[armedbear-cvs] r12865 - branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp

Erik Huelsmann ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Fri Aug 6 20:59:51 UTC 2010

Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Fri Aug  6 16:59:50 2010
New Revision: 12865

Move emit, %emit, %%emit, INSTRUCTION, resolvers and some helper
functions from compiler-pass2.lisp to jvm-instructions.lisp: this
is a step to separate pass2 into several modules.


Modified: branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp
--- branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	Fri Aug  6 16:59:50 2010
@@ -212,83 +212,7 @@
       (code-add-exception-handler *current-code-attribute*
                                   start end handler type)))
-(defstruct (instruction (:constructor %make-instruction (opcode args)))
-  (opcode 0 :type (integer 0 255))
-  args
-  stack
-  depth
-  wide)
-(defun make-instruction (opcode args)
-  (let ((inst (apply #'%make-instruction
-                     (list opcode
-                           (remove :wide-prefix args)))))
-    (when (memq :wide-prefix args)
-      (setf (inst-wide inst) t))
-    inst))
-(defun print-instruction (instruction)
-  (sys::%format nil "~A ~A stack = ~S depth = ~S"
-          (opcode-name (instruction-opcode instruction))
-          (instruction-args instruction)
-          (instruction-stack instruction)
-          (instruction-depth instruction)))
-(defknown inst * t)
-(defun inst (instr &optional args)
-  (declare (optimize speed))
-  (let ((opcode (if (fixnump instr)
-                    instr
-                    (opcode-number instr))))
-    (unless (listp args)
-      (setf args (list args)))
-    (make-instruction opcode args)))
-(defknown %%emit * t)
-(defun %%emit (instr &rest args)
-  (declare (optimize speed))
-  (let ((instruction (make-instruction instr args)))
-    (push instruction *code*)
-    instruction))
-(defknown %emit * t)
-(defun %emit (instr &rest args)
-  (declare (optimize speed))
-  (let ((instruction (inst instr args)))
-    (push instruction *code*)
-    instruction))
-(defmacro emit (instr &rest args)
-  (when (and (consp instr) (eq (car instr) 'QUOTE) (symbolp (cadr instr)))
-    (setf instr (opcode-number (cadr instr))))
-  (if (fixnump instr)
-      `(%%emit ,instr , at args)
-      `(%emit ,instr , at args)))
-(defknown label (symbol) t)
-(defun label (symbol)
-  (declare (type symbol symbol))
-  (declare (optimize speed))
-  (emit 'label symbol)
-  (setf (symbol-value symbol) nil))
-(defknown aload (fixnum) t)
-(defun aload (index)
-  (case index
-    (0 (emit 'aload_0))
-    (1 (emit 'aload_1))
-    (2 (emit 'aload_2))
-    (3 (emit 'aload_3))
-    (t (emit 'aload index))))
-(defknown astore (fixnum) t)
-(defun astore (index)
-  (case index
-    (0 (emit 'astore_0))
-    (1 (emit 'astore_1))
-    (2 (emit 'astore_2))
-    (3 (emit 'astore_3))
-    (t (emit 'astore index))))
 (defknown emit-push-nil () t)
 (declaim (inline emit-push-nil))
@@ -989,263 +913,6 @@
 (defun check-min-args (form n)
   (check-number-of-args form n t))
-(defun unsupported-opcode (instruction)
-  (error "Unsupported opcode ~D." (instruction-opcode instruction)))
-(declaim (type hash-table +resolvers+))
-(defconst +resolvers+ (make-hash-table))
-(defun initialize-resolvers ()
-  (let ((ht +resolvers+))
-    (dotimes (n (1+ *last-opcode*))
-      (setf (gethash n ht) #'unsupported-opcode))
-    ;; The following opcodes resolve to themselves.
