[armedbear-cvs] r12402 - in trunk/abcl: . src/org/armedbear/lisp test/lisp/abcl test/src/org/armedbear/lisp

Mark Evenson mevenson at common-lisp.net
Tue Jan 26 11:15:51 UTC 2010

Author: mevenson
Date: Tue Jan 26 06:15:48 2010
New Revision: 12402

Move abcl-test-lisp to ASDF packaging.

Change to ASDF packaging of abcl-test-lisp.  Remove ASDF system
'abcl-tests' as ASDF systems without components don't carry
dependencies transitively.  Remove unneed :BEFORE load of
abcl-test-lisp. Renamed conflicting tests now that they are loaded via

Implement ability to run tests matching a string.  Export
ABCL.TEST.LISP::RUN-MATCHING as external symbol.  

Added 'test/lisp/abcl/math-tests.lisp' back to ABCL.TEST.LISP, fixing
errors that prevented it from working.

Fix bug with directories specified to three-arg form of SYS:ZIP.  JAR
files always use '/' to name hierarchial entries.  Allow of a top
directory for creating hierarchially ZIPs: for arguments like
"pathname pathnames &optional topdir" all pathnames will be
interpolated relative to topdir.

Contains the version of jar-file tests corresponding to PATHNAME,
TRUENAME, and PROBE-FILE.  The tests for jar-file will currently fail
as it needs the implementation of SYS:UNZIP which in turn depends on
the new version of Pathname which should follow shortly in a separate

jar-file initilization rewritten in Lisp, so it works under Windows.

Java tests for Pathname and Stream.

Help my dyslexic brain by renaming
*abcl-{lisp-test,test,lisp}-directory* to *abcl-test-directory*.

Refinement of jar-file tests. Correct all JAR-FILE.PATHNAME.* tests.
JAR-FILE tests use the cross-platform form of COPY-FILE. Renamed test,
using WITH-JAR-FILE-INIT macro.


Modified: trunk/abcl/abcl.asd
--- trunk/abcl/abcl.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/abcl/abcl.asd	Tue Jan 26 06:15:48 2010
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 (defsystem :abcl :version "0.5.0")
 (defmethod perform :after ((o load-op) (c (eql (find-system :abcl))))
-  (operate 'load-op :abcl-tests :force t)
   (operate 'load-op :abcl-test-lisp :force t)
   (operate 'load-op :cl-bench :force t)
   (operate 'load-op :ansi-compiled :force t)
@@ -20,38 +19,30 @@
 (defmethod perform ((o test-op) (c (eql (find-system :abcl))))
   (operate 'test-op :abcl-tests :force t))
-;;; A collection of test suites for ABCL.
-(defsystem :abcl-tests
-  :version "2.0"
-  :depends-on (:abcl-test-lisp 
-               :ansi-compiled :ansi-interpreted
-               :cl-bench))
-(defmethod perfom :before ((o test-op (c (eql find-system :abcl-tests))))
-  (operate 'load-op :abcl-test-lisp)
-  (operate 'load-op :ansi-compiled)
-  (operate 'load-op :cl-bench))
-;;;  Run via (asdf:operate 'asdf:test-op :abcl-tests :force t)
-(defmethod perform ((o test-op) (c (eql (find-system :abcl-tests))))
-  ;; Additional test suite invocations would go here.
-  (operate 'test-op :abcl-test-lisp) 
-  (operate 'test-op :ansi-compiled)
-  (operate 'test-op :cl-bench))
 ;;; Test ABCL with the Lisp unit tests collected in "test/lisp/abcl"
 (defsystem :abcl-test-lisp :version "1.1" :components
-	   ((:module abcl-rt :pathname "test/lisp/abcl/" :serial t :components
-		     ((:file "rt-package") (:file "rt")))
+	   ((:module abcl-rt 
+                     :pathname "test/lisp/abcl/" :serial t :components
+		     ((:file "rt-package") (:file "rt")
+                      (:file "test-utilities")))
 	    (:module package  :depends-on (abcl-rt)
 		     :pathname "test/lisp/abcl/" :components
-		     ((:file "package")))))
-(defmethod perform :before ((o test-op) (c (eql (find-system
-                                                 :abcl-test-lisp))))
-  (operate 'load-op :abcl-test-lisp :force t))
+		     ((:file "package")))
+            (:module test :depends-on (package)
+		     :pathname "test/lisp/abcl/" :components
+                     ((:file "compiler-tests")
+                      (:file "condition-tests")
+                      (:file "mop-tests-setup")
+                      (:file "mop-tests" :depends-on ("mop-tests-setup"))
+                      (:file "file-system-tests")
+                      (:file "jar-file")
+                      (:file "math-tests")
+                      (:file "misc-tests")
+                      (:file "pathname-tests")))))
 (defmethod perform ((o test-op) (c (eql (find-system 'abcl-test-lisp))))
    "Invoke tests with (asdf:oos 'asdf:test-op :abcl-test-lisp)."
-   (funcall (intern (symbol-name 'run) :abcl-test)))
+   (funcall (intern (symbol-name 'run) :abcl.test.lisp)))
 ;;; Test ABCL with the interpreted ANSI tests
 (defsystem :ansi-interpreted :version "1.0.1" 

