[ansi-test-devel] Local function binding shadows global macro

Erik Huelsmann ehuels at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 21:09:05 UTC 2011

This week, I fixed an error in ABCL for which there seems to be no
conformance test: a local function binding shadows global macros and
compiler macros.

I'm not really sure how to set up a good test for it within the ansi tests
framework, but this is the code which caused the issue in ABCL:

(defmacro var (name &optional value docs)
   `(defparameter ,name ,@(when value (list value))))

(defun make-var (the-name))

(defun foo (var-ref)
  (flet ((var (x) (second x)))
     `(make-var ,(var x))))

Any ideas about translating this into a good test to be committed?

Maybe we could come up with a similar test for compiler macros as well?


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