ #-(or clozure cmu sbcl scl)
+ (if (os-unix-p) (unix-namestring p)
+ (namestring p)))))
+(defun* parse-native-namestring (string &rest constraints &key ensure-directory &allow-other-keys)
+ "From a native namestring suitable for use by the operating system, return
+a CL pathname satisfying all the specified constraints as per ENSURE-PATHNAME"
+ (check-type string (or string null))
+ (let* ((pathname
+ (when string
+ (with-pathname-defaults ()
+ #+clozure (ccl:native-to-pathname string)
+ #+sbcl (sb-ext:parse-native-namestring string)
+ #-(or clozure sbcl)
+ (if (os-unix-p)
+ (parse-unix-namestring string :ensure-directory ensure-directory)
+ (parse-namestring string)))))
+ (pathname
+ (if ensure-directory
+ (and pathname (ensure-directory-pathname pathname))
+ pathname)))
+ (apply 'ensure-pathname pathname constraints)))
(defun* subpathname (pathname subpath &key type)
"This function takes a PATHNAME and a SUBPATH and a TYPE.
If SUBPATH is already a PATHNAME object (not namestring),
@@ -1971,322 +2183,263 @@
(and pathname
(subpathname (ensure-directory-pathname pathname) subpath :type type)))
-;;; Pathname host and its root
-(defun* pathname-root (pathname)
- (make-pathname* :directory '(:absolute)
- :name nil :type nil :version nil
- :defaults pathname ;; host device, and on scl, *some*
- ;; scheme-specific parts: port username password, not others:
- . #.(or #+scl '(:parameters nil :query nil :fragment nil))))
-(defun* pathname-host-pathname (pathname)
- (make-pathname* :directory nil
- :name nil :type nil :version nil :device nil
- :defaults pathname ;; host device, and on scl, *some*
- ;; scheme-specific parts: port username password, not others:
- . #.(or #+scl '(:parameters nil :query nil :fragment nil))))
-(defun* directory-separator-for-host (&optional (pathname *default-pathname-defaults*))
- (let ((foo (make-pathname* :directory '(:absolute "FOO") :defaults pathname)))
- (last-char (namestring foo))))
-(defun* directorize-pathname-host-device (pathname)
- (let* ((root (pathname-root pathname))
- (wild-root (wilden root))
- (absolute-pathname (merge-pathnames* pathname root))
- (separator (directory-separator-for-host root))
- (root-namestring (namestring root))
- (root-string
- (substitute-if #\/
- #'(lambda (x) (or (eql x #\:)
- (eql x separator)))
- root-namestring)))
- (multiple-value-bind (relative path filename)
- (split-unix-namestring-directory-components root-string :ensure-directory t)
- (declare (ignore relative filename))
- (let ((new-base
- (make-pathname* :defaults root :directory `(:absolute , at path))))
- (translate-pathname absolute-pathname wild-root (wilden new-base))))))
-(defun* directorize-pathname-host-device (pathname)
- (let ((scheme (ext:pathname-scheme pathname))
- (host (pathname-host pathname))
- (port (ext:pathname-port pathname))
- (directory (pathname-directory pathname)))
- (flet ((specificp (x) (and x (not (eq x :unspecific)))))
- (if (or (specificp port)
- (and (specificp host) (plusp (length host)))
- (specificp scheme))
- (let ((prefix ""))
- (when (specificp port)
- (setf prefix (format nil ":~D" port)))
- (when (and (specificp host) (plusp (length host)))
- (setf prefix (strcat host prefix)))
- (setf prefix (strcat ":" prefix))
- (when (specificp scheme)
- (setf prefix (strcat scheme prefix)))
- (assert (and directory (eq (first directory) :absolute)))
- (make-pathname* :directory `(:absolute ,prefix ,@(rest directory))
- :defaults pathname)))
- pathname)))
-(defun* subpathp (maybe-subpath base-pathname)
- (and (pathnamep maybe-subpath) (pathnamep base-pathname)
- (absolute-pathname-p maybe-subpath) (absolute-pathname-p base-pathname)
- (directory-pathname-p base-pathname) (not (wild-pathname-p base-pathname))
- (pathname-equal (pathname-root maybe-subpath) (pathname-root base-pathname))
- (with-pathname-defaults ()
- (let ((enough (enough-namestring maybe-subpath base-pathname)))
- (and (relative-pathname-p enough) (pathname enough))))))
-;;; Resolving symlinks somewhat
-(defun* truenamize (pathname &optional (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
- "Resolve as much of a pathname as possible"
- (block nil
- (when (typep pathname '(or null logical-pathname)) (return pathname))
- (let ((p (merge-pathnames* pathname defaults)))
- (when (logical-pathname-p p) (return p))
- (let ((found (probe-file* p :truename t)))
- (when found (return found)))
- (unless (absolute-pathname-p p)
- (let ((true-defaults (truename* defaults)))
- (when true-defaults
- (setf p (merge-pathnames pathname true-defaults)))))
- (unless (absolute-pathname-p p) (return p))
- (let ((sofar (probe-file* (pathname-root p) :truename t)))
- (unless sofar (return p))
- (flet ((solution (directories)
- (merge-pathnames*
- (make-pathname* :host nil :device nil
- :directory `(:relative , at directories)
- :name (pathname-name p)
- :type (pathname-type p)
- :version (pathname-version p))
- sofar)))
- (loop :with directory = (normalize-pathname-directory-component
- (pathname-directory p))
- :for dir :in (cdr directory)
- :for rest :on (cdr directory)
- :for more = (probe-file*
- (merge-pathnames*
- (make-pathname* :directory `(:relative ,dir))
- sofar) :truename t) :do
- (if more
- (setf sofar more)
- (return (solution rest)))
- :finally
- (return (solution nil))))))))
-(defun* resolve-symlinks (path)
- #-allegro (truenamize path)
- #+allegro
- (if (physical-pathname-p path)
- (or (ignore-errors (excl:pathname-resolve-symbolic-links path)) path)
- path))
-(defun* resolve-symlinks* (path)
- (if *resolve-symlinks*
- (and path (resolve-symlinks path))
- path))
-;;; absolute vs relative
-(defun* ensure-pathname-absolute (path &optional defaults (on-error 'error))
- (cond
- ((absolute-pathname-p path))
- ((stringp path) (ensure-pathname-absolute (pathname path) defaults))
- ((not (pathnamep path)) (call-function on-error "not a valid pathname designator ~S" path))
- ((absolute-pathname-p defaults)
- (or (absolute-pathname-p (merge-pathnames* path defaults))
- (call-function on-error "Failed to merge ~S with ~S into an absolute pathname"
- path defaults)))
- (t (call-function on-error
- "Cannot ensure ~S is evaluated as an absolute pathname with defaults ~S"
- path defaults))))
-(defun relativize-directory-component (directory-component)
- (let ((directory (normalize-pathname-directory-component directory-component)))
- (cond
- ((stringp directory)
- (list :relative directory))
- ((eq (car directory) :absolute)
- (cons :relative (cdr directory)))
- (t
- directory))))
+;;; Wildcard pathnames
+(defparameter *wild* (or #+cormanlisp "*" :wild))
+(defparameter *wild-directory-component* (or #+gcl2.6 "*" :wild))
+(defparameter *wild-inferiors-component* (or #+gcl2.6 "**" :wild-inferiors))
+(defparameter *wild-file*
+ (make-pathname :directory nil :name *wild* :type *wild*
+ :version (or #-(or allegro abcl xcl) *wild*)))
+(defparameter *wild-directory*
+ (make-pathname* :directory `(:relative ,*wild-directory-component*)
+ :name nil :type nil :version nil))
+(defparameter *wild-inferiors*
+ (make-pathname* :directory `(:relative ,*wild-inferiors-component*)
+ :name nil :type nil :version nil))
+(defparameter *wild-path*
+ (merge-pathnames* *wild-file* *wild-inferiors*))
-(defun* relativize-pathname-directory (pathspec)
- (let ((p (pathname pathspec)))
- (make-pathname*
- :directory (relativize-directory-component (pathname-directory p))
- :defaults p)))
+(defun* wilden (path)
+ (merge-pathnames* *wild-path* path))
-;;; Simple filesystem operations
-(defun* ensure-all-directories-exist (pathnames)
- (dolist (pathname pathnames)
- (ensure-directories-exist (translate-logical-pathname pathname))))
+;;; Probing the filesystem
+(defun* truename* (p)
+ ;; avoids both logical-pathname merging and physical resolution issues
+ (and p (handler-case (with-pathname-defaults () (truename p)) (file-error () nil))))
-(defun* rename-file-overwriting-target (source target)
- #+clisp ;; But for a bug in CLISP 2.48, we should use :if-exists :overwrite and be atomic
- (posix:copy-file source target :method :rename)
- #-clisp
- (rename-file source target
- #+clozure :if-exists #+clozure :rename-and-delete))
+(defun* safe-file-write-date (pathname)
+ ;; If FILE-WRITE-DATE returns NIL, it's possible that
+ ;; the user or some other agent has deleted an input file.
+ ;; Also, generated files will not exist at the time planning is done
+ ;; and calls compute-action-stamp which calls safe-file-write-date.
+ ;; So it is very possible that we can't get a valid file-write-date,
+ ;; and we can survive and we will continue the planning
+ ;; as if the file were very old.
+ ;; (or should we treat the case in a different, special way?)
+ (handler-case (file-write-date pathname) (file-error () nil)))
-(defun* delete-file-if-exists (x)
- (when (probe-file* x)
- (delete-file x)))
+(defun* probe-file* (p &key truename)
+ "when given a pathname P (designated by a string as per PARSE-NAMESTRING),
+probes the filesystem for a file or directory with given pathname.
+If it exists, return its truename is ENSURE-PATHNAME is true,
+or the original (parsed) pathname if it is false (the default)."
+ (with-pathname-defaults () ;; avoids logical-pathname issues on some implementations
+ (etypecase p
+ (null nil)
+ (string (probe-file* (parse-namestring p) :truename truename))
+ (pathname
+ (handler-case
+ (or
+ #+allegro
+ (probe-file p :follow-symlinks truename)
+ #-(or allegro clisp gcl2.6)
+ (if truename
+ (probe-file p)
+ (and (ignore-errors
+ #+(or cmu scl) (unix:unix-stat (ext:unix-namestring (translate-logical-pathname p)))
+ #+(and lispworks unix) (system:get-file-stat p)
+ #+sbcl (sb-unix:unix-stat (sb-ext:native-namestring (translate-logical-pathname p)))
+ #-(or cmu (and lispworks unix) sbcl scl)
+ (file-write-date p))
+ p))
+ #+(or clisp gcl2.6)
+ #.(flet ((probe (probe)
+ `(let ((foundtrue ,probe))
+ (cond
+ (truename foundtrue)
+ (foundtrue p)))))
+ #+gcl2.6
+ (probe '(or (probe-file p)
+ (and (directory-pathname-p p)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (ensure-directory-pathname
+ (truename* (subpathname
+ (ensure-directory-pathname p) ".")))))))
+ #+clisp
+ (let ((fs (find-symbol* '#:file-stat :posix nil))
+ (pp (find-symbol* '#:probe-pathname :ext nil))
+ (resolve (if pp
+ `(ignore-errors (,pp p))
+ '(or (truename* p)
+ (truename* (ensure-directory-pathname p))))))
+ (if fs
+ `(if truename
+ ,resolve
+ (and (,fs p) p))
+ (probe resolve)))))
+ (file-error () nil))))))
-;;; Translate a pathname
-(defun* (translate-pathname*) (path absolute-source destination &optional root source)
- (declare (ignore source))
- (cond
- ((functionp destination)
- (funcall destination path absolute-source))
- ((eq destination t)
- path)
- ((not (pathnamep destination))
- (error "Invalid destination"))
- ((not (absolute-pathname-p destination))
- (translate-pathname path absolute-source (merge-pathnames* destination root)))
- (root
- (translate-pathname (directorize-pathname-host-device path) absolute-source destination))
- (t
- (translate-pathname path absolute-source destination))))
+(defun* directory* (pathname-spec &rest keys &key &allow-other-keys)
+ (apply 'directory pathname-spec
+ (append keys '#.(or #+allegro '(:directories-are-files nil :follow-symbolic-links nil)
+ #+clozure '(:follow-links nil)
+ #+clisp '(:circle t :if-does-not-exist :ignore)
+ #+(or cmu scl) '(:follow-links nil :truenamep nil)
+ #+sbcl (when (find-symbol* :resolve-symlinks '#:sb-impl nil)
+ '(:resolve-symlinks nil))))))
+(defun* filter-logical-directory-results (directory entries merger)
+ (if (logical-pathname-p directory)
+ ;; Try hard to not resolve logical-pathname into physical pathnames;
+ ;; otherwise logical-pathname users/lovers will be disappointed.