Modified: trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/zip.java
--- trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/zip.java	(original)
+++ trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/zip.java	Tue Jan 26 06:15:48 2010
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
 import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
 import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;
@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@
     private zip()
-        super("zip", PACKAGE_SYS, true, "pathname pathnames");
+        super("zip", PACKAGE_SYS, true, "pathname pathnames &optional topdir");
@@ -94,5 +96,74 @@
         return zipfilePathname;
+    @Override
+    public LispObject execute(LispObject first, LispObject second, LispObject third)
+    {
+        Pathname zipfilePathname = coerceToPathname(first);
+        byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
+        try {
+            String zipfileNamestring = zipfilePathname.getNamestring();
+            if (zipfileNamestring == null)
+                return error(new SimpleError("Pathname has no namestring: " +
+                                              zipfilePathname.writeToString()));
+            ZipOutputStream out =
+                new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipfileNamestring));
+            Pathname root = (Pathname)coerceToPathname(third);
+            String rootPath = root.getDirectoryNamestring();
+            int rootPathLength = rootPath.length();
+            Set<String> directories = new HashSet<String>();
+            LispObject list = second;
+            while (list != NIL) {
+                Pathname pathname = coerceToPathname(list.car());
+                String namestring = pathname.getNamestring();
+                if (namestring == null) {
+                    // Clean up before signalling error.
+                    out.close();
+                    File zipfile = new File(zipfileNamestring);
+                    zipfile.delete();
+                    return error(new SimpleError("Pathname has no namestring: " +
+                                                  pathname.writeToString()));
+                }
+                String directory = "";
+                String dir = pathname.getDirectoryNamestring();
+                if (dir.length() > rootPathLength) {
+                  String d = dir.substring(rootPathLength);
+                  int i = 0;
+                  int j;
+                  while ((j = d.indexOf(File.separator, i)) != -1) {
+                    i = j + 1;
+                    directory = d.substring(0, j).replace(File.separatorChar, '/') + "/";
+                    if (!directories.contains(directory)) {
+                      directories.add(directory);
+                      ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(directory);
+                      out.putNextEntry(entry);
+                      out.closeEntry();
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+                File file = new File(namestring);
+                if (file.isDirectory()) {
+                    list = list.cdr();
+                    continue;
+                }
+                FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
+                ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(directory + file.getName());
+                out.putNextEntry(entry);
+                int n;
+                while ((n = in.read(buffer)) > 0)
+                    out.write(buffer, 0, n);
+                out.closeEntry();
+                in.close();
+                list = list.cdr();
+            }
+            out.close();
+        }
+        catch (IOException e) {
+            return error(new LispError(e.getMessage()));
+        }
+        return zipfilePathname;
+    }
     private static final Primitive zip = new zip();

Modified: trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/condition-tests.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/condition-tests.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/condition-tests.lisp	Tue Jan 26 06:15:48 2010
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
-(load (merge-pathnames "test-utilities.lisp" *load-truename*))
 (in-package #:abcl.test.lisp)
 (defun filter (string)

