[armedbear-cvs] r14073 - trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp

ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Sun Aug 12 13:40:24 UTC 2012

Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Sun Aug 12 06:40:11 2012
New Revision: 14073

Much nicer code printing with (setq jvm::*compiler-debug* t).


Modified: trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	Sun Aug 12 06:25:58 2012	(r14072)
+++ trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	Sun Aug 12 06:40:11 2012	(r14073)
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
   (let* ((stack-effect (apply #'descriptor-stack-effect return-type arg-types))
          (index (pool-add-method-ref *pool* class-name
                                      method-name (cons return-type arg-types)))
-         (instruction (apply #'%emit 'invokestatic (u2 index))))
+         (instruction (%emit 'invokestatic index)))
     (setf (instruction-stack instruction) stack-effect)))
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
   (let* ((stack-effect (apply #'descriptor-stack-effect return-type arg-types))
          (index (pool-add-method-ref *pool* class-name
                                      method-name (cons return-type arg-types)))
-         (instruction (apply #'%emit 'invokevirtual (u2 index))))
+         (instruction (%emit 'invokevirtual index)))
     (declare (type (signed-byte 8) stack-effect))
     (let ((explain *explain*))
       (when (and explain (memq :java-calls explain))
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
   (let* ((stack-effect (apply #'descriptor-stack-effect :void arg-types))
          (index (pool-add-method-ref *pool* class-name
                                      "<init>" (cons nil arg-types)))
-         (instruction (apply #'%emit 'invokespecial (u2 index))))
+         (instruction (%emit 'invokespecial index)))
     (declare (type (signed-byte 8) stack-effect))
     (setf (instruction-stack instruction) (1- stack-effect))))
@@ -291,29 +291,29 @@
 (defknown emit-getstatic (t t t) t)
 (defun emit-getstatic (class-name field-name type)
   (let ((index (pool-add-field-ref *pool* class-name field-name type)))
-    (apply #'%emit 'getstatic (u2 index))))
+    (%emit 'getstatic index)))
 (defknown emit-putstatic (t t t) t)
 (defun emit-putstatic (class-name field-name type)
   (let ((index (pool-add-field-ref *pool* class-name field-name type)))
-    (apply #'%emit 'putstatic (u2 index))))
+    (%emit 'putstatic index)))
 (declaim (inline emit-getfield emit-putfield))
 (defknown emit-getfield (t t t) t)
 (defun emit-getfield (class-name field-name type)
   (let* ((index (pool-add-field-ref *pool* class-name field-name type)))
-    (apply #'%emit 'getfield (u2 index))))
+    (%emit 'getfield index)))
 (defknown emit-putfield (t t t) t)
 (defun emit-putfield (class-name field-name type)
   (let* ((index (pool-add-field-ref *pool* class-name field-name type)))
-    (apply #'%emit 'putfield (u2 index))))
+    (%emit 'putfield index)))
 (defknown emit-new (t) t)
 (declaim (inline emit-new emit-anewarray emit-checkcast emit-instanceof))
 (defun emit-new (class-name)
-  (apply #'%emit 'new (u2 (pool-class class-name))))
+  (%emit 'new (pool-class class-name)))
 (defknown emit-anewarray (t) t)
 (defun emit-anewarray (class-name)
@@ -321,11 +321,11 @@
 (defknown emit-checkcast (t) t)
 (defun emit-checkcast (class-name)
-  (apply #'%emit 'checkcast (u2 (pool-class class-name))))
+  (apply #'%emit 'checkcast (list (pool-class class-name))))
 (defknown emit-instanceof (t) t)
 (defun emit-instanceof (class-name)
-  (apply #'%emit 'instanceof (u2 (pool-class class-name))))
+  (apply #'%emit 'instanceof (list (pool-class class-name))))
 (defvar type-representations '((:int fixnum)
@@ -1085,6 +1085,10 @@
     (emit 'return))
   (with-code-to-method (class (abcl-class-file-static-initializer class))
     (emit 'return))
+  (when *compiler-debug*
+    (print "; Writing class file ")
+    (print (abcl-class-file-class-name class))
+    (terpri))
   (finalize-class-file class)
   (write-class-file class stream))

