[armedbear-cvs] r13122 - branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp

Erik Huelsmann ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Mon Jan 3 20:30:16 UTC 2011

Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Mon Jan  3 15:30:12 2011
New Revision: 13122

in favor of unsafety detection in compilation pass2.


Modified: branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp
--- branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp	Mon Jan  3 15:30:12 2011
@@ -468,6 +468,7 @@
   (declare (type cons form))
   (let* ((*visible-variables* *visible-variables*)
          (block (make-let/let*-node))
+	 (*block* block)
          (op (%car form))
          (varlist (cadr form))
          (body (cddr form)))
@@ -506,6 +507,7 @@
 (defun p1-locally (form)
   (let* ((*visible-variables* *visible-variables*)
          (block (make-locally-node))
+	 (*block* block)
          (free-specials (process-declarations-for-vars (cdr form) nil block)))
     (setf (locally-free-specials block) free-specials)
     (dolist (special free-specials)
@@ -523,6 +525,7 @@
       (return-from p1-m-v-b (p1-let/let* new-form))))
   (let* ((*visible-variables* *visible-variables*)
          (block (make-m-v-b-node))
+	 (*block* block)
          (varlist (cadr form))
          ;; Process the values-form first. ("The scopes of the name binding and
          ;; declarations do not include the values-form.")
@@ -552,6 +555,7 @@
 (defun p1-block (form)
   (let* ((block (make-block-node (cadr form)))
+	 (*block* block)
          (*blocks* (cons block *blocks*)))
     (setf (cddr form) (p1-body (cddr form)))
     (setf (block-form block) form)
@@ -568,6 +572,7 @@
   (let* ((tag (p1 (cadr form)))
          (body (cddr form))
          (block (make-catch-node))
+	 (*block* block)
          ;; our subform processors need to know
          ;; they're enclosed in a CATCH block
          (*blocks* (cons block *blocks*))
@@ -591,6 +596,7 @@
   (let* ((synchronized-object (p1 (cadr form)))
          (body (cddr form))
          (block (make-synchronized-node))
+	 (*block* block)
          (*blocks* (cons block *blocks*))
     (dolist (subform body)
@@ -614,6 +620,7 @@
       ;; However, p1 transforms the forms being processed, so, we
       ;; need to copy the forms to create a second copy.
       (let* ((block (make-unwind-protect-node))
+	     (*block* block)
              ;; a bit of jumping through hoops...
              (unwinding-forms (p1-body (copy-tree (cddr form))))
              (unprotected-forms (p1-body (cddr form)))
@@ -629,9 +636,6 @@
 (defknown p1-return-from (t) t)
 (defun p1-return-from (form)
-  (let ((new-form (rewrite-return-from form)))
-    (when (neq form new-form)
-      (return-from p1-return-from (p1 new-form))))
   (let* ((name (second form))
          (block (find-block name)))
     (when (null block)
@@ -661,6 +665,7 @@
 (defun p1-tagbody (form)
   (let* ((block (make-tagbody-node))
+	 (*block* block)
          (*blocks* (cons block *blocks*))
          (*visible-tags* *visible-tags*)
          (local-tags '())
@@ -927,6 +932,7 @@
 	 (process-optimization-declarations (cddr form))
 	 (let* ((block (make-flet-node))
+		(*block* block)
 		(*blocks* (cons block *blocks*))
 		(body (cddr form))
 		(*visible-variables* *visible-variables*))
@@ -965,6 +971,7 @@
 	       (*current-compiland* (local-function-compiland local-function)))
 	   (p1-compiland (local-function-compiland local-function))))
