[armedbear-cvs] r14048 - trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl

ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Fri Aug 3 20:06:28 UTC 2012

Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Fri Aug  3 13:06:25 2012
New Revision: 14048

Move CLOS D-M-C tests to a separate file clos-tests.lisp,
because D-M-C isn't MOP... Also define many more tests (more to come)
to test our D-M-C implementation.


Added: trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/clos-tests.lisp
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/clos-tests.lisp	Fri Aug  3 13:06:25 2012	(r14048)
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+;;; clos-tests.lisp
+;;; Copyright (C) 2010 Erik Huelsmann
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+;; These tests are in clos tests, because e.g. D-M-C isn't mop, but *is* clos
+(in-package #:abcl.test.lisp)
+;; tests for D-M-C, long form, some taken from SBCL
+;; D-M-C should return the name of the new method combination, nothing else.
+(deftest dmc-return.1
+    (define-method-combination dmc-test-return-foo)
+  dmc-test-return-foo)
+(deftest dmc-return.2
+    (define-method-combination dmc-test-return-bar :operator and)
+  dmc-test-return-bar)
+(deftest dmc-return.3
+    (define-method-combination dmc-test-return
+        (&optional (order :most-specific-first))
+      ((around (:around))
+       (primary (dmc-test-return) :order order :required t))
+      (let ((form (if (rest primary)
+                      `(and ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (method)
+                                          `(call-method ,method))
+                                      primary))
+                      `(call-method ,(first primary)))))
+        (if around
+            `(call-method ,(first around)
+                          (,@(rest around)
+                             (make-method ,form)))
+            form)))
+  dmc-test-return)
+;; A method combination which originally failed;
+;;   for different reasons in SBCL than in ABCL (hence leaving out
+;;   the original comment)
+(define-method-combination dmc-test-mc.1
+    (&optional (order :most-specific-first))
+  ((around (:around))
+   (primary (dmc-test-mc) :order order :required t))
+  (let ((form (if (rest primary)
+                  `(and ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (method)
+                                      `(call-method ,method))
+                                  primary))
+                  `(call-method ,(first primary)))))
+    (if around
+        `(call-method ,(first around)
+                      (,@(rest around)
+                         (make-method ,form)))
+        form)))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.1 (&key k) (:method-combination dmc-test-mc.1))
+(defmethod dmc-test-mc.1 dmc-test-mc (&key k)
+  k)
+(deftest dmc-test-mc.1
+    (dmc-test-mc.1 :k 1)
+  1)
+;; Completely DIY -- also taken from SBCL:
+(define-method-combination dmc-test-mc.2 ()
+  ((all-methods *))
+  (do ((methods all-methods (rest methods))
+       (primary nil)
+       (around nil))
+      ((null methods)
+       (let ((primary (nreverse primary))
+             (around (nreverse around)))
+         (if primary
+              (let ((form (if (rest primary)
+                             `(call-method ,(first primary) ,(rest primary))
+                             `(call-method ,(first primary)))))
+                (if around
+                    `(call-method ,(first around) (,@(rest around)
+                                                   (make-method ,form)))
+                    form))
+              `(make-method (error "No primary methods")))))
+    (let* ((method (first methods))
+           (qualifier (first (method-qualifiers method))))
+      (cond
+        ((equal :around qualifier)
+         (push method around))
+        ((null qualifier)
+         (push method primary))))))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.2a (val)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test-mc.2))
+(defmethod dmc-test-mc.2a ((val number))
+  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(deftest dmc-test-mc.2a
+    (= (dmc-test-mc.2a 13) 13)
+  T)
+(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.2b (val)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test-mc.2))
+(defmethod dmc-test-mc.2b ((val number))
+  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(defmethod dmc-test-mc.2b :around ((val number))
+  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(deftest dmc-test-mc.2b
+    (= 26 (dmc-test-mc.2b 13))
+  T)
+;;; Taken from SBCL: error when method sorting is ambiguous
+;;;  with multiple method groups
+(define-method-combination dmc-test-mc.3a ()
+  ((around (:around))
+   (primary * :required t))
+  (let ((form (if (rest primary)
+                  `(call-method ,(first primary) ,(rest primary))