Modified: trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-class-file.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-class-file.lisp	Sun Aug 12 06:25:58 2012	(r14072)
+++ trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-class-file.lisp	Sun Aug 12 06:40:11 2012	(r14073)
@@ -71,6 +71,29 @@
     (:short      "S")
     ((nil :void) "V")))
+(defun pretty-class (type &optional (default-package ""))
+  (let* ((p-len (1+ (length default-package)))
+         (len (length type))
+         (cnt (when (< p-len len)
+                (count #\/ type :start p-len)))
+         (type (if (and cnt (= 0 cnt))
+                   (subseq type p-len len)
+                   (substitute #\. #\/ type))))
+    type))
+(defun pretty-type (type &optional (default-package ""))
+  (cond
+    ((eql #\I type) "int")
+    ((eql #\J type) "long")
+    ((eql #\F type) "float")
+    ((eql #\D type) "double")
+    ((eql #\Z type) "boolean")
+    ((eql #\C type) "char")
+    ((eql #\B type) "byte")
+    ((eql #\S type) "short")
+    ((eql #\V type) "void")
+    ((stringp type)
+     (pretty-class (subseq type 1 (1- (length type))) default-package))))
@@ -265,15 +288,42 @@
   (index 0)
   ;; the entries hash stores raw values, except in case of string and
-  ;; utf8, because both are string values
+  ;; utf8, because both are string values in which case a two-element
+  ;; list - containing the tag and the value - is used
   (entries (make-hash-table :test #'equal :size 2048 :rehash-size 2.0)))
+(defun matching-index-p (entry index)
+  (eql (constant-index entry) index))
+(defun find-pool-entry (pool item &key (test #'matching-index-p))
+  (find-if (lambda (x)
+             (funcall test x item))
+           (pool-entries-list pool)))
 (defstruct constant
   "Structure to be included in all constant sub-types."
+(defgeneric print-pool-constant (pool entry stream &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (:method (pool (entry t) stream &key)
+    (print-object entry stream)))
+(defmethod print-pool-constant :around (pool entry stream &key recursive)
+  (cond
+    ((and (null *print-readably*)
+          (null *print-escape*)
+          (null recursive))
+     (princ #\# stream)
+     (princ (constant-index entry) stream)
+     (princ #\Space stream)
+     (princ #\< stream)
+     (call-next-method)
+     (princ #\> stream))
+    (t
+     (call-next-method))))
 (defparameter +constant-type-map+
   '((:class          7 1)
     (:field-ref      9 1)
@@ -293,6 +343,24 @@
   "Structure holding information on a 'class' type item in the constant pool."
+(defmethod print-pool-constant (pool (entry constant-class) stream
+                                &key recursive package)
+  (cond
+    ((and (null *print-escape*)
+          (null *print-readably*))
+     ;; human readable
+     (unless recursive
+       (princ "Class " stream))
+     (princ
+      (pretty-class (constant-utf8-value
+                     (find-pool-entry pool
+                                      (constant-class-name-index entry)))
+                    package)
+      stream))
+    (t
+     ;; READable
+     (call-next-method))))
 (defstruct (constant-member-ref (:constructor
                                      (tag index class-index name/type-index))
@@ -302,6 +370,39 @@
+(defmethod print-pool-constant (pool (entry constant-member-ref) stream
+                                &key recursive package)
+  (cond
+    ((and (null *print-escape*)
+          (null *print-readably*))
+     ;; human readable
+     (unless recursive
+       (princ (case (constant-member-ref-tag entry)
+                (9 "Field ")
+                (10 "Method ")
+                (11 "Interface method "))
+              stream))
+     (let ((name-prefix
+            (with-output-to-string (s)
+              (print-pool-constant pool
+                          (find-pool-entry pool
+                                           (constant-member-ref-class-index entry))
+                          s
+                          :recursive t
+                          :package package)
+              (princ #\. s))))
+       (print-pool-constant pool
+                            (find-pool-entry pool
+                                             (constant-member-ref-name/type-index entry))
+                            stream
+                            :name-prefix name-prefix
+                            :recursive t
+                            :package package)))
+    (t
+     ;; READable
+     (call-next-method))))
 (declaim (inline make-constant-field-ref make-constant-method-ref
 (defun make-constant-field-ref (index class-index name/type-index)
@@ -324,6 +425,24 @@
   "Structure holding information on a 'string' type item in the constant pool."
+(defmethod print-pool-constant (pool (entry constant-string) stream
+                                &key recursive)
+  (cond
+    ((and (null *print-readably*)
+          (null *print-escape*))
+     (unless recursive
+       (princ "String " stream))
+     (princ #\" stream)
+     (print-pool-constant pool
+                          (find-pool-entry pool
+                                           (constant-string-value-index entry))
+                          stream
+                          :recursive t)
+     (princ #\" stream))
+    (t
+     (call-next-method))))
 (defstruct (constant-float/int (:constructor
                                 %make-constant-float/int (tag index value))