+ ;; If directory* could use some implementation-dependent magic,
+ ;; we will have logical pathnames already; otherwise,
+ ;; we only keep pathnames for which specifying the name and
+ ;; translating the LPN commute.
+ (loop :for f :in entries
+ :for p = (or (and (logical-pathname-p f) f)
+ (let* ((u (ignore-errors (funcall merger f))))
+ ;; The first u avoids a cumbersome (truename u) error.
+ ;; At this point f should already be a truename,
+ ;; but isn't quite in CLISP, for it doesn't have :version :newest
+ (and u (equal (truename* u) (truename* f)) u)))
+ :when p :collect p)
+ entries))
-;;; Temporary pathnames
-(defun* add-pathname-suffix (pathname suffix)
- (make-pathname :name (strcat (pathname-name pathname) suffix)
- :defaults pathname))
+(defun* directory-files (directory &optional (pattern *wild-file*))
+ (let ((dir (pathname directory)))
+ (when (logical-pathname-p dir)
+ ;; Because of the filtering we do below,
+ ;; logical pathnames have restrictions on wild patterns.
+ ;; Not that the results are very portable when you use these patterns on physical pathnames.
+ (when (wild-pathname-p dir)
+ (error "Invalid wild pattern in logical directory ~S" directory))
+ (unless (member (pathname-directory pattern) '(() (:relative)) :test 'equal)
+ (error "Invalid file pattern ~S for logical directory ~S" pattern directory))
+ (setf pattern (make-pathname-logical pattern (pathname-host dir))))
+ (let ((entries (ignore-errors (directory* (merge-pathnames* pattern dir)))))
+ (filter-logical-directory-results
+ directory entries
+ #'(lambda (f)
+ (make-pathname :defaults dir
+ :name (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-name f))
+ :type (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-type f))
+ :version (make-pathname-component-logical (pathname-version f))))))))
-(defun* tmpize-pathname (x)
- (add-pathname-suffix x "-ASDF-TMP"))
+(defun* subdirectories (directory)
+ (let* ((directory (ensure-directory-pathname directory))
+ #-(or abcl cormanlisp genera xcl)
+ (wild (merge-pathnames*
+ #-(or abcl allegro cmu lispworks sbcl scl xcl)
+ *wild-directory*
+ #+(or abcl allegro cmu lispworks sbcl scl xcl) "*.*"
+ directory))
+ (dirs
+ #-(or abcl cormanlisp genera xcl)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (directory* wild . #.(or #+clozure '(:directories t :files nil)
+ #+mcl '(:directories t))))
+ #+(or abcl xcl) (system:list-directory directory)
+ #+cormanlisp (cl::directory-subdirs directory)
+ #+genera (fs:directory-list directory))
+ #+(or abcl allegro cmu genera lispworks sbcl scl xcl)
+ (dirs (loop :for x :in dirs
+ :for d = #+(or abcl xcl) (extensions:probe-directory x)
+ #+allegro (excl:probe-directory x)
+ #+(or cmu sbcl scl) (directory-pathname-p x)
+ #+genera (getf (cdr x) :directory)
+ #+lispworks (lw:file-directory-p x)
+ :when d :collect #+(or abcl allegro xcl) d
+ #+genera (ensure-directory-pathname (first x))
+ #+(or cmu lispworks sbcl scl) x)))
+ (filter-logical-directory-results
+ directory dirs
+ (let ((prefix (or (normalize-pathname-directory-component (pathname-directory directory))
+ '(:absolute)))) ; because allegro returns NIL for #p"FOO:"
+ #'(lambda (d)
+ (let ((dir (normalize-pathname-directory-component (pathname-directory d))))
+ (and (consp dir) (consp (cdr dir))
+ (make-pathname
+ :defaults directory :name nil :type nil :version nil
+ :directory (append prefix (make-pathname-component-logical (last dir)))))))))))
-(defun* call-with-staging-pathname (pathname fun)
- "Calls fun with a staging pathname, and atomically
-renames the staging pathname to the pathname in the end.
-Note: this protects only against failure of the program,
-not against concurrent attempts.
-For the latter case, we ought pick random suffix and atomically open it."
- (let* ((pathname (pathname pathname))
- (staging (tmpize-pathname pathname)))
- (unwind-protect
- (multiple-value-prog1
- (funcall fun staging)
- (rename-file-overwriting-target staging pathname))
- (delete-file-if-exists staging))))
+(defun* collect-sub*directories (directory collectp recursep collector)
+ (when (funcall collectp directory)
+ (funcall collector directory))
+ (dolist (subdir (subdirectories directory))
+ (when (funcall recursep subdir)
+ (collect-sub*directories subdir collectp recursep collector))))
-(defmacro with-staging-pathname ((pathname-var &optional (pathname-value pathname-var)) &body body)
- `(call-with-staging-pathname ,pathname-value #'(lambda (,pathname-var) , at body)))
-;;; Basic pathnames
-(defun* sane-physical-pathname (&key defaults (keep t) fallback want-existing)
- (flet ((sanitize (x)
- (setf x (and x (ignore-errors (translate-logical-pathname x))))
- (when (pathnamep x)
- (setf x
- (ecase keep
- ((t) x)
- ((:directory) (pathname-directory-pathname x))
- ((:root) (pathname-root x))
- ((:host) (pathname-host-pathname x))
- ((nil) (nil-pathname x))))
- (when want-existing ;; CCL's probe-file will choke if d-p-d is logical
- (setf x (probe-file* x)))
- (and (physical-pathname-p x) x))))
- (or (sanitize defaults)
- (when fallback
- (or (sanitize (nil-pathname))
- (sanitize (ignore-errors (user-homedir-pathname)))))
- (error "Could not find a sane a physical pathname~
- ~@[ from ~S~]~@[~:*~@[ or~*~] fallbacks~]"
- defaults fallback))))
-(defun* root-pathname ()
- "On a Unix system, this will presumably be the root pathname /.
-Otherwise, this will be the root of some implementation-dependent filesystem host."
- (sane-physical-pathname :keep :root :fallback t))
+;;; Pathname host and its root
+(defun* pathname-root (pathname)
+ (make-pathname* :directory '(:absolute)
+ :name nil :type nil :version nil
+ :defaults pathname ;; host device, and on scl, *some*
+ ;; scheme-specific parts: port username password, not others:
+ . #.(or #+scl '(:parameters nil :query nil :fragment nil))))
+(defun* pathname-host-pathname (pathname)
+ (make-pathname* :directory nil
+ :name nil :type nil :version nil :device nil
+ :defaults pathname ;; host device, and on scl, *some*
+ ;; scheme-specific parts: port username password, not others:
+ . #.(or #+scl '(:parameters nil :query nil :fragment nil))))
-;;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------
-;;;; Windows shortcut support. Based on:
-;;;; Jesse Hager: The Windows Shortcut File Format.
-;;;; http://www.wotsit.org/list.asp?fc=13
+(defun* subpathp (maybe-subpath base-pathname)
+ (and (pathnamep maybe-subpath) (pathnamep base-pathname)
+ (absolute-pathname-p maybe-subpath) (absolute-pathname-p base-pathname)
+ (directory-pathname-p base-pathname) (not (wild-pathname-p base-pathname))
+ (pathname-equal (pathname-root maybe-subpath) (pathname-root base-pathname))
+ (with-pathname-defaults ()
+ (let ((enough (enough-namestring maybe-subpath base-pathname)))
+ (and (relative-pathname-p enough) (pathname enough))))))
-#-(or clisp genera) ; CLISP doesn't need it, and READ-SEQUENCE annoys old Genera.
-(defparameter *link-initial-dword* 76)
-(defparameter *link-guid* #(1 20 2 0 0 0 0 0 192 0 0 0 0 0 0 70))
+(defun* ensure-pathname-absolute (path &optional defaults (on-error 'error))
+ (cond
+ ((absolute-pathname-p path))
+ ((stringp path) (ensure-pathname-absolute (pathname path) defaults))
+ ((not (pathnamep path)) (call-function on-error "not a valid pathname designator ~S" path))
+ ((let ((default-pathname (if (pathnamep defaults) defaults (call-function defaults))))
+ (or (if (absolute-pathname-p default-pathname)
+ (absolute-pathname-p (merge-pathnames* path default-pathname))
+ (call-function on-error "Default pathname ~S is not an absolute pathname"
+ default-pathname))
+ (call-function on-error "Failed to merge ~S with ~S into an absolute pathname"
+ path default-pathname))))
+ (t (call-function on-error
+ "Cannot ensure ~S is evaluated as an absolute pathname with defaults ~S"
+ path defaults))))
-(defun* read-null-terminated-string (s)
- (with-output-to-string (out)
- (loop :for code = (read-byte s)
- :until (zerop code)
- :do (write-char (code-char code) out))))
-(defun* read-little-endian (s &optional (bytes 4))
- (loop :for i :from 0 :below bytes
- :sum (ash (read-byte s) (* 8 i))))
+;;; Resolving symlinks somewhat
+(defun* truenamize (pathname)
+ "Resolve as much of a pathname as possible"
+ (block nil
+ (when (typep pathname '(or null logical-pathname)) (return pathname))
+ (let ((p pathname))
+ (unless (absolute-pathname-p p)
+ (setf p (or (absolute-pathname-p (ensure-pathname-absolute p 'get-pathname-defaults nil))
+ (return p))))
+ (when (logical-pathname-p p) (return p))
+ (let ((found (probe-file* p :truename t)))
+ (when found (return found)))
+ (let* ((directory (normalize-pathname-directory-component (pathname-directory p)))
+ (up-components (reverse (rest directory)))
+ (down-components ()))
+ (assert (eq :absolute (first directory)))
+ (loop :while up-components :do
+ (if-let (parent (probe-file* (make-pathname* :directory `(:absolute ,@(reverse up-components))
+ :name nil :type nil :version nil :defaults p)))
+ (return (merge-pathnames* (make-pathname* :directory `(:relative , at down-components)
+ :defaults p)
+ (ensure-directory-pathname parent)))
+ (push (pop up-components) down-components))
+ :finally (return p))))))
-(defun* parse-file-location-info (s)
- (let ((start (file-position s))
- (total-length (read-little-endian s))
- (end-of-header (read-little-endian s))
- (fli-flags (read-little-endian s))
- (local-volume-offset (read-little-endian s))
- (local-offset (read-little-endian s))
- (network-volume-offset (read-little-endian s))
- (remaining-offset (read-little-endian s)))
- (declare (ignore total-length end-of-header local-volume-offset))
- (unless (zerop fli-flags)
- (cond
- ((logbitp 0 fli-flags)
- (file-position s (+ start local-offset)))
- ((logbitp 1 fli-flags)
- (file-position s (+ start
- network-volume-offset
- #x14))))
- (strcat (read-null-terminated-string s)
- (progn
- (file-position s (+ start remaining-offset))
- (read-null-terminated-string s))))))
+(defun* resolve-symlinks (path)
+ #-allegro (truenamize path)
+ #+allegro
+ (if (physical-pathname-p path)
+ (or (ignore-errors (excl:pathname-resolve-symbolic-links path)) path)
+ path))
-(defun* parse-windows-shortcut (pathname)
- (with-open-file (s pathname :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
- (handler-case
- (when (and (= (read-little-endian s) *link-initial-dword*)
- (let ((header (make-array (length *link-guid*))))
- (read-sequence header s)
- (equalp header *link-guid*)))
- (let ((flags (read-little-endian s)))
- (file-position s 76) ;skip rest of header
- (when (logbitp 0 flags)
- ;; skip shell item id list
- (let ((length (read-little-endian s 2)))
- (file-position s (+ length (file-position s)))))
- (cond
- ((logbitp 1 flags)
- (parse-file-location-info s))
- (t
- (when (logbitp 2 flags)
- ;; skip description string
- (let ((length (read-little-endian s 2)))
- (file-position s (+ length (file-position s)))))
- (when (logbitp 3 flags)
- ;; finally, our pathname
- (let* ((length (read-little-endian s 2))
- (buffer (make-array length)))
- (read-sequence buffer s)
- (map 'string #'code-char buffer)))))))
- (end-of-file (c)
- (declare (ignore c))
- nil)))))
+(defun* resolve-symlinks* (path)
+ (if *resolve-symlinks*
+ (and path (resolve-symlinks path))
+ path))
;;; Check pathname constraints
@@ -2410,39 +2563,167 @@
-(defun absolutize-pathnames
- (pathnames &key type (resolve-symlinks *resolve-symlinks*) truename)
- "Given a list of PATHNAMES where each is in the context of the next ones,
-try to resolve these pathnames into an absolute pathname; first gently, then harder."
