[armedbear-cvs] r12832 - in branches/generic-class-file/abcl: src/org/armedbear/lisp test/lisp/abcl

Erik Huelsmann ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Thu Jul 29 18:27:12 UTC 2010

Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Thu Jul 29 14:27:10 2010
New Revision: 12832

Lots of fixes from writing tests. Most notable the correction of
my perception that the exceptions table was stored as an attribute
of the "Code" attribute. It's not: it's part of said attribute.


Modified: branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp
--- branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	Thu Jul 29 14:27:10 2010
@@ -1304,11 +1304,10 @@
           ;; Current path ends.
           (return-from walk-code))))))
-(declaim (ftype (function () t) analyze-stack))
-(defun analyze-stack ()
+(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) analyze-stack))
+(defun analyze-stack (code)
   (declare (optimize speed))
-  (let* ((code *code*)
-         (code-length (length code)))
+  (let* ((code-length (length code)))
     (declare (type vector code))
     (dotimes (i code-length)
       (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i))
@@ -1572,7 +1571,9 @@
 (defun code-bytes (code)
-  (let ((length 0))
+  (let ((length 0)
+        labels ;; alist
+        )
     (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) length))
     ;; Pass 1: calculate label offsets and overall length.
     (dotimes (i (length code))
@@ -1581,7 +1582,9 @@
              (opcode (instruction-opcode instruction)))
         (if (= opcode 202) ; LABEL
             (let ((label (car (instruction-args instruction))))
-              (set label length))
+              (set label length)
+              (setf labels
+                    (acons label length labels)))
             (incf length (opcode-size opcode)))))
     ;; Pass 2: replace labels with calculated offsets.
     (let ((index 0))
@@ -1608,7 +1611,7 @@
             (dolist (byte (instruction-args instruction))
               (setf (svref bytes index) byte)
               (incf index)))))
-      bytes)))
+      (values bytes labels))))
 (declaim (inline write-u1))
 (defun write-u1 (n stream)
@@ -1878,7 +1881,7 @@
     (emit 'return)
     (setf *code* (resolve-instructions *code*))
-    (setf (method-max-stack constructor) (analyze-stack))
+    (setf (method-max-stack constructor) (analyze-stack *code*))
     (setf (method-code constructor) (code-bytes *code*))
     (setf (method-handlers constructor) (nreverse *handlers*))
@@ -8205,7 +8208,7 @@
     (setf *code* (resolve-instructions *code*))
-    (setf (method-max-stack execute-method) (analyze-stack))
+    (setf (method-max-stack execute-method) (analyze-stack *code*))
     (setf (method-code execute-method) (code-bytes *code*))
     ;; Remove handler if its protected range is empty.

Modified: branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-class-file.lisp
--- branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-class-file.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-class-file.lisp	Thu Jul 29 14:27:10 2010
@@ -180,14 +180,14 @@
   "Returns a string describing the `return-type' and `argument-types'
 in JVM-internal representation."
   (format nil "(~{~A~})~A" (mapcar #'internal-field-ref argument-types)
-          (internal-field-type return-type)))
+          (internal-field-ref return-type)))
 (defstruct pool
-  ;; `count' contains a reference to the last-used slot (0 being empty)
+  ;; `index' contains the index of the last allocated slot (0 == empty)
   ;; "A constant pool entry is considered valid if it has
   ;; an index greater than 0 (zero) and less than pool-count"
-  (count 0)
+  (index 0)
   ;; the entries hash stores raw values, except in case of string and
   ;; utf8, because both are string values
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
 (defstruct (constant-utf8 (:constructor make-constant-utf8 (index value))
                           (:include constant
-                                    (tag 11)))
+                                    (tag 1)))
@@ -294,11 +294,10 @@
 `class' must be an instance of `class-name'."
