[armedbear-cvs] r11379 - in branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp: . scripting/lisp

Alessio Stalla astalla at common-lisp.net
Wed Nov 5 20:20:58 UTC 2008

Author: astalla
Date: Wed Nov  5 20:20:57 2008
New Revision: 11379

jmake-proxy now is a generic function. A couple of simple methods are provided. TBD: automagic proxy generation from functions in a package.


Modified: branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/Autoload.java
--- branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/Autoload.java	(original)
+++ branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/Autoload.java	Wed Nov  5 20:20:57 2008
@@ -488,7 +488,6 @@
         autoload(PACKAGE_EXT, "thread-lock", "ThreadLock", true);
         autoload(PACKAGE_EXT, "thread-unlock", "ThreadLock", true);
         autoload(PACKAGE_JAVA, "%jnew-proxy", "JProxy");
-        autoload(PACKAGE_JAVA, "%jimplement-interface", "JProxy");
         autoload(PACKAGE_JAVA, "%find-java-class", "JavaClass");
         autoload(PACKAGE_JAVA, "%jmake-invocation-handler", "JProxy");
         autoload(PACKAGE_JAVA, "%jmake-proxy", "JProxy");

Modified: branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/JProxy.java
--- branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/JProxy.java	(original)
+++ branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/JProxy.java	Wed Nov  5 20:20:57 2008
@@ -221,80 +221,6 @@
 	private static LispObject toLispObject(Object obj) {
 		return (obj instanceof LispObject) ? (LispObject) obj : new JavaObject(obj);
-	}    
-  	private static final Primitive _JIMPLEMENT_INTERFACE =
-	    new Primitive("%jimplement-interface", PACKAGE_JAVA, false,
-	                  "interface &rest method-names-and-defs") {
-	      	public LispObject execute(LispObject[] args) throws ConditionThrowable {
-	      		int length = args.length;
-	      		if (length < 3 || length % 2 != 1) {
-	      			return error(new WrongNumberOfArgumentsException(this));
-	      		}
-	      		final Map<String,Function> lispDefinedMethods = new HashMap<String,Function>();
-	      		for (int i = 1; i < length; i += 2) {
-	      			lispDefinedMethods.put(args[i].getStringValue(), (Function) args[i + 1]);
-	      		}
-	      		final Class<?> iface = (Class<?>) args[0].javaInstance();
-	      		return new Function() {
-	      			public LispObject execute(LispObject lispProxy) {
-	      				Object proxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance(
-	    	      				iface.getClassLoader(),
-	    	      				new Class[] { iface },
-	    	      				new LispHandler2(lispProxy, lispDefinedMethods));
-	    	      		return new JavaObject(proxy);	      				
-	      			}
-	      		};
-	      	}
-	    };
-    private static class LispHandler2 implements InvocationHandler {
-  		private Map<String, Function> lispDefinedMethods;
-  		private LispObject lispProxy;
-	    LispHandler2(LispObject lispProxy, Map<String, Function> lispDefinedMethods) {
-	    	this.lispProxy = lispProxy;
-	    	this.lispDefinedMethods = lispDefinedMethods;
-	    }
-	    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws ConditionThrowable {
-	    	String methodName = method.getName();
-	    	//TODO are these implemented correctly?
-	    	if(methodName.equals("hashCode")) {
-	    		return lispProxy.hashCode();
-	    	}
-	    	if (methodName.equals("equals")) {
-	    		return (args[0] instanceof LispObject) && (T == lispProxy.EQ((LispObject) args[0]));
-	    	}
-	    	if (methodName.equals("toString")) {
-	    		return lispProxy.writeToString();
-	    	}	
-	    	Function f = lispDefinedMethods.get(methodName);
-	    	if (f != null) {
-	    		try {
-	    			LispObject lispArgs = NIL;
-	    			if (args != null) {
-	    				for (int i = args.length - 1 ; 0 <= i  ; i--) {
-	    					lispArgs = lispArgs.push(new JavaObject(args[i]));
-	    				}
-	    			}
-	    			lispArgs = lispArgs.push(lispProxy);
-	    			LispObject result = evalCall(f, lispArgs, new Environment(),
-	    										 LispThread.currentThread());
-	    			return (method.getReturnType() == void.class ? null : result.javaInstance());
-	    		} catch (ConditionThrowable t) {
-	    			t.printStackTrace();
-	    		}
-        	}
-	    	return null;
-	    }
-  	}	    
+	}

Modified: branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/autoloads.lisp
--- branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/autoloads.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/autoloads.lisp	Wed Nov  5 20:20:57 2008
@@ -187,8 +187,6 @@
 (autoload 'jregister-handler "java")
 (export 'jinterface-implementation "JAVA")
 (autoload 'jinterface-implementation "java")
-(export 'jimplement-interface "JAVA")
-(autoload 'jimplement-interface "java")
 (export 'jmake-invocation-handler "JAVA")
 (autoload 'jmake-invocation-handler "java")
 (export 'jmake-proxy "JAVA")