- (block nil
- (labels ((resolve (x)
- (or (when truename
- (absolute-pathname-p (truename* x)))
- (when resolve-symlinks
- (absolute-pathname-p (resolve-symlinks x)))
- (absolute-pathname-p x)
- (unless resolve-symlinks
- (absolute-pathname-p (resolve-symlinks x)))
- (unless truename
- (absolute-pathname-p (truename* x)))
- (return nil)))
- (tryone (x type rest)
- (resolve (or (absolute-pathname-p x)
- (subpathname (recurse rest :directory) x :type type))))
- (recurse (pathnames type)
- (if (null pathnames) (return nil)
- (tryone (first pathnames) type (rest pathnames)))))
- (recurse pathnames type))))
+;;; Environment pathnames
+(defun* inter-directory-separator ()
+ (if (os-unix-p) #\: #\;))
+(defun* split-native-pathnames-string (string &rest constraints &key &allow-other-keys)
+ (loop :for namestring :in (split-string string :separator (string (inter-directory-separator)))
+ :collect (apply 'parse-native-namestring namestring constraints)))
+(defun* getenv-pathname (x &rest constraints &key on-error &allow-other-keys)
+ (apply 'parse-native-namestring (getenvp x)
+ :on-error (or on-error
+ `(error "In (~S ~S), invalid pathname ~*~S: ~*~?" getenv-pathname ,x))
+ constraints))
+(defun* getenv-pathnames (x &rest constraints &key on-error &allow-other-keys)
+ (apply 'split-native-pathnames-string (getenvp x)
+ :on-error (or on-error
+ `(error "In (~S ~S), invalid pathname ~*~S: ~*~?" getenv-pathnames ,x))
+ constraints))
+(defun* getenv-absolute-directory (x)
+ (getenv-pathname x :want-absolute t :ensure-directory t))
+(defun* getenv-absolute-directories (x)
+ (getenv-pathnames x :want-absolute t :ensure-directory t))
+(defun* lisp-implementation-directory (&key truename)
+ (let ((dir
+ (ignore-errors
+ #+clozure #p"ccl:"
+ #+(or ecl mkcl) #p"SYS:"
+ #+gcl system::*system-directory*
+ #+sbcl (if-let (it (find-symbol* :sbcl-homedir-pathname :sb-int nil))
+ (funcall it)
+ (getenv-pathname "SBCL_HOME" :ensure-directory t)))))
+ (if (and dir truename)
+ (truename* dir)
+ dir)))
+(defun* lisp-implementation-pathname-p (pathname)
+ ;; Other builtin systems are those under the implementation directory
+ (and (when pathname
+ (if-let (impdir (lisp-implementation-directory))
+ (or (subpathp pathname impdir)
+ (when *resolve-symlinks*
+ (if-let (truename (truename* pathname))
+ (if-let (trueimpdir (truename* impdir))
+ (subpathp truename trueimpdir)))))))
+ t))
+;;; Pathname defaults and current directory
+(defun* get-pathname-defaults (&optional (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+ (or (absolute-pathname-p defaults)
+ (merge-pathnames* defaults (getcwd))))
+(defun* call-with-current-directory (dir thunk)
+ (if dir
+ (let* ((dir (resolve-symlinks* (get-pathname-defaults (pathname-directory-pathname dir))))
+ (*default-pathname-defaults* dir)
+ (cwd (getcwd)))
+ (chdir dir)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (funcall thunk)
+ (chdir cwd)))
+ (funcall thunk)))
+(defmacro with-current-directory ((&optional dir) &body body)
+ "Call BODY while the POSIX current working directory is set to DIR"
+ `(call-with-current-directory ,dir #'(lambda () , at body)))
+;;; Translate a pathname
+(defun relativize-directory-component (directory-component)
+ (let ((directory (normalize-pathname-directory-component directory-component)))
+ (cond
+ ((stringp directory)
+ (list :relative directory))
+ ((eq (car directory) :absolute)
+ (cons :relative (cdr directory)))
+ (t
+ directory))))
+(defun* relativize-pathname-directory (pathspec)
+ (let ((p (pathname pathspec)))
+ (make-pathname*
+ :directory (relativize-directory-component (pathname-directory p))
+ :defaults p)))
+(defun* directory-separator-for-host (&optional (pathname *default-pathname-defaults*))
+ (let ((foo (make-pathname* :directory '(:absolute "FOO") :defaults pathname)))
+ (last-char (namestring foo))))
+(defun* directorize-pathname-host-device (pathname)
+ #+(or unix abcl)
+ (when (and #+abcl (os-unix-p) (physical-pathname-p pathname))
+ (return-from directorize-pathname-host-device pathname))
+ (let* ((root (pathname-root pathname))
+ (wild-root (wilden root))
+ (absolute-pathname (merge-pathnames* pathname root))
+ (separator (directory-separator-for-host root))
+ (root-namestring (namestring root))
+ (root-string
+ (substitute-if #\/
+ #'(lambda (x) (or (eql x #\:)
+ (eql x separator)))
+ root-namestring)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (relative path filename)
+ (split-unix-namestring-directory-components root-string :ensure-directory t)
+ (declare (ignore relative filename))
+ (let ((new-base
+ (make-pathname* :defaults root :directory `(:absolute , at path))))
+ (translate-pathname absolute-pathname wild-root (wilden new-base))))))
+(defun* directorize-pathname-host-device (pathname)
+ (let ((scheme (ext:pathname-scheme pathname))
+ (host (pathname-host pathname))
+ (port (ext:pathname-port pathname))
+ (directory (pathname-directory pathname)))
+ (flet ((specificp (x) (and x (not (eq x :unspecific)))))
+ (if (or (specificp port)
+ (and (specificp host) (plusp (length host)))
+ (specificp scheme))
+ (let ((prefix ""))
+ (when (specificp port)
+ (setf prefix (format nil ":~D" port)))
+ (when (and (specificp host) (plusp (length host)))
+ (setf prefix (strcat host prefix)))
+ (setf prefix (strcat ":" prefix))
+ (when (specificp scheme)
+ (setf prefix (strcat scheme prefix)))
+ (assert (and directory (eq (first directory) :absolute)))
+ (make-pathname* :directory `(:absolute ,prefix ,@(rest directory))
+ :defaults pathname)))
+ pathname)))
+(defun* (translate-pathname*) (path absolute-source destination &optional root source)
+ (declare (ignore source))
+ (cond
+ ((functionp destination)
+ (funcall destination path absolute-source))
+ ((eq destination t)
+ path)
+ ((not (pathnamep destination))
+ (error "Invalid destination"))
+ ((not (absolute-pathname-p destination))
+ (translate-pathname path absolute-source (merge-pathnames* destination root)))
+ (root
+ (translate-pathname (directorize-pathname-host-device path) absolute-source destination))
+ (t
+ (translate-pathname path absolute-source destination))))
;;; Hook for output translations
(defvar *output-translation-function* 'identity)
;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Utilities related to streams
(asdf/package:define-package :asdf/stream
(:recycle :asdf/stream)
- (:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/package :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname)
+ (:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/package :asdf/utility :asdf/os :asdf/pathname)
#:*default-stream-element-type* #:*stderr* #:setup-stderr
#:with-safe-io-syntax #:call-with-safe-io-syntax
@@ -2457,7 +2738,15 @@
#:eval-input #:eval-thunk #:standard-eval-thunk
#:detect-encoding #:*encoding-detection-hook* #:always-default-encoding
#:encoding-external-format #:*encoding-external-format-hook* #:default-encoding-external-format
- #:*default-encoding* #:*utf-8-external-format*))
+ #:*default-encoding* #:*utf-8-external-format*
+ #:ensure-all-directories-exist
+ #:rename-file-overwriting-target
+ #:delete-file-if-exists
+ #:*temporary-directory* #:temporary-directory #:default-temporary-directory
+ #:setup-temporary-directory
+ #:call-with-temporary-file #:with-temporary-file
+ #:add-pathname-suffix #:tmpize-pathname
+ #:call-with-staging-pathname #:with-staging-pathname))
(in-package :asdf/stream)
(defvar *default-stream-element-type* (or #+(or abcl cmu cormanlisp scl xcl) 'character :default)
@@ -2735,385 +3024,79 @@
(defun* standard-eval-thunk (thunk &key (package :cl))
"Like EVAL-THUNK, but in a more standardized evaluation context."
- ;; Note: it's "standard-" not "safe-", because evaluation is never safe.
- (when thunk
- (with-safe-io-syntax (:package package)
- (let ((*read-eval* t))
- (eval-thunk thunk)))))
-;;; Encodings
-(defvar *default-encoding* :default
- "Default encoding for source files.
-The default value :default preserves the legacy behavior.
-A future default might be :utf-8 or :autodetect
-reading emacs-style -*- coding: utf-8 -*- specifications,
-and falling back to utf-8 or latin1 if nothing is specified.")
-(defparameter *utf-8-external-format*
- #+(and asdf-unicode (not clisp)) :utf-8
- #+(and asdf-unicode clisp) charset:utf-8
- #-asdf-unicode :default
- "Default :external-format argument to pass to CL:OPEN and also
-CL:LOAD or CL:COMPILE-FILE to best process a UTF-8 encoded file.
-On modern implementations, this will decode UTF-8 code points as CL characters.
-On legacy implementations, it may fall back on some 8-bit encoding,
-with non-ASCII code points being read as several CL characters;
-hopefully, if done consistently, that won't affect program behavior too much.")
-(defun* always-default-encoding (pathname)
- (declare (ignore pathname))
- *default-encoding*)
-(defvar *encoding-detection-hook* #'always-default-encoding
- "Hook for an extension to define a function to automatically detect a file's encoding")
-(defun* detect-encoding (pathname)
- (if (and pathname (not (directory-pathname-p pathname)) (probe-file pathname))
- (funcall *encoding-detection-hook* pathname)
- *default-encoding*))
-(defun* default-encoding-external-format (encoding)
- (case encoding
- (:default :default) ;; for backward-compatibility only. Explicit usage discouraged.
- (:utf-8 *utf-8-external-format*)
- (otherwise
- (cerror "Continue using :external-format :default" (compatfmt "~@<Your ASDF component is using encoding ~S but it isn't recognized. Your system should :defsystem-depends-on (:asdf-encodings).~:>") encoding)
- :default)))
-(defvar *encoding-external-format-hook*
- #'default-encoding-external-format
- "Hook for an extension to define a mapping between non-default encodings
-and implementation-defined external-format's")
-(defun* encoding-external-format (encoding)
- (funcall *encoding-external-format-hook* encoding))
-;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;;;; Access to the Operating System
-(asdf/package:define-package :asdf/os
- (:recycle :asdf/os :asdf)
- (:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/package :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/stream)
- (:export
- #:featurep #:os-unix-p #:os-windows-p ;; features
- #:getenv #:getenvp ;; environment variables
- #:native-namestring #:parse-native-namestring
- #:inter-directory-separator #:split-native-pathnames-string
- #:getenv-pathname #:getenv-pathnames
- #:getenv-absolute-directory #:getenv-absolute-directories
- #:implementation-identifier ;; implementation identifier
- #:implementation-type #:*implementation-type*
- #:operating-system #:architecture #:lisp-version-string
- #:hostname #:user-homedir #:lisp-implementation-directory
- #:getcwd #:chdir #:call-with-current-directory #:with-current-directory
- #:*temporary-directory* #:temporary-directory #:default-temporary-directory
- #:setup-temporary-directory
- #:call-with-temporary-file #:with-temporary-file))
-(in-package :asdf/os)
-;;; Features
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (defun* featurep (x &optional (*features* *features*))
- (cond
- ((atom x) (and (member x *features*) t))
- ((eq :not (car x)) (assert (null (cddr x))) (not (featurep (cadr x))))
- ((eq :or (car x)) (some #'featurep (cdr x)))
- ((eq :and (car x)) (every #'featurep (cdr x)))
- (t (error "Malformed feature specification ~S" x))))
- (defun* os-unix-p ()
- (featurep '(:or :unix :cygwin :darwin)))
- (defun* os-windows-p ()
- (and (not (os-unix-p)) (featurep '(:or :win32 :windows :mswindows :mingw32))))
- (defun* os-genera-p ()
- (featurep :genera))
- (defun* detect-os ()
- (flet ((yes (yes) (pushnew yes *features*))
- (no (no) (setf *features* (remove no *features*))))
- (cond
- ((os-unix-p) (yes :os-unix) (no :os-windows))
- ((os-windows-p) (yes :os-windows) (no :os-unix))
- ((os-genera-p) (no :os-unix) (no :os-windows))
- (t (error "Congratulations for trying XCVB on an operating system~%~
-that is neither Unix, nor Windows, nor even Genera.~%Now you port it.")))))
- (detect-os))
-;;;; Environment variables: getting them, and parsing them.