Modified: trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/file-system-tests.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/file-system-tests.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/file-system-tests.lisp	Tue Jan 26 06:15:48 2010
@@ -33,12 +33,6 @@
                  :device (pathname-device *load-truename*)
                  :directory (pathname-directory *load-truename*)))
-(defmacro signals-error (form error-name)
-  `(locally (declare (optimize safety))
-     (handler-case ,form
-       (error (c) (typep c ,error-name))
-       (:no-error (&rest ignored) (declare (ignore ignored)) nil))))
 (defun pathnames-equal-p (pathname1 pathname2)
   #-(or allegro clisp cmu lispworks)
   (equal pathname1 pathname2)
@@ -425,7 +419,7 @@
 ;; Allegro's version component is :UNSPECIFIC.
 (pushnew 'user-homedir-pathname.1 *expected-failures*)
-(deftest directory-namestring.1
+(deftest file-system.directory-namestring.1
   (let ((pathname (user-homedir-pathname)))
     (equal (namestring pathname) (directory-namestring pathname)))
@@ -434,15 +428,15 @@
   ;; The drive prefix ("C:\\") is not part of the directory namestring.
-(pushnew 'directory-namestring.1 *expected-failures*)
+(pushnew 'file-system.directory-namestring.1 *expected-failures*)
-(deftest directory-namestring.2
+(deftest file.system.directory-namestring.2
   (let ((pathname (user-homedir-pathname)))
     (equal (directory-namestring pathname)
            (namestring (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory pathname)))))
-(pushnew 'directory-namestring.2 *expected-failures*)
+(pushnew 'file-system.directory-namestring.2 *expected-failures*)
 (deftest ensure-directories-exist.1
   (let* ((tmp (make-temporary-filename *this-directory*))