   (let ((entry (gethash class (pool-entries pool))))
     (unless entry
-      (setf entry
-            (make-constant-class (incf (pool-count pool))
-                                 (pool-add-utf8 pool
-                                                (class-name-internal class)))
-            (gethash class (pool-entries pool)) entry)
+      (let ((utf8 (pool-add-utf8 pool (class-name-internal class))))
+        (setf entry
+              (make-constant-class (incf (pool-index pool)) utf8)
+              (gethash class (pool-entries pool)) entry))
       (push entry (pool-entries-list pool)))
     (constant-index entry)))
@@ -311,10 +310,10 @@
 `type' is a field-type (see `internal-field-type')"
   (let ((entry (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool))))
     (unless entry
-      (setf entry (make-constant-field-ref (incf (pool-count pool))
-                                           (pool-add-class pool class)
-                                           (pool-add-name/type pool name type))
-            (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool)) entry)
+      (let ((c (pool-add-class pool class))
+            (n/t (pool-add-name/type pool name type)))
+        (setf entry (make-constant-field-ref (incf (pool-index pool)) c n/t)
+            (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool)) entry))
       (push entry (pool-entries-list pool)))
     (constant-index entry)))
@@ -326,10 +325,10 @@
 and return type. `class' is an instance of `class-name'."
   (let ((entry (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool))))
     (unless entry
-      (setf entry (make-constant-method-ref (incf (pool-count pool))
-                                            (pool-add-class pool class)
-                                            (pool-add-name/type pool name type))
-            (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool)) entry)
+      (let ((c (pool-add-class pool class))
+            (n/t (pool-add-name/type pool name type)))
+        (setf entry (make-constant-method-ref (incf (pool-index pool)) c n/t)
+              (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool)) entry))
       (push entry (pool-entries-list pool)))
     (constant-index entry)))
@@ -340,12 +339,11 @@
 See `pool-add-method-ref' for remarks."
   (let ((entry (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool))))
     (unless entry
-      (setf entry
-            (make-constant-interface-method-ref (incf (pool-count pool))
-                                                (pool-add-class pool class)
-                                                (pool-add-name/type pool
-                                                                    name type))
-            (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool)) entry)
+      (let ((c (pool-add-class pool class))
+            (n/t (pool-add-name/type pool name type)))
+        (setf entry
+            (make-constant-interface-method-ref (incf (pool-index pool)) c n/t)
+            (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool)) entry))
       (push entry (pool-entries-list pool)))
     (constant-index entry)))
@@ -354,9 +352,9 @@
   (let ((entry (gethash (cons 8 string) ;; 8 == string-tag
                         (pool-entries pool))))
     (unless entry
-      (setf entry (make-constant-string (incf (pool-count pool))
-                                        (pool-add-utf8 pool string))
-            (gethash (cons 8 string) (pool-entries pool)) entry)
+      (let ((utf8 (pool-add-utf8 pool string)))
+        (setf entry (make-constant-string (incf (pool-index pool)) utf8)
+              (gethash (cons 8 string) (pool-entries pool)) entry))
       (push entry (pool-entries-list pool)))
     (constant-index entry)))
@@ -364,7 +362,7 @@
   "Returns the index of the constant-pool item denoting the int."
   (let ((entry (gethash (cons 3 int) (pool-entries pool))))
     (unless entry
-      (setf entry (make-constant-int (incf (pool-count pool)) int)
+      (setf entry (make-constant-int (incf (pool-index pool)) int)
             (gethash (cons 3 int) (pool-entries pool)) entry)
       (push entry (pool-entries-list pool)))
     (constant-index entry)))
@@ -373,7 +371,7 @@
   "Returns the index of the constant-pool item denoting the float."
   (let ((entry (gethash (cons 4 float) (pool-entries pool))))
     (unless entry
-      (setf entry (make-constant-float (incf (pool-count pool)) float)
+      (setf entry (make-constant-float (incf (pool-index pool)) float)
             (gethash (cons 4 float) (pool-entries pool)) entry)
       (push entry (pool-entries-list pool)))
     (constant-index entry)))
@@ -382,20 +380,20 @@
   "Returns the index of the constant-pool item denoting the long."
   (let ((entry (gethash (cons 5 long) (pool-entries pool))))
     (unless entry
-      (setf entry (make-constant-long (incf (pool-count pool)) long)
+      (setf entry (make-constant-long (incf (pool-index pool)) long)
             (gethash (cons 5 long) (pool-entries pool)) entry)
       (push entry (pool-entries-list pool))
-      (incf (pool-count pool))) ;; double index increase; long takes 2 slots
+      (incf (pool-index pool))) ;; double index increase; long takes 2 slots
     (constant-index entry)))
 (defun pool-add-double (pool double)
   "Returns the index of the constant-pool item denoting the double."