-(defun* getenv (x)
- (declare (ignorable x))
- #+(or abcl clisp ecl xcl) (ext:getenv x)
- #+allegro (sys:getenv x)
- #+clozure (ccl:getenv x)
- #+(or cmu scl) (cdr (assoc x ext:*environment-list* :test #'string=))
- #+cormanlisp
- (let* ((buffer (ct:malloc 1))
- (cname (ct:lisp-string-to-c-string x))
- (needed-size (win:getenvironmentvariable cname buffer 0))
- (buffer1 (ct:malloc (1+ needed-size))))
- (prog1 (if (zerop (win:getenvironmentvariable cname buffer1 needed-size))
- nil
- (ct:c-string-to-lisp-string buffer1))
- (ct:free buffer)
- (ct:free buffer1)))
- #+gcl (system:getenv x)
- #+genera nil
- #+lispworks (lispworks:environment-variable x)
- #+mcl (ccl:with-cstrs ((name x))
- (let ((value (_getenv name)))
- (unless (ccl:%null-ptr-p value)
- (ccl:%get-cstring value))))
- #+mkcl (#.(or (find-symbol* 'getenv :si nil) (find-symbol* 'getenv :mk-ext nil)) x)
- #+sbcl (sb-ext:posix-getenv x)
- #-(or abcl allegro clisp clozure cmu cormanlisp ecl gcl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
- (error "~S is not supported on your implementation" 'getenv))
-(defun* getenvp (x)
- "Predicate that is true if the named variable is present in the libc environment,
-then returning the non-empty string value of the variable"
- (let ((g (getenv x))) (and (not (emptyp g)) g)))
-;;; Native vs Lisp syntax
-(defun* native-namestring (x)
- "From a CL pathname, a return namestring suitable for passing to the operating system"
- (when x
- (let ((p (pathname x)))
- #+clozure (with-pathname-defaults ((root-pathname))
- (ccl:native-translated-namestring p)) ; see ccl bug 978
- #+(or cmu scl) (ext:unix-namestring p nil)
- #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring p)
- #-(or clozure cmu sbcl scl)
- (if (os-unix-p) (unix-namestring p)
- (namestring p)))))
-(defun* parse-native-namestring (string &rest constraints &key ensure-directory &allow-other-keys)
- "From a native namestring suitable for use by the operating system, return
-a CL pathname satisfying all the specified constraints as per ENSURE-PATHNAME"
- (check-type string (or string null))
- (let* ((pathname
- (when string
- (with-pathname-defaults ((root-pathname))
- #+clozure (ccl:native-to-pathname string)
- #+sbcl (sb-ext:parse-native-namestring string)
- #-(or clozure sbcl)
- (if (os-unix-p)
- (parse-unix-namestring string :ensure-directory ensure-directory)
- (parse-namestring string)))))
- (pathname
- (if ensure-directory
- (and pathname (ensure-directory-pathname pathname))
- pathname)))
- (apply 'ensure-pathname pathname constraints)))
-;;; Native pathnames in environment
-(defun* inter-directory-separator ()
- (if (os-unix-p) #\: #\;))
-(defun* split-native-pathnames-string (string &rest constraints &key &allow-other-keys)
- (loop :for namestring :in (split-string string :separator (string (inter-directory-separator)))
- :collect (apply 'parse-native-namestring namestring constraints)))
-(defun* getenv-pathname (x &rest constraints &key on-error &allow-other-keys)
- (apply 'parse-native-namestring (getenvp x)
- :on-error (or on-error
- `(error "In (~S ~S), invalid pathname ~*~S: ~*~?" getenv-pathname ,x))
- constraints))
-(defun* getenv-pathnames (x &rest constraints &key on-error &allow-other-keys)
- (apply 'split-native-pathnames-string (getenvp x)
- :on-error (or on-error
- `(error "In (~S ~S), invalid pathname ~*~S: ~*~?" getenv-pathnames ,x))
- constraints))
-(defun* getenv-absolute-directory (x)
- (getenv-pathname x :want-absolute t :ensure-directory t))
-(defun* getenv-absolute-directories (x)
- (getenv-pathnames x :want-absolute t :ensure-directory t))
-;;;; implementation-identifier
-;; produce a string to identify current implementation.
-;; Initially stolen from SLIME's SWANK, completely rewritten since.
-;; We're back to runtime checking, for the sake of e.g. ABCL.
-(defun* first-feature (feature-sets)
- (dolist (x feature-sets)
- (multiple-value-bind (short long feature-expr)
- (if (consp x)
- (values (first x) (second x) (cons :or (rest x)))
- (values x x x))
- (when (featurep feature-expr)
- (return (values short long))))))
-(defun* implementation-type ()
- (first-feature
- '(:abcl (:acl :allegro) (:ccl :clozure) :clisp (:corman :cormanlisp)
- (:cmu :cmucl :cmu) :ecl :gcl
- (:lwpe :lispworks-personal-edition) (:lw :lispworks)
- :mcl :mkcl :sbcl :scl (:smbx :symbolics) :xcl)))
-(defvar *implementation-type* (implementation-type))
-(defun* operating-system ()
- (first-feature
- '(:cygwin (:win :windows :mswindows :win32 :mingw32) ;; try cygwin first!
- (:linux :linux :linux-target) ;; for GCL at least, must appear before :bsd
- (:macosx :macosx :darwin :darwin-target :apple) ; also before :bsd
- (:solaris :solaris :sunos) (:bsd :bsd :freebsd :netbsd :openbsd) :unix
- :genera)))
-(defun* architecture ()
- (first-feature
- '((:x64 :x86-64 :x86_64 :x8664-target :amd64 (:and :word-size=64 :pc386))
- (:x86 :x86 :i386 :i486 :i586 :i686 :pentium3 :pentium4 :pc386 :iapx386 :x8632-target)
- (:ppc64 :ppc64 :ppc64-target) (:ppc32 :ppc32 :ppc32-target :ppc :powerpc)
- :hppa64 :hppa :sparc64 (:sparc32 :sparc32 :sparc)
- :mipsel :mipseb :mips :alpha (:arm :arm :arm-target) :imach
- ;; Java comes last: if someone uses C via CFFI or otherwise JNA or JNI,
- ;; we may have to segregate the code still by architecture.
- (:java :java :java-1.4 :java-1.5 :java-1.6 :java-1.7))))
+ ;; Note: it's "standard-" not "safe-", because evaluation is never safe.
+ (when thunk
+ (with-safe-io-syntax (:package package)
+ (let ((*read-eval* t))
+ (eval-thunk thunk)))))
-(defun* ccl-fasl-version ()
- ;; the fasl version is target-dependent from CCL 1.8 on.
- (or (let ((s 'ccl::target-fasl-version))
- (and (fboundp s) (funcall s)))
- (and (boundp 'ccl::fasl-version)
- (symbol-value 'ccl::fasl-version))
- (error "Can't determine fasl version.")))
-(defun* lisp-version-string ()
- (let ((s (lisp-implementation-version)))
- (car ; as opposed to OR, this idiom prevents some unreachable code warning
- (list
- #+allegro
- (format nil "~A~@[~A~]~@[~A~]~@[~A~]"
- excl::*common-lisp-version-number*
- ;; M means "modern", as opposed to ANSI-compatible mode (which I consider default)
- (and (eq excl:*current-case-mode* :case-sensitive-lower) "M")
- ;; Note if not using International ACL
- ;; see http://www.franz.com/support/documentation/8.1/doc/operators/excl/ics-target-case.htm
- (excl:ics-target-case (:-ics "8"))
- (and (member :smp *features*) "S"))
- #+armedbear (format nil "~a-fasl~a" s system::*fasl-version*)
- #+clisp
- (subseq s 0 (position #\space s)) ; strip build information (date, etc.)
- #+clozure
- (format nil "~d.~d-f~d" ; shorten for windows
- ccl::*openmcl-major-version*
- ccl::*openmcl-minor-version*
- (logand (ccl-fasl-version) #xFF))
- #+cmu (substitute #\- #\/ s)
- #+scl (format nil "~A~A" s
- ;; ANSI upper case vs lower case.
- (ecase ext:*case-mode* (:upper "") (:lower "l")))
- #+ecl (format nil "~A~@[-~A~]" s
- (let ((vcs-id (ext:lisp-implementation-vcs-id)))
- (subseq vcs-id 0 (min (length vcs-id) 8))))
- #+gcl (subseq s (1+ (position #\space s)))
- #+genera
- (multiple-value-bind (major minor) (sct:get-system-version "System")
- (format nil "~D.~D" major minor))
- #+mcl (subseq s 8) ; strip the leading "Version "
- s))))
+;;; Encodings
-(defun* implementation-identifier ()
- (substitute-if
- #\_ #'(lambda (x) (find x " /:;&^\\|?<>(){}[]$#`'\""))
- (format nil "~(~a~@{~@[-~a~]~}~)"
- (or (implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-type))
- (or (lisp-version-string) (lisp-implementation-version))
- (or (operating-system) (software-type))
- (or (architecture) (machine-type)))))
+(defvar *default-encoding* :default
+ "Default encoding for source files.
+The default value :default preserves the legacy behavior.
+A future default might be :utf-8 or :autodetect
+reading emacs-style -*- coding: utf-8 -*- specifications,
+and falling back to utf-8 or latin1 if nothing is specified.")
+(defparameter *utf-8-external-format*
+ #+(and asdf-unicode (not clisp)) :utf-8
+ #+(and asdf-unicode clisp) charset:utf-8
+ #-asdf-unicode :default
+ "Default :external-format argument to pass to CL:OPEN and also
+CL:LOAD or CL:COMPILE-FILE to best process a UTF-8 encoded file.
+On modern implementations, this will decode UTF-8 code points as CL characters.
+On legacy implementations, it may fall back on some 8-bit encoding,
+with non-ASCII code points being read as several CL characters;
+hopefully, if done consistently, that won't affect program behavior too much.")
-;;;; Other system information
+(defun* always-default-encoding (pathname)
+ (declare (ignore pathname))
+ *default-encoding*)
-(defun* hostname ()
- ;; Note: untested on RMCL
- #+(or abcl clozure cmucl ecl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl) (machine-instance)
- #+cormanlisp "localhost" ;; is there a better way? Does it matter?
- #+allegro (symbol-call :excl.osi :gethostname)
- #+clisp (first (split-string (machine-instance) :separator " "))
- #+gcl (system:gethostname))
+(defvar *encoding-detection-hook* #'always-default-encoding
+ "Hook for an extension to define a function to automatically detect a file's encoding")
-(defun* user-homedir ()
- (truenamize
- (pathname-directory-pathname
- #+cormanlisp (ensure-directory-pathname (user-homedir-pathname))
- #+mcl (current-user-homedir-pathname)
- #-(or cormanlisp mcl) (user-homedir-pathname))))
+(defun* detect-encoding (pathname)
+ (if (and pathname (not (directory-pathname-p pathname)) (probe-file pathname))
+ (funcall *encoding-detection-hook* pathname)
+ *default-encoding*))
-(defun* lisp-implementation-directory (&key truename)
- (let ((dir
- (ignore-errors
- #+clozure #p"ccl:"
- #+(or ecl mkcl) #p"SYS:"
- #+gcl system::*system-directory*
- #+sbcl (if-let (it (find-symbol* :sbcl-homedir-pathname :sb-int nil))
- (funcall it)
- (getenv-pathname "SBCL_HOME" :ensure-directory t)))))
- (if (and dir truename)
- (truename* dir)
- dir)))
+(defun* default-encoding-external-format (encoding)
+ (case encoding
+ (:default :default) ;; for backward-compatibility only. Explicit usage discouraged.
+ (:utf-8 *utf-8-external-format*)
+ (otherwise
+ (cerror "Continue using :external-format :default" (compatfmt "~@<Your ASDF component is using encoding ~S but it isn't recognized. Your system should :defsystem-depends-on (:asdf-encodings).~:>") encoding)
+ :default)))
+(defvar *encoding-external-format-hook*
+ #'default-encoding-external-format
+ "Hook for an extension to define a mapping between non-default encodings
+and implementation-defined external-format's")
-;;; Current directory
+(defun* encoding-external-format (encoding)
+ (funcall *encoding-external-format-hook* encoding))
-(defun* getcwd ()
- "Get the current working directory as per POSIX getcwd(3), as a pathname object"
- (or #+abcl (parse-native-namestring
- (java:jstatic "getProperty" "java.lang.System" "user.dir") :ensure-directory t)
- #+allegro (excl::current-directory)
- #+clisp (ext:default-directory)
- #+clozure (ccl:current-directory)
- #+(or cmu scl) (parse-native-namestring
- (nth-value 1 (unix:unix-current-directory)) :ensure-directory t)
- #+cormanlisp (pathname (pl::get-current-directory)) ;; Q: what type does it return?
- #+ecl (ext:getcwd)
- #+gcl (parse-native-namestring ;; this is a joke. Isn't there a better way?
- (first (symbol-call :asdf/driver :run-program '("/bin/pwd") :output :lines)))
- #+genera *default-pathname-defaults* ;; on a Lisp OS, it *is* canonical!
