[armedbear-cvs] r13112 - trunk/abcl/tools

Mark Evenson mevenson at common-lisp.net
Tue Dec 28 21:55:30 UTC 2010

Author: mevenson
Date: Tue Dec 28 16:55:29 2010
New Revision: 13112

Set EOL to native.

   trunk/abcl/tools/code-grapher.lisp   (contents, props changed)

Modified: trunk/abcl/tools/code-grapher.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/tools/code-grapher.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/abcl/tools/code-grapher.lisp	Tue Dec 28 16:55:29 2010
@@ -1,126 +1,126 @@
-;; Raw outlines of a graphViz tool to visualize the instruction graph of ABCL generated code.
-;;  and the associated stack depths.
-(defvar *graph* nil)
-(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) branch-opcode-p))
-(declaim (inline branch-opcode-p))
-(defun branch-opcode-p (opcode)
-  (declare (optimize speed))
-  (declare (type '(integer 0 255) opcode))
-  (or (<= 153 opcode 168)
-      (= opcode 198)))
-(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) walk-code))
-(defun walk-code (code start-index depth last-instruction)
-  (declare (optimize speed))
-  (declare (type fixnum start-index depth))
-  (do* ((i start-index (1+ i))
-        (limit (length code)))
-       ((>= i limit))
-    (declare (type fixnum i limit))
-    (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
-           (instruction-depth (jvm::instruction-depth instruction))
-           (instruction-stack (jvm::instruction-stack instruction))
-           (this-instruction (format nil "i~A" i)))
-      (declare (type fixnum instruction-stack))
-      (format t "~A ~A~%" last-instruction this-instruction)
-      (push (list last-instruction  this-instruction depth) *graph*)
-      (setf last-instruction this-instruction)
-      (when instruction-depth
-        (unless (= (the fixnum instruction-depth)
-                   (the fixnum (+ depth instruction-stack)))
-          (internal-compiler-error 
-           "Stack inconsistency detected in ~A at index ~D: found ~S, expected ~S." 
-           (compiland-name *current-compiland*)
-           i instruction-depth (+ depth instruction-stack))
-          (return-from walk-code)))
-      (let ((opcode (jvm::instruction-opcode instruction)))
-        (setf depth (+ depth instruction-stack))
-        (setf (jvm::instruction-depth instruction) depth)
-        (when (branch-opcode-p opcode)
-          (let ((label (car (jvm::instruction-args instruction))))
-            (declare (type symbol label))
-            (walk-code code (symbol-value label) depth this-instruction)))
-        (when (member opcode '(167 176 191)) ; GOTO ARETURN ATHROW
-          ;; Current path ends.
-          (return-from walk-code))))))
-(declaim (ftype (function () t) analyze-stack))
-(defun analyze-stack ()
-  (declare (optimize speed))
-  (let* ((code *code*)
-         (code-length (length code)))
-    (declare (type vector code))
-    (dotimes (i code-length)
-      (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i))
-      (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
-             (opcode (jvm::instruction-opcode instruction)))
-        (when (eql opcode 202) ; LABEL
-          (let ((label (car (jvm::instruction-args instruction))))
-            (set label i)))
-        (if (jvm::instruction-stack instruction)
-            (when (jvm::opcode-stack-effect opcode)
-              (unless (eql (jvm::instruction-stack instruction)
-                           (jvm::opcode-stack-effect opcode))
-                (sys::%format t "instruction-stack = ~S opcode-stack-effect = ~S~%"
-                         (jvm::instruction-stack instruction)
-                         (jvm::opcode-stack-effect opcode))
-                (sys::%format t "index = ~D instruction = ~A~%" i
-                              (jvm::print-instruction instruction))))
-            (setf (jvm::instruction-stack instruction)
-                  (jvm::opcode-stack-effect opcode)))
-        (unless (jvm::instruction-stack instruction)
-          (sys::%format t "no stack information for instruction ~D~%"
-                        (jvm::instruction-opcode instruction))
-          (aver nil))))
-    (walk-code code 0 0 (gensym))
-    (dolist (handler *handlers*)
-      ;; Stack depth is always 1 when handler is called.
-      (walk-code code (symbol-value (jvm::handler-code handler)) 1 (gensym)))
-    (let ((max-stack 0))
-      (declare (type fixnum max-stack))
-      (dotimes (i code-length)
-        (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i))
-        (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
-               (instruction-depth (jvm::instruction-depth instruction)))
-          (when instruction-depth
-            (setf max-stack (max max-stack (the fixnum instruction-depth))))))
-;;       (when *compiler-debug*
-;;         (sys::%format t "compiland name = ~S~%" (compiland-name *current-compiland*))
-;;         (sys::%format t "max-stack = ~D~%" max-stack)
-;;         (sys::%format t "----- after stack analysis -----~%")
-;;         (print-code))
-      max-stack)))
-(defvar *code*)
-(defvar *handlers*)
-(compile nil '(lambda () nil))
-(setq *handlers* nil)
-(setq *code* nil)
-(setq jvm::*saved-code* nil)
-(setq jvm::*compiler-debug* t)
-(defun f ()
-  (let ((stream (make-string-input-stream "f" 0)))
-    (read-line stream)
-    (lambda () 
-      (return-from f))))
-(ignore-errors  (compile 'f))
-(setq *graph* nil)
-(let ((*code* (coerce (car jvm::*saved-code*) 'vector))
-      (*handlers* (car jvm::*saved-handlers*)))
-  (analyze-stack))
-(with-open-file (f #p"g.gvz" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
-  (format f "digraph main {~%")
-  (dolist (e *graph*)
-    (format f "~A -> ~A [label=\"~A\"];~%"
-            (first e) (second e) (third e)))
