[armedbear-cvs] r14304 - in trunk/abcl: . doc/manual

mevenson at common-lisp.net mevenson at common-lisp.net
Thu Dec 6 21:17:24 UTC 2012

Author: mevenson
Date: Thu Dec  6 13:17:23 2012
New Revision: 14304

doc:  bring trunk to status of RC2 minus abcl-1.1.0 specific text.


Modified: trunk/abcl/README
--- trunk/abcl/README	Thu Dec  6 13:01:44 2012	(r14303)
+++ trunk/abcl/README	Thu Dec  6 13:17:23 2012	(r14304)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 which should result in output like the following
-    Armed Bear Common Lisp 1.1.0-dev
+    Armed Bear Common Lisp 1.2.0
     Java 1.6.0_21 Sun Microsystems Inc.
     Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
     Low-level initialization completed in 0.3 seconds.
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
 ### Tests 
-ABCL 1.2.0-dev now fails only 1[2-4] out of 21708 total tests in the ANSI CL
+ABCL 1.2.0 now fails only 1[4-6] out of 21708 total tests in the ANSI CL
 test suite (derived from the tests originally written for GCL).
 Maxima's test suite runs without failures.

Modified: trunk/abcl/abcl.rdf
--- trunk/abcl/abcl.rdf	Thu Dec  6 13:01:44 2012	(r14303)
+++ trunk/abcl/abcl.rdf	Thu Dec  6 13:17:23 2012	(r14304)
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 # -*- Mode: n3 -*-
- at prefix abcl:            <https://abcl.org> .
+ at prefix abcl:            <https://abcl.org#> .
+ abcl:is "W3C Turtle RDF serializations format" ; 
+ abcl:tag   <http://svn.common-lisp.net/tags/1.2.0/> .
 @prefix doap:            <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> .
 @prefix rdf:             <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
 @prefix rdfs:            <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@@ -11,30 +15,106 @@
 <> rdfs:seeAlso         <urn:not.org> .
 @prefix dc:              <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .
-<> dc:modified          "01-DEC-2012" .
+  abcl:tag             <http://svn.common-lisp.net/tags/1.1.0/> ;
+  dc:identifier        <urn:abcl.org/release/1.1.0> ;           
+  doap:language        "Common Lisp" ;
+  dc:created           "01-JAN-2004" ;
+  dc:modified          "06-DEC-2012" ;
+<> dc:version           "abcl-1.2.0" .
+<>  a abcl:release   "dev" .
+  rdfs:seeAlso <file:README> ;
+  rdfs:seeAlso <file:MANUAL> ;
+   rdfs:seeAlso <file:doc/manual/abcl.tex> .
-<> dc:version           "abcl-1.2-dev" .
+ at prefix dc:              <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .
   a                     doap:Project ;
   doap:label            "Armed Bear Common Lisp" ;
   doap:download    <http://common-lisp.net/project/armedbear/> ;
-  doap:shortname "ABCL" ;
-  doap:contributors """( ehu easye v-ille astalla rudi peter)""" .
+  dc:abstract      "An implementation of ANSI Common Lisp that runs on the JVM." ;
+  doap:shortname   "ABCL" ;
+  abcl:contributors """ehu easye v-ille astalla rudi peter""" .
+<abcl:doap>  doap:language  "Common Lisp" .
+<> <urn:abcl.org:releng:implementation:language> [ 
+   a rdf:Bag;
+   rdf:_1 "Java";
+   rdf:_2  "Ant"; 
+   rdf:_3 "Bourne Shell Script"; 
+   rdf:_4"Windows Batch Script" 
+] .
+  dc:contributor [ 
+    a rdf:Alt;
+    rdf:_1 _:ehu ;  
+    rdf:_2 _:easye ;
+    rdf:_3 _:ville ;
+    rdf:_4 _:astala ;
+    rdf:_5 _:rudi 
+] .
   "Common Lisp", "Java", "Ant", "Bourne Shell Script", "Windows Batch Script"  .
-  doap:license  [
-     dc:license <http://usefulinc.com/doap/licenses/gplv2> ,
-     <http://usefulinc.com/doap/licenses/gplv2-classpath-exception> ;
-               ] .
+_:user dc:identifier <http://ville.not.org/#me>  ; 
+       rdf:label "V-ille"  .
+ <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>  rdfs:seeAlso <http://dublincore.org/documents/2012/06/14/dcmi-terms/> .
+<> doap:license  [
+     dc:license <http://usefulinc.com/doap/licenses/gplv2> ;
+     dc:license <http://usefulinc.com/doap/licenses/gplv2-classpath-exception> ;
+     rdfs:seeAlso <urn:abcl.org/release/1.2.0> ;
+     dc:licenseDocument <file:COPYING> ;
+     dc:licenseDocument <http://svn.common-lisp.net/trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/LICENSE> ;
+] .
+doap:Project rdfs:seeAlso [
+  a rdf:Bag;
+  rdf:_1 <http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/timeline> ;
+  rdf:_2 <http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/wiki> ;
+  rdf:_3 <http://code.google.com/p/abcl-dynamic-install/> ;
+  dc:source   abcl:tag ;
+  dc:Software [ 
+     a rdf:Bag;
+     rdf:_1 <urn:abcl:previousVersion> ; 
+     rdf:_2 <https://code.google.com/p/abcl-dynamic-install/files/abcl-1.1.0-rc-2.jar> 
+  ] ;
+] .
+<> abcl:provides <release#abcl-contrib.jar> ;
+   rdfs:seeAlso <file:contrib/README.markdown>.