+                  `(call-method ,(first primary)))))
+    (if around
+        `(call-method ,(first around) (,@(rest around)
+                                       (make-method ,form)))
+        form)))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.3a (val)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test-mc.3a))
+(defmethod dmc-test-mc.3a ((val number))
+  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(defmethod dmc-test-mc.3a :around ((val number))
+  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(defmethod dmc-test-mc.3a :somethingelse ((val number))
+  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(deftest dmc-test-mc.3a
+    (multiple-value-bind
+          (value error)
+        (ignore-errors (wam-test-mc.3a 13))
+      (declare (ignore value))
+      (typep error 'error))
+  T)
+;;; Taken from SBCL: error when method sorting is ambiguous
+;;;  with a single (non *) method group
+(define-method-combination dmc-test-mc.3b ()
+  ((methods listp :required t))
+  (if (rest methods)
+      `(call-method ,(first methods) ,(rest methods))
+      `(call-method ,(first methods))))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.3b (val)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test-mc.3b))
+(defmethod dmc-test-mc.3b :foo ((val number))
+  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(defmethod dmc-test-mc.3b :bar ((val number))
+  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(deftest dmc-test-mc.3b
+    (multiple-value-bind
+          (value error)
+        (ignore-errors (dmc-test-mc.3b 13))
+      (declare (ignore value))
+      (typep error 'error))
+  T)
+;; Taken from SBCL: test that GF invocation arguments
+;;   are correctly bound using the (:arguments ...) form
+(defparameter *dmc-test-4* nil)
+(defun object-lock (obj)
+  (push "object-lock" *dmc-test-4*)
+  obj)
+(defun unlock (obj)
+  (push "unlock" *dmc-test-4*)
+  obj)
+(defun lock (obj)
+  (push "lock" *dmc-test-4*)
+  obj)
+(define-method-combination dmc-test-mc.4 ()
+  ((methods *))
+  (:arguments object)
+  `(unwind-protect
+        (progn (lock (object-lock ,object))
+               ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (method)
+                             `(call-method ,method))
+                         methods))
+     (unlock (object-lock ,object))))
+(defgeneric dmc-test.4 (x)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test-mc.4))
+(defmethod dmc-test.4 ((x symbol))
+  (push "primary" *dmc-test-4*))
+(defmethod dmc-test.4 ((x number))
+  (error "foo"))
+(deftest dmc-test.4a
+    (progn
+      (setq *dmc-test-4* nil)
+      (values (equal (dmc-test.4 t) '("primary" "lock" "object-lock"))
+              (equal *dmc-test-4* '("unlock" "object-lock"
+                                    "primary" "lock" "object-lock"))))
+  T T)
+(deftest dmc-test.4b
+    (progn
+      (setq *dmc-test-4* nil)
+      (ignore-errors (dmc-test.4 1))
+      (equal *dmc-test-4* '("unlock" "object-lock" "lock" "object-lock")))
+  T)
+;; From SBCL: method combination (long form) with arguments
+(define-method-combination dmc-test.5 ()
+  ((method-list *))
+  (:arguments arg1 arg2 &aux (extra :extra))
+  `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (method) `(call-method ,method)) method-list)))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.5 (p1 p2 s)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test.5)
+  (:method ((p1 number) (p2 t) s)
+    (vector-push-extend (list 'number p1 p2) s))
+  (:method ((p1 string) (p2 t) s)
+    (vector-push-extend (list 'string p1 p2) s))
+  (:method ((p1 t) (p2 t) s1) (vector-push-extend (list t p1 p2) s)))
+(deftest dmc-test.5a
+    (let ((v (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)))
+      (values (dmc-test-mc.5 1 2 v)
+              (equal (aref v 0) '(number 1 2))
+              (equal (aref v 1) '(t 1 2))))
+  1 T T)
+(define-method-combination dmc-test.6 ()
+  ((normal ())
+   (ignored (:ignore :unused)))
+  `(list 'result
+    ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (method) `(call-method ,method)) normal)))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.6 (x)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test.6)
+  (:method :ignore ((x number)) (/ 0)))
+(deftest dmc-test-mc.6a
+    (multiple-value-bind
+          (value error)
+        (ignore-errors (dmc-test-mc.6 7))
+      (values (null value)
+              (typep error 'error)))
+  T T)
+(define-method-combination dmc-test.7 ()
+  ((methods *))
+  (:arguments x &rest others)
+  `(progn
+     ,@(mapcar (lambda (method)
+                 `(call-method ,method))
+               methods)
+     (list ,x (length ,others))))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.7 (x &rest others)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test.7))
