[armedbear-cvs] r11570 - trunk/abcl
Mark Evenson
mevenson at common-lisp.net
Mon Jan 19 14:12:11 UTC 2009
Author: mevenson
Date: Mon Jan 19 14:12:06 2009
New Revision: 11570
Refactored Ant-based build to decrease compilation time.
<antcall> targets are *always* invoked, so refactoring these out them
enables 'abcl.stamp' to not doubly invoke compile.lisp.
Remove odd references to J.
'abcl.init' replaces 'abcl.pre-compile' for aesthetic reasons.
Modified: trunk/abcl/build.xml
--- trunk/abcl/build.xml (original)
+++ trunk/abcl/build.xml Mon Jan 19 14:12:06 2009
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="antlib:org.apache.tools.ant"
name="abcl-master" default="help" basedir=".">
- <description>Armed Bear Common Lisp</description>
+ <description>Compiling, testing, and packaging Armed Bear Common Lisp</description>
<target name="abcl" depends="abcl.wrapper"/>
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
<property name="abcl.ext.dir"
<target name="help">
<echo>Main Ant targets:
@@ -38,58 +37,6 @@
<echo>Corresponding targets for J have been removed.</echo>
- <property name="abcl.version.path"
- value="${build.classes.dir}/org/armedbear/lisp/version"/>
- <property name="abcl.build.path"
- value="${build.classes.dir}/org/armedbear/lisp/build"/>
- <target name="abcl.stamp" depends="abcl.compile">
- <tstamp>
- <format property="build" pattern="EEE MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz"/>
- </tstamp>
- <mkdir dir="${abcl.build.path}/.."/>
- <echo message="${build}" file="${abcl.build.path}"/>
- <condition property="unix">
- <or>
- <os family="unix"/>
- <os family="mac"/>
- </or>
- </condition>
- <condition property="windows"> <os family="windows"/></condition>
- <available file="${src.dir}org/armedbear/lisp/Interpreter.java"
- property="abcl.lisp.p"/>
- <antcall target="abcl.stamp.version"/>
- <antcall target="abcl.stamp.hostname"/>
- </target>
- <target name="abcl.stamp.version" depends="abcl.compile">
- <java fork="true"
- classpath="${build.classes.dir}"
- outputproperty="abcl.version"
- classname="org.armedbear.lisp.Main">
- <arg value="--noinit"/>
- <arg value="--noinform"/>
- <arg value="--eval"/>
- <arg value="(progn (format t (lisp-implementation-version)) (finish-output) (quit))"/>
- </java>
- <echo>Building ABCL version: ${abcl.version}</echo>
- <mkdir dir="${abcl.version.path}/.."/>
- <echo message="${abcl.version}" file="${abcl.version.path}"/>
- <!-- Set from commandline via -D or in 'build.properties' -->
- <property name="build.version" value="abcl.svn"/>
- <echo>Implementation-Source: ${version.src}</echo>
- </target>
- <target name="abcl.stamp.hostname">
- <exec executable="hostname" outputproperty="abcl.hostname"/>
- <echo>abcl.hostname: ${abcl.hostname}</echo>
- </target>
<patternset id="abcl.source.java">
<include name="org/armedbear/lisp/*.java"/>
<include name="org/armedbear/lisp/util/*.java"/>
@@ -98,6 +45,7 @@
<patternset id="abcl.source.lisp">
<include name="org/armedbear/lisp/*.lisp"/>
<include name="org/armedbear/lisp/tests/*.lisp"/>
+ <exclude name="org/armedbear/lisp/j.lisp"/>
<patternset id="abcl.scripting.source.java">
@@ -130,49 +78,59 @@
<pathelement location="${build.classes.dir}"/>
- <target name="abcl.compile" depends="abcl.pre-compile,abcl.compile.lisp">
- <echo>Compiled ABCL with java version: ${java.version}</echo>
+ <target name="abcl.compile" depends="abcl.compile.lisp">
+ <echo>Compiled ABCL with Java version: ${java.version}</echo>
- <target name="abcl.pre-compile">
+ <target name="abcl.init">
+ <tstamp>
+ <format property="build" pattern="EEE MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz"/>
+ </tstamp>
<!--- antversion fails in ant 1.7.1 <antversion property="ant.version"
atleast="1.7"/> -->
- <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
<property name="java.path"
- <exec executable="hostname" os="unix"
- outputproperty="abcl.compile.hostname"/>
- <exec executable="uname" os="unix"
- outputproperty="abcl.compile.uname">
- <arg value="-a"/>
- </exec>
+ <!-- Deprecated. Two main types of build environents: 'unix' or 'windows'. -->
+ <condition property="unix">
+ <or>
+ <os family="unix"/>
+ <os family="mac"/>
+ </or>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="windows">
+ <os family="windows"/>
+ </condition>
- <exec executable="hostname" os="Linux" outputproperty="hostname"/>
+ <!-- Deprecated. -->
+ <available file="${src.dir}org/armedbear/lisp/Interpreter.java"
+ property="abcl.lisp.p"/>
- <condition property="abcl.java.version">
+ <echo>java.version: ${java.version}</echo>
+ <condition property="abcl.java.version.p">
<matches string="${java.version}" pattern="1\.5"/>
<matches string="${java.version}" pattern="1\.6\.0_1[0-9]"/>
- <echo>java.version: ${java.version}</echo>
+ <!-- Set from commandline via -D or in 'build.properties' -->
+ <property name="build.version" value="abcl.svn"/>
+ <echo>Implementation-Source: ${version.src}</echo>
<target name="abcl.java.warning"
- depends="abcl.pre-compile"
- unless="abcl.java.version">
- <echo>WARNING: Java version ${java.version} not recommended.</echo>