- #+lispworks (system:current-directory)
- #+mkcl (mk-ext:getcwd)
- #+sbcl (parse-native-namestring (sb-unix:posix-getcwd/))
- #+xcl (extensions:current-directory)
- (error "getcwd not supported on your implementation")))
-(defun* chdir (x)
- "Change current directory, as per POSIX chdir(2)"
- #-(or clisp clozure) (when (pathnamep x) (setf x (native-namestring x)))
- (or #+clisp (ext:cd x)
- #+clozure (setf (ccl:current-directory) x)
- #+cormanlisp (unless (zerop (win32::_chdir x))
- (error "Could not set current directory to ~A" x))
- #+sbcl (symbol-call :sb-posix :chdir x)
- (error "chdir not supported on your implementation")))
+;;; Simple filesystem operations
+(defun* ensure-all-directories-exist (pathnames)
+ (dolist (pathname pathnames)
+ (ensure-directories-exist (translate-logical-pathname pathname))))
-(defun* call-with-current-directory (dir thunk)
- (if dir
- (let* ((dir (truename (merge-pathnames (pathname-directory-pathname dir))))
- (*default-pathname-defaults* dir)
- (cwd (getcwd)))
- (chdir dir)
- (unwind-protect
- (funcall thunk)
- (chdir cwd)))
- (funcall thunk)))
+(defun* rename-file-overwriting-target (source target)
+ #+clisp ;; But for a bug in CLISP 2.48, we should use :if-exists :overwrite and be atomic
+ (posix:copy-file source target :method :rename)
+ #-clisp
+ (rename-file source target
+ #+clozure :if-exists #+clozure :rename-and-delete))
-(defmacro with-current-directory ((dir) &body body)
- "Call BODY while the POSIX current working directory is set to DIR"
- `(call-with-current-directory ,dir #'(lambda () , at body)))
+(defun* delete-file-if-exists (x)
+ (handler-case (delete-file x) (file-error () nil)))
;;; Using temporary files
(defun* default-temporary-directory ()
(when (os-unix-p)
@@ -3121,7 +3104,7 @@
(parse-native-namestring "/tmp/")))
(when (os-windows-p)
(getenv-pathname "TEMP" :ensure-directory t))
- (subpathname (user-homedir) "tmp/")))
+ (subpathname (user-homedir-pathname) "tmp/")))
(defvar *temporary-directory* nil)
@@ -3182,6 +3165,32 @@
,@(when element-type `(:element-type ,element-type))
,@(when external-format `(:external-format external-format)))))
+;;; Temporary pathnames
+(defun* add-pathname-suffix (pathname suffix)
+ (make-pathname :name (strcat (pathname-name pathname) suffix)
+ :defaults pathname))
+(defun* tmpize-pathname (x)
+ (add-pathname-suffix x "-ASDF-TMP"))
+(defun* call-with-staging-pathname (pathname fun)
+ "Calls fun with a staging pathname, and atomically
+renames the staging pathname to the pathname in the end.
+Note: this protects only against failure of the program,
+not against concurrent attempts.
+For the latter case, we ought pick random suffix and atomically open it."
+ (let* ((pathname (pathname pathname))
+ (staging (tmpize-pathname pathname)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (multiple-value-prog1
+ (funcall fun staging)
+ (rename-file-overwriting-target staging pathname))
+ (delete-file-if-exists staging))))
+(defmacro with-staging-pathname ((pathname-var &optional (pathname-value pathname-var)) &body body)
+ `(call-with-staging-pathname ,pathname-value #'(lambda (,pathname-var) , at body)))
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Starting, Stopping, Dumping a Lisp image
@@ -3502,7 +3511,8 @@
;;; Some universal image restore hooks
(map () 'register-image-restore-hook
- '(setup-temporary-directory setup-stderr setup-command-line-arguments))
+ '(setup-temporary-directory setup-stderr setup-command-line-arguments
+ #+abcl detect-os))
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; run-program initially from xcvb-driver.
@@ -3907,7 +3917,6 @@
#:compile-warned-warning #:compile-failed-warning
#:check-lisp-compile-results #:check-lisp-compile-warnings
#:*uninteresting-compiler-conditions* #:*uninteresting-loader-conditions*
- #:*deferred-warnings*
;; Functions & Macros
#:get-optimization-settings #:proclaim-optimization-settings
#:call-with-muffled-compiler-conditions #:with-muffled-compiler-conditions
@@ -3915,7 +3924,7 @@
#:reify-simple-sexp #:unreify-simple-sexp
#:reify-deferred-warnings #:reify-undefined-warning #:unreify-deferred-warnings
#:reset-deferred-warnings #:save-deferred-warnings #:check-deferred-warnings
- #:with-saved-deferred-warnings #:warnings-file-p #:warnings-file-type
+ #:with-saved-deferred-warnings #:warnings-file-p #:warnings-file-type #:*warnings-file-type*
#:call-with-asdf-compilation-unit #:with-asdf-compilation-unit
#:current-lisp-file-pathname #:load-pathname
#:lispize-pathname #:compile-file-type #:call-around-hook
@@ -4003,9 +4012,6 @@
#+clisp '(clos::simple-gf-replacing-method-warning))
"Additional conditions that may be skipped while loading")
-(defvar *deferred-warnings* ()
- "Warnings the handling of which is deferred until the end of the compilation unit")
;;;; ----- Filtering conditions while building -----
(defun* call-with-muffled-compiler-conditions (thunk)
@@ -4074,6 +4080,10 @@
;;;; Deferred-warnings treatment, originally implemented by Douglas Katzman.
+;; To support an implementation, three functions must be implemented:
+;; reify-deferred-warnings unreify-deferred-warnings reset-deferred-warnings
+;; See their respective docstrings.
(defun reify-simple-sexp (sexp)
(etypecase sexp
@@ -4138,6 +4148,9 @@
(sb-c::undefined-warning-warnings warning))))
(defun reify-deferred-warnings ()
+ "return a portable S-expression, portably readable and writeable in any Common Lisp implementation
+using READ within a WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX, that represents the warnings currently deferred by
+WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT. One of three functions required for deferred-warnings support in ASDF."
(mapcar 'reify-deferred-warning
(if-let (dw ccl::*outstanding-deferred-warnings*)
@@ -4159,6 +4172,11 @@
:collect `(,what . ,value)))))
(defun unreify-deferred-warnings (reified-deferred-warnings)
+ "given a S-expression created by REIFY-DEFERRED-WARNINGS, reinstantiate the corresponding
+deferred warnings as to be handled at the end of the current WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT.
+Handle any warning that has been resolved already,
+such as an undefined function that has been defined since.
+One of three functions required for deferred-warnings support in ASDF."
(declare (ignorable reified-deferred-warnings))
(let ((dw (or ccl::*outstanding-deferred-warnings*
@@ -4193,6 +4211,8 @@
(set symbol (+ (symbol-value symbol) adjustment)))))))
(defun reset-deferred-warnings ()
+ "Reset the set of deferred warnings to be handled at the end of the current WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT.
+One of three functions required for deferred-warnings support in ASDF."
(if-let (dw ccl::*outstanding-deferred-warnings*)
(let ((mdw (ccl::ensure-merged-deferred-warnings dw)))
@@ -4220,8 +4240,13 @@
(:sbcl "sbcl-warnings")
((:clozure :ccl) "ccl-warnings")))
+(defvar *warnings-file-type* (warnings-file-type)
+ "Type for warnings files")
(defun* warnings-file-p (file &optional implementation-type)
- (if-let (type (warnings-file-type implementation-type))
+ (if-let (type (if implementation-type
+ (warnings-file-type implementation-type)
+ *warnings-file-type*))
(equal (pathname-type file) type)))
(defun* check-deferred-warnings (files &optional context-format context-arguments)
@@ -4272,8 +4297,7 @@
(defun* call-with-saved-deferred-warnings (thunk warnings-file)
(if warnings-file
(with-compilation-unit (:override t)
- (let ((*deferred-warnings* ())
- #+sbcl (sb-c::*undefined-warnings* nil))
+ (let (#+sbcl (sb-c::*undefined-warnings* nil))
(with-muffled-compiler-conditions ()
(funcall thunk))
@@ -4500,7 +4524,7 @@
,@(when (os-windows-p)
`(,(subpathname* (get-folder-path :local-appdata) "common-lisp/config/")
,(subpathname* (get-folder-path :appdata) "common-lisp/config/")))
- ,(subpathname (user-homedir) ".config/common-lisp/"))))
+ ,(subpathname (user-homedir-pathname) ".config/common-lisp/"))))
(remove-duplicates (remove-if-not #'absolute-pathname-p dirs)
:from-end t :test 'equal)))
@@ -4678,12 +4702,13 @@
(return-from resolve-absolute-location
(let ((p (make-pathname* :directory '(:relative))))
(if wilden (wilden p) p))))
- ((eql :home) (user-homedir))
+ ((eql :home) (user-homedir-pathname))
((eql :here) (resolve-absolute-location
*here-directory* :ensure-directory t :wilden nil))
((eql :user-cache) (resolve-absolute-location
*user-cache* :ensure-directory t :wilden nil)))
:wilden (and wilden (not (pathnamep x)))
+ :resolve-symlinks *resolve-symlinks*
:want-absolute t))
;; Try to override declaration in previous versions of ASDF.
@@ -4691,21 +4716,21 @@
(:ensure-directory boolean)) t) resolve-location))
(defun* (resolve-location) (x &key ensure-directory wilden directory)
- (when directory (setf ensure-directory t)) ;; :directory backward compatibility, until 2014-01-16.
- (if (atom x)
- (resolve-absolute-location x :ensure-directory ensure-directory :wilden wilden)
- (loop* :with (first . rest) = x
- :with path = (resolve-absolute-location
- first :ensure-directory (and (or ensure-directory rest) t)
- :wilden (and wilden (null rest)))
- :for (element . morep) :on rest
- :for dir = (and (or morep ensure-directory) t)
- :for wild = (and wilden (not morep))
- :do (setf path (merge-pathnames*
- (resolve-relative-location
- element :ensure-directory dir :wilden wild)
- path))
- :finally (return path))))
+ ;; :directory backward compatibility, until 2014-01-16: accept directory as well as ensure-directory
+ (loop* :with dirp = (or directory ensure-directory)
+ :with (first . rest) = (if (atom x) (list x) x)
+ :with path = (resolve-absolute-location
+ first :ensure-directory (and (or dirp rest) t)
+ :wilden (and wilden (null rest)))
+ :for (element . morep) :on rest
+ :for dir = (and (or morep dirp) t)
+ :for wild = (and wilden (not morep))
+ :for sub = (merge-pathnames*
+ (resolve-relative-location
+ element :ensure-directory dir :wilden wild)
+ path)
+ :do (setf path (if (absolute-pathname-p sub) (resolve-symlinks* sub) sub))
+ :finally (return path)))
(defun* location-designator-p (x)
(flet ((absolute-component-p (c)
@@ -4790,7 +4815,7 @@
:asdf/package :asdf/utility
:asdf/pathname :asdf/stream :asdf/os :asdf/image
:asdf/run-program :asdf/lisp-build
- :asdf/configuration))
+ :asdf/configuration :asdf/backward-driver))
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Handle upgrade as forward- and backward-compatibly as possible
;; See https://bugs.launchpad.net/asdf/+bug/485687
@@ -4828,7 +4853,7 @@
;; "2.345.6" would be a development version in the official upstream
;; "2.345.0.7" would be your seventh local modification of official release 2.345
;; "2.345.6.7" would be your seventh local modification of development version 2.345.6
- (asdf-version "")
+ (asdf-version "")
(existing-asdf (find-class (find-symbol* :component :asdf nil) nil))
(existing-version *asdf-version*)
(already-there (equal asdf-version existing-version))
@@ -4963,7 +4988,6 @@
#:component-if-feature #:around-compile-hook
#:component-description #:component-long-description
#:component-version #:version-satisfies
- #:component-properties #:component-property ;; backward-compatibility only. DO NOT USE!
#:component-inline-methods ;; backward-compatibility only. DO NOT USE!
#:component-operation-times ;; For internal use only.
;; portable ASDF encoding and implementation-specific external-format
@@ -4972,6 +4996,7 @@
#:module-components ;; backward-compatibility. DO NOT USE.
+ #:sub-components
;; Internals we'd like to share with the ASDF package, especially for upgrade purposes
#:name #:version #:description #:long-description #:author #:maintainer #:licence
@@ -4995,9 +5020,6 @@
Despite the function's name, the return value may be an absolute
pathname, because an absolute pathname may be interpreted relative to
another pathname in a degenerate way."))
-(defgeneric* component-property (component property))
-(defgeneric* (setf component-property) (new-value component property))
(defgeneric* component-external-format (component))
(defgeneric* component-encoding (component))
(defgeneric* version-satisfies (component version))
@@ -5049,11 +5071,9 @@
(operation-times :initform (make-hash-table)
:accessor component-operation-times)
(around-compile :initarg :around-compile)
+ (properties) ;; Only for backward-compatibility during upgrades from ASDF2. DO NOT USE.
(%encoding :accessor %component-encoding :initform nil :initarg :encoding)
- ;; ASDF3: get rid of these "component properties" ?
