[Antik-devel] [lisp-stat] ann: numerical-lisp on github.com

David Hodge davidbhodge at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 08:40:11 UTC 2012

Its a good idea - with a bit of refactoring I think changing the numerical layer should not be to hard.

something to think about.

Steve and I are meeting tomorrow, this is definitely on the list of things to discuss, apart from beer and saying


On 19/10/2012, at 3:58 PM, "A.J. Rossini" <blindglobe at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sounds good!
> Am happy to help, my end goal is to play with a lispy statistically
> clear DSL, not write numerics :-).
> As long as we get solid numerics, I'm happy to use macros to play
> around with the interfaces I want to see on the dsl, unless every
> happens to like what I like.
> Clone and pull/push requests seem to be best, making branches which
> reflect author names and topics or both name-and-topic.
> Shared access works as well, but not reason not to keep separate.
> Best,-tony
> On 10/19/12, Mirko Vukovic <mirko.vukovic at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Based on a recent
>> discussion<https://groups.google.com/d/topic/lisp-stat/sYBndICy_HA/discussion>on
>> the Common Lisp Statistics group, I decided to start a github project
>> numerical-lisp <https://github.com/mirkov/numerical-lisp>.
>> The purpose of the project is to serve as an ordered (as much as possible)
>> collection of thoughts on what would make a useful and powerful system for
>> numerical programming, analysis and visualization based on common-lisp.  I
>> suspect the discussion will be taking place on the common lisp statistics
>> group, antik, and maybe others.  I don't think that we should form yet
>> another discussion forum.  Coding would start in the next few months.
>> The project would depend a great deal on Antik, gsll, cl-num-utils, and
>> other numerical libraries.  The goal is not to start yet another
>> incompatible numerical library.  Instead, the goal is to provide a flexible
>> framework into which one can plug in existing libraries with relatively
>> little modification.
>> When it comes to coding, there will be relatively little intense numerical
>> or graphics coding.  Instead, we should use as many of already existing
>> resources and libraries already available, and allow enough flexibility so
>> as not to be locked to a particular library.  We should also look at other
>> systems (R, numpy, Matlab, mathematica, Macsyma), and incorporate their
>> best features, albeit in a lispy way.  The project may boil down to
>> software engineering, and good language design (maybe we should study
>> Fortress for hints)
>> Right now the project is quite empty, and I will add to it over the coming
>> weeks.  Once I figure out how github operates for collaborative work, I
>> would welcome contributions from others as well.
>> I hope this to be a community effort.
>> Mirko
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> -- 
> best,
> -tony
> blindglobe at gmail.com
> Muttenz, Switzerland.
> "Commit early,commit often, and commit in a repository from which we
> can easily roll-back your mistakes" (AJR, 4Jan05).
> Drink Coffee:  Do stupid things faster with more energy!
> -- 
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