+<> dc:Standard  <urn:abcl.org/ansi/common-lisp#X3J13> ;
+   rdfs:seeAlso [ 
+     a rdf:Bag ;
+     rdf:_1  <urn:ansi.common-lisp> ; 
+     rdf:_2 "ANSI+INCITS+226-1994+(R2004).pdf" 
+   ] ;
+   dc:abstract  
+     "ANSI INCITS 226-1994 (R2004) American National Standard for Programming Language Common LISP (X3J13)" .
+<> rdfs:seeAlso <urn:abcl.org/ansi/common-lisp#X3J13> .
 doap:Project rdfs:seeAlso 
   <http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/timeline> , 
   <http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/wiki> , 
   <http://code.google.com/p/abcl-dynamic-install/> .
\ No newline at end of file
+<> doap:packages 
+   abcl:abcl-contrib ;
+   rdfs:seeAlso <file:contrib/README.markdown> .

Modified: trunk/abcl/doc/manual/Makefile
--- trunk/abcl/doc/manual/Makefile	Thu Dec  6 13:01:44 2012	(r14303)
+++ trunk/abcl/doc/manual/Makefile	Thu Dec  6 13:17:23 2012	(r14304)
@@ -8,8 +8,18 @@
 	pdflatex abcl.tex
 	pdflatex abcl.tex
+#ABCL   = abcl
+ABCL	= ../../abcl
+#ABCL	= /Users/evenson/work/abcl-1.1.x/abcl
+# XXX TODO 1) use more compact iterated form, 2) pare down to using --noinit
-	abcl --batch --noinform --load "grovel.lisp" --eval '(progn (grovel-docstrings-as-tex (find-package :java)) (grovel-docstrings-as-tex (find-package :extensions)) (grovel-docstrings-as-tex (find-package :threads)))'
+	$(ABCL) --batch --noinform --load "grovel.lisp" \
+	  --eval '(grovel-docstrings-as-tex (find-package :java)' \
+	  --eval  '(grovel-docstrings-as-tex (find-package :extensions))' \
+	--eval  '(grovel-docstrings-as-tex (find-package :threads))' \
+	--eval  '(grovel-docstrings-as-tex (find-package :system))' \
+	--eval '(progn (require :abcl-contrib) (require :jss) (grovel-docstrings-as-tex (find-package :jss)))'
 	rm -f *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.log *.out *.toc abcl.pdf

Modified: trunk/abcl/doc/manual/abcl.bib
--- trunk/abcl/doc/manual/abcl.bib	Thu Dec  6 13:01:44 2012	(r14303)
+++ trunk/abcl/doc/manual/abcl.bib	Thu Dec  6 13:17:23 2012	(r14304)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
   howpublished = {\url{http://java.sun.com/developer/onlineTraining/protocolhandlers/}},
   month =     aug,
   year =      2000,
-  note =      {Last accessed Jan 25, 2012}}
+  note =      {Last accessed Jan 25, 2012}} % no longer resolving 2012-12-04
   author =       {Beane, Zach},

Modified: trunk/abcl/doc/manual/abcl.tex
--- trunk/abcl/doc/manual/abcl.tex	Thu Dec  6 13:01:44 2012	(r14303)
+++ trunk/abcl/doc/manual/abcl.tex	Thu Dec  6 13:17:23 2012	(r14304)
@@ -8,10 +8,9 @@
 \title{Armed Bear Common Lisp User Manual}
-\date{Version 1.2\\
+\date{Version 1.1.0\\
-December 01, 2012}
+December 5, 2012}
 \author{Mark Evenson \and Erik H\"{u}lsmann \and Rudolf Schlatte \and
   Alessio Stalla \and Ville Voutilainen}
@@ -19,14 +18,18 @@
 %%Preface to the second edition, abcl-1.1.0.
+\subsection{Preface to the Second Edition}
+ABCL 1.1 now contains (A)MOP.  We hope you enjoy!  --The Mgmt.
 Armed Bear Common Lisp (ABCL) is an implementation of Common Lisp that
-runs on the Java Virtual Machine.  It compiles to Java bytecode and
-integrates with Java code and libraries in a seamless way:
+runs on the Java Virtual Machine.  It compiles Common Lisp to Java 5
+bytecode, providing the following integration methods for interfacing
+with Java code and libraries:
 \item Lisp code can create Java objects and call their methods (see
   Section~\ref{sec:lisp-java}, page~\pageref{sec:lisp-java}).
@@ -63,7 +66,7 @@
     rather arcane sounding deviation from conformance is so that the
     result of a merge won't fill in a DEVICE with the wrong "default
     device for the host" in the sense of the fourth paragraph in the
-    [CLHS description of MERGE-PATHNAMES][2] (the paragraph beginning
+    CLHS description of MERGE-PATHNAMES (see in \cite{CLHS} the paragraph beginning
     "If the PATHNAME explicitly specifies a host and not a device…").
     A future version of the implementation may return to conformance
     by using the \code{HOST} value to reflect the type explicitly.
@@ -93,8 +96,6 @@
     allowed by \textsc{ANSI}}, the inability to inspect local variables
   in a given call frame, and the inability to resume a halted
   computation at an arbitrarily selected call frame.
