[armedbear-cvs] r13161 - branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp

Erik Huelsmann ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Thu Jan 20 13:31:13 UTC 2011

Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Thu Jan 20 08:31:13 2011
New Revision: 13161

Final UNSAFE-P removal.


Modified: branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp
--- branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp	Thu Jan 20 08:31:13 2011
@@ -1150,52 +1150,6 @@
                     (1- (length form))))
   (list 'TRULY-THE (%cadr form) (p1 (%caddr form))))
-(defvar *pass2-unsafe-p-special-treatment-functions*
-  '(
-     logand
-     logior
-     lognot
-     logxor
-"The functions named in the list bound to this variable
-need to be rewritten if UNSAFE-P returns non-NIL for their
-argument list.
-All other function calls are handled by generic function calling
-in pass2, which accounts for OPSTACK unsafety itself.")
-(defknown unsafe-p (t) t)
-(defun unsafe-p (args)
-  "Determines whether the args can cause 'stack unsafe situations'.
-Returns T if this is the case.
-When a 'stack unsafe situation' is encountered, the stack cannot
-be used for temporary storage of intermediary results. This happens
-because one of the forms in ARGS causes a local transfer of control
-- local GO instruction - which assumes an empty stack, or if one of
-the args causes a Java exception handler to be installed, which
-- when triggered - clears out the stack.
-  (cond ((node-p args)
-         (unsafe-p (node-form args)))
-        ((atom args)
-         nil)
-        (t
-         (case (%car args)
-           (QUOTE
-            nil)
-;;           (LAMBDA
-;;            nil)
-            t)
-           (t
-            (dolist (arg args)
-              (when (unsafe-p arg)
-                (return t))))))))
 (defknown p1-throw (t) t)
 (defun p1-throw (form)
   (list* 'THROW (mapcar #'p1 (cdr form))))
@@ -1207,34 +1161,12 @@
       ((and (eq op 'funcall) (listp (car args)) (eq (caar args) 'lambda))
        ;;(funcall (lambda (...) ...) ...)
        (let ((op (car args)) (args (cdr args)))
-	 (expand-function-call-inline form (cadr op) (copy-tree (cddr op))
-				      args)))
+         (expand-function-call-inline form (cadr op) (copy-tree (cddr op))
+                                      args)))
       ((and (listp op) (eq (car op) 'lambda))
        ;;((lambda (...) ...) ...)
        (expand-function-call-inline form (cadr op) (copy-tree (cddr op)) args))
-      (t (if (and (member op *pass2-unsafe-p-special-treatment-functions*)
-                  (unsafe-p args))
-	     (let ((arg1 (car args)))
-	       (cond ((and (consp arg1) (eq (car arg1) 'GO))
-		      arg1)
-		     (t
-		      (let ((syms ())
-			    (lets ()))
-			;; Preserve the order of evaluation of the arguments!
-			(dolist (arg args)
-			  (cond ((and (constantp arg)
-                                      (not (node-p arg)))
-				 (push arg syms))
-				((and (consp arg) (eq (car arg) 'GO))
-				 (return-from rewrite-function-call
-				   (list 'LET* (nreverse lets) arg)))
-				(t
-				 (let ((sym (gensym)))
-				   (push sym syms)
-				   (push (list sym arg) lets)))))
-			(list 'LET* (nreverse lets)
-			      (list* (car form) (nreverse syms)))))))
-	     form)))))
+      (t form))))
 (defknown p1-function-call (t) t)
 (defun p1-function-call (form)

