[armedbear-cvs] r11622 - trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp

Erik Huelsmann ehuelsmann at common-lisp.net
Wed Feb 4 21:07:47 UTC 2009

Author: ehuelsmann
Date: Wed Feb  4 21:07:44 2009
New Revision: 11622



Modified: trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp
--- trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/compiler-pass2.lisp	Wed Feb  4 21:07:44 2009
@@ -2160,11 +2160,6 @@
      (setf *static-code* *code*)
      (setf (gethash local-function ht) g))))
-(defun new-fixnum (&optional (test-val t))
-  (when test-val
-    (emit 'new +lisp-fixnum-class+)
-    (emit 'dup)))
 (defknown declare-fixnum (fixnum) string)
 (defun declare-fixnum (n)
   (declare (type fixnum n))
@@ -2180,9 +2175,8 @@
 	    (emit-push-constant-int n)
 	    (emit 'aaload))
-	    (new-fixnum)
 	    (emit-push-constant-int n)
-	    (emit-invokespecial-init +lisp-fixnum-class+ '("I"))))
+            (convert-representation :int nil)))
      (emit 'putstatic *this-class* g +lisp-fixnum+)
      (setf *static-code* *code*)
      (setf (gethash n ht) g))))
@@ -5231,14 +5225,6 @@
            (compiler-unsupported "p2-function: unsupported case: ~S" form)))))
-(defun emit-fixnum-init (representation)
-  (case representation
-    (:int)
-    (:long
-     (emit 'i2l))
-    (t
-     (emit-invokespecial-init +lisp-fixnum-class+ '("I")))))
 (defknown p2-ash (t t t) t)
 (define-inlined-function p2-ash (form target representation)
   ((check-arg-count form 2))
@@ -5262,7 +5248,6 @@
                 (<= -31 constant-shift 31)
                 (fixnum-type-p type1)
                 (fixnum-type-p result-type))
-	   (new-fixnum (null representation))
            (compile-form arg1 'stack :int)
            (cond ((plusp constant-shift)
                   (compile-form arg2 'stack :int)
@@ -5278,7 +5263,7 @@
                   (emit 'ishr))
                  ((zerop constant-shift)
                   (compile-form arg2 nil nil))) ; for effect
-	   (emit-fixnum-init representation)
+           (convert-representation :int representation)
            (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
           ((and constant-shift
                 ;; lshl/lshr only use the low six bits of the mask.
@@ -5304,12 +5289,11 @@
            (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
           ((and (fixnum-type-p type1)
                 low2 high2 (<= -31 low2 high2 0)) ; Negative shift.
-	   (new-fixnum (null representation))
 	   (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :int
 						      arg2 'stack :int)
            (emit 'ineg)
            (emit 'ishr)
-	   (emit-fixnum-init representation)
+           (convert-representation :int representation)
            (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
           ((fixnum-type-p type2)
            (cond ((and low2 high2 (<= 0 low2 high2 63) ; Non-negative shift.
@@ -5374,22 +5358,20 @@
                ((and (fixnum-type-p type1) (fixnum-type-p type2))
                 ;;                     (format t "p2-logand fixnum case~%")
                 ;; Both arguments are fixnums.
-		(new-fixnum (null representation))
 		(compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :int
 							   arg2 'stack :int)
                 (emit 'iand)
-		(emit-fixnum-init representation)
+                (convert-representation :int representation)
                 (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
                ((or (and (fixnum-type-p type1)
                          (compiler-subtypep type1 'unsigned-byte))
                     (and (fixnum-type-p type2)
                          (compiler-subtypep type2 'unsigned-byte)))
                 ;; One of the arguments is a positive fixnum.
-		(new-fixnum (null representation))
 		(compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :int
 							   arg2 'stack :int)
                 (emit 'iand)
-		(emit-fixnum-init representation)
+                (convert-representation :int representation)
                 (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
                ((and (java-long-type-p type1) (java-long-type-p type2))
                 ;; Both arguments are longs.