-    (dolist (n '(0 ; nop
-                 1 ; aconst_null
-                 2 ; iconst_m1
-                 3 ; iconst_0
-                 4 ; iconst_1
-                 5 ; iconst_2
-                 6 ; iconst_3
-                 7 ; iconst_4
-                 8 ; iconst_5
-                 9 ; lconst_0
-                 10 ; lconst_1
-                 11 ; fconst_0
-                 12 ; fconst_1
-                 13 ; fconst_2
-                 14 ; dconst_0
-                 15 ; dconst_1
-                 42 ; aload_0
-                 43 ; aload_1
-                 44 ; aload_2
-                 45 ; aload_3
-                 46 ; iaload
-                 47 ; laload
-                 48 ; faload
-                 49 ; daload
-                 50 ; aaload
-                 75 ; astore_0
-                 76 ; astore_1
-                 77 ; astore_2
-                 78 ; astore_3
-                 79 ; iastore
-                 80 ; lastore
-                 81 ; fastore
-                 82 ; dastore
-                 83 ; aastore
-                 87 ; pop
-                 88 ; pop2
-                 89 ; dup
-                 90 ; dup_x1
-                 91 ; dup_x2
-                 92 ; dup2
-                 93 ; dup2_x1
-                 94 ; dup2_x2
-                 95 ; swap
-                 96 ; iadd
-                 97 ; ladd
-                 98 ; fadd
-                 99 ; dadd
-                 100 ; isub
-                 101 ; lsub
-                 102 ; fsub
-                 103 ; dsub
-                 104 ; imul
-                 105 ; lmul
-                 106 ; fmul
-                 107 ; dmul
-                 116 ; ineg
-                 117 ; lneg
-                 118 ; fneg
-                 119 ; dneg
-                 120 ; ishl
-                 121 ; lshl
-                 122 ; ishr
-                 123 ; lshr
-                 126 ; iand
-                 127 ; land
-                 128 ; ior
-                 129 ; lor
-                 130 ; ixor
-                 131 ; lxor
-                 133 ; i2l
-                 134 ; i2f
-                 135 ; i2d
-                 136 ; l2i
-                 137 ; l2f
-                 138 ; l2d
-                 141 ; f2d
-                 144 ; d2f
-                 148 ; lcmp
-                 149 ; fcmpd
-                 150 ; fcmpg
-                 151 ; dcmpd
-                 152 ; dcmpg
-                 153 ; ifeq
-                 154 ; ifne
-                 155 ; ifge
-                 156 ; ifgt
-                 157 ; ifgt
-                 158 ; ifle
-                 159 ; if_icmpeq
-                 160 ; if_icmpne
-                 161 ; if_icmplt
-                 162 ; if_icmpge
-                 163 ; if_icmpgt
-                 164 ; if_icmple
-                 165 ; if_acmpeq
-                 166 ; if_acmpne
-                 167 ; goto
-                 176 ; areturn
-                 177 ; return
-                 190 ; arraylength
-                 191 ; athrow
-                 194 ; monitorenter
-                 195 ; monitorexit
-                 198 ; ifnull
-                 202 ; label
-                 ))
-      (setf (gethash n ht) nil))))
-(defmacro define-resolver (opcodes args &body body)
-  (let ((name (gensym)))
-    `(progn
-       (defun ,name ,args , at body)
-       (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
-	 ,(if (listp opcodes)
-	      `(dolist (op ',opcodes)
-		 (setf (gethash op +resolvers+) (symbol-function ',name)))
-	      `(setf (gethash ,opcodes +resolvers+) (symbol-function ',name)))))))
-(defun load/store-resolver (instruction inst-index inst-index2 error-text)
- (let* ((args (instruction-args instruction))
-        (index (car args)))
-   (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) index))
-   (cond ((<= 0 index 3)
-          (inst (+ index inst-index)))
-         ((<= 0 index 255)
-          (inst inst-index2 index))
-         (t
-          (error error-text)))))
-;; aload
-(define-resolver 25 (instruction)
-  (load/store-resolver instruction 42 25 "ALOAD unsupported case"))
-;; astore
-(define-resolver 58 (instruction)
-  (load/store-resolver instruction 75 58 "ASTORE unsupported case"))
-;; iload
-(define-resolver 21 (instruction)
-  (load/store-resolver instruction 26 21 "ILOAD unsupported case"))
-;; istore
-(define-resolver 54 (instruction)
-  (load/store-resolver instruction 59 54 "ISTORE unsupported case"))
-;; lload
-(define-resolver 22 (instruction)
-  (load/store-resolver instruction 30 22 "LLOAD unsupported case"))
-;; lstore
-(define-resolver 55 (instruction)
-  (load/store-resolver instruction 63 55 "LSTORE unsupported case"))
-;; getstatic, putstatic
-(define-resolver (178 179) (instruction)