-\item An incomplete implementation of a proper metaobject protocol
-  (c.f. the (A)MOP specification~\cite{AMOP, AMOPspec})
 \item Incomplete streams abstraction, in that \textsc{ABCL} needs
   suitable abstraction between ANSI and Gray streams.  The streams could
   be optimized to the JVM NIO abstractions at great profit for binary
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@
 \texttt{abcl.jar} or possibly something like \texttt{abcl-1.1.0.jar} if
 using a versioned package on the local filesystem from your system
 vendor.  This jar file can be executed from the command line to obtain a
-REPL\footnote{Read-Eval Print Loop, a Lisp commandline}, viz:
+REPL\footnote{Read-Eval Print Loop, a Lisp command-line}, viz:
   cmd$ java -jar abcl.jar
@@ -163,15 +164,15 @@
 ABCL supports the following command line options:
-\item[\texttt{--help}] displays a help message.
-\item[\texttt{--noinform}] Suppresses the printing of startup information and banner.
-\item[\texttt{--noinit}] suppresses the loading of the \verb+~/.abclrc+ startup file.
-\item[\texttt{--nosystem}] suppresses loading the \texttt{system.lisp} customization file. 
-\item[\texttt{--eval FORM}] evaluates FORM before initializing the REPL.
-\item[\texttt{--load FILE}] loads the file FILE before initializing the REPL.
-\item[\texttt{--load-system-file FILE}] loads the system file FILE before initializing the REPL.
-\item[\texttt{--batch}] evaluates forms specified by arguments and in
-  the intialization file \verb+~/.abclrc+, and then exits without
+\item[\texttt{  --help}] displays a help message.
+\item[\texttt{  --noinform}] Suppresses the printing of startup information and banner.
+\item[\texttt{  --noinit}] suppresses the loading of the \verb+~/.abclrc+ startup file.
+\item[\texttt{  --nosystem}] suppresses loading the \texttt{system.lisp} customization file. 
+\item[\texttt{  --eval FORM}] evaluates FORM before initializing the REPL.
+\item[\texttt{  --load FILE}] loads the file FILE before initializing the REPL.
+\item[\texttt{  --load-system-file FILE}] loads the system file FILE before initializing the REPL.
+\item[\texttt{  --batch}] evaluates forms specified by arguments and in
+  the initialization file \verb+~/.abclrc+, and then exits without
   starting a REPL.
@@ -212,17 +213,19 @@
 of Java objects, manipulation of instance and static fields on Java
 objects, and construction of new Java objects.
-When calling Java routines, some values will automatically be converted
-by the FFI\footnote{Foreign Function Interface, the term for the part of
-  a Lisp implementation that implements calling code written in other
-  languages.}  from Lisp values to Java values. These conversions
-typically apply to strings, integers and floats. Other values need to be
-converted to their Java equivalents by the programmer before calling the
-Java object method. Java values returned to Lisp are also generally
-converted back to their Lisp counterparts. Some operators make an
-exception to this rule and do not perform any conversion; those are the
-``raw'' counterparts of certain FFI functions and are recognizable by
-their name ending with \code{-RAW}.
+When calling Java routines, some values will automatically be
+converted by the FFI\footnote{Foreign Function Interface, is the term
+  of art for the part of a Lisp implementation which implements
+  calling code written in other languages, typically normalized to the
+  local C compiler calling conventions.}  from Lisp values to Java
+values. These conversions typically apply to strings, integers and
+floats. Other values need to be converted to their Java equivalents by
+the programmer before calling the Java object method. Java values
+returned to Lisp are also generally converted back to their Lisp
+counterparts. Some operators make an exception to this rule and do not
+perform any conversion; those are the ``raw'' counterparts of certain
+FFI functions and are recognizable by their name ending with
 \subsection{Low-level Java API}
@@ -737,6 +740,11 @@
 programmer to pass an interface-implementation object which will in turn
 be passed to the \code{jmake-proxy} generic function.
+\subsection{Implementation of Java classes in Lisp}
 \chapter{Implementation Dependent Extensions}
 As outlined by the CLHS ANSI conformance guidelines, we document the
@@ -760,6 +768,10 @@
 (the value of the special variable \code{JAVA:*CLASSLOADER*}. It has
 no effect on Java code outside ABCL.
+\subsection{Creating a synthetic Java Class at Runtime}
 % include autogen docs for the JAVA package.
@@ -803,32 +815,36 @@
-We implement an extension to the Pathname that allows for the
-description and retrieval of resources named in a
+We implement an extension to the \code{CL:PATHNAME} that allows for
+the description and retrieval of resources named in a
 \textsc{URI} \footnote{A \textsc{URI} is essentially a superset of
-  what is commonly understood as a \textsc{URL} We sometimesuse the
+  what is commonly understood as a \textsc{URL} We sometime suse the
   term URL as shorthand in describing the URL Pathnames, even though
   the corresponding encoding is more akin to a URI as described in
   RFC3986 \cite{rfc3986}.}  scheme that the \textsc{JVM}
-``understands''.  Support is built-in to comprehend the ``http'' and
-``https'' implementations but additional protocol handlers may be
-installed at runtime by having \textsc{JVM} symbols present in the
-sun.net.protocol.dynamic pacakge. See \cite{maso2000} for more
-\textsc{ABCL} has created specializations of the ANSI Pathname object to
-enable to use of \textsc{URI}s to address dynamically loaded resources for the
-JVM.  A \code{URL-PATHNAME} has a corresponding \textsc{URI} whose canonical
-representation is defined to be the \code{NAMESTRING} of the Pathname.
+``understands''.  By definition, support is built-in into the JVM to
+access the ``http'' and ``https'' schemes but additional protocol
+handlers may be installed at runtime by having \textsc{JVM} symbols
+present in the sun.net.protocol.dynamic package. See \cite{maso2000}
+for more details.
