[armedbear-cvs] r13600 - trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp

ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Mon Sep 19 20:49:31 UTC 2011

Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Mon Sep 19 13:49:29 2011
New Revision: 13600

Fix #143: Support circularity in serialized forms
 -- this enables compilation of CLOSURE-HTML.


Modified: trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compile-system.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compile-system.lisp	Mon Sep 19 13:44:03 2011	(r13599)
+++ trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compile-system.lisp	Mon Sep 19 13:49:29 2011	(r13600)
@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@
 (defun %compile-system (&key output-path)
   (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* (pathname *lisp-home*))
-        (*warn-on-redefinition* nil))
+        (*warn-on-redefinition* nil)
+        (*prevent-fasl-circle-detection* t))
     (unless output-path
       (setf output-path *default-pathname-defaults*))
     (flet ((do-compile (file)

Modified: trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/dump-form.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/dump-form.lisp	Mon Sep 19 13:44:03 2011	(r13599)
+++ trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/dump-form.lisp	Mon Sep 19 13:49:29 2011	(r13600)
@@ -33,6 +33,95 @@
 (export '(dump-form dump-uninterned-symbol-index))
+(declaim (special *circularity* *circle-counter* *instance-forms*))
+(defun get-instance-form (object)
+  (multiple-value-bind
+        (value presence)
+      (gethash object *instance-forms*)
+    (cond
+      (presence value)
+      (t
+       (multiple-value-bind (creation-form initialization-form)
+           (make-load-form object)
+         (if initialization-form
+             (let* ((instance (gensym))
+                    load-form)
+               (setf initialization-form
+                     (subst instance object initialization-form))
+               (setf initialization-form
+                     (subst instance (list 'quote instance) initialization-form
+                            :test #'equal))
+               (setf load-form `(progn
+                                  (let ((,instance ,creation-form))
+                                    ,initialization-form
+                                    ,instance)))
+               (setf (gethash object *instance-forms*) load-form))
+             (setf (gethash object *instance-forms*) creation-form)))))))
+(defun df-register-circularity (object)
+  (setf (gethash object *circularity*)
+        (if (gethash object *circularity*)
+            :circular
+            t)))
+(defun df-check-cons (object)
+  (loop
+     (df-check-object (car object))
+     (setf object (cdr object))
+     (when (atom object)
+       (df-check-object object)
+       (return))
+     (when (null object)
+       (return-from df-check-cons))
+     (df-register-circularity object)))
+(defun df-check-vector (object)
+  (dotimes (index (length object))
+    (df-check-object (aref object index))))
+(defun df-check-instance (object)
+  (df-check-object (get-instance-form object)))
+(defun df-check-object (object)
+  (unless (eq :circular (df-register-circularity object))
+    (cond
+      ((consp object) (df-check-cons object))
+      ((vectorp object) (df-check-vector object))
+      ((or (structure-object-p object)
+           (standard-object-p object)
+           (java:java-object-p object))
+       (df-check-instance object)))))
+(defun df-handle-circularity (object stream within-list)
+  (let ((index (gethash object *circularity*)))
+    (cond
+      ((eq index :circular)
+       (setf index
+             (incf *circle-counter*))
+       (setf (gethash object *circularity*) index)
+       (when within-list
+         (write-string " . " stream))
+       (%stream-write-char #\# stream)
+       (write index :stream stream)
+       (%stream-write-char #\= stream)
+       (when within-list
+         (dump-cons object stream)  ;; ### *cough*
+         (return-from df-handle-circularity t))
+       (return-from df-handle-circularity))
+      ((integerp index)
+       (when within-list
+         (write-string " . " stream))
+       (%stream-write-char #\# stream)
+       (write index :stream stream)
+       (%stream-write-char #\# stream)
+       (%stream-write-char #\Space stream)
+       (return-from df-handle-circularity t))
+      (t
+       (unless *prevent-fasl-circle-detection*
+         (assert (eq index t)))))))
 (declaim (ftype (function (cons stream) t) dump-cons))
 (defun dump-cons (object stream)
   (cond ((and (eq (car object) 'QUOTE) (= (length object) 2))
@@ -41,18 +130,20 @@
          (%stream-write-char #\( stream)
-           (dump-object (%car object) stream)
-           (setf object (%cdr object))
-           (when (null object)
-             (return))
-           (when (> (charpos stream) 80)
-             (%stream-terpri stream))
-           (%stream-write-char #\space stream)
-           (when (atom object)
-             (%stream-write-char #\. stream)
-             (%stream-write-char #\space stream)
-             (dump-object object stream)
-             (return)))
+            (dump-object (%car object) stream)
+            (setf object (%cdr object))
+            (when (null object)
+              (return)) ;; escape loop
+            (%stream-write-char #\space stream)
+            (when (atom object)
+              (%stream-write-char #\. stream)
+              (%stream-write-char #\space stream)
+              (dump-object object stream)
+              (return))
+            (when (df-handle-circularity object stream t)
+              (return))
+            (when (> (charpos stream) 80)
+              (%stream-terpri stream)))
          (%stream-write-char #\) stream))))
 (declaim (ftype (function (t stream) t) dump-vector))
@@ -71,23 +162,8 @@
 (declaim (ftype (function (t stream) t) dump-instance))
 (defun dump-instance (object stream)
-  (multiple-value-bind (creation-form initialization-form)
-      (make-load-form object)
-    (write-string "#." stream)
-    (if initialization-form
-        (let* ((instance (gensym))
-               load-form)
-          (setf initialization-form
-                (subst instance object initialization-form))
-          (setf initialization-form
-                (subst instance (list 'quote instance) initialization-form
-                       :test #'equal))
-          (setf load-form `(progn
-                             (let ((,instance ,creation-form))
-                               ,initialization-form
-                               ,instance)))
-          (dump-object load-form stream))
-        (dump-object creation-form stream))))
+  (write-string "#." stream)
+  (dump-object (get-instance-form object)))
 (declaim (ftype (function (symbol) integer) dump-uninterned-symbol-index))
 (defun dump-uninterned-symbol-index (symbol)
@@ -100,25 +176,26 @@
 (declaim (ftype (function (t stream) t) dump-object))
 (defun dump-object (object stream)
-  (cond ((consp object)
-         (dump-cons object stream))
-        ((stringp object)
-         (%stream-output-object object stream))
-        ((bit-vector-p object)
-         (%stream-output-object object stream))
-        ((vectorp object)
-         (dump-vector object stream))
-        ((or (structure-object-p object) ;; FIXME instance-p
-             (standard-object-p object)
-             (java:java-object-p object))
-         (dump-instance object stream))
-        ((and (symbolp object) ;; uninterned symbol
-              (null (symbol-package object)))
-         (write-string "#" stream)
-         (write (dump-uninterned-symbol-index object) :stream stream)
-         (write-string "?" stream))
-        (t
-         (%stream-output-object object stream))))
+  (unless (df-handle-circularity object stream nil)
+    (cond ((consp object)
+           (dump-cons object stream))
+          ((stringp object)
+           (%stream-output-object object stream))
+          ((bit-vector-p object)
+           (%stream-output-object object stream))
+          ((vectorp object)
+           (dump-vector object stream))
+          ((or (structure-object-p object) ;; FIXME instance-p
+               (standard-object-p object)
+               (java:java-object-p object))
+           (dump-instance object stream))
+          ((and (symbolp object) ;; uninterned symbol
+                (null (symbol-package object)))
+           (write-string "#" stream)
+           (write (dump-uninterned-symbol-index object) :stream stream)
+           (write-string "?" stream))
+          (t
+           (%stream-output-object object stream)))))
 (defvar *the-fasl-printer-readtable*
   (copy-readtable (get-fasl-readtable))
@@ -126,6 +203,8 @@
 below, in order to prevent the current readtable from influencing the content
 being written to the FASL: the READTABLE-CASE setting influences symbol printing.")
+(defvar *prevent-fasl-circle-detection* nil)
 (declaim (ftype (function (t stream) t) dump-form))
 (defun dump-form (form stream)
   (let ((*print-fasl* t)
@@ -164,7 +243,12 @@
         ;;        (*read-base* 10)
         ;;        (*read-default-float-format* 'single-float)
         ;;        (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-        )
+        (*circularity* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
+        (*instance-forms* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
+        (*circle-counter* 0))
+    (unless *prevent-fasl-circle-detection*
+      (df-check-object form))
     (dump-object form stream)))
 (provide 'dump-form)