Modified: trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/jar-file.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/jar-file.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/jar-file.lisp	Tue Jan 26 06:15:48 2010
@@ -1,88 +1,277 @@
 (in-package #:abcl.test.lisp)
-#-:unix (error "Load test setup currently needs UNIX shell script support.")
+(defvar *jar-file-init* nil)
-(defun load-init ()
-  (let* ((*default-pathname-defaults* *this-directory*)
-         (asdf::*verbose-out* *standard-output*)
-         (package-command (format nil "cd ~A; sh ~A" 
-                                  *this-directory*
-                                  (merge-pathnames "package-load.sh"))))
+;;; From CL-FAD
+(defvar *stream-buffer-size* 8192)
+(defun cl-fad-copy-stream (from to &optional (checkp t))
+  "Copies into TO \(a stream) from FROM \(also a stream) until the end
+of FROM is reached, in blocks of *stream-buffer-size*.  The streams
+should have the same element type.  If CHECKP is true, the streams are
+checked for compatibility of their types."
+  (when checkp
+    (unless (subtypep (stream-element-type to) (stream-element-type from))
+      (error "Incompatible streams ~A and ~A." from to)))
+  (let ((buf (make-array *stream-buffer-size*
+                         :element-type (stream-element-type from))))
+    (loop
+     (let ((pos (read-sequence buf from)))
+       (when (zerop pos) (return))
+       (write-sequence buf to :end pos))))
+  (values))
+(defun cl-fad-copy-file (from to &key overwrite)
+  "Copies the file designated by the non-wild pathname designator FROM
+to the file designated by the non-wild pathname designator TO.  If
+OVERWRITE is true overwrites the file designtated by TO if it exists."
+  (let ((element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+    (with-open-file (in from :element-type element-type)
+      (with-open-file (out to :element-type element-type
+                              :direction :output
+                              :if-exists (if overwrite
+                                           :supersede :error))
+        (cl-fad-copy-stream in out))))
+  (values))
+(defun jar-file-init ()
+  (let* ((*default-pathname-defaults*  *abcl-test-directory*)
+         (asdf::*verbose-out* *standard-output*))
     (compile-file "foo.lisp")
     (compile-file "bar.lisp")
     (compile-file "eek.lisp")
-    (asdf:run-shell-command package-command))
+    (let* ((dir (merge-pathnames "tmp/" *abcl-test-directory*))
+           (sub (merge-pathnames "a/b/" dir)))
+      (when (probe-directory dir)
+        (delete-directory-and-files dir))
+      (ensure-directories-exist sub)
+      (sys:unzip (merge-pathnames "foo.abcl")
+                 dir)
+      (sys:unzip (merge-pathnames "foo.abcl")
+                 sub)
+      (cl-fad-copy-file (merge-pathnames "bar.abcl")
+                 (merge-pathnames "bar.abcl" dir))
+      (cl-fad-copy-file (merge-pathnames "bar.abcl")
+                 (merge-pathnames "bar.abcl" sub))
+      (cl-fad-copy-file (merge-pathnames "eek.lisp")
+                 (merge-pathnames "eek.lisp" dir))
+      (cl-fad-copy-file (merge-pathnames "eek.lisp")
+                 (merge-pathnames "eek.lisp" sub))
+      (sys:zip (merge-pathnames "baz.jar")
+               (append
+                (directory (merge-pathnames "*" dir))
+                (directory (merge-pathnames "*" sub)))
+               dir)
+      (delete-directory-and-files dir)))
   (setf *jar-file-init* t))
-(defvar *jar-file-init* nil)
 (defmacro with-jar-file-init (&rest body)
-  `(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *this-directory*))
+  `(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *abcl-test-directory*))
        (unless *jar-file-init*
-         (load-init))
+         (jar-file-init))
        , at body)))
-(deftest jar-file-load.1
+(defmacro with-jar-file-init (&rest body)
+  `(progv '(*default-pathname-defaults*) '(,*abcl-test-directory*)
+    (unless *jar-file-init*
+      (load-init))
+    , at body))
+(deftest jar-file.load.1
-        (load "foo"))
+      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/foo"))
-(deftest jar-file-load.2
+(deftest jar-file.load.2
-      (load "foo.lisp"))
+      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/bar"))
-(deftest jar-file-load.3
+(deftest jar-file.load.3
-      (load "foo.abcl"))
+      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/bar.abcl"))
-(deftest jar-file-load.4
+(deftest jar-file.load.4
-      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/foo"))
+      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/eek"))
-(deftest jar-file-load.6
+(deftest jar-file.load.5
-      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/bar"))
+      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/eek.lisp"))
-(deftest jar-file-load.7
+(deftest jar-file.load.6
-      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/bar.abcl"))
+      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/a/b/foo"))
-(deftest jar-file-load.8
+(deftest jar-file.load.7
-      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/eek"))
+      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/a/b/bar"))
-(deftest jar-file-load.9
+(deftest jar-file.load.8
-      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/eek.lisp"))
+      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/a/b/bar.abcl"))
+  t)
+(deftest jar-file.load.9
+    (with-jar-file-init
+      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/a/b/eek"))
+(deftest jar-file.load.10
+    (with-jar-file-init
+      (load "jar:file:baz.jar!/a/b/eek.lisp"))
+  t)
-(deftest jar-file-probe-file.1
+(deftest jar-file.probe-file.1
         (probe-file "jar:file:baz.jar!/eek.lisp"))
-  #p"jar:file:baz.jar!/eek.lisp") ; WRONG: PROBE-FILE should return
-                                  ; TRUENAME on existence.
+  #p#.(format nil "jar:file:~A/baz.jar!/eek.lisp" 
+              (namestring *abcl-test-directory*)))
+(deftest jar-file.probe-file.2
+    (with-jar-file-init
+        (probe-file "jar:file:baz.jar!/a/b/bar.abcl"))
+  #p#.(format nil "jar:file:~A/baz.jar!/a/b/bar.abcl"
+              (namestring *abcl-test-directory*)))
+(deftest jar-file.probe-file.3
+    (with-jar-file-init
+        (probe-file "jar:jar:file:baz.jar!/a/b/bar.abcl!/bar._"))
+   #p#.(format nil "jar:jar:file:~Abaz.jar!/a/b/bar.abcl!/bar._"
+                       (namestring *abcl-test-directory*)))
+(deftest jar-file.probe-file.4
+    (with-jar-file-init
+        (probe-file "jar:file:baz.jar!/a/b"))
+  nil)
-(deftest jar-file-merge-pathnames.1
+(deftest jar-file.probe-file.5
+    (with-jar-file-init
+        (probe-file "jar:file:baz.jar!/a/b/"))
+  #p#.(format nil "jar:file:~Abaz.jar!/a/b/"
+                       (namestring *abcl-test-directory*)))
+(deftest jar-file.merge-pathnames.1
+    (merge-pathnames 
+     "/bar.abcl" #p"jar:file:baz.jar!/foo")
+  #p"jar:file:baz.jar!/bar.abcl")
+(deftest jar-file.merge-pathnames.2
-     "!/foo" #p"jar:file:baz.jar")
+     "/bar.abcl" #p"jar:file:baz.jar!/foo/")
+  #p"jar:file:baz.jar!/foo/bar.abcl")
+(deftest jar-file.merge-pathnames.3
+    (merge-pathnames 
+     "jar:file:baz.jar!/foo" "bar")
-(deftest jar-file-truename.1
-    (truename "jar:file:baz.jar!/foo")
-  (format nil "jar:file:~S/baz.jar!/foo" 
-          *this-directory*))
+(deftest jar-file.truename.1
+    (signals-error (truename "jar:file:baz.jar!/foo")
+                   'file-error)
+  t)
+(deftest jar-file.pathname.1
+    (let* ((p #p"jar:file:foo/baz.jar!/")
+           (d (first (pathname-device p))))
+      (values
+       (pathname-directory d) (pathname-name d) (pathname-type d)))
+  (:relative "foo") "baz" "jar")
+(deftest jar-file.pathname.2
+    (let* ((p #p"jar:file:baz.jar!/foo.abcl")
+           (d (first (pathname-device p))))
+      (values
+       (pathname-name d) (pathname-type d) 
+       (pathname-directory p) (pathname-name p) (pathname-type p)))
+  "baz" "jar"
+   nil "foo" "abcl")
+(deftest jar-file.pathname.3
+    (let* ((p #p"jar:jar:file:baz.jar!/foo.abcl!/")
+           (d0 (first (pathname-device p)))
+           (d1 (second (pathname-device p))))
+      (values 
+       (pathname-name d0) (pathname-type d0)
+       (pathname-name d1) (pathname-type d1)))
+  "baz" "jar"
+  "foo" "abcl")
+(deftest jar-file.pathname.4
+    (let* ((p #p"jar:jar:file:a/baz.jar!/b/c/foo.abcl!/this/that/foo-20.cls")
+           (d0 (first (pathname-device p)))
+           (d1 (second (pathname-device p))))
+      (values 
+       (pathname-directory d0) (pathname-name d0) (pathname-type d0)
+       (pathname-directory d1) (pathname-name d1) (pathname-type d1)
+       (pathname-directory p) (pathname-name p) (pathname-type p)))
+  (:relative "a") "baz" "jar"
+  (:relative "b" "c") "foo" "abcl"
+  (:relative "this" "that") "foo-20" "cls")
+(deftest jar-file.pathname.5
+    (let* ((p #p"jar:jar:file:a/foo/baz.jar!/b/c/foo.abcl!/armed/bear/bar-1.cls")
+           (d0 (first (pathname-device p)))
+           (d1 (second (pathname-device p))))
+      (values 
+       (pathname-directory d0) (pathname-name d0) (pathname-type d0)
+       (pathname-directory d1) (pathname-name d1) (pathname-type d1)
+       (pathname-directory p) (pathname-name p) (pathname-type p)))
+  (:relative "a" "foo" ) "baz" "jar"
+  (:relative "b" "c") "foo" "abcl"
+  (:relative "armed" "bear") "bar-1" "cls")
+(deftest jar-file.pathname.6
+    (let* ((p #p"jar:http://example.org/abcl.jar!/org/armedbear/lisp/Version.class")
+           (d (first (pathname-device p))))
+      (values 
+       d
+       (pathname-directory p) (pathname-name p) (pathname-type p)))
+  "http://example.org/abcl.jar" 
+  (:relative "org" "armedbear" "lisp") "Version" "class")
+(deftest jar-file.pathname.7
+    (let* ((p #p"jar:jar:http://example.org/abcl.jar!/foo.abcl!/foo-1.cls")
+           (d (pathname-device p))
+           (d0 (first d))
+           (d1 (second d)))
+      (values
+       d0 
+       (pathname-name d1) (pathname-type d1)
+       (pathname-name p) (pathname-type p)))
+  "http://example.org/abcl.jar"
+  "foo" "abcl"
+  "foo-1" "cls")
+(deftest jar-file.pathname.8
+    (let* ((p #p"jar:file:/a/b/foo.jar!/")
+           (d (first (pathname-device p))))
+      (values
+       (pathname-directory d) (pathname-name d) (pathname-type d)))
+  (:ABSOLUTE "a" "b") "foo" "jar")
+(deftest jar-file.pathname.9
+    (let* ((p #p"jar:file:a/b/foo.jar!/c/d/foo.lisp")
+           (d (first (pathname-device p))))
+      (values
+       (pathname-directory d) (pathname-name d) (pathname-type d)
+       (pathname-directory p) (pathname-name p) (pathname-type p)))
+  (:RELATIVE "a" "b") "foo" "jar"
+  (:RELATIVE "c" "d") "foo" "lisp")