Modified: branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp
--- branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	Thu Jan 20 08:31:13 2011
@@ -4437,12 +4437,24 @@
                 (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 nil nil
                                                            arg2 target representation))
                ((eql (fixnum-constant-value type2) -1)
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 target representation
-                                                           arg2 nil nil))
+                (let ((target-register
+                       (if (or (not (eq target 'stack))
+                               (not (some-nested-block #'node-opstack-unsafe-p
+                                               (find-enclosed-blocks arg2))))
+                           target
+                         (allocate-register representation))))
+                  (compile-form arg1 target-register representation)
+                  (compile-form arg2 nil nil)
+                  (when (and (eq target 'stack)
+                             (not (eq target-register 'stack)))
+                    (emit-push-register target-register))
+                  (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                ((and (fixnum-type-p type1) (fixnum-type-p type2))
                 ;; Both arguments are fixnums.
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :int
-                                                           arg2 'stack :int)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 :int)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 :int)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 (emit 'iand)
                 (convert-representation :int representation)
                 (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
@@ -4451,15 +4463,19 @@
                     (and (fixnum-type-p type2)
                          (compiler-subtypep type2 'unsigned-byte)))
                 ;; One of the arguments is a positive fixnum.
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :int
-                                                           arg2 'stack :int)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 :int)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 :int)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 (emit 'iand)
                 (convert-representation :int representation)
                 (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
                ((and (java-long-type-p type1) (java-long-type-p type2))
                 ;; Both arguments are longs.
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :long
-                                                           arg2 'stack :long)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 :long)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 :long)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 (emit 'land)
                 (convert-representation :long representation)
                 (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
@@ -4468,29 +4484,37 @@
                     (and (java-long-type-p type2)
                          (compiler-subtypep type2 'unsigned-byte)))
                 ;; One of the arguments is a positive long.
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :long
-                                                           arg2 'stack :long)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 :long)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 :long)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 (emit 'land)
                 (convert-representation :long representation)
                 (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
                ((fixnum-type-p type2)
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack nil
-                                                           arg2 'stack :int)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 nil)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 :int)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 (emit-invokevirtual +lisp-object+ "LOGAND" '(:int) +lisp-object+)
                 (fix-boxing representation result-type)
                 (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
                ((fixnum-type-p type1)
                 ;; arg1 is a fixnum, but arg2 is not
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :int
-                                                           arg2 'stack nil)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 :int)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 nil)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 ;; swap args
                 (emit 'swap)
                 (emit-invokevirtual +lisp-object+ "LOGAND" '(:int) +lisp-object+)
                 (fix-boxing representation result-type)
                 (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack nil
-                                                           arg2 'stack nil)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 nil)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 nil)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 (emit-invokevirtual +lisp-object+ "LOGAND"
                                     (lisp-object-arg-types 1) +lisp-object+)
                 (fix-boxing representation result-type)
@@ -4521,14 +4545,14 @@
                type2 (derive-compiler-type arg2)
                result-type (derive-compiler-type form))
          (cond ((and (fixnum-constant-value type1) (fixnum-constant-value type2))
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 nil nil
-                                                           arg2 nil nil)
                 (compile-constant (logior (fixnum-constant-value type1)
                                           (fixnum-constant-value type2))
                                   target representation))
                ((and (fixnum-type-p type1) (fixnum-type-p type2))
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :int
-                                                           arg2 'stack :int)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 :int)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 :int)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 (emit 'ior)
                 (convert-representation :int representation)
                 (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
@@ -4536,16 +4560,32 @@
                 (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 nil nil
                                                            arg2 target representation))
                ((and (eql (fixnum-constant-value type2) 0) (< *safety* 3))
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 target representation
-                                                           arg2 nil nil))
+                (let ((target-register
+                       (if (or (not (eq target 'stack))
+                               (not (some-nested-block #'node-opstack-unsafe-p
+                                               (find-enclosed-blocks arg2))))
+                           target
+                         (allocate-register representation))))
+                  (compile-form arg1 target-register representation)
+                  (compile-form arg2 nil nil)
+                  (when (and (eq target 'stack)
+                             (not (eq target-register 'stack)))
+                    (emit-push-register target-register))
+                  (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                ((or (eq representation :long)
                     (and (java-long-type-p type1) (java-long-type-p type2)))
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :long
-                                                           arg2 'stack :long)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 :long)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 :long)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 (emit 'lor)
                 (convert-representation :long representation)
                 (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
                ((fixnum-type-p type2)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 nil)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 :int)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack nil
                                                            arg2 'stack :int)
                 (emit-invokevirtual +lisp-object+ "LOGIOR" '(:int) +lisp-object+)
@@ -4553,16 +4593,20 @@
                 (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
                ((fixnum-type-p type1)
                 ;; arg1 is of fixnum type, but arg2 is not
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :int
-                                                           arg2 'stack nil)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 :int)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 nil)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 ;; swap args
                 (emit 'swap)
                 (emit-invokevirtual +lisp-object+ "LOGIOR" '(:int) +lisp-object+)
                 (fix-boxing representation result-type)
                 (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack nil
-                                                           arg2 'stack nil)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 nil)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 nil)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 (emit-invokevirtual +lisp-object+ "LOGIOR"
                                     (lisp-object-arg-types 1) +lisp-object+)
                 (fix-boxing representation result-type)
@@ -4595,28 +4639,33 @@
          (setf type1       (derive-compiler-type arg1)
                type2       (derive-compiler-type arg2)
                result-type (derive-compiler-type form))
-         (cond ((eq representation :int)
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :int
-                                                           arg2 'stack :int)
-                (emit 'ixor))
-               ((and (fixnum-type-p type1) (fixnum-type-p type2))
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :int
-                                                           arg2 'stack :int)
+         (cond ((or (eq representation :int)
+                    (and (fixnum-type-p type1) (fixnum-type-p type2)))
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 :int)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 :int)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 (emit 'ixor)
                 (convert-representation :int representation))
                ((and (java-long-type-p type1) (java-long-type-p type2))
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :long
-                                                           arg2 'stack :long)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 :long)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 :long)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 (emit 'lxor)
                 (convert-representation :long representation))
                ((fixnum-type-p type2)
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack nil
-                                                           arg2 'stack :int)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 nil)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 :int)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 (emit-invokevirtual +lisp-object+ "LOGXOR" '(:int) +lisp-object+)
                 (fix-boxing representation result-type))
-                (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack nil
-                                                           arg2 'stack nil)
+                (with-operand-accumulation
+                    ((compile-operand arg1 nil)
+                     (compile-operand arg2 nil)
+                     (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2)))
                 (emit-invokevirtual +lisp-object+ "LOGXOR"
                                     (lisp-object-arg-types 1) +lisp-object+)
                 (fix-boxing representation result-type)))

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