+\textsc{ABCL} has created specializations of the ANSI
+\code{CL:PATHNAME} object to enable to use of \textsc{URI}s to address
+dynamically loaded resources for the JVM.  The \code{EXT:URL-PATHNAME}
+specialization. has a corresponding \textsc{URI} whose canonical
+representation is defined to be the \code{NAMESTRING} of the
+Pathname. The \code{EXT:JAR-PATHNAME} extension further specializes
+the the \code{EXT:URL-PATHNAME} to provide access to components of zip
-# RDF description of type hierarchy 
+% RDF description of type hierarchy 
 % TODO Render via some LaTeX mode for graphviz?
-  <jar-pathname> a <url-pathname>.
-  <url-pathname> a <cl:pathname>.
+  @prefix ext:   <http://abcl.not.org/cl-packages/extensions/> .
+  @prefix cl:    <http://abcl.not.org/cl-pacages/common-lisp/> .
+  <ext:jar-pathname> a <ext:url-pathname>.
+  <ext:url-pathname> a <cl:pathname>.
   <cl:logical-pathname> a <cl:pathname> .
@@ -838,8 +854,9 @@
-Both \code{EXT:URL-PATHNAME} and \code{EXT:JAR-PATHNAME} may be used anywhere
-a \code{CL:PATHNAME} is accepted with the following caveats:
+Both the \code{EXT:URL-PATHNAME} and \code{EXT:JAR-PATHNAME} objects
+may be used anywhere a \code{CL:PATHNAME} is accepted with the
+following caveats:
@@ -847,24 +864,25 @@
   cannot be the target of write operations.
-\item No canonicalization is performed on the underlying \textsc{URI}
-  (i.e. the implementation does not attempt to compute the current
-  name of the representing resource unless it is requested to be
-  resolved.)  Upon resolution, any cannoicalization procedures
+\item Any results of canonicalization procesures performed on the
+  underlying \textsc{URI} are discarded between resolutions (i.e. the
+  implementation does not attempt to cache the results of current name
+  resolution of the representing resource unless it is requested to be
+  resolved.)  Upon resolution, any canoicalization procedures
   followed in resolving the resource (e.g. following redirects) are
   discarded.  Users may programatically initiate a new, local
   computation by applying the \code{CL:TRUENAME} function to a
   \code{EXT:URL-PATHNAME} object.  Depending on the reliablity and
   properties of your local \textsc{REST} infrastructure, these results
   may not necessarily be idempotent over time\footnote {See
-  \cite{evenson2011} for the draft of the publication of the technical
-  details}.
+    \cite{evenson2011} for the draft of the publication of the
+    technical details}.
 The implementation of \code{EXT:URL-PATHNAME} allows the \textsc{ABCL}
 user to dynamically load code from the network.  For example,
-Quicklisp (\cite{quicklisp}) may be completely installed from the REPL
+Quicklisp (\cite{quicklisp}) may be completely installed from the \textsc{REPL}
 as the single form:
@@ -873,32 +891,36 @@
 will load and execute the Quicklisp setup code.
-The implementation currently breaks ANSI conformance by allowing the
-types able to be READ for the DEVICE to return a possible CONS of
-PATHNAME objects.  %% citation from CLHS needed.
-In order to ``smooth over'' the bit about types being READ from
-PATHNAME components, we extend the semantics for the usual PATHNAME
-merge semantics when *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* contains a
+The implementation currently breaks \textsc{ANSI} conformance by allowing the
+types able to be \code{CL:READ} for the \var{DEVICE} to return a possible \code{CONS} of
+\code{CL:PATHNAME} objects.  %% citation from CLHS needed.
+In order to ``smooth over'' the bit about types being \code{CL:READ} from
+\code{CL:PATHNAME} components, we extend the semantics for the usual PATHNAME
+merge semantics when \code{*DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*} contains a
 %See \ref{_:quicklisp} on page \pageref{_:quicklisp}.
 The implementation of these extensions stores all the additional
-information in the PATHNAME object itself in ways that while strictly
+information in the \code{CL:PATHNAME} object itself in ways that while strictly
 speaking are conformant, nonetheless may trip up libraries that don't
 expect the following:
 \item \code{DEVICE} can be either a string denoting a drive letter
-  under DOS or a list of exactly one or two elements.  If
-  \code{DEVICE} is a list, it denotes a \code{JAR-PATHNAME}, with the entries
-  containing \code{PATHNAME} objects which describe the outer and (possibley)
-  locations of the jar archive.
+  under \textsc{DOS} or a list of exactly one or two elements.  If
+  \code{DEVICE} is a list, it denotes a \code{EXT:JAR-PATHNAME}, with
+  the entries containing \code{CL:PATHNAME} objects which describe the
+  outer and (possibly inner) locations of the jar
+  archive \footnote{The case of inner and outer
+    \code{EXT:EJAR-PATHNAME} arises when zip archives themselves
+    contain zip archives which is the case when the ABCL fasl is
+    included in the abcl.jar zip archive.}.
-\item A \code{URL-PATHNAME} always has a \code{HOST} component that is a
+\item A \code{EXT:URL-PATHNAME} always has a \code{HOST} component that is a
   property list.  The values of the \code{HOST} property list are
   always character strings.  The allowed keys have the following meanings:
@@ -909,7 +931,6 @@
   \item[:FRAGMENT] The fragment portion of the \textsc{URI}
 \item In order to encapsulate the implementation decisions for these
   meanings, the following functions provide a setf-able API for
   reading and writing such values: \code{URL-PATHNAME-QUERY},
@@ -946,6 +967,8 @@
 abstractions on the standard Java collection classes as defined by the
 \code{java.util.List} contract.