   (let ((entry (gethash (cons 6 double) (pool-entries pool))))
     (unless entry
-      (setf entry (make-constant-double (incf (pool-count pool)) double)
+      (setf entry (make-constant-double (incf (pool-index pool)) double)
             (gethash (cons 6 double) (pool-entries pool)) entry)
       (push entry (pool-entries-list pool))
-      (incf (pool-count pool))) ;; double index increase; 'double' takes 2 slots
+      (incf (pool-index pool))) ;; double index increase; 'double' takes 2 slots
     (constant-index entry)))
 (defun pool-add-name/type (pool name type)
@@ -406,10 +404,10 @@
                            (apply #'descriptor type)
                            (internal-field-ref type))))
     (unless entry
-      (setf entry (make-constant-name/type (incf (pool-count pool))
-                                           (pool-add-utf8 pool name)
-                                           (pool-add-utf8 pool internal-type))
-            (gethash (cons name type) (pool-entries pool)) entry)
+      (let ((n (pool-add-utf8 pool name))
+            (i-t (pool-add-utf8 pool internal-type)))
+        (setf entry (make-constant-name/type (incf (pool-index pool)) n i-t)
+              (gethash (cons name type) (pool-entries pool)) entry))
       (push entry (pool-entries-list pool)))
     (constant-index entry)))
@@ -419,7 +417,7 @@
   (let ((entry (gethash (cons 11 utf8-as-string) ;; 11 == utf8
                         (pool-entries pool))))
     (unless entry
-      (setf entry (make-constant-utf8 (incf (pool-count pool)) utf8-as-string)
+      (setf entry (make-constant-utf8 (incf (pool-index pool)) utf8-as-string)
             (gethash (cons 11 utf8-as-string) (pool-entries pool)) entry)
       (push entry (pool-entries-list pool)))
     (constant-index entry)))
@@ -478,13 +476,17 @@
   "Transforms the representation of the class-file from one
 which allows easy modification to one which works best for serialization.
-The class can't be modified after serialization."
+The class can't be modified after finalization."
   ;; constant pool contains constants finalized on addition;
   ;; no need for additional finalization
   (setf (class-file-access-flags class)
         (map-flags (class-file-access-flags class)))
-  (setf (class-file-class class)
+  (setf (class-file-superclass class)
+        (pool-add-class (class-file-constants class)
+                        (class-file-superclass class))
+        (class-file-class class)
         (pool-add-class (class-file-constants class)
                         (class-file-class class)))
   ;;  (finalize-interfaces)
@@ -508,6 +510,7 @@
   ;; flags
   (write-u2  (class-file-access-flags class) stream)
   ;; class name
   (write-u2 (class-file-class class) stream)
   ;; superclass
   (write-u2 (class-file-superclass class) stream)
@@ -528,32 +531,65 @@
   ;; attributes
   (write-attributes (class-file-attributes class) stream))
+(defvar *jvm-class-debug-pool* nil
+  "When bound to a non-NIL value, enables output to *standard-output*
+to allow debugging output of the constant section of the class file.")
 (defun write-constants (constants stream)
-  (write-u2 (pool-count constants) stream)
-  (dolist (entry (reverse (pool-entries-list constants)))
-    (let ((tag (constant-tag entry)))
-    (write-u1 tag stream)
+  "Writes the constant section given in `constants' to the class file `stream'."
