[armedbear-cvs] r13151 - branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp

Erik Huelsmann ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Sat Jan 15 20:51:14 UTC 2011

Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Sat Jan 15 15:51:11 2011
New Revision: 13151

No longer rewrite ordinary function calls for stack safety,
instead, let the code generator determine if it closes over
a block of unsafe code.

We need to remember per GO/RETURN-FROM to which block they
go in order to determine opstack safety.


Modified: branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp
--- branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp	Sat Jan 15 15:51:11 2011
@@ -620,7 +620,8 @@
 (defknown p1-return-from (t) t)
 (defun p1-return-from (form)
   (let* ((name (second form))
-         (block (find-block name)))
+         (block (find-block name))
+         non-local-p)
     (when (null block)
       (compiler-error "RETURN-FROM ~S: no block named ~S is currently visible."
                       name name))
@@ -634,19 +635,22 @@
            (let ((protected (enclosed-by-protected-block-p block)))
              (dformat t "p1-return-from protected = ~S~%" protected)
              (if protected
-                 (setf (block-non-local-return-p block) t)
+                 (setf (block-non-local-return-p block) t
+                       non-local-p t)
                  ;; non-local GO's ensure environment restoration
                  ;; find out about this local GO
                  (when (null (block-needs-environment-restoration block))
                    (setf (block-needs-environment-restoration block)
                          (enclosed-by-environment-setting-block-p block))))))
-           (setf (block-non-local-return-p block) t)))
+           (setf (block-non-local-return-p block) t
+                 non-local-p t)))
     (when (block-non-local-return-p block)
       (dformat t "non-local return from block ~S~%" (block-name block)))
     (let ((value-form (p1 (caddr form))))
       (push value-form (block-return-value-forms block))
-      (list 'RETURN-FROM name value-form))))
+      (make-jump-node (list 'RETURN-FROM name value-form)
+                      non-local-p block))))
 (defun p1-tagbody (form)
   (let* ((block (make-tagbody-node))
@@ -695,12 +699,14 @@
     (unless tag
       (error "p1-go: tag not found: ~S" name))
     (setf (tag-used tag) t)
-    (let ((tag-block (tag-block tag)))
+    (let ((tag-block (tag-block tag))
+          non-local-p)
       (cond ((eq (tag-compiland tag) *current-compiland*)
              ;; Does the GO leave an enclosing UNWIND-PROTECT or CATCH?
              (if (enclosed-by-protected-block-p tag-block)
                  (setf (tagbody-non-local-go-p tag-block) t
-                       (tag-used-non-locally tag) t)
+                       (tag-used-non-locally tag) t
+                       non-local-p t)
                  ;; non-local GO's ensure environment restoration
                  ;; find out about this local GO
                  (when (null (tagbody-needs-environment-restoration tag-block))
@@ -708,8 +714,9 @@
                          (enclosed-by-environment-setting-block-p tag-block)))))
              (setf (tagbody-non-local-go-p tag-block) t
-                   (tag-used-non-locally tag) t)))))
-  form)
+                   (tag-used-non-locally tag) t
+                   non-local-p t)))
+      (make-jump-node form non-local-p tag-block tag))))
 (defun validate-function-name (name)
   (unless (or (symbolp name) (setf-function-name-p name))
@@ -1143,6 +1150,123 @@
                     (1- (length form))))
   (list 'TRULY-THE (%cadr form) (p1 (%caddr form))))
+(defvar *pass2-unsafe-p-special-treatment-functions*
+  '(
+     constantp endp evenp floatp integerp listp minusp
+     numberp oddp plusp rationalp realp
+     ;; predicates not marked as such?
+       simple-vector-p
+       stringp
+       symbolp
+       vectorp
+       zerop
+       atom
+       consp
+       fixnump
+       packagep
+       readtablep
+       characterp
+       bit-vector-p
+     declare
+     multiple-value-call
+     multiple-value-list
+     multiple-value-prog1
+     nth
+     progn
+     + - / *
+     < < > >= = /=
+     ASH
+     AREF
+     %ldb
+     and
+     aset
+     car
+     cdr
+     char
+     char-code
+     java:jclass
+     java:jconstructor
+     java:jmethod
+     char=
+     coerce-to-function
+     cons
+     sys::backq-cons
+     delete
+     elt
+     eq
+     eql
+     find-class
+     funcall
+     function
+     gensym
+     get
+     getf
+     gethash
+     gethash1
+     if
+     sys::%length
+     list
+     sys::backq-list
+     list*
+     sys::backq-list*
+     load-time-value
+     logand
+     logior
+     lognot
+     logxor
+     max
+     memq
+     memql
+     min
+     mod
+     neq
+     not
+     nthcdr
+     null
+     or
+     puthash
+     quote
+     read-line
+     rplacd
+     schar
+     set
+     set-car
+     set-cdr
+       set-char
+       set-schar
+       set-std-slot-value
+       setq
+       std-slot-value
+       stream-element-type
+       structure-ref
+       structure-set
+       svref
+       svset
+       sxhash
+       symbol-name
+       symbol-package
+       symbol-value
+       truncate
+       values
+       vector-push-extend
+       write-8-bits
+       with-inline-code)
+"The functions named in the list bound to this variable
+need to be rewritten if UNSAFE-P returns non-NIL for their
+argument list.