+%% an Example of using java.util.Lisp in Lisp would be nice
 This extension is not automatically loaded by the implementation.   It
 may be loaded via:
@@ -1015,8 +1038,8 @@
 bit characters to the Lisp reader\footnote{This represents a
   compromise with contemporary in 2011 32bit hosting architecures for
   which we wish to make text processing efficient.  Should the User
-  require more control over UNICODE processing we recommend Edi Weisz'
-  excellent work with FLEXI-STREAMS which we fully support}, namely we
+  require more control over \textsc{UNICODE} processing we recommend Edi Weisz'
+  excellent work with \textsc|{FLEXI-STREAMS}  which we fully support}, namely we
 allow a sequences of the form \verb~#\U~\emph{\texttt{xxxx}} to be processed
 by the reader as character whose code is specified by the hexadecimal
 digits \emph{\texttt{xxxx}}.  The hexadecimal sequence may be one to four digits
@@ -1054,7 +1077,10 @@
       \item \code{mvn}
         These systems name common JVM artifacts from the distributed pom.xml graph of Maven Aether:
-          \item \code{jna} Dynamically load 'jna.jar' version 3.4.0 from the network.
+          \item \code{jna} Dynamically load 'jna.jar' version 3.5.1
+            from the network \footnote{This loading can be inhibited
+              if, at runtime, the Java class corresponding
+              ``:classname'' clause of the system defition is present.}
       \item \code{quicklisp-abcl} (Not working) boot a local Quicklisp
         installation via the ASDF:IRI type introduced bia ABCL-ASDF.
@@ -1072,12 +1098,13 @@
 \section{JSS optionally extends the Reader}
 The JSS contrib consitutes an additional, optional extension to the
-reader in the definition of the \#\" reader macro.  See section
-\ref{section:jss} on page \pageref{section:jss} for more information.
+reader in the definition of the \code{SHARPSIGN-DOUBLE-QUOTE}
+(``\#\"'') reader macro.  See section \ref{section:jss} on page
+\pageref{section:jss} for more information.
-asdf-2.25 (see \cite{asdf}) is packaged as core component of ABCL,
+asdf-2.26.6 (see \cite{asdf}) is packaged as core component of ABCL,
 but not initialized by default, as it relies on the CLOS subsystem
 which can take a bit of time to start \footnote{While this time is
   ``merely'' on the order of seconds for contemporary 2011 machines,
@@ -1115,9 +1142,9 @@
 %dynamically loaded.
-The following \textsc{ASDF} components are added: \code{JAR-FILE},
-\code{JAR-DIRECTORY}, \code{CLASS-FILE-DIRECTORY} and \code{MVN}.
+When loaded, abcl-asdf adds the following objects to \textsc{ASDF}:
+\code{MVN}, exporting them (and others) as public symbols.
 \subsection{Referencing Maven Artifacts via ASDF}
@@ -1196,13 +1223,14 @@
 To one used to the more universal syntax of Lisp pairs upon which the
 definition of read and compile time macros is quite
-natural \footnote{See Graham's ``On Lisp'' http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/paulgraham/onlisp.pdf.}, the Java syntax available to
-the Java programmer may be said to suck.  To alleviate this situation,
-the JSS contrib introduces the \code{SHARPSIGN-DOUBLE-QUOTE}
-(\code{\#"}) reader macro, which allows the the specification of the
-name of invoking function as the first element of the relevant s-expr
-which tends to be more congruent to how Lisp programmers seem to be
-wired to think.
+natural \footnote{See Graham's ``On Lisp''
+  http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/paulgraham/onlisp.pdf.}, the Java
+syntax available to the Java programmer may be said to suck.  To
+alleviate this situation, the JSS contrib introduces the
+\code{SHARPSIGN-DOUBLE-QUOTE} (\code{\#"}) reader macro, which allows
+the the specification of the name of invoking function as the first
+element of the relevant s-expr which tends to be more congruent to how
+Lisp programmers seem to be wired to think.
 While quite useful, we don't expect that the JSS contrib will be the
 last experiment in wrangling Java from Common Lisp.
@@ -1225,6 +1253,11 @@
 Some more information on jss can be found in its documentation at
+The contrib contains a pure-Java version of JFLI. 
 The asdf-install contrib provides an implementation of ASDF-INSTALL.
@@ -1258,8 +1291,28 @@
 released abcl-1.0.0.  We released abcl-1.0.1 as a maintainence release
 on January 10, 2012.
-In October 2012, we revised the implementation with the release of
-abcl-1.1.0 and accumulated changes to this manual.
+In December 2012, we revised the implementation by adding (A)MOP
+with the release of abcl-1.1.0.
+\chapter{The MOP Dictionary}
+\chapter{The SYSTEM Dictionary}
+The public interfaces in this package are subject to change with
+ABCL 1.2.
+\chapter{The JSS Dictionary}
+These public interfaces are provided by the JSS contrib.

Added: trunk/abcl/doc/manual/jss.tex
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/abcl/doc/manual/jss.tex	Thu Dec  6 13:17:23 2012	(r14304)
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+--- Function: \textbf{hashmap-to-hashtable} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{hashmap \&rest rest \&key (keyfun (function identity)) (valfun (function identity)) (invert? NIL) table \&allow-other-keys}
+Converts the a HASHMAP reference to a java.util.HashMap object to a Lisp hashtable.
+The REST paramter specifies arguments to the underlying MAKE-HASH-TABLE call.
+KEYFUN and VALFUN specifies functions to be run on the keys and values
+of the HASHMAP right before they are placed in the hashtable.