- (properties :accessor component-properties :initarg :properties
- :initform nil)
- ;; For backward-compatibility, this slot is part of component rather than child-component
+ ;; For backward-compatibility, this slot is part of component rather than child-component. ASDF4: don't.
(parent :initarg :parent :initform nil :reader component-parent)
:initarg :build-operation :initform nil :reader component-build-operation)))
@@ -5176,20 +5196,6 @@
(file-type component))
-;;;; General component-property - ASDF3: remove? Define clean subclasses, not messy "properties".
-(defmethod component-property ((c component) property)
- (cdr (assoc property (slot-value c 'properties) :test #'equal)))
-(defmethod (setf component-property) (new-value (c component) property)
- (let ((a (assoc property (slot-value c 'properties) :test #'equal)))
- (if a
- (setf (cdr a) new-value)
- (setf (slot-value c 'properties)
- (acons property new-value (slot-value c 'properties)))))
- new-value)
;;;; Encodings
(defmethod component-encoding ((c component))
@@ -5223,6 +5229,19 @@
(defmethod version-satisfies ((cver string) version)
(version-compatible-p cver version))
+;;; all sub-components (of a given type)
+(defun* sub-components (component &key (type t))
+ (while-collecting (c)
+ (labels ((recurse (x)
+ (when (if-let (it (component-if-feature x)) (featurep it) t)
+ (when (typep x type)
+ (c x))
+ (when (typep x 'parent-component)
+ (map () #'recurse (component-children x))))))
+ (recurse component))))
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Systems
@@ -5237,15 +5256,21 @@
#:system-author #:system-maintainer #:system-licence #:system-license
#:component-build-pathname #:build-pathname
+ #:component-entry-point #:entry-point
#:find-system #:builtin-system-p)) ;; forward-reference, defined in find-system
(in-package :asdf/system)
(defgeneric* (find-system) (system &optional error-p))
(defgeneric* (system-source-file) (system)
(:documentation "Return the source file in which system is defined."))
-(defgeneric* builtin-system-p (system))
(defgeneric* component-build-pathname (component))
+(defgeneric* component-entry-point (component))
+(defmethod component-entry-point ((c component))
+ (declare (ignorable c))
+ nil)
;;;; The system class
(defclass proto-system () ; slots to keep when resetting a system
@@ -5254,7 +5279,7 @@
((name) (source-file) #|(children) (children-by-names)|#))
(defclass system (module proto-system)
- ;; Backward-compatibility: inherit from module. ASDF3: only inherit from parent-component.
+ ;; Backward-compatibility: inherit from module. ASDF4: only inherit from parent-component.
(;; {,long-}description is now inherited from component, but we add the legacy accessors
(description :accessor system-description)
(long-description :accessor system-long-description)
@@ -5262,8 +5287,11 @@
(maintainer :accessor system-maintainer :initarg :maintainer)
(licence :accessor system-licence :initarg :licence
:accessor system-license :initarg :license)
+ (builtin-system-p :accessor builtin-system-p :initform nil :initarg :builtin-system-p)
:initform nil :initarg :build-pathname :accessor component-build-pathname)
+ (entry-point
+ :initform nil :initarg :entry-point :accessor component-entry-point)
(source-file :initform nil :initarg :source-file :accessor system-source-file)
(defsystem-depends-on :reader system-defsystem-depends-on :initarg :defsystem-depends-on)))
@@ -5307,23 +5335,74 @@
(declare (ignorable c))
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; Stamp cache
+(asdf/package:define-package :asdf/cache
+ (:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade)
+ (:export #:get-file-stamp #:compute-file-stamp #:register-file-stamp
+ #:consult-asdf-cache #:do-asdf-cache
+ #:call-with-asdf-cache #:with-asdf-cache #:*asdf-cache*))
+(in-package :asdf/cache)
+;;; This stamp cache is useful for:
+;; * consistency of stamps used within a single run
+;; * fewer accesses to the filesystem
+;; * the ability to test with fake timestamps, without touching files
+(defvar *asdf-cache* nil)
+(defun set-asdf-cache-entry (key value-list)
+ (apply 'values
+ (if *asdf-cache*
+ (setf (gethash key *asdf-cache*) value-list)
+ value-list)))
+(defun consult-asdf-cache (key thunk)
+ (if *asdf-cache*
+ (multiple-value-bind (results foundp) (gethash key *asdf-cache*)
+ (if foundp
+ (apply 'values results)
+ (set-asdf-cache-entry key (multiple-value-list (funcall thunk)))))
+ (funcall thunk)))
+(defmacro do-asdf-cache (key &body body)
+ `(consult-asdf-cache ,key #'(lambda () , at body)))
+(defun call-with-asdf-cache (thunk &key override)
+ (if (and *asdf-cache* (not override))
+ (funcall thunk)
+ (let ((*asdf-cache* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+ (funcall thunk))))
+(defmacro with-asdf-cache ((&key override) &body body)
+ `(call-with-asdf-cache #'(lambda () , at body) :override ,override))
+(defun compute-file-stamp (file)
+ (safe-file-write-date file))
+(defun register-file-stamp (file &optional (stamp (compute-file-stamp file)))
+ (set-asdf-cache-entry `(get-file-stamp ,file) (list stamp)))
+(defun get-file-stamp (file)
+ (do-asdf-cache `(get-file-stamp ,file) (compute-file-stamp file)))
+;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Finding systems
(asdf/package:define-package :asdf/find-system
(:recycle :asdf/find-system :asdf)
(:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
- :asdf/component :asdf/system)
+ :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/cache)
#:remove-entry-from-registry #:coerce-entry-to-directory
#:coerce-name #:primary-system-name
- #:find-system #:locate-system #:load-sysdef #:with-system-definitions
+ #:find-system #:locate-system #:load-asd #:with-system-definitions
#:system-registered-p #:register-system #:registered-systems #:clear-system #:map-systems
#:system-definition-error #:missing-component #:missing-requires #:missing-parent
#:formatted-system-definition-error #:format-control #:format-arguments #:sysdef-error
#:load-system-definition-error #:error-name #:error-pathname #:error-condition
#:*system-definition-search-functions* #:search-for-system-definition
#:*central-registry* #:probe-asd #:sysdef-central-registry-search
- #:make-temporary-package #:find-system-if-being-defined #:*systems-being-defined*
+ #:find-system-if-being-defined #:*systems-being-defined*
#:contrib-sysdef-search #:sysdef-find-asdf ;; backward compatibility symbols, functions removed
#:system-find-preloaded-system #:register-preloaded-system #:*preloaded-systems*
#:make-defined-systems-table #:*defined-systems*
@@ -5401,7 +5480,7 @@
(unless (eq system (cdr (gethash name *defined-systems*)))
(setf (gethash name *defined-systems*)
(cons (if-let (file (ignore-errors (system-source-file system)))
- (safe-file-write-date file))
+ (get-file-stamp file))
(defun* clear-system (name)
@@ -5464,14 +5543,13 @@
(defun* probe-asd (name defaults &key truename)
(block nil
(when (directory-pathname-p defaults)
- (let* ((file (probe-file*
- (absolutize-pathnames
- (list (make-pathname :name name :type "asd")
- defaults *default-pathname-defaults* (getcwd))
- :resolve-symlinks truename)
- :truename truename)))
- (when file
- (return file)))
+ (if-let (file (probe-file*
+ (ensure-pathname-absolute
+ (parse-unix-namestring name :type "asd")
+ #'(lambda () (ensure-pathname-absolute defaults 'get-pathname-defaults nil))
+ nil)
+ :truename truename))
+ (return file))
#-(or clisp genera) ; clisp doesn't need it, plain genera doesn't have read-sequence(!)
(when (os-windows-p)
(let ((shortcut
@@ -5531,9 +5609,6 @@
(list new)
(subseq *central-registry* (1+ position))))))))))
-(defun* make-temporary-package ()
- (make-package (fresh-package-name :prefix :asdf :index 0) :use '(:cl :asdf/interface)))
(defmethod find-system ((name null) &optional (error-p t))
(declare (ignorable name))
(when error-p
@@ -5551,33 +5626,29 @@
(defun* call-with-system-definitions (thunk)
(if *systems-being-defined*
- (funcall thunk)
+ (call-with-asdf-cache thunk)
(let ((*systems-being-defined* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
- (funcall thunk))))
+ (call-with-asdf-cache thunk))))
(defmacro with-system-definitions ((&optional) &body body)
`(call-with-system-definitions #'(lambda () , at body)))
-(defun* load-sysdef (name pathname)
+(defun* load-asd (pathname &key name (external-format (encoding-external-format (detect-encoding pathname))))
;; Tries to load system definition with canonical NAME from PATHNAME.
(with-system-definitions ()
- (let ((package (make-temporary-package))) ;; ASDF3: get rid of that.
- (unwind-protect
- (handler-bind
- ((error #'(lambda (condition)
- (error 'load-system-definition-error
- :name name :pathname pathname
- :condition condition))))
- (let ((*package* package)
- (*default-pathname-defaults*
- ;; resolve logical-pathnames so they won't wreak havoc in parsing namestrings.
- (pathname-directory-pathname (translate-logical-pathname pathname)))
- (external-format (encoding-external-format (detect-encoding pathname))))
- (asdf-message (compatfmt "~&~@<; ~@;Loading system definition from ~A into ~A~@:>~%")
- pathname package)
- (with-muffled-loader-conditions ()
- (load* pathname :external-format external-format))))
- (delete-package package)))))
+ (let ((*package* (find-package :asdf-user))
+ (*default-pathname-defaults*
+ ;; resolve logical-pathnames so they won't wreak havoc in parsing namestrings.
+ (pathname-directory-pathname (translate-logical-pathname pathname))))
+ (handler-bind
+ ((error #'(lambda (condition)
+ (error 'load-system-definition-error
+ :name name :pathname pathname
+ :condition condition))))
+ (asdf-message (compatfmt "~&~@<; ~@;Loading system definition~@[ for ~A~] from ~A~@:>~%")
+ name pathname)
+ (with-muffled-loader-conditions ()
+ (load* pathname :external-format external-format))))))
(defun* locate-system (name)
"Given a system NAME designator, try to locate where to load the system from.
@@ -5624,15 +5695,15 @@
(translate-logical-pathname pathname)
(translate-logical-pathname previous-pathname))))
- (stamp<= (safe-file-write-date pathname) previous-time))))
+ (stamp<= (get-file-stamp pathname) previous-time))))
;; only load when it's a pathname that is different or has newer content
- (load-sysdef name pathname)))
+ (load-asd pathname :name name)))
(let ((in-memory (system-registered-p name))) ; try again after loading from disk if needed
(when pathname
- (setf (car in-memory) (safe-file-write-date pathname)))
+ (setf (car in-memory) (get-file-stamp pathname)))
(cdr in-memory))
(error 'missing-component :requires name))))))
@@ -5655,22 +5726,6 @@
(register-preloaded-system "asdf")
(register-preloaded-system "asdf-driver")
-;;;; Beware of builtin systems
-(defmethod builtin-system-p ((s system))
- (or
- ;; For most purposes, asdf itself specially counts as builtin.
- ;; if you want to link it or do something forbidden to builtins,
- ;; specify separate dependencies on asdf-driver and asdf-defsystem.
- (equal "asdf" (coerce-name s))
- ;; Other builtin systems are those under the implementation directory
- (let* ((system (find-system s nil))
- (sysdir (and system (component-pathname system)))
- (truesysdir (truename* sysdir))
- (impdir (lisp-implementation-directory))
- (trueimpdir (truename* impdir)))
- (and sysdir impdir
- (or (subpathp sysdir impdir)
- (subpathp truesysdir trueimpdir))))))
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Finding components
@@ -5865,11 +5920,11 @@
(:nicknames :asdf-action)
(:recycle :asdf/action :asdf)
(:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
- :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component :asdf/operation)
+ :asdf/component :asdf/system #:asdf/cache :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component :asdf/operation)
(:intern #:stamp #:done-p)
#:action #:define-convenience-action-methods
- #:explain #:operation-description
+ #:explain #:action-description
#:downward-operation #:upward-operation #:sibling-operation
#:component-depends-on #:component-self-dependencies
#:input-files #:output-files #:output-file #:operation-done-p
@@ -5877,8 +5932,7 @@
#:component-operation-time #:mark-operation-done #:compute-action-stamp
#:perform #:perform-with-restarts #:retry #:accept #:feature
#:traverse-actions #:traverse-sub-actions #:required-components ;; in plan
- #:action-path #:find-action
- ))
+ #:action-path #:find-action))
(in-package :asdf/action)
(deftype action () '(cons operation component)) ;; a step to be performed while building the system
@@ -5912,11 +5966,12 @@
(if operation-initargs ;backward-compatibility with ASDF1's operate. Yuck.