+ depends="abcl.init"
+ unless="abcl.java.version.p">
+ <echo>WARNING: Use of Java version ${java.version} not recommended.</echo>
<target name="abcl.compile.java"
- depends="abcl.pre-compile,abcl.java.warning">
- <tstamp>
- <format property="build" pattern="EEE MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz"/>
- </tstamp>
+ depends="abcl.init,abcl.java.warning">
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
<javac destdir="${build.classes.dir}"
@@ -193,7 +151,8 @@
<!-- Adjust the patternset for ABCL source to use the much faster
Ant 'uptodate' task to check if we need to compile the system
- fasls. -->
+ fasls. Highly inter-dependent with the behavior specified in
+ 'compile-system.lisp'.-->
<patternset id="abcl.source.lisp.fasls">
<patternset refid="abcl.source.lisp"/>
<exclude name="org/armedbear/lisp/tests/*.lisp"/>
@@ -224,7 +183,39 @@
- <target name="abcl.jar" depends="abcl.compile,abcl.stamp">
+ <property name="abcl.build.path"
+ value="${build.classes.dir}/org/armedbear/lisp/build"/>
+ <target name="abcl.stamp" depends="abcl.compile,abcl.stamp.version,abcl.stamp.hostname">
+ <mkdir dir="${abcl.build.path}/.."/>
+ <echo message="${build}" file="${abcl.build.path}"/>
+ </target>
+ <property name="abcl.version.path"
+ value="${build.classes.dir}/org/armedbear/lisp/version"/>
+ <target name="abcl.stamp.version" depends="abcl.compile">
+ <!-- Determine which ABCL version we have just built by parsing
+ <java fork="true"
+ classpath="${build.classes.dir}"
+ outputproperty="abcl.version"
+ classname="org.armedbear.lisp.Main">
+ <arg value="--noinit"/>
+ <arg value="--noinform"/>
+ <arg value="--eval"/>
+ <arg value="(progn (format t (lisp-implementation-version)) (finish-output) (quit))"/>
+ </java>
+ <echo>Built ABCL version: ${abcl.version}</echo>
+ <mkdir dir="${abcl.version.path}/.."/>
+ <echo message="${abcl.version}" file="${abcl.version.path}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="abcl.stamp.hostname" if="unix">
+ <exec executable="hostname" outputproperty="abcl.hostname"/>
+ <echo>abcl.hostname: ${abcl.hostname}</echo>
+ </target>
+ <target name="abcl.jar" depends="abcl.stamp">
<mkdir dir="${dist.dir}"/>
<loadfile property="abcl.version"
@@ -241,30 +232,13 @@
<attribute name="Implementation-Build"
- <attribute name="Build-Version"
- value="${version}"/>
+ <attribute name="Implementation-Source"
+ value="${version.src}"/>
- <target name="abcl.debug.jpda" depends="abcl.jar">
- <description>Invoke ABCL with JPDA listener on port 6789</description>
- <java fork="true"
- classpathref="abcl.classpath.dist"
- classname="org.armedbear.lisp.Main">
- <jvmarg
- value="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=6789,server=y"/>
- </java>
- </target>
- <target name="abcl.run" depends="abcl.jar">
- <java fork="true"
- classpathref="abcl.classpath.dist"
- classname="org.armedbear.lisp.Main">
- </java>
- </target>
<target name="abcl.wrapper"
@@ -292,6 +266,8 @@
<chmod file="${abcl.wrapper.file}" perm="a+x"/>
+ <echo>Created executable ABCL wrapper in '${abcl.wrapper.file}'</echo>
<echo>N.B. This wrapper requires '${abcl.jar.path}' not be moved.</echo>
@@ -305,9 +281,28 @@
<property name="abcl.wrapper.in.file" value="abcl.bat.in"/>
+ <target name="abcl.debug.jpda" depends="abcl.jar">
+ <description>Invoke ABCL with JPDA listener on port 6789</description>
+ <java fork="true"
+ classpathref="abcl.classpath.dist"
+ classname="org.armedbear.lisp.Main">
+ <jvmarg
+ value="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=6789,server=y"/>
+ </java>
+ </target>
+ <target name="abcl.run" depends="abcl.jar">
+ <java fork="true"
+ classpathref="abcl.classpath.dist"
+ classname="org.armedbear.lisp.Main">
+ </java>
+ </target>
<target name="abcl.clean">
<delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
+ <delete file="${abcl.jar.path}"/>
<delete file="abcl"/>
+ <delete file="abcl.bat"/>
<target name="abcl.dist" depends="abcl.jar">
@@ -318,7 +313,7 @@
<target name="abcl.distclean" depends="abcl.clean">
<delete dir="${dist.dir}"/>
<delete file="abcl"/>
- <delete file="j"/>
+ <delete file="abcl.bat"/>
<target name="TAGS">
@@ -339,9 +334,9 @@
<include name="abcl.in"/>
<include name="abcl.bat.in"/>
- <!-- The remainder of these files are used by BUILD-ABCL to
- build ABCL from Lisp but not used by Ant, include them in
- the source distribution. -->
+ <!-- The remainder of these files are used by the Lisp hosted
+ build in 'build-abcl.lisp' but not used by Ant, so include
+ them in the source distribution. -->
<include name="make-jar.in"/>
<include name="make-jar.bat.in"/>
@@ -360,7 +355,8 @@
<target name="abcl.source.prepare" depends="abcl.stamp.version">
<property name="abcl.source.eol" value="asis"/>
- <echo>Using '${abcl.source.eol}' to drive line-ending transformations.</echo>
+ <echo>Using abcl.source.eol='${abcl.source.eol}' to drive
+ source code line-ending transformations.</echo>
<property name="abcl.build.src.dir"
<mkdir dir="${abcl.build.src.dir}/src"/>
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