-  (let ((*code* (coerce (car jvm::*saved-code*) 'vector)))
-    (dotimes (i (length *code*))
-      (format f "i~A [label=\"~A:~A\"]~%" i i
-              (jvm::opcode-name (jvm::instruction-opcode (aref *code* i))))))
-  (format f "}~%"))
+;; Raw outlines of a graphViz tool to visualize the instruction graph of ABCL generated code.
+;;  and the associated stack depths.
+(defvar *graph* nil)
+(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) branch-opcode-p))
+(declaim (inline branch-opcode-p))
+(defun branch-opcode-p (opcode)
+  (declare (optimize speed))
+  (declare (type '(integer 0 255) opcode))
+  (or (<= 153 opcode 168)
+      (= opcode 198)))
+(declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) walk-code))
+(defun walk-code (code start-index depth last-instruction)
+  (declare (optimize speed))
+  (declare (type fixnum start-index depth))
+  (do* ((i start-index (1+ i))
+        (limit (length code)))
+       ((>= i limit))
+    (declare (type fixnum i limit))
+    (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
+           (instruction-depth (jvm::instruction-depth instruction))
+           (instruction-stack (jvm::instruction-stack instruction))
+           (this-instruction (format nil "i~A" i)))
+      (declare (type fixnum instruction-stack))
+      (format t "~A ~A~%" last-instruction this-instruction)
+      (push (list last-instruction  this-instruction depth) *graph*)
+      (setf last-instruction this-instruction)
+      (when instruction-depth
+        (unless (= (the fixnum instruction-depth)
+                   (the fixnum (+ depth instruction-stack)))
+          (internal-compiler-error 
+           "Stack inconsistency detected in ~A at index ~D: found ~S, expected ~S." 
+           (compiland-name *current-compiland*)
+           i instruction-depth (+ depth instruction-stack))
+          (return-from walk-code)))
+      (let ((opcode (jvm::instruction-opcode instruction)))
+        (setf depth (+ depth instruction-stack))
+        (setf (jvm::instruction-depth instruction) depth)
+        (when (branch-opcode-p opcode)
+          (let ((label (car (jvm::instruction-args instruction))))
+            (declare (type symbol label))
+            (walk-code code (symbol-value label) depth this-instruction)))
+        (when (member opcode '(167 176 191)) ; GOTO ARETURN ATHROW
+          ;; Current path ends.
+          (return-from walk-code))))))
+(declaim (ftype (function () t) analyze-stack))
+(defun analyze-stack ()
+  (declare (optimize speed))
+  (let* ((code *code*)
+         (code-length (length code)))
+    (declare (type vector code))
+    (dotimes (i code-length)
+      (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i))
+      (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
+             (opcode (jvm::instruction-opcode instruction)))
+        (when (eql opcode 202) ; LABEL
+          (let ((label (car (jvm::instruction-args instruction))))
+            (set label i)))
+        (if (jvm::instruction-stack instruction)
+            (when (jvm::opcode-stack-effect opcode)
+              (unless (eql (jvm::instruction-stack instruction)
+                           (jvm::opcode-stack-effect opcode))
+                (sys::%format t "instruction-stack = ~S opcode-stack-effect = ~S~%"
+                         (jvm::instruction-stack instruction)
+                         (jvm::opcode-stack-effect opcode))
+                (sys::%format t "index = ~D instruction = ~A~%" i
+                              (jvm::print-instruction instruction))))
+            (setf (jvm::instruction-stack instruction)
+                  (jvm::opcode-stack-effect opcode)))
+        (unless (jvm::instruction-stack instruction)
+          (sys::%format t "no stack information for instruction ~D~%"
+                        (jvm::instruction-opcode instruction))
+          (aver nil))))
+    (walk-code code 0 0 (gensym))
+    (dolist (handler *handlers*)
+      ;; Stack depth is always 1 when handler is called.
+      (walk-code code (symbol-value (jvm::handler-code handler)) 1 (gensym)))
+    (let ((max-stack 0))
+      (declare (type fixnum max-stack))
+      (dotimes (i code-length)
+        (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i))
+        (let* ((instruction (aref code i))
+               (instruction-depth (jvm::instruction-depth instruction)))
+          (when instruction-depth
+            (setf max-stack (max max-stack (the fixnum instruction-depth))))))
+;;       (when *compiler-debug*
+;;         (sys::%format t "compiland name = ~S~%" (compiland-name *current-compiland*))
+;;         (sys::%format t "max-stack = ~D~%" max-stack)
+;;         (sys::%format t "----- after stack analysis -----~%")
+;;         (print-code))
+      max-stack)))
+(defvar *code*)
+(defvar *handlers*)
+(compile nil '(lambda () nil))
+(setq *handlers* nil)
+(setq *code* nil)
+(setq jvm::*saved-code* nil)
+(setq jvm::*compiler-debug* t)
+(defun f ()
+  (let ((stream (make-string-input-stream "f" 0)))
+    (read-line stream)
+    (lambda () 
+      (return-from f))))
+(ignore-errors  (compile 'f))
+(setq *graph* nil)
+(let ((*code* (coerce (car jvm::*saved-code*) 'vector))
+      (*handlers* (car jvm::*saved-handlers*)))
+  (analyze-stack))
+(with-open-file (f #p"g.gvz" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+  (format f "digraph main {~%")
+  (dolist (e *graph*)
+    (format f "~A -> ~A [label=\"~A\"];~%"
+            (first e) (second e) (third e)))
+  (let ((*code* (coerce (car jvm::*saved-code*) 'vector)))
+    (dotimes (i (length *code*))
+      (format f "i~A [label=\"~A:~A\"]~%" i i
+              (jvm::opcode-name (jvm::instruction-opcode (aref *code* i))))))
+  (format f "}~%"))

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