-  ;; we used to create the pool-field here; that moved to the emit-* layer
-  instruction)
-;; bipush, sipush
-(define-resolver (16 17) (instruction)
-  (let* ((args (instruction-args instruction))
-         (n (first args)))
-    (declare (type fixnum n))
-    (cond ((<= 0 n 5)
-           (inst (+ n 3)))
-          ((<= -128 n 127)
-           (inst 16 (logand n #xff))) ; BIPUSH
-          (t ; SIPUSH
-           (inst 17 (s2 n))))))
-;; invokevirtual, invokespecial, invokestatic class-name method-name descriptor
-(define-resolver (182 183 184) (instruction)
-  ;; we used to create the pool-method here; that moved to the emit-* layer
-  instruction)
-;; ldc
-(define-resolver 18 (instruction)
-  (let* ((args (instruction-args instruction)))
-    (unless (= (length args) 1)
-      (error "Wrong number of args for LDC."))
-    (if (> (car args) 255)
-        (inst 19 (u2 (car args))) ; LDC_W
-        (inst 18 args))))
-;; ldc2_w
-(define-resolver 20 (instruction)
-  (let* ((args (instruction-args instruction)))
-    (unless (= (length args) 1)
-      (error "Wrong number of args for LDC2_W."))
-    (inst 20 (u2 (car args)))))
-;; getfield, putfield class-name field-name type-name
-(define-resolver (180 181) (instruction)
-  ;; we used to create the pool-field here; that moved to the emit-* layer
-  instruction)
-;; new, anewarray, checkcast, instanceof class-name
-(define-resolver (187 189 192 193) (instruction)
-  ;; we used to create the pool-class here; that moved to the emit-* layer
-  instruction)
-;; iinc
-(define-resolver 132 (instruction)
-  (let* ((args (instruction-args instruction))
-         (register (first args))
-         (n (second args)))
-    (when (not (<= -128 n 127))
-      (error "IINC argument ~A out of bounds." n))
-    (inst 132 (list register (s1 n)))))
-(defknown resolve-instruction (t) t)
-(defun resolve-instruction (instruction)
-  (declare (optimize speed))
-  (let ((resolver (gethash1 (instruction-opcode instruction) +resolvers+)))
-    (if resolver
-        (funcall resolver instruction)
-        instruction)))
-(defun resolve-instructions (code)
-  (let* ((len (length code))
-         (vector (make-array (ash len 1) :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
-    (dotimes (index len vector)
-      (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) index))
-      (let ((instruction (svref code index)))
-        (case (instruction-opcode instruction)
-          (205 ; CLEAR-VALUES
-           (let ((instructions
-                  (list
-                   (inst 'aload *thread*)
-                   (inst 'aconst_null)
-                   (inst 'putfield (u2 (pool-field +lisp-thread+ "_values"
-                                                   +lisp-object-array+))))))
-             (dolist (instruction instructions)
-               (vector-push-extend (resolve-instruction instruction) vector))))
-          (t
-           (vector-push-extend (resolve-instruction instruction) vector)))))))
-(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) branch-opcode-p))
-(declaim (inline branch-opcode-p))
-(defun branch-opcode-p (opcode)
-  (declare (optimize speed))
-  (declare (type '(integer 0 255) opcode))
-  (or (<= 153 opcode 168)
-      (= opcode 198)))
 (declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) walk-code))
 (defun walk-code (code start-index depth)
@@ -1318,38 +985,6 @@
 (defun finalize-code ()
   (setf *code* (nreverse (coerce *code* 'vector))))
-(defun print-code ()
-  (dotimes (i (length *code*))
-    (let ((instruction (elt *code* i)))
-      (sys::%format t "~D ~A ~S ~S ~S~%"
-                    i
-                    (opcode-name (instruction-opcode instruction))
-                    (instruction-args instruction)
-                    (instruction-stack instruction)
-                    (instruction-depth instruction)))))
-(defun print-code2 (code)
-  (dotimes (i (length code))
-    (let ((instruction (elt code i)))
-      (case (instruction-opcode instruction)
-        (202 ; LABEL
-         (format t "~A:~%" (car (instruction-args instruction))))
-        (t
-         (format t "~8D:   ~A ~S~%"
-                 i
-                 (opcode-name (instruction-opcode instruction))
-                 (instruction-args instruction)))))))
-(declaim (ftype (function (t) boolean) label-p))
-(defun label-p (instruction)
-  (and instruction
-       (= (the fixnum (instruction-opcode (the instruction instruction))) 202)))
-(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) instruction-label))
-(defun instruction-label (instruction)
-  (and instruction
-       (= (instruction-opcode (the instruction instruction)) 202)
-       (car (instruction-args instruction))))
 ;; Remove unused labels.