        (let* ((block (make-labels-node))
+	      (*block* block)
               (*blocks* (cons block *blocks*))
               (body (cddr form))
               (*visible-variables* *visible-variables*))
@@ -1068,13 +1075,10 @@
 (defknown p1-progv (t) t)
 (defun p1-progv (form)
   ;; We've already checked argument count in PRECOMPILE-PROGV.
-  (let ((new-form (rewrite-progv form)))
-    (when (neq new-form form)
-      (return-from p1-progv (p1 new-form))))
   (let* ((symbols-form (p1 (cadr form)))
          (values-form (p1 (caddr form)))
          (block (make-progv-node))
+	 (*block* block)
          (*blocks* (cons block *blocks*))
          (body (cdddr form)))
 ;;  The (commented out) block below means to detect compile-time
@@ -1090,20 +1094,6 @@
           `(progv ,symbols-form ,values-form ,@(p1-body body)))
-(defknown rewrite-progv (t) t)
-(defun rewrite-progv (form)
-  (let ((symbols-form (cadr form))
-        (values-form (caddr form))
-        (body (cdddr form)))
-    (cond ((or (unsafe-p symbols-form) (unsafe-p values-form))
-           (let ((g1 (gensym))
-                 (g2 (gensym)))
-             `(let ((,g1 ,symbols-form)
-                    (,g2 ,values-form))
-                (progv ,g1 ,g2 , at body))))
-          (t
-           form))))
 (defun p1-quote (form)
   (unless (= (length form) 2)
     (compiler-error "Wrong number of arguments for special operator ~A (expected 1, but received ~D)."
@@ -1197,55 +1187,8 @@
               (when (unsafe-p arg)
                 (return t))))))))
-(defknown rewrite-return-from (t) t)
-(defun rewrite-return-from (form)
-  (let* ((args (cdr form))
-         (result-form (second args))
-         (var (gensym)))
-    (if (unsafe-p (cdr args))
-        (if (single-valued-p result-form)
-            `(let ((,var ,result-form))
-               (return-from ,(first args) ,var))
-            `(let ((,var (multiple-value-list ,result-form)))
-               (return-from ,(first args) (values-list ,var))))
-        form)))
-(defknown rewrite-throw (t) t)
-(defun rewrite-throw (form)
-  (let ((args (cdr form)))
-    (if (unsafe-p args)
-        (let ((syms ())
-              (lets ()))
-          ;; Tag.
-          (let ((arg (first args)))
-            (if (constantp arg)
-                (push arg syms)
-                (let ((sym (gensym)))
-                  (push sym syms)
-                  (push (list sym arg) lets))))
-          ;; Result. "If the result-form produces multiple values, then all the
-          ;; values are saved."
-          (let ((arg (second args)))
-            (if (constantp arg)
-                (push arg syms)
-                (let ((sym (gensym)))
-                  (cond ((single-valued-p arg)
-                         (push sym syms)
-                         (push (list sym arg) lets))
-                        (t
-                         (push (list 'VALUES-LIST sym) syms)
-                         (push (list sym
-                                     (list 'MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST arg))
-                               lets))))))
-          (list 'LET* (nreverse lets) (list* 'THROW (nreverse syms))))
-        form)))
 (defknown p1-throw (t) t)
 (defun p1-throw (form)
-  (let ((new-form (rewrite-throw form)))
-    (when (neq new-form form)
-      (return-from p1-throw (p1 new-form))))
   (list* 'THROW (mapcar #'p1 (cdr form))))
 (defknown rewrite-function-call (t) t)