+  (let ((pool-index 0))
+    (write-u2 (1+ (pool-index constants)) stream)
+    (when *jvm-class-debug-pool*
+      (sys::%format t "pool count ~A~%" (pool-index constants)))
+    (dolist (entry (reverse (pool-entries-list constants)))
+      (incf pool-index)
+      (let ((tag (constant-tag entry)))
+        (when *jvm-class-debug-pool*
+          (print-constant entry t))
+        (write-u1 tag stream)
+        (case tag
+          (1                            ; UTF8
+           (write-utf8 (constant-utf8-value entry) stream))
+          ((3 4)                        ; float int
+           (write-u4 (constant-float/int-value entry) stream))
+          ((5 6)                        ; long double
+           (write-u4 (logand (ash (constant-double/long-value entry) -32)
+                             #xFFFFffff) stream)
+           (write-u4 (logand (constant-double/long-value entry) #xFFFFffff)
+                     stream))
+          ((9 10 11)           ; fieldref methodref InterfaceMethodref
+           (write-u2 (constant-member-ref-class-index entry) stream)
+           (write-u2 (constant-member-ref-name/type-index entry) stream))
+          (12                           ; nameAndType
+           (write-u2 (constant-name/type-name-index entry) stream)
+           (write-u2 (constant-name/type-descriptor-index entry) stream))
+          (7                            ; class
+           (write-u2 (constant-class-name-index entry) stream))
+          (8                            ; string
+           (write-u2 (constant-string-value-index entry) stream))
+          (t
+           (error "write-constant-pool-entry unhandled tag ~D~%" tag)))))))
+(defun print-constant (entry stream)
+  "Debugging helper to print the content of a constant-pool entry."
+  (let ((tag (constant-tag entry))
+        (index (constant-index entry)))
+    (sys::%format stream "pool element ~a, tag ~a, " index tag)
     (case tag
-      (1         ; UTF8
-       (write-utf8 (constant-utf8-value entry) stream))
-      ((3 4)     ; int
-       (write-u4 (constant-float/int-value entry) stream))
-      ((5 6)     ; long double
-       (write-u4 (logand (ash (constant-double/long-value entry) -32)
-                         #xFFFFffff) stream)
-       (write-u4 (logand (constant-double/long-value entry) #xFFFFffff) stream))
-      ((9 10 11) ; fieldref methodref InterfaceMethodref
-       (write-u2 (constant-member-ref-class-index entry) stream)
-       (write-u2 (constant-member-ref-name/type-index entry) stream))
-      (12        ; nameAndType
-       (write-u2 (constant-name/type-name-index entry) stream)
-       (write-u2 (constant-name/type-descriptor-index entry) stream))
-      (7         ; class
-       (write-u2 (constant-class-name-index entry) stream))
-      (8         ; string
-       (write-u2 (constant-string-value-index entry) stream))
-      (t
-       (error "write-constant-pool-entry unhandled tag ~D~%" tag))))))
+      (1     (sys::%format t "utf8: ~a~%" (constant-utf8-value entry)))
+      ((3 4) (sys::%format t "f/i: ~a~%" (constant-float/int-value entry)))
+      ((5 6) (sys::%format t "d/l: ~a~%" (constant-double/long-value entry)))
+      ((9 10 11) (sys::%format t "ref: ~a,~a~%"
+                               (constant-member-ref-class-index entry)
+                               (constant-member-ref-name/type-index entry)))
+      (12 (sys::%format t "n/t: ~a,~a~%"
+                        (constant-name/type-name-index entry)
+                        (constant-name/type-descriptor-index entry)))
+      (7 (sys::%format t "cls: ~a~%" (constant-class-name-index entry)))
+      (8 (sys::%format t "str: ~a~%" (constant-string-value-index entry))))))
@@ -575,7 +611,9 @@
     (:transient    #x0080)
     (:native       #x0100)
     (:abstract     #x0400)
-    (:strict       #x0800)))
+    (:strict       #x0800))
+  "List of keyword symbols used for human readable representation of (access)
+flags and their binary values.")
 (defun map-flags (flags)
   "Calculates the bitmap of the flags from a list of symbols."
@@ -587,12 +625,14 @@
           :initial-value 0))
 (defstruct (field (:constructor %make-field))
+  ""
 (defun make-field (name type &key (flags '(:public)))
   (%make-field :access-flags flags
                :name name
                :descriptor type))
@@ -643,20 +683,33 @@
     (t name)))
 (defun !make-method (name return args &key (flags '(:public)))
-  (%make-method :descriptor (cons return args)
+  (%!make-method :descriptor (cons return args)
                 :access-flags flags
                 :name name))
 (defun method-add-attribute (method attribute)
-  (push attribute (method-attributes method)))
+  "Add `attribute' to the list of attributes of `method',
+returning `attribute'."