+All other function calls are handled by generic function calling
+in pass2, which accounts for OPSTACK unsafety itself.")
 (defknown unsafe-p (t) t)
 (defun unsafe-p (args)
   "Determines whether the args can cause 'stack unsafe situations'.
@@ -1188,7 +1312,8 @@
       ((and (listp op) (eq (car op) 'lambda))
        ;;((lambda (...) ...) ...)
        (expand-function-call-inline form (cadr op) (copy-tree (cddr op)) args))
-      (t (if (unsafe-p args)
+      (t (if (and (member op *pass2-unsafe-p-special-treatment-functions*)
+                  (unsafe-p args))
 	     (let ((arg1 (car args)))
 	       (cond ((and (consp arg1) (eq (car arg1) 'GO))
@@ -1197,7 +1322,8 @@
 			    (lets ()))
 			;; Preserve the order of evaluation of the arguments!
 			(dolist (arg args)
-			  (cond ((constantp arg)
+			  (cond ((and (constantp arg)
+                                      (not (node-p arg)))
 				 (push arg syms))
 				((and (consp arg) (eq (car arg) 'GO))
 				 (return-from rewrite-function-call

Modified: branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp
--- branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	Sat Jan 15 15:51:11 2011
@@ -598,6 +598,8 @@
                 (single-valued-p (second (node-form form))))
                ((catch-node-p form)
+               ((jump-node-p form)
+                (single-valued-p (node-form form)))
                 (assert (not "SINGLE-VALUED-P unhandled NODE-P branch")))))
         ((var-ref-p form)
@@ -696,7 +698,7 @@
 on the operand stack, if it's safe to do so. Otherwise stores the value
 in a register"
   (let ((unsafe (or *saved-operands*
-		    (some-nested-block #'block-opstack-unsafe-p
+		    (some-nested-block #'node-opstack-unsafe-p
 				       (find-enclosed-blocks form)))))
     (when (and unsafe (null *saved-operands*))
@@ -1856,8 +1858,8 @@
-(defknown process-args (t) t)
-(defun process-args (args)
+(defknown process-args (t t) t)
+(defun process-args (args stack)
   "Compiles forms specified as function call arguments.
 The results are either accumulated on the stack or in an array
@@ -1865,27 +1867,76 @@
 itself is *not* compiled by this function."
   (when args
     (let ((numargs (length args)))
-      (let ((must-clear-values nil))
+      (let ((must-clear-values nil)
+            (unsafe-args (some-nested-block #'node-opstack-unsafe-p
+                                            (mapcan #'find-enclosed-blocks
+                                                    args))))
         (declare (type boolean must-clear-values))
-        (cond ((<= numargs call-registers-limit)
+        (cond ((and unsafe-args
+                    (<= numargs call-registers-limit))
+               (let ((*register* *register*)
+                     operand-registers)
+                 (dolist (stack-item stack)
+                   (let ((register (allocate-register)))
+                     (push register operand-registers)
+                     (emit-move-from-stack register stack-item)))
+                 (setf operand-registers (reverse operand-registers))
+                 (dolist (arg args)
+                   (push (allocate-register) operand-registers)
+                   (compile-form arg (car operand-registers) nil)
+                   (unless must-clear-values
+                     (unless (single-valued-p arg)
+                       (setf must-clear-values t))))
+                 (dolist (register (nreverse operand-registers))
+                   (aload register))))
+              ((<= numargs call-registers-limit)
                (dolist (arg args)
                  (compile-form arg 'stack nil)
                  (unless must-clear-values
                    (unless (single-valued-p arg)
                      (setf must-clear-values t)))))
-               (emit-push-constant-int numargs)
-               (emit-anewarray +lisp-object+)
-               (let ((i 0))
-                 (dolist (arg args)
-                   (emit 'dup)
-                   (emit-push-constant-int i)
-                   (compile-form arg 'stack nil)
-                   (emit 'aastore) ; store value in array
-                   (unless must-clear-values
-                     (unless (single-valued-p arg)
-                       (setf must-clear-values t)))
-                   (incf i)))))
+               (let (;(*register* *register*) ;; ### FIXME: this doesn't work, but why not?