 (defun optimize-1 ()
@@ -1526,7 +1161,7 @@
   (when *enable-optimization*
     (when *compiler-debug*
       (format t "----- before optimization -----~%")
-      (print-code))
+      (print-code *code*))
       (let ((changed-p nil))
         (setf changed-p (or (optimize-1) changed-p))
@@ -1540,7 +1175,7 @@
       (setf *code* (coerce *code* 'vector)))
     (when *compiler-debug*
       (sys::%format t "----- after optimization -----~%")
-      (print-code)))
+      (print-code *code*)))
 (defun code-bytes (code)
@@ -1853,7 +1488,7 @@
     (setf *code* (append *static-code* *code*))
     (emit 'return)
-    (setf *code* (resolve-instructions *code*))
+    (setf *code* (resolve-instructions (expand-virtual-instructions *code*)))
     (setf (method-max-stack constructor) (analyze-stack *code*))
     (setf (method-code constructor) (code-bytes *code*))
     (setf (method-handlers constructor) (nreverse *handlers*))
@@ -8153,7 +7788,7 @@
-    (setf *code* (resolve-instructions *code*))
+    (setf *code* (resolve-instructions (expand-virtual-instructions *code*)))
     (setf (method-max-stack execute-method) (analyze-stack *code*))
     (setf (method-code execute-method) (code-bytes *code*))

Modified: branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-instructions.lisp
--- branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-instructions.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm-instructions.lisp	Fri Aug  6 16:59:50 2010
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
 (in-package #:jvm)
+;;    OPCODES
 (defconst *opcode-table* (make-array 256))
 (defconst *opcodes* (make-hash-table :test 'equalp))
@@ -254,10 +257,10 @@
 (define-opcode ifnonnull 199 3 nil)
 (define-opcode goto_w 200 5 nil)
 (define-opcode jsr_w 201 5 nil)
-(define-opcode label 202 0 0)
+(define-opcode label 202 0 0)  ;; virtual: does not exist in the JVM
 ;; (define-opcode push-value 203 nil 1)
 ;; (define-opcode store-value 204 nil -1)
-(define-opcode clear-values 205 0 0)
+(define-opcode clear-values 205 0 0)  ;; virtual: does not exist in the JVM
 ;;(define-opcode var-ref 206 0 0)
 (defparameter *last-opcode* 206)
@@ -286,4 +289,395 @@
   (declare (optimize speed))
   (jvm-opcode-stack-effect (svref *opcode-table* opcode-number)))
+(defstruct (instruction (:constructor %make-instruction (opcode args)))
+  (opcode 0 :type (integer 0 255))
+  args
+  stack
+  depth
+  wide)
+(defun make-instruction (opcode args)
+  (let ((inst (apply #'%make-instruction
+                     (list opcode
+                           (remove :wide-prefix args)))))
+    (when (memq :wide-prefix args)
+      (setf (inst-wide inst) t))
+    inst))
+(defun print-instruction (instruction)
+  (sys::%format nil "~A ~A stack = ~S depth = ~S"
+          (opcode-name (instruction-opcode instruction))
+          (instruction-args instruction)
+          (instruction-stack instruction)
+          (instruction-depth instruction)))
+(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) instruction-label))
+(defun instruction-label (instruction)
+  (and instruction
+       (= (instruction-opcode (the instruction instruction)) 202)
+       (car (instruction-args instruction))))
+(defknown inst * t)
+(defun inst (instr &optional args)
+  (declare (optimize speed))
+  (let ((opcode (if (fixnump instr)
+                    instr
+                    (opcode-number instr))))
+    (unless (listp args)
+      (setf args (list args)))
+    (make-instruction opcode args)))
+;; Having %emit and %%emit output their code to *code*
+;; is currently an implementation detail exposed to all users.