+(defmethod dmc-test-mc.7 (x &rest others)
+  (declare (ignore others))
+  nil)
+(deftest dmc-test-mc.7a
+    (equal (apply #'dmc-test-mc.7 :foo (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
+           '(:foo 8))
+  T)
+;; Tests for D-M-C with :arguments option
+;; created due to http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/ticket/201
+(define-method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.1 ()
+  ((methods ()))
+  (:arguments &whole whole)
+  `(progn (format nil "using ~a" ,whole)
+          ,@(mapcar (lambda (method) `(call-method ,method))
+                    methods)))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-args-with-whole.1 (x)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.1)
+  (:method (x) x))
+;; This test fails throws an error under #201
+(deftest dmc-test-args-with-whole.1
+    (dmc-test-args-with-whole.1 T)
+  T)
+(define-method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.2 ()
+  ((methods ()))
+  (:arguments &whole whole &rest rest)
+  `(progn (format nil "using ~a ~a" whole rest)
+          ,@(mapcar (lambda (method) `(call-method ,method))
+                    methods)))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-args-with-whole.2 (x)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.2)
+  (:method (x) x))
+(deftest dmc-test-args-with-whole.2
+    (dmc-test-args-with-whole.2 T)
+  T)
+(define-method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.3a ()
+  ((methods ()))
+  (:arguments &whole whole &optional opt)
+  `(progn (format nil "using ~a ~a" whole opt)
+          ,@(mapcar (lambda (method) `(call-method ,method))
+                    methods)))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-args-with-whole.3a (x)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.3a)
+  (:method (x) x))
+(deftest dmc-test-args-with-whole.3a
+    T
+  T)
+(define-method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.3b ()
+  ((methods ()))
+  (:arguments &whole whole &optional opt &key k)
+  `(progn (format nil "using ~a ~a ~a" whole opt k)
+          ,@(mapcar (lambda (method) `(call-method ,method))
+                    methods)))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-args-with-whole.3b (x)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.3b)
+  (:method (x) x))
+(deftest dmc-test-args-with-whole.3b
+    T
+  T)
+(define-method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.3c ()
+  ((methods ()))
+  (:arguments &whole whole &optional opt &rest r)
+  `(progn (format nil "using ~a ~a ~a" whole opt r)
+          ,@(mapcar (lambda (method) `(call-method ,method))
+                    methods)))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-args-with-whole.3c (x)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.3c)
+  (:method (x) x))
+(deftest dmc-test-args-with-whole.3c
+    T
+  T)
+(define-method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.3d ()
+  ((methods ()))
+  (:arguments &whole whole &optional opt &rest r &key k)
+  `(progn (format nil "using ~a ~a ~a ~a" whole opt r k)
+          ,@(mapcar (lambda (method) `(call-method ,method))
+                    methods)))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-args-with-whole.3d (x)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.3d)
+  (:method (x) x))
+(deftest dmc-test-args-with-whole.3d
+    T
+  T)
+(define-method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.4 ()
+  ((methods ()))
+  (:arguments &whole whole &key k)
+  `(progn (format nil "using ~a ~a" whole k)
+          ,@(mapcar (lambda (method) `(call-method ,method))
+                    methods)))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-args-with-whole.4 (x)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.4)
+  (:method (x) x))
+(deftest dmc-test-args-with-whole.4
+    T
+  T)
+(define-method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.5 ()
+  ((methods ()))
+  (:arguments &whole whole &aux a)
+  `(progn (format nil "using ~a ~a" whole a)
+          ,@(mapcar (lambda (method) `(call-method ,method))
+                    methods)))
+(defgeneric dmc-test-args-with-whole.5 (x)
+  (:method-combination dmc-test-args-with-whole.5)
+  (:method (x) x))
+(deftest dmc-test-args-with-whole.5
+    T
+  T)

Modified: trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/mop-tests.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/mop-tests.lisp	Fri Aug  3 12:06:30 2012	(r14047)
+++ trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/mop-tests.lisp	Fri Aug  3 13:06:25 2012	(r14048)
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+;;; CLOS related tests go clos-tssts.lisp
 (in-package #:abcl.test.lisp)
 (deftest compute-applicable-methods.foo.1
@@ -301,308 +303,3 @@
-;; tests for D-M-C, long form, taken from SBCL
-;; D-M-C should return the name of the new method combination, nothing else.