+                     (array-register (allocate-register))
+                     saved-stack)
+                 (when unsafe-args
+                   (dolist (stack-item stack)
+                     (let ((register (allocate-register)))
+                       (push register saved-stack)
+                       (emit-move-from-stack register stack-item))))
+                 (emit-push-constant-int numargs)
+                 (emit-anewarray +lisp-object+)
+                 ;; be operand stack safe by not accumulating
+                 ;; any arguments on the stack.
+                 ;;
+                 ;; The overhead of storing+loading the array register
+                 ;; at the beginning and ending is small: there are at
+                 ;; least nine parameters to be calculated.
+                 (astore array-register)
+                 (let ((i 0))
+                   (dolist (arg args)
+                     (cond
+                      ((not (some-nested-block #'node-opstack-unsafe-p
+                                               (find-enclosed-blocks arg)))
+                       (aload array-register)
+                       (emit-push-constant-int i)
+                       (compile-form arg 'stack nil))
+                      (t
+                       (compile-form arg 'stack nil)
+                       (aload array-register)
+                       (emit 'swap)
+                       (emit-push-constant-int i)
+                       (emit 'swap)))
+                     (emit 'aastore) ; store value in array
+                     (unless must-clear-values
+                       (unless (single-valued-p arg)
+                         (setf must-clear-values t)))
+                     (incf i))
+                   (when unsafe-args
+                     (mapcar #'emit-push-register
+                             saved-stack
+                             (reverse stack)))
+                   (aload array-register)))))
         (when must-clear-values
@@ -1953,26 +2004,28 @@
                  (aload 0)))
              (emit-load-externalized-object op)))
-      (process-args args)
+      (process-args args
+                    (if (or (<= *speed* *debug*) *require-stack-frame*)
+                        '(nil nil) '(nil)))
       (if (or (<= *speed* *debug*) *require-stack-frame*)
           (emit-call-thread-execute numargs)
           (emit-call-execute numargs))
       (fix-boxing representation (derive-compiler-type form))
       (emit-move-from-stack target representation))))
-(defun compile-call (args)
+(defun compile-call (args stack)
   "Compiles a function call.
 Depending on the `*speed*' and `*debug*' settings, a stack frame
 is registered (or not)."
   (let ((numargs (length args)))
     (cond ((> *speed* *debug*)
-           (process-args args)
+           (process-args args stack)
            (emit-call-execute numargs))
            (emit 'swap) ; Stack: thread function
-           (process-args args)
+           (process-args args (list* (car stack) nil (cdr stack)))
            (emit-call-thread-execute numargs)))))
 (define-source-transform funcall (&whole form fun &rest args)
@@ -2039,7 +2092,7 @@
   (when (> *debug* *speed*)
     (return-from p2-funcall (compile-function-call form target representation)))
   (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values (cadr form) 'stack nil)
-  (compile-call (cddr form))
+  (compile-call (cddr form) '(nil))
   (fix-boxing representation nil)
   (emit-move-from-stack target))
@@ -2104,7 +2157,7 @@
                (emit-invokestatic +lisp+ "makeCompiledClosure"
                                   (list +lisp-object+ +closure-binding-array+)
-    (process-args args)
+    (process-args args '(nil))
     (emit-call-execute (length args))
     (fix-boxing representation nil)
     (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
@@ -3003,8 +3056,8 @@
 (defun restore-environment-and-make-handler (register label-START)
-  (let ((label-END (gensym))
-        (label-EXIT (gensym)))
+  (let ((label-END (gensym "U"))
+        (label-EXIT (gensym "E")))
     (emit 'goto label-EXIT)
     (label label-END)
     (restore-dynamic-environment register)
@@ -3021,7 +3074,7 @@
          (vars (second form))
          (bind-special-p nil)
          (variables (m-v-b-vars block))
-         (label-START (gensym)))
+         (label-START (gensym "F")))
     (dolist (variable variables)
       (let ((special-p (variable-special-p variable)))
         (cond (special-p
@@ -3424,7 +3477,7 @@
          (form (let-form block))
          (*visible-variables* *visible-variables*)
          (specialp nil)
-         (label-START (gensym)))
+         (label-START (gensym "F")))
     ;; Walk the variable list looking for special bindings and unused lexicals.