`(apply 'make-operation ,operation :original-initargs ,rest ,rest)
`(make-operation ,operation))
- `(find-component () ,component))
+ `(or (find-component () ,component) ,if-no-component))
(defmethod ,function ((,operation operation) ,component , at more-args)
(if (typep ,component 'component)
- (error "No defined method for ~S on ~S" ',function ,component)
+ (error "No defined method for ~S on ~/asdf-action:format-action/"
+ ',function (cons ,operation ,component))
(let ((,found (find-component () ,component)))
(if ,found
,(next-method operation found)
@@ -5925,27 +5980,27 @@
;;;; self-description
-(defgeneric* operation-description (operation component) ;; ASDF3: rename to action-description
+(defgeneric* action-description (operation component)
(:documentation "returns a phrase that describes performing this operation
on this component, e.g. \"loading /a/b/c\".
You can put together sentences using this phrase."))
-(defmethod operation-description (operation component)
+(defmethod action-description (operation component)
(format nil (compatfmt "~@<~A on ~A~@:>")
(type-of operation) component))
(defgeneric* (explain) (operation component))
(defmethod explain ((o operation) (c component))
- (asdf-message (compatfmt "~&~@<; ~@;~A~:>~%") (operation-description o c)))
+ (asdf-message (compatfmt "~&~@<; ~@;~A~:>~%") (action-description o c)))
(define-convenience-action-methods explain (operation component))
(defun* format-action (stream action &optional colon-p at-sign-p)
(assert (null colon-p)) (assert (null at-sign-p))
(destructuring-bind (operation . component) action
- (princ (operation-description operation component) stream)))
+ (princ (action-description operation component) stream)))
;;;; Dependencies
-(defgeneric* component-depends-on (operation component) ;; ASDF3: rename to component-dependencies
+(defgeneric* component-depends-on (operation component) ;; ASDF4: rename to component-dependencies
"Returns a list of dependencies needed by the component to perform
the operation. A dependency has one of the following forms:
@@ -5992,7 +6047,7 @@
:initform nil :initarg :downward-operation :reader upward-operation)))
;; For backward-compatibility reasons, a system inherits from module and is a child-component
-;; so we must guard against this case. ASDF3: remove that.
+;; so we must guard against this case. ASDF4: remove that.
(defmethod component-depends-on ((o upward-operation) (c child-component))
`(,@(if-let (p (component-parent c))
`((,(or (upward-operation o) o) ,p))) ,@(call-next-method)))
@@ -6023,22 +6078,23 @@
(defmethod output-files :around (operation component)
- "Translate output files, unless asked not to"
+ "Translate output files, unless asked not to. Memoize the result."
operation component ;; hush genera, not convinced by declare ignorable(!)
- (values
- (multiple-value-bind (pathnames fixedp) (call-next-method)
- ;; 1- Make sure we have absolute pathnames
- (let* ((directory (pathname-directory-pathname
- (component-pathname (find-component () component))))
- (absolute-pathnames
- (loop
- :for pathname :in pathnames
- :collect (ensure-pathname-absolute pathname directory))))
- ;; 2- Translate those pathnames as required
- (if fixedp
- absolute-pathnames
- (mapcar *output-translation-function* absolute-pathnames))))
- t))
+ (do-asdf-cache `(output-files ,operation ,component)
+ (values
+ (multiple-value-bind (pathnames fixedp) (call-next-method)
+ ;; 1- Make sure we have absolute pathnames
+ (let* ((directory (pathname-directory-pathname
+ (component-pathname (find-component () component))))
+ (absolute-pathnames
+ (loop
+ :for pathname :in pathnames
+ :collect (ensure-pathname-absolute pathname directory))))
+ ;; 2- Translate those pathnames as required
+ (if fixedp
+ absolute-pathnames
+ (mapcar *output-translation-function* absolute-pathnames))))
+ t)))
(defmethod output-files ((o operation) (c component))
(declare (ignorable o c))
@@ -6048,6 +6104,11 @@
(assert (length=n-p files 1))
(first files)))
+(defmethod input-files :around (operation component)
+ "memoize input files."
+ (do-asdf-cache `(input-files ,operation ,component)
+ (call-next-method)))
(defmethod input-files ((o operation) (c parent-component))
(declare (ignorable o c))
@@ -6063,11 +6124,10 @@
;;;; Done performing
-(defgeneric* component-operation-time (operation component)) ;; ASDF3: hide it behind plan-action-stamp
+(defgeneric* component-operation-time (operation component)) ;; ASDF4: hide it behind plan-action-stamp
(define-convenience-action-methods component-operation-time (operation component))
-(defgeneric* mark-operation-done (operation component)) ;; ASDF3: hide it behind (setf plan-action-stamp)
+(defgeneric* mark-operation-done (operation component)) ;; ASDF4: hide it behind (setf plan-action-stamp)
(defgeneric* compute-action-stamp (plan operation component &key just-done)
(:documentation "Has this action been successfully done already,
and at what known timestamp has it been done at or will it be done at?
@@ -6137,12 +6197,12 @@
(lambda (s)
(format s (compatfmt "~@<Retry ~A.~@:>")
- (operation-description operation component))))
+ (action-description operation component))))
(accept ()
(lambda (s)
(format s (compatfmt "~@<Continue, treating ~A as having been successful.~@:>")
- (operation-description operation component)))
+ (action-description operation component)))
(mark-operation-done operation component)
@@ -6201,7 +6261,7 @@
;;;; prepare-op, compile-op and load-op
;;; prepare-op
-(defmethod operation-description ((o prepare-op) (c component))
+(defmethod action-description ((o prepare-op) (c component))
(declare (ignorable o))
(format nil (compatfmt "~@<loading dependencies of ~3i~_~A~@:>") c))
(defmethod perform ((o prepare-op) (c component))
@@ -6215,10 +6275,10 @@
(if-let (it (system-source-file s)) (list it)))
;;; compile-op
-(defmethod operation-description ((o compile-op) (c component))
+(defmethod action-description ((o compile-op) (c component))
(declare (ignorable o))
(format nil (compatfmt "~@<compiling ~3i~_~A~@:>") c))
-(defmethod operation-description ((o compile-op) (c parent-component))
+(defmethod action-description ((o compile-op) (c parent-component))
(declare (ignorable o))
(format nil (compatfmt "~@<completing compilation for ~3i~_~A~@:>") c))
(defgeneric* call-with-around-compile-hook (component thunk))
@@ -6297,13 +6357,13 @@
#+(or clozure sbcl)
(defmethod input-files ((o compile-op) (c system))
(declare (ignorable o c))
- (unless (builtin-system-p c)
- (loop* :for (sub-o . sub-c)
- :in (traverse-sub-actions
- o c :other-systems nil
- :keep-operation 'compile-op :keep-component 'cl-source-file)
- :append (remove-if-not 'warnings-file-p
- (output-files sub-o sub-c)))))
+ (when *warnings-file-type*
+ (unless (builtin-system-p c)
+ ;; The most correct way to do it would be to use:
+ ;; (traverse-sub-actions o c :other-systems nil :keep-operation 'compile-op :keep-component 'cl-source-file)
+ ;; but it's expensive and we don't care too much about file order or ASDF extensions.
+ (loop :for sub :in (sub-components c :type 'cl-source-file)
+ :nconc (remove-if-not 'warnings-file-p (output-files o sub))))))
(defmethod output-files ((o compile-op) (c system))
(unless (builtin-system-p c)
@@ -6311,13 +6371,13 @@
(list (subpathname pathname (component-name c) :type "build-report")))))
;;; load-op
-(defmethod operation-description ((o load-op) (c cl-source-file))
+(defmethod action-description ((o load-op) (c cl-source-file))
(declare (ignorable o))
(format nil (compatfmt "~@<loading FASL for ~3i~_~A~@:>") c))
-(defmethod operation-description ((o load-op) (c parent-component))
+(defmethod action-description ((o load-op) (c parent-component))
(declare (ignorable o))
(format nil (compatfmt "~@<completing load for ~3i~_~A~@:>") c))
-(defmethod operation-description ((o load-op) component)
+(defmethod action-description ((o load-op) component)
(declare (ignorable o))
(format nil (compatfmt "~@<loading ~3i~_~A~@:>")
@@ -6349,7 +6409,7 @@
;;;; prepare-source-op, load-source-op
;;; prepare-source-op
-(defmethod operation-description ((o prepare-source-op) (c component))
+(defmethod action-description ((o prepare-source-op) (c component))
(declare (ignorable o))
(format nil (compatfmt "~@<loading source for dependencies of ~3i~_~A~@:>") c))
(defmethod input-files ((o prepare-source-op) (c component))
@@ -6363,10 +6423,10 @@
;;; load-source-op
-(defmethod operation-description ((o load-source-op) c)
+(defmethod action-description ((o load-source-op) c)
(declare (ignorable o))
(format nil (compatfmt "~@<Loading source of ~3i~_~A~@:>") c))
-(defmethod operation-description ((o load-source-op) (c parent-component))
+(defmethod action-description ((o load-source-op) (c parent-component))
(declare (ignorable o))
(format nil (compatfmt "~@<Loaded source of ~3i~_~A~@:>") c))
(defmethod component-depends-on ((o load-source-op) (c component))
@@ -6407,7 +6467,8 @@
(asdf/package:define-package :asdf/plan
(:recycle :asdf/plan :asdf)
(:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
- :asdf/component :asdf/operation :asdf/system :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component
+ :asdf/component :asdf/operation :asdf/system
+ :asdf/cache :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component
:asdf/operation :asdf/action)
#:component-operation-time #:mark-operation-done
@@ -6599,7 +6660,7 @@
(defmethod compute-action-stamp (plan (o operation) (c component) &key just-done)
- ;; In a distant future, safe-file-write-date and component-operation-time
+ ;; In a distant future, get-file-stamp and component-operation-time
;; shall also be parametrized by the plan, or by a second model object.
(let* ((stamp-lookup #'(lambda (o c)
(if-let (it (plan-action-status plan o c)) (action-stamp it) t)))
@@ -6614,8 +6675,8 @@
;; Accumulated timestamp from dependencies (or T if forced or out-of-date)
(dep-stamp (visit-dependencies plan o c stamp-lookup))
;; Time stamps from the files at hand, and whether any is missing
- (out-stamps (mapcar #'safe-file-write-date out-files))
- (in-stamps (mapcar #'safe-file-write-date in-files))
+ (out-stamps (mapcar (if just-done 'register-file-stamp 'get-file-stamp) out-files))
+ (in-stamps (mapcar #'get-file-stamp in-files))
(loop :for f :in in-files :for s :in in-stamps :unless s :collect f))
@@ -6632,7 +6693,7 @@
(when (and just-done (not all-present))
(warn "~A completed without ~:[~*~;~*its input file~:p~2:*~{ ~S~}~*~]~
~:[~; or ~]~:[~*~;~*its output file~:p~2:*~{ ~S~}~*~]"
- (operation-description o c)
+ (action-description o c)
missing-in (length missing-in) (and missing-in missing-out)
missing-out (length missing-out)))
;; Note that we use stamp<= instead of stamp< to play nice with generated files.
@@ -6779,12 +6840,16 @@
(traverse-action plan o c t)
(plan-actions plan)))
-(defmethod perform-plan ((steps list) &key)
+(defmethod perform-plan :around (plan &key)
+ (declare (ignorable plan))
(let ((*package* *package*)
(*readtable* *readtable*))
- (loop* :for (op . component) :in steps :do
- (perform-with-restarts op component))))
+ (with-compilation-unit () ;; backward-compatibility.
+ (call-next-method)))) ;; Going forward, see deferred-warning support in lisp-build.