+If INVERT? is non-nil than reverse the keys and values in the resulting hashtable.
+--- Function: \textbf{find-java-class} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{name}
+--- Macro: \textbf{invoke-add-imports} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{java-class-method-names} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{class \&optional stream}
+Return a list of the public methods encapsulated by the JVM CLASS.
+If STREAM non-nil, output a verbose description to the named output stream.
+CLASS may either be a string naming a fully qualified JVM class in dot
+notation, or a symbol resolved against all class entries in the
+current classpath.
+--- Variable: \textbf{*do-auto-imports*} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{}
+Whether to automatically introspect all Java classes on the classpath when JSS is loaded.
+--- Function: \textbf{new} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{class-name \&rest args}
+Invoke the Java constructor for CLASS-NAME with ARGS.
+CLASS-NAME may either be a symbol or a string according to the usual JSS conventions.
+--- Function: \textbf{list-to-list} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{list}
+--- Function: \textbf{jarray-to-list} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{jarray}
+Convert the Java array named by JARRARY into a Lisp list.
+--- Function: \textbf{set-to-list} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{set}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-java-field} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{object field value \&optional (try-harder *running-in-osgi*)}
+Set the FIELD of OBJECT to VALUE.
+If OBJECT is a symbol, it names a dot qualified Java class to look for
+a static FIELD.  If OBJECT is an instance of java:java-object, the
+associated is used to look up the static FIELD.
+--- Function: \textbf{jclass-all-interfaces} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{class}
+Return a list of interfaces the class implements
+--- Macro: \textbf{with-constant-signature} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{get-java-field} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{object field \&optional (try-harder *running-in-osgi*)}
+Get the value of the FIELD contained in OBJECT.
+If OBJECT is a symbol it names a dot qualified static FIELD.
+--- Function: \textbf{jlist-to-list} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{list}
+Convert a LIST implementing java.util.List to a Lisp list.
+--- Function: \textbf{iterable-to-list} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{iterable}
+Return the items contained the java.lang.Iterable ITERABLE as a list.
+--- Variable: \textbf{*cl-user-compatibility*} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{}
+Whether backwards compatibility with JSS's use of CL-USER has been enabled.
+--- Function: \textbf{jcmn} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{classfiles-import} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{directory}
+Load all Java classes recursively contained under DIRECTORY in the current process.
+--- Function: \textbf{japropos} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{string}
+Output the names of all Java class names loaded in the current process which match STRING..
+--- Function: \textbf{vector-to-list} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{vector}
+--- Function: \textbf{invoke-restargs} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{method object args \&optional (raw? NIL)}
+--- Function: \textbf{jar-import} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{file}
+Import all the Java classes contained in the pathname FILE into the JSS dynamic lookup cache.
+--- Function: \textbf{ensure-compatibility} [\textbf{jss}] \textit{}
+Ensure backwards compatibility with JSS's use of CL-USER.

Added: trunk/abcl/doc/manual/mop.tex
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/abcl/doc/manual/mop.tex	Thu Dec  6 13:17:23 2012	(r14304)
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+--- Class: \textbf{specializer} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{direct-slot-definition} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{effective-slot-definition} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{standard-direct-slot-definition} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{map-dependents} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{method-function} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{class-direct-subclasses} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{slot-definition-location} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{standard-slot-definition} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{standard-effective-slot-definition} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{slot-definition-allocation} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{funcallable-standard-instance-access} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{instance location}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{direct-slot-definition-class} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{class-direct-slots} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{compute-class-precedence-list} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{extract-specializer-names} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{specialized-lambda-list}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{generic-function-methods} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{class-default-initargs} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{class-precedence-list} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{standard-instance-access} [\textbf{system}] \textit{instance location}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-funcallable-instance-function} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{funcallable-instance function}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{generic-function-declarations} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{ensure-generic-function-using-class} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{eql-specializer-object} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{eql-specializer}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{ensure-class-using-class} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{slot-definition-readers} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{compute-discriminating-function} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{find-method-combination} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{remove-direct-method} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{remove-dependent} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{standard-accessor-method} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{slot-definition-initform} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{writer-method-class} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{extract-lambda-list} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{specialized-lambda-list}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{method-lambda-list} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{method-specializers} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{add-dependent} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{update-dependent} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{slot-definition} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{class-finalized-p} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{intern-eql-specializer} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{object}
+--- Class: \textbf{standard-reader-method} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{compute-effective-method} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{generic-function-lambda-list} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{method-qualifiers} [\textbf{common-lisp}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{validate-superclass} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+This generic function is called to determine whether the class
+  superclass is suitable for use as a superclass of class.
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{slot-definition-type} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{accessor-method-slot-definition} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{effective-slot-definition-class} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{slot-definition-writers} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{slot-value-using-class} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{method-generic-function} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{specializer-direct-methods} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{class-prototype} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{standard-writer-method} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{class-direct-default-initargs} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{funcallable-standard-class} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{specializer-direct-generic-functions} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{slot-boundp-using-class} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{compute-default-initargs} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{forward-referenced-class} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{generic-function-method-combination} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{compute-applicable-methods-using-classes} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{metaobject} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{canonicalize-direct-superclasses} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{direct-superclasses}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{add-direct-subclass} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{ensure-class} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{name \&rest all-keys \&key \&allow-other-keys}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{generic-function-method-class} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%defgeneric} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{function-name \&rest all-keys}
+--- Class: \textbf{eql-specializer} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{reader-method-class} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{slot-definition-name} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{slot-makunbound-using-class} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{add-direct-method} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{make-method-lambda} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{compute-applicable-methods} [\textbf{common-lisp}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{slot-definition-initfunction} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{compute-effective-slot-definition} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{generic-function-argument-precedence-order} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{generic-function-name} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{remove-direct-subclass} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{class-direct-superclasses} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{compute-slots} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{standard-method} [\textbf{common-lisp}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{finalize-inheritance} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{class-slots} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Generic Function: \textbf{slot-definition-initargs} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{funcallable-standard-object} [\textbf{mop}] \textit{}

Added: trunk/abcl/doc/manual/system.tex
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/abcl/doc/manual/system.tex	Thu Dec  6 13:17:23 2012	(r14304)
@@ -0,0 +1,1384 @@
+--- Function: \textbf{logical-pathname-p} [\textbf{system}] \textit{object}
+Returns true if OBJECT is of type logical-pathname; otherwise, returns false.