-(deftest dmc-return.1
-    (define-method-combination dmc-test-return-foo)
-  dmc-test-return-foo)
-(deftest dmc-return.2
-    (define-method-combination dmc-test-return-bar :operator and)
-  dmc-test-return-bar)
-(deftest dmc-return.3
-    (define-method-combination dmc-test-return
-        (&optional (order :most-specific-first))
-      ((around (:around))
-       (primary (dmc-test-return) :order order :required t))
-      (let ((form (if (rest primary)
-                      `(and ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (method)
-                                          `(call-method ,method))
-                                      primary))
-                      `(call-method ,(first primary)))))
-        (if around
-            `(call-method ,(first around)
-                          (,@(rest around)
-                             (make-method ,form)))
-            form)))
-  dmc-test-return)
-;; A method combination which originally failed;
-;;   for different reasons in SBCL than in ABCL (hence leaving out
-;;   the original comment)
-(define-method-combination dmc-test-mc.1
-    (&optional (order :most-specific-first))
-  ((around (:around))
-   (primary (dmc-test-mc) :order order :required t))
-  (let ((form (if (rest primary)
-                  `(and ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (method)
-                                      `(call-method ,method))
-                                  primary))
-                  `(call-method ,(first primary)))))
-    (if around
-        `(call-method ,(first around)
-                      (,@(rest around)
-                         (make-method ,form)))
-        form)))
-(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.1 (&key k) (:method-combination dmc-test-mc.1))
-(defmethod dmc-test-mc.1 dmc-test-mc (&key k)
-  k)
-(deftest dmc-test-mc.1
-    (dmc-test-mc.1 :k 1)
-  1)
-;; Completely DIY -- also taken from SBCL:
-(define-method-combination dmc-test-mc.2 ()
-  ((all-methods *))
-  (do ((methods all-methods (rest methods))
-       (primary nil)
-       (around nil))
-      ((null methods)
-       (let ((primary (nreverse primary))
-             (around (nreverse around)))
-         (if primary
-              (let ((form (if (rest primary)
-                             `(call-method ,(first primary) ,(rest primary))
-                             `(call-method ,(first primary)))))
-                (if around
-                    `(call-method ,(first around) (,@(rest around)
-                                                   (make-method ,form)))
-                    form))
-              `(make-method (error "No primary methods")))))
-    (let* ((method (first methods))
-           (qualifier (first (method-qualifiers method))))
-      (cond
-        ((equal :around qualifier)
-         (push method around))
-        ((null qualifier)
-         (push method primary))))))
-(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.2a (val)
-  (:method-combination dmc-test-mc.2))
-(defmethod dmc-test-mc.2a ((val number))
-  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
-(deftest dmc-test-mc.2a
-    (= (dmc-test-mc.2a 13) 13)
-  T)
-(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.2b (val)
-  (:method-combination dmc-test-mc.2))
-(defmethod dmc-test-mc.2b ((val number))
-  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
-(defmethod dmc-test-mc.2b :around ((val number))
-  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
-(deftest dmc-test-mc.2b
-    (= 26 (dmc-test-mc.2b 13))
-  T)
-;;; Taken from SBCL: error when method sorting is ambiguous
-;;;  with multiple method groups
-(define-method-combination dmc-test-mc.3a ()
-  ((around (:around))
-   (primary * :required t))
-  (let ((form (if (rest primary)
-                  `(call-method ,(first primary) ,(rest primary))
-                  `(call-method ,(first primary)))))
-    (if around
-        `(call-method ,(first around) (,@(rest around)
-                                       (make-method ,form)))
-        form)))
-(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.3a (val)
-  (:method-combination dmc-test-mc.3a))
-(defmethod dmc-test-mc.3a ((val number))
-  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
-(defmethod dmc-test-mc.3a :around ((val number))
-  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
-(defmethod dmc-test-mc.3a :somethingelse ((val number))
-  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
-(deftest dmc-test-mc.3a
-    (multiple-value-bind
-          (value error)
-        (ignore-errors (wam-test-mc.3a 13))
-      (declare (ignore value))
-      (typep error 'error))
-  T)