+  (push attribute (method-attributes method))
+  attribute)
 (defun method-add-code (method)
-  "Creates an (empty) 'Code' attribute for the method."
+  "Creates an (empty) 'Code' attribute for the method,
+returning the created attribute."
+   method
    (make-code-attribute (+ (length (cdr (method-descriptor method)))
                            (if (member :static (method-access-flags method))
                                0 1))))) ;; 1 == implicit 'this'
+(defun method-ensure-code (method)
+  "Ensures the existence of a 'Code' attribute for the method,
+returning the attribute."
+  (let ((code (method-attribute method "Code")))
+    (if (null code)
+        (method-add-code method)
+        code)))
 (defun method-attribute (method name)
   (find name (method-attributes method)
         :test #'string= :key #'attribute-name))
@@ -676,6 +729,7 @@
 (defun !write-method (method stream)
   (write-u2 (method-access-flags method) stream)
   (write-u2 (method-name method) stream)
+  (sys::%format t "method-name: ~a~%" (method-name method))
   (write-u2 (method-descriptor method) stream)
   (write-attributes (method-attributes method) stream))
@@ -691,8 +745,8 @@
   (dolist (attribute attributes)
     ;; assure header: make sure 'name' is in the pool
     (setf (attribute-name attribute)
-          (pool-add-string (class-file-constants class)
-                           (attribute-name attribute)))
+          (pool-add-utf8 (class-file-constants class)
+                         (attribute-name attribute)))
     ;; we're saving "root" attributes: attributes which have no parent
     (funcall (attribute-finalizer attribute) attribute att class)))
@@ -705,7 +759,7 @@
     (let ((local-stream (sys::%make-byte-array-output-stream)))
       (funcall (attribute-writer attribute) attribute local-stream)
       (let ((array (sys::%get-output-stream-array local-stream)))
-        (write-u2 (length array) stream)
+        (write-u4 (length array) stream)
         (write-sequence array stream)))))
@@ -719,34 +773,73 @@
+  exception-handlers
-  ;; labels contains offsets into the code array after it's finalized
-  (labels (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
   ;; fields not in the class file start here
-  current-local ;; used for handling nested WITH-CODE-TO-METHOD blocks
-  )
+  ;; labels contains offsets into the code array after it's finalized
+  labels ;; an alist
+  current-local) ;; used for handling nested WITH-CODE-TO-METHOD blocks
 (defun code-label-offset (code label)
-  (gethash label (code-labels code)))
+  (cdr (assoc label (code-labels code))))
 (defun (setf code-label-offset) (offset code label)
-  (setf (gethash label (code-labels code)) offset))
+  (setf (code-labels code)
+        (acons label offset (code-labels code))))
+(defun !finalize-code (code parent class)
+  (declare (ignore parent))
+  (let ((c (resolve-instructions (coerce (reverse (code-code code)) 'vector))))
+    (setf (code-max-stack code) (analyze-stack c))
+    (multiple-value-bind
+          (c labels)
+        (code-bytes c)
+      (setf (code-code code) c
+            (code-labels code) labels)))
+  (dolist (exception (code-exception-handlers code))
+    (setf (exception-start-pc exception)
+          (code-label-offset code (exception-start-pc exception))
+          (exception-end-pc exception)
+          (code-label-offset code (exception-end-pc exception))
+          (exception-handler-pc exception)
+          (code-label-offset code (exception-handler-pc exception))
+          (exception-catch-type exception)
+          (if (null (exception-catch-type exception))
+              0  ;; generic 'catch all' class index number
+              (pool-add-class (class-file-constants class)
+                              (exception-catch-type exception)))))
-(defun !finalize-code (code class)
-  (let ((c (coerce (resolve-instructions (code-code code)) 'vector)))
-    (setf (code-max-stack code) (analyze-stack c)
-          (code-code code) (code-bytes c)))
   (finalize-attributes (code-attributes code) code class))
 (defun !write-code (code stream)