@@ -5465,11 +5447,10 @@
                                           (fixnum-constant-value type2))
                                   target representation))
                ((and (fixnum-type-p type1) (fixnum-type-p type2))
-		(new-fixnum (null representation))
 		(compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :int
 							   arg2 'stack :int)
                 (emit 'ior)
-		(emit-fixnum-init representation)
+                (convert-representation :int representation)
                 (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
                ((and (eql (fixnum-constant-value type1) 0) (< *safety* 3))
 		(compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 nil nil
@@ -5540,11 +5521,10 @@
                 (emit 'ixor))
                ((and (fixnum-type-p type1) (fixnum-type-p type2))
 ;;                 (format t "p2-logxor case 2~%")
-		(new-fixnum (null representation))
 		(compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :int
 							   arg2 'stack :int)
                 (emit 'ixor)
-		(emit-fixnum-init representation))
+                (convert-representation :int representation))
                ((and (java-long-type-p type1) (java-long-type-p type2))
 		(compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 'stack :long
 							   arg2 'stack :long)
@@ -5572,11 +5552,10 @@
   ((check-arg-count form 1))
   (cond ((and (fixnum-type-p (derive-compiler-type form)))
          (let ((arg (%cadr form)))
-	   (new-fixnum (null representation))
 	   (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg 'stack :int)
            (emit 'iconst_m1)
            (emit 'ixor)
-	   (emit-fixnum-init representation)
+           (convert-representation :int representation)
            (emit-move-from-stack target representation)))
          (let ((arg (%cadr form)))
@@ -5607,7 +5586,6 @@
            (compile-constant 0 target representation))
           ((and size position)
            (cond ((<= (+ position size) 31)
-		  (new-fixnum (null representation))
 		  (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values size-arg nil nil
 							     position-arg nil nil
 							     arg3 'stack :int)
@@ -5616,10 +5594,9 @@
                     (emit 'ishr))
                   (emit-push-constant-int (1- (expt 2 size))) ; mask
                   (emit 'iand)
-		  (emit-fixnum-init representation)
+                  (convert-representation :int representation)
                   (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
                  ((<= (+ position size) 63)
-		  (new-fixnum (and (null representation) (<= size 31)))
 		  (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values size-arg nil nil
 							     position-arg nil nil
 							     arg3 'stack :long)
@@ -5630,7 +5607,7 @@
                          (emit 'l2i)
                          (emit-push-constant-int (1- (expt 2 size)))
                          (emit 'iand)
-			 (emit-fixnum-init representation))
+                         (convert-representation :int representation))
                          (emit-push-constant-long (1- (expt 2 size))) ; mask
                          (emit 'land)
@@ -6825,29 +6802,28 @@
            (let ((type1 (derive-compiler-type arg1))
                  (type2 (derive-compiler-type arg2)))
              (cond ((and (fixnum-type-p type1) (fixnum-type-p type2))
-		      (new-fixnum (null representation))
-                      (compile-form arg1 'stack :int)
-                      (emit 'dup)
-                      (compile-form arg2 'stack :int)
+                    (compile-form arg1 'stack :int)
+                    (emit 'dup)
+                    (compile-form arg2 'stack :int)
                     (emit 'dup_x1)
                     (let ((LABEL1 (gensym)))
                       (emit (if (eq op 'max) 'if_icmpge 'if_icmple) LABEL1)
                       (emit 'swap)  ;; The lower stack value is greater-or-equal
-                        (label LABEL1)
+                      (label LABEL1)
                       (emit 'pop))  ;; Throw away the lower stack value
-		    (emit-fixnum-init representation)
+                    (convert-representation :int representation)
                     (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
                    ((and (java-long-type-p type1) (java-long-type-p type2))
-                      (compile-form arg1 'stack :long)