+(defmethod perform-plan ((steps list) &key)
+ (loop* :for (op . component) :in steps :do
+ (perform-with-restarts op component)))
(defmethod plan-operates-on-p ((plan list) (component-path list))
(find component-path (mapcar 'cdr plan)
@@ -7031,6 +7096,7 @@
#:user-output-translations-directory-pathname #:system-output-translations-directory-pathname
#:environment-output-translations #:process-output-translations
+ #+abcl #:translate-jar-pathname
(in-package :asdf/output-translations)
@@ -7485,11 +7551,11 @@
#+scl (:tree #p"file://modules/")))
(defun* default-source-registry ()
- #+sbcl (:directory ,(subpathname (user-homedir) ".sbcl/systems/"))
+ #+sbcl (:directory ,(subpathname (user-homedir-pathname) ".sbcl/systems/"))
,@(loop :for dir :in
`(,@(when (os-unix-p)
`(,(or (getenv-absolute-directory "XDG_DATA_HOME")
- (subpathname (user-homedir) ".local/share/"))
+ (subpathname (user-homedir-pathname) ".local/share/"))
,@(or (getenv-absolute-directories "XDG_DATA_DIRS")
'("/usr/local/share" "/usr/share"))))
,@(when (os-windows-p)
@@ -7641,11 +7707,14 @@
(asdf/package:define-package :asdf/backward-internals
(:recycle :asdf/backward-internals :asdf)
(:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
- :asdf/system :asdf/component :asdf/find-system :asdf/action)
+ :asdf/system :asdf/component :asdf/operation
+ :asdf/find-system :asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action)
(:export ;; for internal use
+ #:load-sysdef #:make-temporary-package
- #:make-sub-operation))
+ #:make-sub-operation
+ #:load-sysdef #:make-temporary-package))
(in-package :asdf/backward-internals)
;;;; Backward compatibility with "inline methods"
@@ -7691,13 +7760,13 @@
(defun* %resolve-if-component-dep-fails (if-component-dep-fails component)
(asdf-message "The system definition for ~S uses deprecated ~
- Starting with ASDF 2.27, please use :IF-FEATURE instead"
+ Starting with ASDF 3, please use :IF-FEATURE instead"
(coerce-name (component-system component)))
;; This only supports the pattern of use of the "feature" seen in the wild
(check-type component parent-component)
(check-type if-component-dep-fails (member :fail :ignore :try-next))
(unless (eq if-component-dep-fails :fail)
- (loop :with o = (make-instance 'compile-op)
+ (loop :with o = (make-operation 'compile-op)
:for c :in (component-children component) :do
(loop* :for (feature? feature) :in (component-depends-on o c)
:when (eq feature? 'feature) :do
@@ -7706,13 +7775,23 @@
(when-upgrade (:when (fboundp 'make-sub-operation))
(defun* make-sub-operation (c o dep-c dep-o)
(declare (ignore c o dep-c dep-o)) (asdf-upgrade-error)))
+;;;; load-sysdef
+(defun* load-sysdef (name pathname)
+ (load-asd pathname :name name))
+(defun* make-temporary-package ()
+ (make-package (fresh-package-name :prefix :asdf :index 0) :use '(:cl :asdf/interface)))
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Defsystem
(asdf/package:define-package :asdf/defsystem
(:recycle :asdf/defsystem :asdf)
(:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
- :asdf/component :asdf/system
+ :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/cache
:asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component :asdf/lisp-action :asdf/operate
@@ -7739,13 +7818,12 @@
;; and may be from within the EVAL-WHEN of a file compilation.
;; If no absolute pathname was found, we return NIL.
(check-type pathname (or null string pathname))
- (let ((pathname (parse-unix-namestring pathname :type :directory))
- (load-pathname (load-pathname)))
- (when (or pathname load-pathname)
- (pathname-directory-pathname
- (absolutize-pathnames
- (list pathname load-pathname *default-pathname-defaults* (getcwd))
- :resolve-symlinks *resolve-symlinks*)))))
+ (resolve-symlinks*
+ (ensure-pathname-absolute
+ (parse-unix-namestring pathname :type :directory)
+ #'(lambda () (ensure-pathname-absolute
+ (load-pathname) 'get-pathname-defaults nil))
+ nil)))
;;; Component class
@@ -7810,6 +7888,7 @@
(defun* parse-component-form (parent options &key previous-serial-component)
(type name &rest rest &key
+ (builtin-system-p () bspp)
;; the following list of keywords is reproduced below in the
;; remove-plist-keys form. important to keep them in sync
components pathname perform explain output-files operation-done-p
@@ -7817,7 +7896,7 @@
do-first if-component-dep-fails (version nil versionp)
;; list ends
&allow-other-keys) options
- (declare (ignorable perform explain output-files operation-done-p))
+ (declare (ignorable perform explain output-files operation-done-p builtin-system-p))
(check-component-input type name weakly-depends-on depends-on components)
(when (and parent
(find-component parent name)
@@ -7825,7 +7904,7 @@
(typep (find-component parent name)
(class-for-type parent type))))
(error 'duplicate-names :name name))
- (when do-first (error "DO-FIRST is not supported anymore as of ASDF 2.27"))
+ (when do-first (error "DO-FIRST is not supported anymore as of ASDF 3"))
(let* ((args `(:name ,(coerce-name name)
:pathname ,pathname
,@(when parent `(:parent ,parent))
@@ -7836,7 +7915,7 @@
(component (find-component parent name)))
(when weakly-depends-on
- ;; ASDF3: deprecate this feature and remove it.
+ ;; ASDF4: deprecate this feature and remove it.
(appendf depends-on
(remove-if (complement #'(lambda (x) (find-system x nil))) weakly-depends-on)))
(when previous-serial-component
@@ -7846,6 +7925,8 @@
(setf component (apply 'make-instance (class-for-type parent type) args)))
(component-pathname component) ; eagerly compute the absolute pathname
(let ((sysdir (system-source-directory (component-system component)))) ;; requires the previous
+ (when (and (typep component 'system) (not bspp))
+ (setf (builtin-system-p component) (lisp-implementation-pathname-p sysdir)))
(setf version (normalize-version version sysdir)))
(when (and versionp version (not (parse-version version nil)))
(warn (compatfmt "~@<Invalid version ~S for component ~S~@[ of ~S~]~@:>")
@@ -7862,7 +7943,7 @@
:collect c
:when serial :do (setf previous-component name)))
(compute-children-by-name component))
- ;; Used by POIU. ASDF3: rename to component-depends-on
+ ;; Used by POIU. ASDF4: rename to component-depends-on?
(setf (component-sibling-dependencies component) depends-on)
(%refresh-component-inline-methods component rest)
(when if-component-dep-fails
@@ -7883,7 +7964,7 @@
(source-file (if sfp source-file (resolve-symlinks* (load-pathname))))
(registered (system-registered-p name))
(registered! (if registered
- (rplaca registered (safe-file-write-date source-file))
+ (rplaca registered (get-file-stamp source-file))
(make-instance 'system :name name :source-file source-file))))
(system (reset-system (cdr registered!)
@@ -7922,8 +8003,7 @@
#:user-system-p #:user-system #:trivial-system-p
#+ecl #:make-build
- #:build-args #:name-suffix #:prologue-code #:epilogue-code #:static-library
- #:component-entry-point #:entry-point))
+ #:build-args #:name-suffix #:prologue-code #:epilogue-code #:static-library))
(in-package :asdf/bundle)
(defclass bundle-op (operation)
@@ -7982,16 +8062,6 @@
;; All: create an executable file from the system and its dependencies
((bundle-type :initform :program)))
-(defgeneric* component-entry-point (component))
-(defmethod component-entry-point ((c component))
- (declare (ignorable c))
- nil)
-(defclass bundle-system (system)
- ((entry-point
- :initform nil :initarg :entry-point :accessor component-entry-point)))
(defun* bundle-pathname-type (bundle-type)
(etypecase bundle-type
((eql :no-output-file) nil) ;; should we error out instead?
@@ -8487,7 +8557,7 @@
(asdf/package:define-package :asdf/backward-interface
(:recycle :asdf/backward-interface :asdf)
(:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
- :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/operation :asdf/action
+ :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-system :asdf/operation :asdf/action
:asdf/lisp-build :asdf/operate :asdf/output-translations)
@@ -8553,21 +8623,26 @@
(centralize-lisp-binaries nil)
- (subpathname (user-homedir) ".fasls/")) ;; Use ".cache/common-lisp/" instead ???
+ (subpathname (user-homedir-pathname) ".fasls/")) ;; Use ".cache/common-lisp/" instead ???
(include-per-user-information nil)
(map-all-source-files (or #+(or clisp ecl mkcl) t nil))
- (source-to-target-mappings nil))
+ (source-to-target-mappings nil)
+ (file-types (list (compile-file-type)
+ #+ecl (compile-file-type :type :object)
+ #+mkcl (compile-file-type :fasl-p nil)
+ #+clisp "lib" #+sbcl "cfasl"
+ #+sbcl "sbcl-warnings" #+clozure "ccl-warnings")))
#+(or clisp ecl mkcl)
(when (null map-all-source-files)
(error "asdf:enable-asdf-binary-locations-compatibility doesn't support :map-all-source-files nil on CLISP, ECL and MKCL"))
- (let* ((fasl-type (compile-file-type))
- (mapped-files (if map-all-source-files *wild-file*
- (make-pathname :type fasl-type :defaults *wild-file*)))
+ (let* ((patterns (if map-all-source-files (list *wild-file*)
+ (loop :for type :in file-types
+ :collect (make-pathname :type type :defaults *wild-file*))))
(if centralize-lisp-binaries
,@(when include-per-user-information
- (cdr (pathname-directory (user-homedir))))
+ (cdr (pathname-directory (user-homedir-pathname))))
:implementation ,*wild-inferiors*)
`(:root ,*wild-inferiors* :implementation))))
@@ -8575,8 +8650,9 @@
, at source-to-target-mappings
#+abcl (#p"jar:file:/**/*.jar!/**/*.*" (:function translate-jar-pathname))
#+abcl (#p"/___jar___file___root___/**/*.*" (, at destination-directory))
- ((:root ,*wild-inferiors* ,mapped-files)
- (, at destination-directory ,mapped-files))
+ ,@(loop :for pattern :in patterns
+ :collect `((:root ,*wild-inferiors* ,pattern)
+ (, at destination-directory ,pattern)))
(t t)
@@ -8609,6 +8685,7 @@
(let ((command (apply 'format nil control-string args)))
(asdf-message "; $ ~A~%" command)
(run-program command :force-shell t :ignore-error-status t :output *verbose-out*)))
;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Handle ASDF package upgrade, including implementation-dependent magic.
@@ -8621,7 +8698,7 @@
#:split #:make-collector
#:loaded-systems ; makes for annoying SLIME completion
#:output-files-for-system-and-operation) ; obsolete ASDF-BINARY-LOCATION function
- (:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
+ (:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade :asdf/cache
:asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component
:asdf/operation :asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action
:asdf/output-translations :asdf/source-registry
@@ -8642,7 +8719,7 @@
#:feature #:version #:version-satisfies #:upgrade-asdf
#:implementation-identifier #:implementation-type #:hostname
#:input-files #:output-files #:output-file #:perform
- #:operation-done-p #:explain #:component-sibling-dependencies
+ #:operation-done-p #:explain #:action-description #:component-sibling-dependencies
;; #:run-program ; we can't export it, because SB-GROVEL :use's both ASDF and SB-EXT.
#:component-load-dependencies #:run-shell-command ; deprecated, do not use
@@ -8672,7 +8749,6 @@
- #:component-property
@@ -8692,8 +8768,6 @@
- #:operation-description
#:*system-definition-search-functions* ; variables
@@ -8705,7 +8779,9 @@
- #:operation-error #:compile-failed #:compile-warned #:compile-error
+ #:compile-condition #:compile-file-error #:compile-warned-error #:compile-failed-error
+ #:compile-warned-warning #:compile-failed-warning
+ #:operation-error #:compile-failed #:compile-warned #:compile-error ;; backward compatibility
@@ -8738,6 +8814,7 @@
+ #:*warnings-file-type*
@@ -8758,6 +8835,12 @@
+;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; ASDF-USER, where the action happens.
+(asdf/package:define-package :asdf/user
+ (:nicknames :asdf-user)
+ (:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/package :asdf/interface))
;;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; ASDF Footer: last words and cleanup
@@ -8770,22 +8853,17 @@
:asdf/backward-internals :asdf/defsystem :asdf/backward-interface))
(in-package :asdf/footer)
-;;;; Configure
-(setf asdf/utility:*asdf-debug-utility*
- '(asdf/system:system-relative-pathname :asdf "contrib/debug.lisp"))
;;;; Hook ASDF into the implementation's REQUIRE and other entry points.
#+(or abcl clisp clozure cmu ecl mkcl sbcl)
-(let ((x (and #+clisp (find-symbol* '#:*module-provider-functions* :custom nil))))
- (when x
- (eval `(pushnew 'module-provide-asdf
- #+abcl sys::*module-provider-functions*
- #+clisp ,x
- #+clozure ccl:*module-provider-functions*
- #+(or cmu ecl) ext:*module-provider-functions*
- #+mkcl mk-ext:*module-provider-functions*
- #+sbcl sb-ext:*module-provider-functions*))))
+(if-let (x (and #+clisp (find-symbol* '#:*module-provider-functions* :custom nil)))
+ (eval `(pushnew 'module-provide-asdf
+ #+abcl sys::*module-provider-functions*
+ #+clisp ,x
+ #+clozure ccl:*module-provider-functions*
+ #+(or cmu ecl) ext:*module-provider-functions*
+ #+mkcl mk-ext:*module-provider-functions*
+ #+sbcl sb-ext:*module-provider-functions*)))
#+(or ecl mkcl)
@@ -8821,7 +8899,7 @@
(when (boundp 'excl:*warn-on-nested-reader-conditionals*)
(setf excl:*warn-on-nested-reader-conditionals* asdf/common-lisp::*acl-warn-save*)))
-(dolist (f '(:asdf :asdf2 :asdf2.27)) (pushnew f *features*))
+(dolist (f '(:asdf :asdf2 :asdf3)) (pushnew f *features*))
(provide :asdf)
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