+  (sys::%format t "max-stack: ~a~%" (code-max-stack code))
   (write-u2 (code-max-stack code) stream)
+  (sys::%format t "max-locals: ~a~%" (code-max-locals code))
   (write-u2 (code-max-locals code) stream)
   (let ((code-array (code-code code)))
+    (sys::%format t "length: ~a~%" (length code-array))
     (write-u4 (length code-array) stream)
     (dotimes (i (length code-array))
       (write-u1 (svref code-array i) stream)))
+  (write-u2 (length (code-exception-handlers code)) stream)
+  (dolist (exception (reverse (code-exception-handlers code)))
+    (sys::%format t "start-pc: ~a~%" (exception-start-pc exception))
+    (write-u2 (exception-start-pc exception) stream)
+    (sys::%format t "end-pc: ~a~%" (exception-end-pc exception))
+    (write-u2 (exception-end-pc exception) stream)
+    (sys::%format t "handler-pc: ~a~%" (exception-handler-pc exception))
+    (write-u2 (exception-handler-pc exception) stream)
+    (write-u2 (exception-catch-type exception) stream))
   (write-attributes (code-attributes code) stream))
 (defun make-code-attribute (arg-count)
@@ -755,24 +848,44 @@
   (%make-code-attribute :max-locals arg-count))
 (defun code-add-attribute (code attribute)
-  (push attribute (code-attributes code)))
+  "Adds `attribute' to `code', returning `attribute'."
+  (push attribute (code-attributes code))
+  attribute)
 (defun code-attribute (code name)
   (find name (code-attributes code)
         :test #'string= :key #'attribute-name))
+(defun code-add-exception-handler (code start end handler type)
+  (push (make-exception :start-pc start
+                        :end-pc end
+                        :handler-pc handler
+                        :catch-type type)
+        (code-exception-handlers code)))
+(defun add-exception-handler (start end handler type)
+  (code-add-exception-handler *current-code-attribute* start end handler type))
+(defstruct exception
+  start-pc    ;; label target
+  end-pc      ;; label target
+  handler-pc  ;; label target
+  catch-type  ;; a string for a specific type, or NIL for all
+  )
 (defvar *current-code-attribute*)
 (defun save-code-specials (code)
   (setf (code-code code) *code*
         (code-max-locals code) *registers-allocated*
-        (code-exception-handlers code) *handlers*
+;;        (code-exception-handlers code) *handlers*
         (code-current-local code) *register*))
 (defun restore-code-specials (code)
   (setf *code* (code-code code)
+;;        *handlers* (code-exception-handlers code)
         *registers-allocated* (code-max-locals code)
         *register* (code-current-local code)))
@@ -784,67 +897,19 @@
            `((when *current-code-attribute*
                (save-code-specials *current-code-attribute*))))
        (let* ((,m ,method)
-              (,c (method-attribute ,m "Code"))
+              (,c (method-ensure-code method))
               (*code* (code-code ,c))
               (*registers-allocated* (code-max-locals ,c))
               (*register* (code-current-local ,c))
               (*current-code-attribute* ,c))
          , at body
          (setf (code-code ,c) *code*
-               (code-exception-handlers ,c) *handlers*
+;;               (code-exception-handlers ,c) *handlers*
                (code-max-locals ,c) *registers-allocated*))
        ,@(when safe-nesting
            `((when *current-code-attribute*
                (restore-code-specials *current-code-attribute*)))))))
-(defstruct (exceptions-attribute (:constructor make-exceptions)
-                                 (:conc-name exceptions-)
-                                 (:include attribute
-                                           (name "Exceptions")
-                                           (finalizer #'finalize-exceptions)
-                                           (writer #'write-exceptions)))
-  exceptions)
-(defun finalize-exceptions (exceptions code class)
-  (dolist (exception (exceptions-exceptions exceptions))
-    ;; no need to finalize `catch-type': it's already the index required
-    (setf (exception-start-pc exception)
-          (code-label-offset code (exception-start-pc exception))