                                (:include constant))
@@ -331,6 +450,20 @@
 in the constant pool."
+(defmethod print-pool-constant (pool (entry constant-float/int) stream
+                                &key recursive)
+  (cond
+    ((and (null *print-escape*)
+          (null *print-readably*))
+     (unless recursive
+       (princ (case (constant-tag entry)
+                (3 "int ")
+                (4 "float "))
+              stream))
+     (princ (constant-float/int-value entry) stream))
+    (t
+     (call-next-method))))
 (declaim (inline make-constant-float make-constant-int))
 (defun make-constant-float (index value)
   "Creates a `constant-float/int' structure instance containing a float."
@@ -347,6 +480,20 @@
 in the constant pool."
+(defmethod print-pool-constant (pool (entry constant-double/long) stream
+                                &key recursive)
+  (cond
+    ((and (null *print-escape*)
+          (null *print-readably*))
+     (unless recursive
+       (princ (case (constant-tag entry)
+                (5 "long ")
+                (6 "double "))
+              stream))
+     (princ (constant-double/long-value entry) stream))
+    (t
+     (call-next-method))))
 (declaim (inline make-constant-double make-constant-float))
 (defun make-constant-double (index value)
   "Creates a `constant-double/long' structure instance containing a double."
@@ -367,6 +514,59 @@
+(defun parse-descriptor (descriptor)
+  (let (arguments
+        method-descriptor-p
+        (index 0))
+    (when (eql (aref descriptor 0) #\()
+      ;; parse the arguments here...
+      (assert (find #\) descriptor))
+      (setf method-descriptor-p t)
+      (loop until (eql (aref descriptor index) #\))
+         do (incf index)
+         if (find (aref descriptor index) "IJFDZCBSV")
+         do (push (aref descriptor index) arguments)
+         if (eql (aref descriptor index) #\L)
+         do (loop for i upfrom index
+               until (eql (aref descriptor i) #\;)
+               finally (push (subseq descriptor index (1+ i))
+                             arguments)
+               finally (setf index i))
+         finally (incf index)))
+    (values (let ((return-value (subseq descriptor index)))
+              (if (= (length return-value) 1)
+                  (aref return-value 0)
+                  return-value))
+            (nreverse arguments)
+            method-descriptor-p)))
+(defmethod print-pool-constant (pool (entry constant-name/type) stream
+                                &key name-prefix package)
+  (cond
+    ((and (null *print-readably*)
+          (null *print-escape*))
+     (multiple-value-bind
+           (type arguments method-descriptor-p)
+         (let ((entry (find-pool-entry pool
+                            (constant-name/type-descriptor-index entry))))
+           (if (constant-utf8-p entry)
+               (parse-descriptor (constant-utf8-value entry))
+               (class-ref entry)))
+       (princ (pretty-type type package) stream)
+       (princ #\Space stream)
+       (when name-prefix
+         (princ name-prefix stream))
+       (print-pool-constant pool
+                            (find-pool-entry pool (constant-name/type-name-index entry))
+                            stream
+                            :recursive t)
+       (when method-descriptor-p
+         (format stream "(~{~A~^,~})" (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                                                (pretty-type x package))
+                                              arguments)))))
+    (t
+     (call-next-method))))
 (defstruct (constant-utf8 (:constructor make-constant-utf8 (index value))
                           (:include constant
                                     (tag 1)))
@@ -762,7 +962,7 @@
       (incf pool-index)
       (let ((tag (constant-tag entry)))
         (when *jvm-class-debug-pool*
-          (print-constant entry t))
+          (print-entry entry t))
         (write-u1 tag stream)
         (case tag
           (1                            ; UTF8
@@ -788,7 +988,7 @@
            (error "write-constant-pool-entry unhandled tag ~D~%" tag)))))))
-(defun print-constant (entry stream)
+(defun print-entry (entry stream)
   "Debugging helper to print the content of a constant-pool entry."
   (let ((tag (constant-tag entry))
         (index (constant-index entry)))
@@ -807,6 +1007,13 @@
       (8 (sys::%format t "str: ~a~%" (constant-string-value-index entry))))))
+(defmethod print-pool-constant (pool (entry constant-utf8) stream &key)
+  (if (and (null *print-escape*)
+           (null *print-readably*))
+      (princ (constant-utf8-value entry) stream)
+      (call-next-method)))
 ABCL doesn't use interfaces, so don't implement it here at this time
@@ -1043,7 +1250,8 @@
                      (nconc (mapcar #'exception-start-pc handlers)
                             (mapcar #'exception-end-pc handlers)
                             (mapcar #'exception-handler-pc handlers))
-                     (code-optimize code))))
+                     (code-optimize code)
+                     (class-file-constants class))))
     (invoke-callbacks :code-finalized class parent
                       (coerce c 'list) handlers)
     (unless (code-max-stack code)
@@ -1055,6 +1263,7 @@
           (c labels)
         (code-bytes c)
+      (assert (< 0 (length c) 65536))
       (setf (code-code code) c
             (code-labels code) labels)))