+;; We need to have APIs to address this, but for now pass2 is
+;; our only user and we'll hard-code the use of *code*.
+(defvar *code* nil)
+(defknown %%emit * t)
+(defun %%emit (instr &rest args)
+  (declare (optimize speed))
+  (let ((instruction (make-instruction instr args)))
+    (push instruction *code*)
+    instruction))
+(defknown %emit * t)
+(defun %emit (instr &rest args)
+  (declare (optimize speed))
+  (let ((instruction (inst instr args)))
+    (push instruction *code*)
+    instruction))
+(defmacro emit (instr &rest args)
+  (when (and (consp instr)
+             (eq (car instr) 'QUOTE)
+             (symbolp (cadr instr)))
+    (setf instr (opcode-number (cadr instr))))
+  (if (fixnump instr)
+      `(%%emit ,instr , at args)
+      `(%emit ,instr , at args)))
+;;  Helper routines
+(defknown label (symbol) t)
+(defun label (symbol)
+  (declare (type symbol symbol))
+  (declare (optimize speed))
+  (emit 'label symbol)
+  (setf (symbol-value symbol) nil))
+(defknown aload (fixnum) t)
+(defun aload (index)
+  (case index
+    (0 (emit 'aload_0))
+    (1 (emit 'aload_1))
+    (2 (emit 'aload_2))
+    (3 (emit 'aload_3))
+    (t (emit 'aload index))))
+(defknown astore (fixnum) t)
+(defun astore (index)
+  (case index
+    (0 (emit 'astore_0))
+    (1 (emit 'astore_1))
+    (2 (emit 'astore_2))
+    (3 (emit 'astore_3))
+    (t (emit 'astore index))))
+(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) branch-opcode-p))
+(declaim (inline branch-opcode-p))
+(defun branch-opcode-p (opcode)
+  (declare (optimize speed))
+  (declare (type '(integer 0 255) opcode))
+  (or (<= 153 opcode 168)
+      (= opcode 198)))
+(declaim (ftype (function (t) boolean) label-p))
+(defun label-p (instruction)
+  (and instruction
+       (= (the fixnum (instruction-opcode (the instruction instruction))) 202)))
+(defun print-code (code)
+  (dotimes (i (length code))
+    (let ((instruction (elt code i)))
+      (sys::%format t "~D ~A ~S ~S ~S~%"
+                    i
+                    (opcode-name (instruction-opcode instruction))
+                    (instruction-args instruction)
+                    (instruction-stack instruction)
+                    (instruction-depth instruction)))))
+(defun print-code2 (code)
+  (dotimes (i (length code))
+    (let ((instruction (elt code i)))
+      (case (instruction-opcode instruction)
+        (202 ; LABEL
+         (format t "~A:~%" (car (instruction-args instruction))))
+        (t
+         (format t "~8D:   ~A ~S~%"
+                 i
+                 (opcode-name (instruction-opcode instruction))
+                 (instruction-args instruction)))))))
+(defun expand-virtual-instructions (code)
+  (let* ((len (length code))
+         (vector (make-array (ash len 1) :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
+    (dotimes (index len vector)
+      (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) index))
+      (let ((instruction (svref code index)))
+        (case (instruction-opcode instruction)
+          (205 ; CLEAR-VALUES
+           (dolist (instruction
+                     (list
+                      (inst 'aload *thread*)
+                      (inst 'aconst_null)
+                      (inst 'putfield (u2 (pool-field +lisp-thread+ "_values"
+                                                      +lisp-object-array+)))))
+             (vector-push-extend instruction vector)))
+          (t
+           (vector-push-extend instruction vector)))))))
+(defun unsupported-opcode (instruction)
+  (error "Unsupported opcode ~D." (instruction-opcode instruction)))
+(declaim (type hash-table +resolvers+))
+(defconst +resolvers+ (make-hash-table))
+(defun initialize-resolvers ()
+  (let ((ht +resolvers+))
+    (dotimes (n (1+ *last-opcode*))
+      (setf (gethash n ht) #'unsupported-opcode))
+    ;; The following opcodes resolve to themselves.