-          (exception-end-pc exception)
-          (code-label-offset code (exception-end-pc exception))
-          (exception-handler-pc exception)
-          (code-label-offset code (exception-handler-pc exception))
-          (exception-catch-type exception)
-          (pool-add-string (class-file-constants class)
-                           (exception-catch-type exception))))
-  ;;(finalize-attributes (exceptions-attributes exception) exceptions class)
-  )
-(defun write-exceptions (exceptions stream)
-  ; number of entries
-  (write-u2 (length (exceptions-exceptions exceptions)) stream)
-  (dolist (exception (exceptions-exceptions exceptions))
-    (write-u2 (exception-start-pc exception) stream)
-    (write-u2 (exception-end-pc exception) stream)
-    (write-u2 (exception-handler-pc exception) stream)
-    (write-u2 (exception-catch-type exception) stream)))
-(defun code-add-exception (code start end handler type)
-  (when (null (code-attribute code "Exceptions"))
-    (code-add-attribute code (make-exceptions)))
-  (push (make-exception :start-pc start
-                        :end-pc end
-                        :handler-pc handler
-                        :catch-type type)
-        (exceptions-exceptions (code-attribute code "Exceptions"))))
-(defstruct exception
-  start-pc    ;; label target
-  end-pc      ;; label target
-  handler-pc  ;; label target
-  catch-type  ;; a string for a specific type, or NIL for all
-  )
 (defstruct (source-file-attribute (:conc-name source-)
                                   (:include attribute

Modified: branches/generic-class-file/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/class-file.lisp
--- branches/generic-class-file/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/class-file.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/generic-class-file/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/class-file.lisp	Thu Jul 29 14:27:10 2010
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 (deftest fieldtype.2
-    (string= (jvm::internal-field-type jvm::+!lisp-object+)
+    (string= (jvm::internal-field-type jvm::+lisp-object+)
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 (deftest fieldref.2
-    (string= (jvm::internal-field-ref jvm::+!lisp-object+)
+    (string= (jvm::internal-field-ref jvm::+lisp-object+)
@@ -124,58 +124,105 @@
 (deftest descriptor.2
-    (string= (jvm::descriptor jvm::+!lisp-object+ jvm::+!lisp-object+)
+    (string= (jvm::descriptor jvm::+lisp-object+ jvm::+lisp-object+)
 (deftest map-flags.1
-    (eql (jvm::map-flags '(:public)) #x0001))
+    (eql (jvm::map-flags '(:public)) #x0001)
+  T)
 (deftest pool.1
     (let* ((pool (jvm::make-pool)))
-      (jvm::pool-add-class pool jvm::+!lisp-readtable+)
-      (jvm::pool-add-field-ref pool jvm::+!lisp-readtable+ "ABC" :int)
+      (jvm::pool-add-class pool jvm::+lisp-readtable+)
+      (jvm::pool-add-field-ref pool jvm::+lisp-readtable+ "ABC" :int)
       (jvm::pool-add-field-ref pool
-                               jvm::+!lisp-readtable+ "ABD"
-                               jvm::+!lisp-readtable+)
-      (jvm::pool-add-method-ref pool jvm::+!lisp-readtable+ "MBC" :int)
-      (jvm::pool-add-method-ref pool jvm::+!lisp-readtable+ "MBD"
-                                jvm::+!lisp-readtable+)
+                               jvm::+lisp-readtable+ "ABD"
+                               jvm::+lisp-readtable+)
+      (jvm::pool-add-method-ref pool jvm::+lisp-readtable+ "MBC" :int)
+      (jvm::pool-add-method-ref pool jvm::+lisp-readtable+ "MBD"
+                                jvm::+lisp-readtable+)
       (jvm::pool-add-interface-method-ref pool
-                                          jvm::+!lisp-readtable+ "MBD" :int)
+                                          jvm::+lisp-readtable+ "MBD" :int)
       (jvm::pool-add-interface-method-ref pool
-                                          jvm::+!lisp-readtable+ "MBD"
-                                          jvm::+!lisp-readtable+)
+                                          jvm::+lisp-readtable+ "MBD"
+                                          jvm::+lisp-readtable+)