Modified: branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/java.lisp
--- branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/java.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/java.lisp	Wed Nov  5 20:20:57 2008
@@ -63,53 +63,47 @@
         (push method-name method-names-and-defs)))
     (apply #'%jnew-proxy interface method-names-and-defs)))
-(defun jimplement-interface (interface &rest method-names-and-defs)
-  "Creates and returns an implementation of a Java interface with
-   methods calling Lisp closures as given in METHOD-NAMES-AND-DEFS.
-   INTERFACE is either a Java interface or a string naming one.
-   METHOD-NAMES-AND-DEFS is an alternating list of method names
-   (strings) and method definitions (closures).
-   For missing methods, a dummy implementation is provided that
-   returns nothing or null depending on whether the return type is
-   void or not. This is for convenience only, and a warning is issued
-   for each undefined method."
-  (let ((interface (jclass interface))
-        (implemented-methods
-         (loop for m in method-names-and-defs
-           for i from 0
-           if (evenp i)
-           do (assert (stringp m) (m) "Method names must be strings: ~s" m) and collect m
-           else
-           do (assert (or (symbolp m) (functionp m)) (m) "Methods must be function designators: ~s" m)))
-        (null (make-immediate-object nil :ref)))
-    (loop for method across
-      (jclass-methods interface :declared nil :public t)
-      for method-name = (jmethod-name method)
-      when (not (member method-name implemented-methods :test #'string=))
-      do
-      (let* ((void-p (string= (jclass-name (jmethod-return-type method)) "void"))
-             (arglist '(&rest ignore))
-             (def `(lambda
-                     ,arglist
-                     ,(when arglist '(declare (ignore ignore)))
-                     ,(if void-p '(values) null))))
-        (warn "Implementing dummy method ~a for interface ~a"
-              method-name (jclass-name interface))
-        (push (coerce def 'function) method-names-and-defs)
-        (push method-name method-names-and-defs)))
-    (apply #'%jimplement-interface interface method-names-and-defs)))
 (defun jmake-invocation-handler (function)
   (%jmake-invocation-handler function))
-(defun jmake-proxy (interface invocation-handler)
-  (let ((handler (if (functionp invocation-handler)
-		     (jmake-invocation-handler invocation-handler)
-		     invocation-handler)))
-    (%jmake-proxy (jclass interface) handler)))
+(when (autoloadp 'jmake-proxy)
+  (fmakunbound 'jmake-proxy))
+(defgeneric jmake-proxy (interface implementation))
+;(defun jmake-proxy (interface implementation)
+;  (jmake-proxy-impl interface implementation))
+(defmethod jmake-proxy (interface invocation-handler)
+  (%jmake-proxy (jclass interface) invocation-handler))
+(defmethod jmake-proxy (interface (implementation function))
+  (%jmake-proxy (jclass interface) (jmake-invocation-handler implementation)))
+TODO java->lisp wrong (coding at night has nasty effects)
+(defmethod jmake-proxy (interface (implementation package))
+  (flet ((java->lisp (name)
+	   (substitute #\- #\. (string-upcase name))))
+    (%jmake-proxy (jclass interface)
+		  (jmake-invocation-handler 
+		   (lambda (obj method &rest args)
+		     (let* ((sym (find-symbol (java->lisp (jmethod-name method))))
+			    (fn (symbol-function sym)))
+		       (if fn
+			   (apply fn obj args)
+			   (error "Function ~A, implementation of method ~A, not found in ~A"
+				  sym (jmethod-name method) implementation))))))))
+(defmethod jmake-proxy (interface (implementation hash-table))
+  (%jmake-proxy (jclass interface)
+		(jmake-invocation-handler 
+		 (lambda (obj method &rest args)
+		   (let ((fn (gethash (jmethod-name method) implementation)))
+		     (if fn
+			 (apply fn obj args)
+			 (error "Implementation for method ~A not found in ~A"
+				(jmethod-name method) implementation)))))))
 (defun jobject-class (obj)
   "Returns the Java class that OBJ belongs to"

Modified: branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/print-object.lisp
--- branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/print-object.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/print-object.lisp	Wed Nov  5 20:20:57 2008
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@
     (format stream "~S" (class-name (class-of object))))
+(defmethod print-object ((class java:java-class) stream)
+  (write-string (%write-to-string object) stream))
 (defmethod print-object ((class class) stream)
   (print-unreadable-object (class stream :identity t)
     (format stream "~S ~S"

Modified: branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/scripting/lisp/abcl-script.lisp
--- branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/scripting/lisp/abcl-script.lisp	(original)
+++ branches/scripting/j/src/org/armedbear/lisp/scripting/lisp/abcl-script.lisp	Wed Nov  5 20:20:57 2008
@@ -71,32 +71,4 @@
-		     (jcall +get-bindings+ script-context +engine-scope+)))))))))
-(defstruct (java-interface-implementation (:type list))
-  (method-definitions (list) :type list))
-(defun define-java-interface-implementation (interface &rest method-definitions)
-  (register-java-interface-implementation
-   (canonicalize-interface interface)
-   (make-java-interface-implementation :method-definitions method-definitions)))
-(defun canonicalize-interface (interface)
-  (cond
-    ((stringp interface) interface)
-    ((jclass-interface-p interface) (jclass-name interface))
-    (t (error "not an interface: ~A" interface))))
-(defun register-java-interface-implementation (interface implementation)
-  (setf (gethash (canonicalize-interface interface)
-		 *java-interface-implementations*)
-	(implement-java-interface interface implementation)))
-(defun find-java-interface-implementation (interface)
-  (gethash (canonicalize-interface interface)
-	   *java-interface-implementations*))
-(defun implement-java-interface (interface implementation)
-  (apply #'jimplement-interface
-	 `(,interface
-	   ,@(java-interface-implementation-method-definitions implementation))))
\ No newline at end of file
+		     (jcall +get-bindings+ script-context +engine-scope+)))))))))
\ No newline at end of file

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