     (dolist (variable (let-vars block))
       (cond ((variable-special-p variable)
@@ -3471,10 +3524,10 @@
          (*register* *register*)
          (form (tagbody-form block))
          (body (cdr form))
-         (BEGIN-BLOCK (gensym))
-         (END-BLOCK (gensym))
-         (RETHROW (gensym))
-         (EXIT (gensym))
+         (BEGIN-BLOCK (gensym "F"))
+         (END-BLOCK (gensym "U"))
+         (RETHROW (gensym "T"))
+         (EXIT (gensym "E"))
          (must-clear-values nil)
          (specials-register (when (tagbody-non-local-go-p block)
@@ -3511,8 +3564,8 @@
     (emit 'goto EXIT)
     (when (tagbody-non-local-go-p block)
       ; We need a handler to catch non-local GOs.
-      (let* ((HANDLER (gensym))
-             (EXTENT-EXIT-HANDLER (gensym))
+      (let* ((HANDLER (gensym "H"))
+             (EXTENT-EXIT-HANDLER (gensym "HE"))
              (*register* *register*)
              (go-register (allocate-register))
              (tag-register (allocate-register)))
@@ -3565,9 +3618,11 @@
 (defun p2-go (form target representation)
   ;; FIXME What if we're called with a non-NIL representation?
   (declare (ignore target representation))
-  (let* ((name (cadr form))
-         (tag (find-tag name))
-         (tag-block (when tag (tag-block tag))))
+  (let* ((node form)
+         (form (node-form form))
+         (name (cadr form))
+         (tag (jump-target-tag node))
+         (tag-block (when tag (jump-target-block node))))
     (unless tag
       (error "p2-go: tag not found: ~S" name))
     (when (and (eq (tag-compiland tag) *current-compiland*)
@@ -3671,8 +3726,8 @@
     (aver (block-node-p block)))
   (let* ((*blocks* (cons block *blocks*))
          (*register* *register*)
-         (BEGIN-BLOCK (gensym))
-         (END-BLOCK (gensym))
+         (BEGIN-BLOCK (gensym "F"))
+         (END-BLOCK (gensym "U"))
          (BLOCK-EXIT (block-exit block))
          (specials-register (when (block-non-local-return-p block)
@@ -3695,8 +3750,8 @@
     (when (block-non-local-return-p block)
       ;; We need a handler to catch non-local RETURNs.
       (emit 'goto BLOCK-EXIT) ; Jump over handler, when inserting one
-      (let ((HANDLER (gensym))
-            (EXTENT-EXIT-HANDLER (gensym))
+      (let ((HANDLER (gensym "H"))
+            (EXTENT-EXIT-HANDLER (gensym "HE"))
             (THIS-BLOCK (gensym)))
         (label HANDLER)
         ;; The Return object is on the runtime stack. Stack depth is 1.
@@ -3731,9 +3786,11 @@
 (defun p2-return-from (form target representation)
   ;; FIXME What if we're called with a non-NIL representation?
   (declare (ignore target representation))
-  (let* ((name (second form))
+  (let* ((node form)
+         (form (node-form form))
+         (name (second form))
          (result-form (third form))
-         (block (find-block name)))
+         (block (jump-target-block node)))
     (when (null block)
       (error "No block named ~S is currently visible." name))
     (let ((compiland *current-compiland*))
@@ -3823,7 +3880,7 @@
          (*register* *register*)
           (setf (progv-environment-register block) (allocate-register)))
-         (label-START (gensym)))
+         (label-START (gensym "F")))
         ((compile-operand symbols-form nil)
 	 (compile-operand values-form nil))
@@ -6506,9 +6563,9 @@
   (let* ((form (synchronized-form block))
          (*register* *register*)
          (object-register (allocate-register))
-         (BEGIN-PROTECTED-RANGE (gensym))
-         (END-PROTECTED-RANGE (gensym))
-         (EXIT (gensym)))
+         (BEGIN-PROTECTED-RANGE (gensym "F"))
+         (END-PROTECTED-RANGE (gensym "U"))
+         (EXIT (gensym "E")))
     (compile-form (cadr form) 'stack nil)
     (emit-invokevirtual +lisp-object+ "lockableInstance" nil
                         +java-object+) ; value to synchronize
@@ -6542,12 +6599,12 @@
       (return-from p2-catch-node))
     (let* ((*register* *register*)
            (tag-register (allocate-register))
-           (BEGIN-PROTECTED-RANGE (gensym))
-           (END-PROTECTED-RANGE (gensym))
-           (THROW-HANDLER (gensym))
+           (BEGIN-PROTECTED-RANGE (gensym "F"))
+           (END-PROTECTED-RANGE (gensym "U"))
+           (THROW-HANDLER (gensym "H"))
            (RETHROW (gensym))
            (DEFAULT-HANDLER (gensym))
-           (EXIT (gensym))
+           (EXIT (gensym "E"))
            (specials-register (allocate-register)))
       (compile-form (second form) tag-register nil) ; Tag.