+    (dolist (n '(0 ; nop
+                 1 ; aconst_null
+                 2 ; iconst_m1
+                 3 ; iconst_0
+                 4 ; iconst_1
+                 5 ; iconst_2
+                 6 ; iconst_3
+                 7 ; iconst_4
+                 8 ; iconst_5
+                 9 ; lconst_0
+                 10 ; lconst_1
+                 11 ; fconst_0
+                 12 ; fconst_1
+                 13 ; fconst_2
+                 14 ; dconst_0
+                 15 ; dconst_1
+                 42 ; aload_0
+                 43 ; aload_1
+                 44 ; aload_2
+                 45 ; aload_3
+                 46 ; iaload
+                 47 ; laload
+                 48 ; faload
+                 49 ; daload
+                 50 ; aaload
+                 75 ; astore_0
+                 76 ; astore_1
+                 77 ; astore_2
+                 78 ; astore_3
+                 79 ; iastore
+                 80 ; lastore
+                 81 ; fastore
+                 82 ; dastore
+                 83 ; aastore
+                 87 ; pop
+                 88 ; pop2
+                 89 ; dup
+                 90 ; dup_x1
+                 91 ; dup_x2
+                 92 ; dup2
+                 93 ; dup2_x1
+                 94 ; dup2_x2
+                 95 ; swap
+                 96 ; iadd
+                 97 ; ladd
+                 98 ; fadd
+                 99 ; dadd
+                 100 ; isub
+                 101 ; lsub
+                 102 ; fsub
+                 103 ; dsub
+                 104 ; imul
+                 105 ; lmul
+                 106 ; fmul
+                 107 ; dmul
+                 116 ; ineg
+                 117 ; lneg
+                 118 ; fneg
+                 119 ; dneg
+                 120 ; ishl
+                 121 ; lshl
+                 122 ; ishr
+                 123 ; lshr
+                 126 ; iand
+                 127 ; land
+                 128 ; ior
+                 129 ; lor
+                 130 ; ixor
+                 131 ; lxor
+                 133 ; i2l
+                 134 ; i2f
+                 135 ; i2d
+                 136 ; l2i
+                 137 ; l2f
+                 138 ; l2d
+                 141 ; f2d
+                 144 ; d2f
+                 148 ; lcmp
+                 149 ; fcmpd
+                 150 ; fcmpg
+                 151 ; dcmpd
+                 152 ; dcmpg
+                 153 ; ifeq
+                 154 ; ifne
+                 155 ; ifge
+                 156 ; ifgt
+                 157 ; ifgt
+                 158 ; ifle
+                 159 ; if_icmpeq
+                 160 ; if_icmpne
+                 161 ; if_icmplt
+                 162 ; if_icmpge
+                 163 ; if_icmpgt
+                 164 ; if_icmple
+                 165 ; if_acmpeq
+                 166 ; if_acmpne
+                 167 ; goto
+                 176 ; areturn
+                 177 ; return
+                 178 ; getstatic
+                 179 ; putstatic
+                 180 ; getfield
+                 181 ; putfield
+                 182 ; invokevirtual
+                 183 ; invockespecial
+                 184 ; invokestatic
+                 187 ; new
+                 189 ; anewarray
+                 190 ; arraylength
+                 191 ; athrow
+                 192 ; checkcast
+                 193 ; instanceof
+                 194 ; monitorenter
+                 195 ; monitorexit
+                 198 ; ifnull
+                 202 ; label
+                 ))
+      (setf (gethash n ht) nil))))
+(defmacro define-resolver (opcodes args &body body)
+  (let ((name (gensym)))
+    `(progn
+       (defun ,name ,args , at body)