Modified: trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/math-tests.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/math-tests.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/math-tests.lisp	Tue Jan 26 06:15:48 2010
@@ -35,15 +35,17 @@
   #+sbcl `(sb-int:get-floating-point-modes))
 #+(or abcl cmu sbcl)
-(defun restore-default-floating-point-modes ()
+(defmacro restore-default-floating-point-modes ()
-  (set-floating-point-modes :traps '(:overflow :underflow))
+  `(ext:set-floating-point-modes :traps '(:overflow :underflow))
   #+(or cmu sbcl)
-  (set-floating-point-modes :traps '(:overflow :invalid :divide-by-zero)))
+  `(set-floating-point-modes :traps '(:overflow :invalid :divide-by-zero)))
 #+(or abcl cmu sbcl)
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  (restore-default-floating-point-modes))
+   (restore-default-floating-point-modes))
+;;  (ext:set-floating-point-modes :traps '(:overflow :underflow)))
 (deftest most-negative-fixnum.1
   (= (/ most-negative-fixnum -1) (- most-negative-fixnum))
@@ -354,7 +356,7 @@
   (expt #c(0 0.0) 4)
   #c(0.0 0.0))
-(deftest expt.25
+(deftest expt.26
   (expt #c(0 0.0) 4.0)
   #c(0.0 0.0))
@@ -451,7 +453,7 @@
   (signals-error (truncate least-positive-double-float 2) 'floating-point-underflow)
-(deftest read-from-string.1
+(deftest math.read-from-string.1
   #+(or cmu sbcl)
       (signals-error (read-from-string "1.0f-1000") 'reader-error)