-                      (emit 'dup2)
-                      (compile-form arg2 'stack :long)
+                    (compile-form arg1 'stack :long)
+                    (emit 'dup2)
+                    (compile-form arg2 'stack :long)
                     (emit 'dup2_x2)
-                      (emit 'lcmp)
+                    (emit 'lcmp)
                     (let ((LABEL1 (gensym)))
                       (emit (if (eq op 'max) 'ifge 'ifle) LABEL1)
                       (emit 'dup2_x2) ;; pour-mans swap2
                       (emit 'pop2)
-                        (label LABEL1)
+                      (label LABEL1)
                       (emit 'pop2))
                     (convert-representation :long representation)
                     (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
@@ -7090,12 +7066,8 @@
              (maybe-emit-clear-values arg1 arg2 arg3)
              (emit-invokevirtual class "setCharAt" '("I" "C") nil)
              (when target
-	       (new-fixnum (null representation))
                (emit 'iload value-register)
-               (case representation
-                 (:char)
-                 (t
-                  (emit-invokespecial-init +lisp-fixnum-class+ '("I"))))
+               (convert-representation :char representation)
                (emit-move-from-stack target representation))))
 ;;            (format t "p2-set-char/schar not optimized~%")
@@ -7270,9 +7242,8 @@
                   (emit-invokevirtual +lisp-object-class+ "aset" (list "I" +lisp-object+) nil)))
            (when value-register
              (cond ((fixnum-type-p type3)
-		    (new-fixnum (null representation))
                     (emit 'iload value-register)
-		    (emit-fixnum-init representation))
+                    (convert-representation :int representation))
                     (aload value-register)
                     (fix-boxing representation type3)))
@@ -7726,13 +7697,9 @@
 (defun p2-sxhash (form target representation)
   (cond ((check-arg-count form 1)
          (let ((arg (%cadr form)))
-           (unless (eq representation :int)
-	     (new-fixnum))
 	   (compile-forms-and-maybe-emit-clear-values arg 'stack nil)
            (emit-invokevirtual +lisp-object-class+ "sxhash" nil "I")
-           (unless (eq representation :int)
-             (emit-invokespecial-init +lisp-fixnum-class+ '("I"))
-             (fix-boxing representation 'fixnum))
+           (convert-representation :int representation)
            (emit-move-from-stack target representation)))
          (compile-function-call form target representation))))
@@ -7846,9 +7813,10 @@
            (compile-constant (char-code arg) target representation))
           ((and (< *safety* 3)
                 (eq (derive-compiler-type arg) 'character))
-	   (new-fixnum (null representation))
            (compile-form arg 'stack :char)
-	   (emit-fixnum-init representation)
+           ;; we change the representation between the above and here
+           ;;  ON PURPOSE!
+	   (convert-representation :int representation)
            (emit-move-from-stack target representation))
            (compile-function-call form target representation)))))
@@ -8318,12 +8286,16 @@
                (not (variable-special-p variable))
                (not (variable-used-non-locally-p variable))
                (zerop (compiland-children *current-compiland*)))
-      (emit-push-variable variable)
-      (derive-variable-representation variable nil) ;; nil == no block
-      (when (< 1 (representation-size (variable-representation variable)))
-        (allocate-variable-register variable))
-      (convert-representation nil (variable-representation variable))
-      (emit-move-to-variable variable)))
+      (when (memq (type-representation (variable-declared-type variable))
+                  '(:int :long))
+        (emit-push-variable variable)
+;;        (sys::%format t "declared type: ~S~%" (variable-declared-type variable))
+        (derive-variable-representation variable nil)
+;;        (sys::%format t "representation: ~S~%" (variable-representation variable))
+        (when (< 1 (representation-size (variable-representation variable)))
+          (allocate-variable-register variable))
+        (convert-representation nil (variable-representation variable))
+        (emit-move-to-variable variable))))
 (defknown p2-compiland (t) t)

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