Modified: branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp
--- branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/unsafe-p-removal/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	Mon Jan  3 15:30:12 2011
@@ -645,6 +645,88 @@
             collecting form)))
     (apply #'maybe-emit-clear-values forms-for-emit-clear)))
+(declaim (special *saved-operands* *operand-representations*))
+(defmacro with-operand-accumulation ((&body argument-buildup-body)
+				     &body funcall-body)
+  `(let (*saved-operands*
+	 *operand-representations*
+	 (*register* *register*)) ;; hmm can we do this?? either body
+                                  ;; could allocate registers ...
+     , at argument-buildup-body
+     (load-saved-operands)
+     , at funcall-body))
+(defun load-saved-operands ()
+  "Load any operands which have been saved into registers
+back onto the stack in preparation of the execution of the opcode."
+  (dolist (operand (reverse *saved-operands*))
+    (emit 'aload operand)))
+(defun save-existing-operands ()
+  "If any operands have been compiled to the stack,
+save them in registers."
+  (dotimes (i (length *operand-representations*))
+    (let ((register (allocate-register)))
+      (push register *saved-operands*)
+      (emit 'astore register)))
+  (setf *saved-operands* (nreverse *saved-operands*)))
+(defun compile-operand (form representation)
+  "Compiles `form` into `representation`, storing the resulting value
+on the operand stack, if it's safe to do so. Otherwise stores the value
+in a register"
+  (let ((unsafe (or *saved-operands*
+		    (some-nested-block #'block-opstack-unsafe-p
+				       (find-enclosed-blocks form)))))
+    (when (and unsafe (null *saved-operands*))
+      (save-existing-operands))
+    (compile-form form 'stack representation)
+    (when unsafe
+      (let ((register (allocate-register)))
+	(push register *saved-operands*)
+	(assert (null representation))
+	(emit 'astore register)))
+  (push representation *operand-representations*)))
+(defun emit-variable-operand (variable)
+  "Pushes a variable onto the operand stack, if it's safe to do so. Otherwise
+stores the value in a register."
+  (push (variable-representation variable) *operand-representations*)
+  (cond
+   ((and *saved-operands*
+	 (variable-register variable))
+    ;; we're in 'safe mode' and the  variable is in a register,
+    ;; instead of binding a new register, just load the existing one
+    (push (variable-register variable) *saved-operands*))
+   (t
+    (emit-push-variable variable)
+    (when *saved-operands* ;; safe-mode
+      (let ((register (allocate-register)))
+	(push register *saved-operands*)
+	(assert (null (variable-representation variable)))
+	(emit 'astore register))))))
+(defun emit-thread-operand ()
+  (push nil *operand-representations*)
+  (emit-push-current-thread)
+  (when *saved-operands*
+    (let ((register (allocate-register)))
+	(push register *saved-operands*)
+	(emit 'astore register))))
+(defun emit-load-externalized-object-operand (object)
+  (push nil *operand-representations*)
+  (emit-load-externalized-object object)
+  (when *saved-operands* ;; safe-mode
+    (let ((register (allocate-register)))
+	(push register *saved-operands*)
+	(emit 'astore register))))
 (defknown emit-unbox-fixnum () t)
 (defun emit-unbox-fixnum ()
   (declare (optimize speed))
@@ -3651,12 +3733,13 @@
           (return-from p2-return-from))))
     ;; Non-local RETURN.
     (aver (block-non-local-return-p block))
-    (emit-push-variable (block-id-variable block))
-    (emit-load-externalized-object (block-name block))
-    (compile-form result-form 'stack nil)
-    (emit-invokestatic +lisp+ "nonLocalReturn" (lisp-object-arg-types 3)
-                       +lisp-object+)
+    (with-operand-accumulation
+         ((emit-variable-operand (block-id-variable block))
+	  (emit-load-externalized-object-operand (block-name block))
+	  (compile-operand result-form nil))
+       (emit-invokestatic +lisp+ "nonLocalReturn" (lisp-object-arg-types 3)
+			  +lisp-object+))
     ;; Following code will not be reached, but is needed for JVM stack
     ;; consistency.
     (emit 'areturn)))
@@ -3723,17 +3806,18 @@
           (setf (progv-environment-register block) (allocate-register)))
          (label-START (gensym)))
-    (compile-form symbols-form 'stack nil)
-    (compile-form values-form 'stack nil)
-    (unless (and (single-valued-p symbols-form)
-                 (single-valued-p values-form))
-      (emit-clear-values))
-    (save-dynamic-environment environment-register)
-    (label label-START)
-    ;; Compile call to Lisp.progvBindVars().
-    (emit-push-current-thread)
-    (emit-invokestatic +lisp+ "progvBindVars"
-                       (list +lisp-object+ +lisp-object+ +lisp-thread+) nil)
+    (with-operand-accumulation
+        ((compile-operand symbols-form nil)
+	 (compile-operand values-form nil))
+      (unless (and (single-valued-p symbols-form)
+		   (single-valued-p values-form))
+	(emit-clear-values))
+      (save-dynamic-environment environment-register)
+      (label label-START)
+      ;; Compile call to Lisp.progvBindVars().
+      (emit-push-current-thread)
+      (emit-invokestatic +lisp+ "progvBindVars"
+			 (list +lisp-object+ +lisp-object+ +lisp-thread+) nil))
       ;; Implicit PROGN.
     (let ((*blocks* (cons block *blocks*)))
       (compile-progn-body (cdddr form) target representation))
@@ -6499,12 +6583,13 @@
 (defun p2-throw (form target representation)
   ;; FIXME What if we're called with a non-NIL representation?
   (declare (ignore representation))
-  (emit-push-current-thread)
-  (compile-form (second form) 'stack nil) ; Tag.
-  (emit-clear-values) ; Do this unconditionally! (MISC.503)
-  (compile-form (third form) 'stack nil) ; Result.
-  (emit-invokevirtual +lisp-thread+ "throwToTag"
-                      (lisp-object-arg-types 2) nil)
+  (with-operand-accumulation
+      ((emit-thread-operand)
+       (compile-operand (second form) nil) ; Tag.
+       (emit-clear-values) ; Do this unconditionally! (MISC.503)
+       (compile-operand (third form) nil)) ; Result.
+    (emit-invokevirtual +lisp-thread+ "throwToTag"
+			 (lisp-object-arg-types 2) nil))
   ;; Following code will not be reached.
   (when target

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