[ansi-test-devel] Does this work at all?

Ville Voutilainen ville.voutilainen at gmail.com
Mon Dec 26 16:36:51 UTC 2011

On 26 December 2011 18:32, Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll
<juanjose.garciaripoll at googlemail.com> wrote:
> I do not have doubts about the sanity of such a test. I strongly believe it
> is wrong, which is why I opened the discussion here to change or remove it.
> I do not believe that an IRC channel should be a substitute for discussion
> of a project, because I am not seeking _help_ or information. I write here
> as a maintainer of an implementation seeking consensus about a test that
> affects all implementations, that is all.

If you're referring to the ctypecase test mentioned on the other thread, I'm not
yet comfortable with saying that the test is wrong.  I'm not saying the irc
channel is a substitute for anything; I'm merely pointing out that it has
savvy people on it who can help deem the actual correctness of the test.

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