Modified: trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-instructions.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-instructions.lisp	Sun Aug 12 06:25:58 2012	(r14072)
+++ trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-instructions.lisp	Sun Aug 12 06:40:11 2012	(r14073)
@@ -448,17 +448,34 @@
   (and instruction
        (= (the fixnum (instruction-opcode (the instruction instruction))) 202)))
-(defun print-code (code)
+(defun format-instruction-args (instruction pool)
+  (if (memql (instruction-opcode instruction) '(18 19 20
+                                                178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185
+                                                187
+                                                192 193))
+      (let ((*print-readably* nil)
+            (*print-escape* nil))
+        (with-output-to-string (s)
+          (print-pool-constant pool
+                               (find-pool-entry pool
+                                                (car (instruction-args instruction))) s
+                               :package "org/armedbear/lisp")))
+      (when (instruction-args instruction)
+        (format nil "~S" (instruction-args instruction)))))
+(defun print-code (code pool)
+  (declare (ignorable pool))
   (dotimes (i (length code))
     (let ((instruction (elt code i)))
-      (sys::%format t "~D ~A ~S ~S ~S~%"
+      (format t "~3D ~A ~19T~A ~A ~A~%"
                     (opcode-name (instruction-opcode instruction))
-                    (instruction-args instruction)
-                    (instruction-stack instruction)
-                    (instruction-depth instruction)))))
+                    (or (format-instruction-args instruction pool) "")
+                    (or (instruction-stack instruction) "")
+                    (or (instruction-depth instruction) "")))))
-(defun print-code2 (code)
+(defun print-code2 (code pool)
+  (declare (ignorable pool))
   (dotimes (i (length code))
     (let ((instruction (elt code i)))
       (case (instruction-opcode instruction)
@@ -482,8 +499,8 @@
                       (inst 'aload (car (instruction-args instruction)))
                       (inst 'aconst_null)
-                      (inst 'putfield (u2 (pool-field +lisp-thread+ "_values"
-                                                      +lisp-object-array+)))))
+                      (inst 'putfield (list (pool-field +lisp-thread+ "_values"
+                                                        +lisp-object-array+)))))
              (vector-push-extend instruction vector)))
            (vector-push-extend instruction vector)))))))
@@ -602,19 +619,9 @@
                  172 ; ireturn
                  176 ; areturn
                  177 ; return
-                 178 ; getstatic
-                 179 ; putstatic
-                 180 ; getfield
-                 181 ; putfield
-                 182 ; invokevirtual
-                 183 ; invockespecial
-                 184 ; invokestatic
-                 187 ; new
                  189 ; anewarray
                  190 ; arraylength
                  191 ; athrow
-                 192 ; checkcast
-                 193 ; instanceof
                  194 ; monitorenter
                  195 ; monitorexit
                  198 ; ifnull
@@ -715,6 +722,13 @@
       (error "IINC argument ~A out of bounds." n))
     (inst 132 (list register (s1 n)))))
+(define-resolver (178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 192 193 187)
+    (instruction)
+  (let* ((arg (car (instruction-args instruction))))
+    (setf (instruction-args instruction)
+          (u2 arg))
+    instruction))
 (defknown resolve-instruction (t) t)
 (defun resolve-instruction (instruction)
   (declare (optimize speed))
@@ -970,13 +984,13 @@
 (defvar *enable-optimization* t)
 (defknown optimize-code (t t) t)
-(defun optimize-code (code handler-labels)
+(defun optimize-code (code handler-labels pool)
   (unless *enable-optimization*
     (format t "optimizations are disabled~%"))
   (when *enable-optimization*
     (when *compiler-debug*
       (format t "----- before optimization -----~%")
-      (print-code code))
+      (print-code code pool))
        (let ((changed-p nil))
@@ -1003,7 +1017,7 @@
       (setf code (coerce code 'vector)))
     (when *compiler-debug*
       (sys::%format t "----- after optimization -----~%")
-      (print-code code)))
+      (print-code code pool)))
@@ -1036,6 +1050,7 @@
                    (offset (- (the (unsigned-byte 16)
                                 (symbol-value (the symbol label)))
+              (assert (<= -32768 offset 32767))
               (setf (instruction-args instruction) (s2 offset))))
           (unless (= (instruction-opcode instruction) 202) ; LABEL
             (incf index (opcode-size (instruction-opcode instruction)))))))
@@ -1054,10 +1069,10 @@
               (incf index)))))
       (values bytes labels))))
-(defun finalize-code (code handler-labels optimize)
+(defun finalize-code (code handler-labels optimize pool)
   (setf code (coerce (nreverse code) 'vector))
   (when optimize
-    (setf code (optimize-code code handler-labels)))
+    (setf code (optimize-code code handler-labels pool)))
   (resolve-instructions (expand-virtual-instructions code)))
 (provide '#:opcodes)

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