+       (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
+         ,(if (listp opcodes)
+              `(dolist (op ',opcodes)
+                 (setf (gethash op +resolvers+)
+                       (symbol-function ',name)))
+              `(setf (gethash ,opcodes +resolvers+)
+                     (symbol-function ',name)))))))
+(defun load/store-resolver (instruction inst-index inst-index2 error-text)
+ (let* ((args (instruction-args instruction))
+        (index (car args)))
+   (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) index))
+   (cond ((<= 0 index 3)
+          (inst (+ index inst-index)))
+         ((<= 0 index 255)
+          (inst inst-index2 index))
+         (t
+          (error error-text)))))
+;; aload
+(define-resolver 25 (instruction)
+  (load/store-resolver instruction 42 25 "ALOAD unsupported case"))
+;; astore
+(define-resolver 58 (instruction)
+  (load/store-resolver instruction 75 58 "ASTORE unsupported case"))
+;; iload
+(define-resolver 21 (instruction)
+  (load/store-resolver instruction 26 21 "ILOAD unsupported case"))
+;; istore
+(define-resolver 54 (instruction)
+  (load/store-resolver instruction 59 54 "ISTORE unsupported case"))
+;; lload
+(define-resolver 22 (instruction)
+  (load/store-resolver instruction 30 22 "LLOAD unsupported case"))
+;; lstore
+(define-resolver 55 (instruction)
+  (load/store-resolver instruction 63 55 "LSTORE unsupported case"))
+;; bipush, sipush
+(define-resolver (16 17) (instruction)
+  (let* ((args (instruction-args instruction))
+         (n (first args)))
+    (declare (type fixnum n))
+    (cond ((<= 0 n 5)
+           (inst (+ n 3)))
+          ((<= -128 n 127)
+           (inst 16 (logand n #xff))) ; BIPUSH
+          (t ; SIPUSH
+           (inst 17 (s2 n))))))
+;; ldc
+(define-resolver 18 (instruction)
+  (let* ((args (instruction-args instruction)))
+    (unless (= (length args) 1)
+      (error "Wrong number of args for LDC."))
+    (if (> (car args) 255)
+        (inst 19 (u2 (car args))) ; LDC_W
+        (inst 18 args))))
+;; ldc2_w
+(define-resolver 20 (instruction)
+  (let* ((args (instruction-args instruction)))
+    (unless (= (length args) 1)
+      (error "Wrong number of args for LDC2_W."))
+    (inst 20 (u2 (car args)))))
+;; iinc
+(define-resolver 132 (instruction)
+  (let* ((args (instruction-args instruction))
+         (register (first args))
+         (n (second args)))
+    (when (not (<= -128 n 127))
+      (error "IINC argument ~A out of bounds." n))
+    (inst 132 (list register (s1 n)))))
+(defknown resolve-instruction (t) t)
+(defun resolve-instruction (instruction)
+  (declare (optimize speed))
+  (let ((resolver (gethash1 (instruction-opcode instruction) +resolvers+)))
+    (if resolver
+        (funcall resolver instruction)
+        instruction)))
+(defun resolve-instructions (code)
+  (let* ((len (length code))
+         (vector (make-array len :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
+    (dotimes (index len vector)
+      (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) index))
+      (let ((instruction (aref code index)))
+        (vector-push-extend (resolve-instruction instruction) vector)))))
 (provide '#:opcodes)

Modified: branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm.lisp
--- branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/generic-class-file/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/jvm.lisp	Fri Aug  6 16:59:50 2010
@@ -196,8 +196,6 @@
 (defvar *this-class* nil)
-(defvar *code* ())
 ;; All tags visible at the current point of compilation, some of which may not
 ;; be in the current compiland.
 (defvar *visible-tags* ())

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