[armedbear-cvs] r13127 - branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp

Erik Huelsmann ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Thu Jan 6 13:42:56 UTC 2011

Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Thu Jan  6 08:42:55 2011
New Revision: 13127

Remove UNSAFE-P from pass1, except for rewriting function calls,
which takes a lot more effort to complete.


Modified: branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp
--- branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp	Thu Jan  6 08:42:55 2011
@@ -398,24 +398,7 @@
   (setf (cdr form) (p1-body (cdr form)))
-(defknown p1-if (t) t)
-(defun p1-if (form)
-  (let ((test (cadr form)))
-    (cond ((unsafe-p test)
-           (cond ((and (consp test)
-                       (memq (%car test) '(GO RETURN-FROM THROW)))
-                  (p1 test))
-                 (t
-                  (let* ((var (gensym))
-                         (new-form
-                          `(let ((,var ,test))
-                             (if ,var ,(third form) ,(fourth form)))))
-                    (p1 new-form)))))
-          (t
-           (p1-default form)))))
-(defmacro p1-let/let*-vars 
+(defmacro p1-let/let*-vars
     (block varlist variables-var var body1 body2)
   (let ((varspec (gensym))
 	(initform (gensym))
@@ -1358,7 +1341,11 @@
                   (FUNCALL              p1-funcall)
                   (FUNCTION             p1-function)
                   (GO                   p1-go)
-                  (IF                   p1-if)
+                  (IF                   p1-default)
+                  ;; used to be p1-if, which was used to rewrite the test
+                  ;; form to a LET-binding; that's not necessary, because
+                  ;; the test form doesn't lead to multiple operands on the
+                  ;; operand stack
                   (LABELS               p1-labels)
                   (LAMBDA               p1-lambda)
                   (LET                  p1-let/let*)

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