Modified: trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/misc-tests.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/misc-tests.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/misc-tests.lisp	Tue Jan 26 06:15:48 2010
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
 (in-package #:abcl.test.lisp)
-(deftest dotimes.1
+(deftest misc.dotimes.1
-    (fmakunbound 'dotimes.1)
-    (defun dotimes.1 ()
+    (fmakunbound 'misc.dotimes.1)
+    (defun misc.dotimes.1 ()
       (let ((sum 0)) (dotimes (i 10) (setq i 42) (incf sum i)) sum))
-    (dotimes.1))
+    (misc.dotimes.1))
 (deftest dotimes.1.compiled
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
-(deftest dotimes.2
+(deftest misc.dotimes.2
-    (fmakunbound 'dotimes.2)
-    (defun dotimes.2 (count)
+    (fmakunbound 'misc.dotimes.2)
+    (defun misc.dotimes.2 (count)
       (let ((sum 0)) (dotimes (i count) (setq i 42) (incf sum i)) sum))
-    (dotimes.2 10))
+    (misc.dotimes.2 10))
 (deftest dotimes.2.compiled

Modified: trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/mop-tests.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/mop-tests.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/mop-tests.lisp	Tue Jan 26 06:15:48 2010
@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@
 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
-(load (merge-pathnames "test-utilities.lisp" *load-truename*))
-(compile-file (merge-pathnames "mop-tests-setup.lisp" *load-truename*))
-(load (merge-pathnames "mop-tests-setup" *load-truename*))
 (in-package #:abcl.test.lisp)
 (deftest compute-applicable-methods.foo.1