-;;; Taken from SBCL: error when method sorting is ambiguous
-;;;  with a single (non *) method group
-(define-method-combination dmc-test-mc.3b ()
-  ((methods listp :required t))
-  (if (rest methods)
-      `(call-method ,(first methods) ,(rest methods))
-      `(call-method ,(first methods))))
-(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.3b (val)
-  (:method-combination dmc-test-mc.3b))
-(defmethod dmc-test-mc.3b :foo ((val number))
-  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
-(defmethod dmc-test-mc.3b :bar ((val number))
-  (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
-(deftest dmc-test-mc.3b
-    (multiple-value-bind
-          (value error)
-        (ignore-errors (dmc-test-mc.3b 13))
-      (declare (ignore value))
-      (typep error 'error))
-  T)
-;; Taken from SBCL: test that GF invocation arguments
-;;   are correctly bound using the (:arguments ...) form
-(defparameter *dmc-test-4* nil)
-(defun object-lock (obj)
-  (push "object-lock" *dmc-test-4*)
-  obj)
-(defun unlock (obj)
-  (push "unlock" *dmc-test-4*)
-  obj)
-(defun lock (obj)
-  (push "lock" *dmc-test-4*)
-  obj)
-(define-method-combination dmc-test-mc.4 ()
-  ((methods *))
-  (:arguments object)
-  `(unwind-protect
-        (progn (lock (object-lock ,object))
-               ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (method)
-                             `(call-method ,method))
-                         methods))
-     (unlock (object-lock ,object))))
-(defgeneric dmc-test.4 (x)
-  (:method-combination dmc-test-mc.4))
-(defmethod dmc-test.4 ((x symbol))
-  (push "primary" *dmc-test-4*))
-(defmethod dmc-test.4 ((x number))
-  (error "foo"))
-(deftest dmc-test.4a
-    (progn
-      (setq *dmc-test-4* nil)
-      (values (equal (dmc-test.4 t) '("primary" "lock" "object-lock"))
-              (equal *dmc-test-4* '("unlock" "object-lock"
-                                    "primary" "lock" "object-lock"))))
-  T T)
-(deftest dmc-test.4b
-    (progn
-      (setq *dmc-test-4* nil)
-      (ignore-errors (dmc-test.4 1))
-      (equal *dmc-test-4* '("unlock" "object-lock" "lock" "object-lock")))
-  T)
-;; From SBCL: method combination (long form) with arguments
-(define-method-combination dmc-test.5 ()
-  ((method-list *))
-  (:arguments arg1 arg2 &aux (extra :extra))
-  `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (method) `(call-method ,method)) method-list)))
-(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.5 (p1 p2 s)
-  (:method-combination dmc-test.5)
-  (:method ((p1 number) (p2 t) s)
-    (vector-push-extend (list 'number p1 p2) s))
-  (:method ((p1 string) (p2 t) s)
-    (vector-push-extend (list 'string p1 p2) s))
-  (:method ((p1 t) (p2 t) s) (vector-push-extend (list t p1 p2) s)))
-(deftest dmc-test.5a
-    (let ((v (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)))
-      (values (dmc-test-mc.5 1 2 v)
-              (equal (aref v 0) '(number 1 2))
-              (equal (aref v 1) '(t 1 2))))
-  1 T T)
-(define-method-combination dmc-test.6 ()
-  ((normal ())
-   (ignored (:ignore :unused)))
-  `(list 'result
-    ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (method) `(call-method ,method)) normal)))
-(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.6 (x)
-  (:method-combination dmc-test.6)
-  (:method :ignore ((x number)) (/ 0)))
-(deftest dmc-test-mc.6a
-    (multiple-value-bind
-          (value error)
-        (ignore-errors (dmc-test-mc.6 7))
-      (values (null value)
-              (typep error 'error)))
-  T T)
-(define-method-combination dmc-test.7 ()
-  ((methods *))
-  (:arguments x &rest others)
-  `(progn
-     ,@(mapcar (lambda (method)
-                 `(call-method ,method))
-               methods)
-     (list ,x (length ,others))))
-(defgeneric dmc-test-mc.7 (x &rest others)
-  (:method-combination dmc-test.7))
-(defmethod dmc-test-mc.7 (x &rest others)
-  (declare (ignore others))
-  nil)
-(deftest dmc-test-mc.7a
-    (equal (apply #'dmc-test-mc.7 :foo (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
-           '(:foo 8))
-  T)
-(defclass foo-class (standard-class))
-(defmethod mop:validate-superclass ((class foo-class) (superclass standard-object))
-  t)
-(deftest validate-superclass.1
-    (mop:validate-superclass
-     (make-instance 'foo-class)
-     (make-instance 'standard-object))
-  t)
-(defgeneric apply-rule (rule))
-(defmethod apply-rule ((rule t) &aux (context (format nil "~A" rule)))
-  (format nil "Applying rule '~A' in context '~A'" rule context))
-;;; See ticket # 199
-(deftest defmethod-&aux.1
-    (apply-rule "1")
-  "Applying rule '1' in context '1'")
\ No newline at end of file

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