@@ -6637,10 +6694,10 @@
            (result-register (allocate-register))
            (values-register (allocate-register))
            (specials-register (allocate-register))
-           (BEGIN-PROTECTED-RANGE (gensym))
-           (END-PROTECTED-RANGE (gensym))
-           (HANDLER (gensym))
-           (EXIT (gensym)))
+           (BEGIN-PROTECTED-RANGE (gensym "F"))
+           (END-PROTECTED-RANGE (gensym "U"))
+           (HANDLER (gensym "H"))
+           (EXIT (gensym "E")))
       ;; Make sure there are no leftover multiple return values from previous calls.
@@ -6729,6 +6786,15 @@
          (compile-var-ref form target representation))
         ((node-p form)
+           ((jump-node-p form)
+            (let ((op (car (node-form form))))
+              (cond
+               ((eq op 'go)
+                (p2-go form target representation))
+               ((eq op 'return-from)
+                (p2-return-from form target representation))
+               (t
+                (assert (not "jump-node: can't happen"))))))
            ((block-node-p form)
             (p2-block-node form target representation))
            ((let/let*-node-p form)
@@ -6863,7 +6929,7 @@
          (*thread* nil)
          (*initialize-thread-var* nil)
-         (label-START (gensym)))
+         (label-START (gensym "F")))
     (class-add-method class-file method)

Modified: branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm.lisp
--- branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm.lisp	Sat Jan 15 15:51:11 2011
@@ -483,6 +483,21 @@
     (add-node-child *block* block)
+(defstruct (jump-node (:conc-name jump-)
+                      (:include node)
+                      (:constructor
+                       %make-jump-node (non-local-p target-block target-tag)))
+  non-local-p
+  target-block
+  target-tag)
+(defun make-jump-node (form non-local-p target-block &optional target-tag)
+  (let ((node (%make-jump-node non-local-p target-block target-tag)))
+    ;; Don't push into compiland blocks, as this as a node rather than a block
+    (setf (node-form node) form)
+    (add-node-child *block* node)
+    node))
 ;; binding blocks: LET, LET*, FLET, LABELS, M-V-B, PROGV, LOCALLY
 ;; Binding blocks can carry references to local (optionally special) variable bindings,
@@ -619,11 +634,14 @@
   (when *blocks*
     ;; when the innermost enclosing block doesn't have node-children,
     ;;  there's really nothing to search for.
-    (when (null (node-children (car *blocks*)))
-      (return-from find-enclosed-blocks)))
+    (let ((first-enclosing-block (car *blocks*)))
+      (when (and (eq *current-compiland*
+                     (node-compiland first-enclosing-block))
+                 (null (node-children first-enclosing-block)))
+        (return-from find-enclosed-blocks))))
   (%find-enclosed-blocks form))
 (defun some-nested-block (predicate blocks)
   "Applies `predicate` recursively to the `blocks` and its children,
@@ -661,10 +679,15 @@
       (catch-node-p object)
       (synchronized-node-p object)))
-(defun block-opstack-unsafe-p (block)
-  (or (when (tagbody-node-p block) (tagbody-non-local-go-p block))
-      (when (block-node-p block) (block-non-local-return-p block))
-      (catch-node-p block)))
+(defun node-opstack-unsafe-p (node)
+  (or (when (jump-node-p node)
+        (let ((target-block (jump-target-block node)))
+          (and (null (jump-non-local-p node))
+               (eq (node-compiland target-block) *current-compiland*)
+               (member target-block *blocks*))))
+      (when (tagbody-node-p node) (tagbody-non-local-go-p node))
+      (when (block-node-p node) (block-non-local-return-p node))
+      (catch-node-p node)))
 (defknown block-creates-runtime-bindings-p (t) boolean)
 (defun block-creates-runtime-bindings-p (block)

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