Modified: trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/package.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/package.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/package.lisp	Tue Jan 26 06:15:48 2010
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
 (defpackage #:abcl.test.lisp 
   (:use #:cl #:abcl-rt)
-  (:nicknames "ABCL-TEST")
-  (:export #:run))
+  (:nicknames "ABCL-TEST-LISP" "ABCL-TEST")
+  (:export 
+   #:run #:run-matching))
 (in-package #:abcl.test.lisp)
-(defvar *abcl-lisp-test-directory* 
-  (pathname (directory-namestring *load-truename*))
-  "The directory in which the ABCL test source files are located.")
+(defparameter *abcl-test-directory* 
+   (make-pathname :host (pathname-host *load-truename*)
+                  :device (pathname-device *load-truename*)
+                  :directory (pathname-directory *load-truename*)))
 (defun run ()
   "Run the Lisp test suite for ABCL."
+  (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *abcl-test-directory*))
+    (do-tests)))
-  (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *abcl-lisp-test-directory*))
-    (rem-all-tests)
-    (load "test-utilities.lisp")
-    (load "compiler-tests.lisp")
-    (load "condition-tests.lisp")
-    (load "mop-tests.lisp")
-    (load "file-system-tests.lisp")
-    (load "java-tests.lisp")
-    (load "math-tests.lisp")
-    (load "misc-tests.lisp")
-    (when (find :unix *features*)
-      (load "jar-file.lisp"))
+;;; XXX move this into test-utilities.lisp?
+(defun run-matching (&optional (match "jar-file."))
+  (let* ((matching (string-upcase match))
+         (tests
+          (remove-if-not
+           (lambda (name) (search matching name))
+           (mapcar (lambda (entry) 
+                     (symbol-name (abcl-rt::name entry))) 
+                   (rest abcl-rt::*entries*)))))
+    (dolist (test tests)
+      (do-test (intern test :abcl.test.lisp)))))
-    (do-tests)))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/test-utilities.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/test-utilities.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/abcl/test/lisp/abcl/test-utilities.lisp	Tue Jan 26 06:15:48 2010
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #+(and lispworks win32)
 (pushnew :windows *features*)
+#+nil ;; Taken care of by ASDF
 (unless (member "ABCL-RT" *modules* :test #'string=)
   (load (merge-pathnames "rt-package.lisp" *load-truename*))
   (load #+abcl (compile-file-if-needed (merge-pathnames "rt.lisp" *load-truename*))
@@ -32,15 +33,17 @@
         #-abcl (compile-file (merge-pathnames "rt.lisp" *load-truename*)))
   (provide "ABCL-RT"))
-(in-package #:abcl-regression-test)
-(export '(signals-error))
+(in-package #:abcl-regression-test)
 (defmacro signals-error (form error-name)
   `(locally (declare (optimize safety))
      (handler-case ,form
        (condition (c) (typep c ,error-name))
        (:no-error (&rest ignored) (declare (ignore ignored)) nil))))
+(export '(signals-error))
 #+nil (rem-all-tests)

Added: trunk/abcl/test/src/org/armedbear/lisp/PathnameTest.java
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/abcl/test/src/org/armedbear/lisp/PathnameTest.java	Tue Jan 26 06:15:48 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+package org.armedbear.lisp;
+import java.net.MalformedURLException;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;
+import java.net.URL;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileWriter;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.io.InputStreamReader;
+import java.io.IOException;
+public class PathnameTest
+  public static void main(final String args[]) {
+    JUnitCore.main("org.armedbear.lisp.PathnameTest");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void constructorURL()
+  {
+    URL url = null;
+    try {
+       url = new URL("file:///Users/evenson/work/abcl/build/classes/org/armedbear/lisp/boot.lisp");
+    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
+        System.out.println(e.getMessage());
+    }
+    Pathname pathname = new Pathname(url);
+    assertNotNull(pathname);
+    assertNotNull(pathname.getNamestring());
+    assertNotNull(pathname.name);
+    assertNotNull(pathname.type);
+    assertNotNull(pathname.directory);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void getInputStream() throws IOException {
+    File file = File.createTempFile("foo", "lisp");
+    FileWriter output = new FileWriter(file);
+    String contents = "(defun foo () 42)";
+    output.append(contents);
+    output.close();
+    Pathname pathname = Pathname.makePathname(file);
+    InputStream input = pathname.getInputStream();
+    InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(input);
+    char[] buffer = new char[1024];
+    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
+    int i;
+    while((i = reader.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) != -1) {
+      result.append(buffer, 0, i);
+    }
+    assertEquals(contents, result.toString());
+    file.delete();
+  }

Added: trunk/abcl/test/src/org/armedbear/lisp/StreamTest.java
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/abcl/test/src/org/armedbear/lisp/StreamTest.java	Tue Jan 26 06:15:48 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package org.armedbear.lisp;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileWriter;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.io.IOException;
+public class StreamTest
+  @Test
+  public void readLispObject() {
+    File file = null;
+    try {
+      file = File.createTempFile("foo", "lisp");
+      FileWriter output = new FileWriter(file);
+      String contents = "(defun foo () 42)";
+      output.append(contents);
+      output.close();
+    } catch (IOException e) {
+      System.out.println("Failed to create temp file" + e);
+      return;
+    }
+    Pathname pathname = Pathname.makePathname(file);
+    Stream in = new Stream(Symbol.SYSTEM_STREAM, pathname.getInputStream(), Symbol.CHARACTER);
+    LispObject o = in.read(false, Lisp.EOF, false, LispThread.currentThread());
+    assertFalse(o.equals(Lisp.NIL));
+    file.delete();
+  }
\ No newline at end of file

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