[CDR Announce] New site and new editors

Marco Antoniotti marco.antoniotti at unimib.it
Fri Jan 21 18:25:06 UTC 2022

Dear all

There is not much traffic on this mailing list, but there have been some
developments about CDR.

First of all, a new site with Zenodo.org link (
https://zenodo.org/communities/cdr/?page=1&size=20) is up and running at
https://cdr.common-lisp.dev (it is an old style site, but it has the
advantage of being, IMHO, simple (plus it has a color style reminiscent of
an old copy of CLtL2 :) )


   - Pascal Bourguigon
   - MichaƂ \"phoe\" Herda
   - Didier Verna

have accepted to become editors of the process.

This is a service to the Common Lisp community.  So, if you have a document
you want to submit, just read the "manual".

All the best

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