+--- Function: \textbf{\%slot-definition-readers} [\textbf{system}] \textit{slot-definition}
+--- Function: \textbf{compiler-macroexpand} [\textbf{system}] \textit{form \&optional env}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-generic-function-initial-methods} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-slot-definition-readers} [\textbf{system}] \textit{slot-definition readers}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-slot-definition-initform} [\textbf{system}] \textit{slot-definition initform}
+--- Function: \textbf{generic-function-documentation} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%nstring-capitalize} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%class-finalized-p} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{environment-add-macro-definition} [\textbf{system}] \textit{environment name expander}
+--- Function: \textbf{lambda-name} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{std-slot-value} [\textbf{system}] \textit{instance slot-name}
+--- Function: \textbf{std-instance-class} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{make-slot-definition} [\textbf{system}] \textit{\&optional class}
+Cannot be called with user-defined subclasses of standard-slot-definition.
+--- Function: \textbf{write-vector-unsigned-byte-8} [\textbf{system}] \textit{vector stream start end}
+--- Function: \textbf{notinline-p} [\textbf{system}] \textit{name}
+--- Function: \textbf{vector-delete-eql} [\textbf{system}] \textit{item vector}
+--- Function: \textbf{package-symbols} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%set-class-direct-subclasses} [\textbf{system}] \textit{class direct-subclasses}
+--- Macro: \textbf{defconst} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{compile-file-if-needed} [\textbf{system}] \textit{input-file \&rest allargs \&key force-compile \&allow-other-keys}
+--- Function: \textbf{puthash} [\textbf{system}] \textit{key hash-table new-value \&optional default}
+--- Function: \textbf{structure-set} [\textbf{system}] \textit{instance index new-value}
+--- Function: \textbf{make-layout} [\textbf{system}] \textit{class instance-slots class-slots}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%string/=} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{delete-eq} [\textbf{system}] \textit{item sequence}
+--- Function: \textbf{single-float-bits} [\textbf{system}] \textit{float}
+--- Variable: \textbf{+keyword-package+} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{process-kill} [\textbf{system}] \textit{process}
+--- Function: \textbf{layout-length} [\textbf{system}] \textit{layout}
+--- Class: \textbf{environment} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%generic-function-method-class} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{list-delete-eql} [\textbf{system}] \textit{item list}
+--- Function: \textbf{aset} [\textbf{system}] \textit{array subscripts new-element}
+--- Variable: \textbf{*compile-file-type*} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Variable: \textbf{+cl-package+} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%class-direct-subclasses} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{gf-required-args} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-schar} [\textbf{system}] \textit{string index character}
+--- Function: \textbf{make-fill-pointer-output-stream} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%string-capitalize} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{inline-expansion} [\textbf{system}] \textit{name}
+--- Variable: \textbf{*source-position*} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{symbol-macro-p} [\textbf{system}] \textit{value}
+--- Function: \textbf{double-float-high-bits} [\textbf{system}] \textit{float}
+--- Variable: \textbf{+fixnum-type+} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{fdefinition-block-name} [\textbf{system}] \textit{function-name}
+--- Function: \textbf{expand-inline} [\textbf{system}] \textit{form expansion}
+--- Function: \textbf{function-result-type} [\textbf{system}] \textit{name}
+--- Function: \textbf{environment-add-symbol-binding} [\textbf{system}] \textit{environment symbol value}
+--- Function: \textbf{swap-slots} [\textbf{system}] \textit{instance-1 instance-2}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%generic-function-methods} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Variable: \textbf{*speed*} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{identity-hash-code} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{dump-form} [\textbf{system}] \textit{form stream}
+--- Function: \textbf{fixnum-type-p} [\textbf{system}] \textit{compiler-type}
+--- Function: \textbf{make-keyword} [\textbf{system}] \textit{symbol}
+--- Function: \textbf{make-environment} [\textbf{system}] \textit{\&optional parent-environment}
+--- Function: \textbf{compiled-lisp-function-p} [\textbf{system}] \textit{object}
+--- Function: \textbf{list-directory} [\textbf{system}] \textit{directory \&optional (resolve-symlinks t)}
+Lists the contents of DIRECTORY, optionally resolving symbolic links.
