[armedbear-cvs] r11833 - trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp

Erik Huelsmann ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Tue May 5 21:42:22 UTC 2009

Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Tue May  5 17:42:17 2009
New Revision: 11833

Special bindings fixes:

compiler-pass1.lisp: set BLOCK-ENVIRONMENT-REGISTER to T,
p1-progv: correctness; the symbol and values forms are
  outside of the progv-block-scope
p2-progv-node: from p2-progv. A node is required to
  indicate to code inside the PROGV scope that bindings
  restoration is in order
p1-return-from: indicate to the associated block that
  a RETURN-FROM instruction will want to 
p2-block-node: p2-progv-node doesn't register variables,
  yet it does require a block restoration. Now that
  PROGV uses a block (with an environment-register!)
  it's incorrect to look at *all-variables*.

...  and a little bit of re-indenting.


Modified: trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass1.lisp	Tue May  5 17:42:17 2009
@@ -210,11 +210,13 @@
       ;; Check for globally declared specials.
       (dolist (variable vars)
         (when (special-variable-p (variable-name variable))
-          (setf (variable-special-p variable) t)))
+          (setf (variable-special-p variable) t
+                (block-environment-register block) t)))
       ;; For processing declarations, we want to walk the variable list from
       ;; last to first, since declarations apply to the last-defined variable
       ;; with the specified name.
-      (setf (block-free-specials block) (process-declarations-for-vars body (reverse vars)))
+      (setf (block-free-specials block)
+            (process-declarations-for-vars body (reverse vars)))
       (setf (block-vars block) vars)
       ;; Make free specials visible.
       (dolist (variable (block-free-specials block))
@@ -255,8 +257,10 @@
       ;; Check for globally declared specials.
       (dolist (variable vars)
         (when (special-variable-p (variable-name variable))
-          (setf (variable-special-p variable) t)))
-      (setf (block-free-specials block) (process-declarations-for-vars body vars))
+          (setf (variable-special-p variable) t
+                (block-environment-register block) t)))
+      (setf (block-free-specials block)
+            (process-declarations-for-vars body vars))
       (setf (block-vars block) (nreverse vars)))
     (setf body (p1-body body))
     (setf (block-form block) (list* 'MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND varlist values-form body))
@@ -324,8 +328,13 @@
            (dformat t "*blocks* = ~S~%" (mapcar #'block-name *blocks*))
            (let ((protected (enclosed-by-protected-block-p block)))
              (dformat t "p1-return-from protected = ~S~%" protected)
-             (when protected
-               (setf (block-non-local-return-p block) t))))
+             (if protected
+                 (setf (block-non-local-return-p block) t)
+                 ;; non-local GO's ensure environment restoration
+                 ;; find out about this local GO
+                 (when (null (block-needs-environment-restoration block))
+                   (setf (block-needs-environment-restoration block)
+                         (enclosed-by-environment-setting-block-p block))))))
            (setf (block-non-local-return-p block) t)))
     (when (block-non-local-return-p block)
@@ -374,7 +383,7 @@
     (setf (tag-used tag) t)
     (let ((tag-block (tag-block tag)))
       (cond ((eq (tag-compiland tag) *current-compiland*)
-             ;; Does the GO leave an enclosing UNWIND-PROTECT?
+             ;; Does the GO leave an enclosing UNWIND-PROTECT or CATCH?
              (if (enclosed-by-protected-block-p tag-block)
                  (setf (block-non-local-go-p tag-block) t)
                  ;; non-local GO's ensure environment restoration
@@ -710,10 +719,15 @@
   (let ((new-form (rewrite-progv form)))
     (when (neq new-form form)
       (return-from p1-progv (p1 new-form))))
-  (let ((symbols-form (cadr form))
-        (values-form (caddr form))
-        (body (cdddr form)))
-    `(progv ,(p1 symbols-form) ,(p1 values-form) ,@(p1-body body))))
+  (let* ((symbols-form (p1 (cadr form)))
+         (values-form (p1 (caddr form)))
+         (block (make-block-node '(PROGV)))
+         (*blocks* (cons block *blocks*))
+         (body (cdddr form)))
+    (setf (block-form block)
+          `(progv ,symbols-form ,values-form ,@(p1-body body))
+          (block-environment-register block) t)
+    block))
 (defknown rewrite-progv (t) t)
 (defun rewrite-progv (form)