Modified: trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/read-circle.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/read-circle.lisp	Mon Sep 19 13:44:03 2011	(r13599)
+++ trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/read-circle.lisp	Mon Sep 19 13:49:29 2011	(r13600)
@@ -124,8 +124,7 @@
 (defvar *sharp-sharp-alist* ())
-(defun sharp-equal (stream ignore label)
-  (declare (ignore ignore))
+(defun sharp-equal (stream label readtable)
   (when *read-suppress* (return-from sharp-equal (values)))
   (unless label
     (error 'reader-error
@@ -139,7 +138,8 @@
            :format-arguments (list label)))
   (let* ((tag (gensym))
          (*sharp-sharp-alist* (cons (list label tag nil) *sharp-sharp-alist*))
-         (obj (read stream t nil t)))
+         (obj (let ((*readtable* readtable))
+                (read stream t nil t))))
     (when (eq obj tag)
       (error 'reader-error
              :stream stream
@@ -151,6 +151,8 @@
         (circle-subst *sharp-equal-alist* obj)))
 (defun sharp-sharp (stream ignore label)
   (declare (ignore ignore))
   (when *read-suppress* (return-from sharp-sharp nil))
@@ -168,6 +170,17 @@
           (setf (third pair) t)
           (second pair)))))
-(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\= #'sharp-equal +standard-readtable+)
+(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\= #'(lambda (stream ignore label)
+                                          (declare (ignore ignore))
+                                          (sharp-equal stream label
+                                                       *readtable*))
+                              +standard-readtable+)
 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\# #'sharp-sharp +standard-readtable+)
+(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\= #'(lambda (stream ignore label)
+                                          (declare (ignore ignore))
+                                          (sharp-equal stream label
+                                                       (get-fasl-readtable)))
+                              (get-fasl-readtable))
+(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\# #'sharp-sharp (get-fasl-readtable))

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