[Antik-devel] Fix for complex foreign arrays in LispWorks

Martin Simmons martin at lispworks.com
Mon Dec 17 15:32:58 UTC 2012


The patch below is needed to make Antik work in LispWorks (no specialized
complex Lisp array types).  I was testing Antik by running the GSLL unit tests
with the quicklisp version.

--- antik-20120909-git/foreign-array/foreign-array.lisp~	2012-12-17 13:24:03.256699471 +0000
+++ antik-20120909-git/foreign-array/foreign-array.lisp	2012-12-17 14:39:54.931815902 +0000
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 		  (coerce-value initial-element element-type))))
       (if (and (member :static-vectors *features*)
 	       ;; CCL does not support complex element types as static vectors
-	       #+ccl (not (subtypep element-type 'complex))
+	       #+(or ccl lispworks) (not (subtypep element-type 'complex))
 	       (or (= 1 (length dimensions))
 		   (eql linearization :row-major)))
 	  ;; Make a CL image array if the implementation supports it and

Martin Simmons
LispWorks Ltd

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