+--- Function: \textbf{make-file-stream} [\textbf{system}] \textit{pathname namestring element-type direction if-exists external-format}
+--- Function: \textbf{compiler-subtypep} [\textbf{system}] \textit{compiler-type typespec}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%putf} [\textbf{system}] \textit{plist indicator new-value}
+--- Function: \textbf{check-sequence-bounds} [\textbf{system}] \textit{sequence start end}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%output-object} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%set-class-direct-slots} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-car} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%set-class-slots} [\textbf{system}] \textit{class slot-definitions}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-generic-function-argument-precedence-order} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-slot-definition-documentation} [\textbf{system}] \textit{slot-definition documentation}
+--- Variable: \textbf{*safety*} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{empty-environment-p} [\textbf{system}] \textit{environment}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-generic-function-documentation} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%slot-definition-location} [\textbf{system}] \textit{slot-definition}
+--- Function: \textbf{remove-zip-cache-entry} [\textbf{system}] \textit{pathname}
+--- Function: \textbf{get-cached-emf} [\textbf{system}] \textit{generic-function args}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%set-class-finalized-p} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%string-not-lessp} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%make-instances-obsolete} [\textbf{system}] \textit{class}
+--- Function: \textbf{ensure-input-stream} [\textbf{system}] \textit{pathname}
+Returns a java.io.InputStream for resource denoted by PATHNAME.
+--- Function: \textbf{\%make-logical-pathname} [\textbf{system}] \textit{namestring}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%set-find-class} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Variable: \textbf{+false-type+} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{process-input} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-slot-definition-initargs} [\textbf{system}] \textit{slot-definition initargs}
+--- Function: \textbf{make-structure} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%slot-definition-allocation-class} [\textbf{system}] \textit{slot-definition}
+--- Variable: \textbf{*inline-declarations*} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%class-default-initargs} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{standard-instance-access} [\textbf{system}] \textit{instance location}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-function-info-value} [\textbf{system}] \textit{name indicator value}
+--- Function: \textbf{precompile} [\textbf{extensions}] \textit{name \&optional definition}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%string-not-equal} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{sha256} [\textbf{system}] \textit{\&rest paths-or-strings}
+--- Function: \textbf{disable-zip-cache} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+Disable all caching of ABCL FASLs and ZIPs.
+--- Function: \textbf{std-slot-boundp} [\textbf{system}] \textit{instance slot-name}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-generic-function-method-class} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%generic-function-method-combination} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{call-count} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%slot-definition-allocation} [\textbf{system}] \textit{slot-definition}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%allocate-funcallable-instance} [\textbf{system}] \textit{class}
+--- Function: \textbf{double-float-low-bits} [\textbf{system}] \textit{float}
+--- Function: \textbf{simple-search} [\textbf{system}] \textit{sequence1 sequence2}
+--- Function: \textbf{float-infinity-p} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{available-encodings} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+Returns all charset encodings suitable for passing to a stream constructor available at runtime.
+--- Function: \textbf{\%string-equal} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%class-precedence-list} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{process} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%make-list} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%type-error} [\textbf{system}] \textit{datum expected-type}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%stream-write-char} [\textbf{system}] \textit{character output-stream}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%finalize-generic-function} [\textbf{system}] \textit{generic-function}
+--- Function: \textbf{built-in-function-p} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Variable: \textbf{*compile-file-environment*} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%string<} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-slot-definition-writers} [\textbf{system}] \textit{slot-definition writers}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%init-eql-specializations} [\textbf{system}] \textit{generic-function eql-specilizer-objects-list}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-slot-definition-type} [\textbf{system}] \textit{slot-definition type}
+--- Function: \textbf{out-synonym-of} [\textbf{system}] \textit{stream-designator}
+--- Function: \textbf{note-name-defined} [\textbf{system}] \textit{name}
+--- Function: \textbf{integer-type-p} [\textbf{system}] \textit{object}
+--- Function: \textbf{structure-length} [\textbf{system}] \textit{instance}
+--- Function: \textbf{cache-emf} [\textbf{system}] \textit{generic-function args emf}
+--- Function: \textbf{hash-table-weakness} [\textbf{system}] \textit{hash-table}
+Return weakness property of HASH-TABLE, or NIL if it has none.
+--- Function: \textbf{float-overflow-mode} [\textbf{system}] \textit{\&optional boolean}
+--- Function: \textbf{process-error} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{process-alive-p} [\textbf{system}] \textit{process}
+Return t if process is still alive, nil otherwise.
+--- Function: \textbf{\%class-direct-default-initargs} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{make-double-float} [\textbf{system}] \textit{bits}
+--- Function: \textbf{set-generic-function-methods} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{layout-slot-index} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%stream-terpri} [\textbf{system}] \textit{output-stream}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%stream-output-object} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{interactive-eval} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{jar-stream} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%slot-definition-name} [\textbf{system}] \textit{slot-definition}
+--- Function: \textbf{zip} [\textbf{system}] \textit{pathname pathnames \&optional topdir}
+Creates a zip archive at PATHNAME whose entries enumerated via the list of PATHNAMES.
+If the optional TOPDIR argument is specified, the archive will preserve the hierarchy of PATHNAMES relative to TOPDIR.  Without TOPDIR, there will be no sub-directories in the archive, i.e. it will be flat.
+--- Function: \textbf{\%slot-definition-writers} [\textbf{system}] \textit{slot-definition}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%generic-function-name} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{std-instance-layout} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Class: \textbf{slot-definition} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{shrink-vector} [\textbf{system}] \textit{vector new-size}
+--- Function: \textbf{package-inherited-symbols} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{layout-class} [\textbf{system}] \textit{layout}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%set-fill-pointer} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%set-class-documentation} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{require-type} [\textbf{system}] \textit{arg type}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%class-direct-slots} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{\%class-direct-methods} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{setf-function-name-p} [\textbf{system}] \textit{thing}
+--- Variable: \textbf{*compiler-error-context*} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}
+--- Function: \textbf{make-integer-type} [\textbf{system}] \textit{type}
+--- Function: \textbf{integer-type-high} [\textbf{system}] \textit{}

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