Modified: trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	Tue May  5 17:42:17 2009
@@ -4635,13 +4635,12 @@
     (cond ((block-return-p block)
            (setf (block-target block) target)
            (dformat t "p2-block-node lastSpecialBinding~%")
-           (dformat t "*all-variables* = ~S~%" (mapcar #'variable-name *all-variables*))
-           (cond ((some #'variable-special-p *all-variables*)
-                  ;; Save the current dynamic environment.
-                  (setf (block-environment-register block) (allocate-register))
-		  (save-dynamic-environment (block-environment-register block)))
-                 (t
-                  (dformat t "no specials~%")))
+           (dformat t "*all-variables* = ~S~%"
+                    (mapcar #'variable-name *all-variables*))
+           (when (block-needs-environment-restoration block)
+             ;; Save the current dynamic environment.
+             (setf (block-environment-register block) (allocate-register))
+             (save-dynamic-environment (block-environment-register block)))
            (setf (block-catch-tag block) (gensym))
            (let* ((*register* *register*)
                   (BEGIN-BLOCK (gensym))
@@ -4785,11 +4784,13 @@
          (compile-constant (eval (second form)) target representation))))
-(defun p2-progv (form target representation)
-  (let* ((symbols-form (cadr form))
+(defun p2-progv-node (block target representation)
+  (let* ((form (block-form block))
+         (symbols-form (cadr form))
          (values-form (caddr form))
          (*register* *register*)
-         (environment-register (allocate-register))
+         (environment-register
+          (setf (block-environment-register block) (allocate-register)))
          (label-START (gensym))
          (label-END (gensym))
          (label-EXIT (gensym)))
@@ -4804,12 +4805,13 @@
     (emit-invokestatic +lisp-class+ "progvBindVars"
                        (list +lisp-object+ +lisp-object+ +lisp-thread+) nil)
-    ;; Implicit PROGN.
-    (compile-progn-body (cdddr form) target)
-    (emit 'goto label-EXIT)
-    (label label-END)
-    (restore-dynamic-environment environment-register)
-    (emit 'athrow)
+      ;; Implicit PROGN.
+    (let ((*blocks* (cons block *blocks*)))
+      (compile-progn-body (cdddr form) target)
+      (emit 'goto label-EXIT)
+      (label label-END)
+      (restore-dynamic-environment environment-register)
+      (emit 'athrow))
     ;; Restore dynamic environment.
     (label label-EXIT)
@@ -7938,30 +7940,22 @@
         ((block-node-p form)
          (cond ((equal (block-name form) '(TAGBODY))
                 (p2-tagbody-node form target)
-                (fix-boxing representation nil)
-                )
+                (fix-boxing representation nil))
                ((equal (block-name form) '(LET))
-                (p2-let/let*-node form target representation)
-;;                 (fix-boxing representation nil)
-                )
+                (p2-let/let*-node form target representation))
                ((equal (block-name form) '(MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND))
                 (p2-m-v-b-node form target)
-                (fix-boxing representation nil)
-                )
+                (fix-boxing representation nil))
                ((equal (block-name form) '(UNWIND-PROTECT))
                 (p2-unwind-protect-node form target)
-                (fix-boxing representation nil)
-                )
+                (fix-boxing representation nil))
                ((equal (block-name form) '(CATCH))
                 (p2-catch-node form target)
-                (fix-boxing representation nil)
-                )
+                (fix-boxing representation nil))
+               ((equal (block-name form) '(PROGV))
+                (p2-progv-node form target representation))
-                (p2-block-node form target representation)
-;;                 (fix-boxing representation nil)
-                ))
-;;          (fix-boxing representation nil)
-         )
+                (p2-block-node form target representation))))
         ((constantp form)
          (compile-constant form target representation))
@@ -8708,7 +8702,6 @@
   (install-p2-handler 'null                'p2-not/null)
   (install-p2-handler 'or                  'p2-or)
   (install-p2-handler 'packagep            'p2-packagep)
-  (install-p2-handler 'progv               'p2-progv)
   (install-p2-handler 'puthash             'p2-puthash)
   (install-p2-handler 'quote               'p2-quote)
   (install-p2-handler 'read-line           'p2-read-line)

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