I finally got around to uploading the page and darcs repo for<br>Cl-Component, a "simple CLOS solution for directed acyclic graphs".<br><br> <a href="http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-component/">http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-component/
</a><br><br>This is what you'd call a "pre-release". I plan to fully rework the<br>API and implementation as soon as I get a chance, but unfortuanatly the<br>project is somewhat on the back-burner right now. Fortuanatly this
<br>release features full documentation and unit-tests until then...<br><br>Comments are welcome, my goal is to make dealing with dags of CLOS<br>instances trivial, and make a useful tool for rolling object systems,<br>system definition utilities, and scheduling utilities.