       (jvm::pool-add-string pool "string")
       (jvm::pool-add-int pool 1)
       (jvm::pool-add-float pool 1.0f0)
       (jvm::pool-add-long pool 1)
       (jvm::pool-add-double pool 1.0d0)
       (jvm::pool-add-name/type pool "name1" :int)
-      (jvm::pool-add-name/type pool "name2" jvm::+!lisp-object+)
+      (jvm::pool-add-name/type pool "name2" jvm::+lisp-object+)
       (jvm::pool-add-utf8 pool "utf8")
 (deftest make-class-file.1
     (let* ((class (jvm::make-class-name "org/armedbear/lisp/mcf_1"))
-           (file (jvm::!make-class-file class jvm::+!lisp-object+ '(:public))))
+           (file (jvm::!make-class-file class jvm::+lisp-object+ '(:public))))
       (jvm::class-add-field file (jvm::make-field "ABC" :int))
-      (jvm::class-add-field file (jvm::make-field "ABD" jvm::+!lisp-object+))
+      (jvm::class-add-field file (jvm::make-field "ABD" jvm::+lisp-object+))
       (jvm::class-add-method file (jvm::!make-method "MBC" nil :int))
-      (jvm::class-add-method file (jvm::!make-method "MBD" nil jvm::+!lisp-object+))
+      (jvm::class-add-method file (jvm::!make-method "MBD" nil jvm::+lisp-object+))
+      (jvm::class-add-method file (jvm::!make-method :constructor :void nil))
+      (jvm::class-add-method file (jvm::!make-method :class-constructor :void nil))
 (deftest finalize-class-file.1
-    (let* ((class (jvm::make-class-name "org/armedbear/lisp/mcf_1"))
-           (file (jvm::!make-class-file class jvm::+!lisp-object+ '(:public))))
+    (let* ((class (jvm::make-class-name "org/armedbear/lisp/fcf_1"))
+           (file (jvm::!make-class-file class jvm::+lisp-object+ '(:public))))
       (jvm::class-add-field file (jvm::make-field "ABC" :int))
-      (jvm::class-add-field file (jvm::make-field "ABD" jvm::+!lisp-object+))
+      (jvm::class-add-field file (jvm::make-field "ABD" jvm::+lisp-object+))
       (jvm::class-add-method file (jvm::!make-method "MBC" nil '(:int)))
       (jvm::class-add-method file
                              (jvm::!make-method "MBD" nil
-                                                (list jvm::+!lisp-object+)))
+                                                (list jvm::+lisp-object+)))
+      (jvm::finalize-class-file file)
+      file
+      T)
+  T)
+(deftest generate-method.1
+    (let* ((class (jvm::make-class-name "org/armedbear/lisp/gm_1"))
+           (file (jvm::!make-class-file class jvm::+lisp-object+ '(:public)))
+           (method (jvm::!make-method :class-constructor :void nil
+                                      :flags '(:static))))
+      (jvm::class-add-method file method)
+      (jvm::with-code-to-method (method)
+        (jvm::emit 'return))
+      (jvm::finalize-class-file file)
+      (with-open-stream (stream (sys::%make-byte-array-output-stream))
+        (jvm::!write-class-file file stream)
+        (sys::load-compiled-function (sys::%get-output-stream-bytes stream)))
+      T)
+  T)
+(deftest generate-method.2
+    (let* ((class (jvm::make-class-name "org/armedbear/lisp/gm_2"))
+           (file (jvm::!make-class-file class jvm::+lisp-object+ '(:public)))
+           (method (jvm::!make-method "doNothing" :void nil)))
+      (jvm::class-add-method file method)
+      (jvm::with-code-to-method (method)
+        (let ((label1 (gensym))
+              (label2 (gensym))
+              (label3 (gensym)))
+          (jvm::label label1)
+          (jvm::emit 'jvm::iconst_1)
+          (jvm::label label2)
+          (jvm::emit 'return)
+          (jvm::label label3)
+          (jvm::code-add-exception-handler (jvm::method-attribute method "Code")
+                                           label1 label2 label3 nil))
+        (jvm::emit 'return))
       (jvm::finalize-class-file file)
-      file)
-  T)
\ No newline at end of file
+      (with-open-stream (stream (sys::%make-byte-array-output-stream))
+        (jvm::!write-class-file file stream)
+        (sys::load-compiled-function (sys::%get-output-stream-bytes stream)))
+      T)
+  T)
+;;(deftest generate-method.2
+;;    (let* ((class))))
\ No newline at end of file

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