[Bese-announce] [ANN] UnCommon Web 0.3.5

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Thu Feb 3 14:59:54 UTC 2005

UnCommon Web version 0.3.5
Released 2005-02-03

* Home page


* Download


* Changes (since 0.3.4)

** Components

- Values passed to :component slot argument are now evaluated when the
  value is a list. This eliminates the need for many of the trivial
  initialize-instance :after methods.

- A young but stable and fully functioning HTML FORM component
  collection has been added.

- The defcomponent macro has been reintroduced (though it is obviously
  much simpler than it once was).

- New component dependency protocol.

- The *action-url-generator* special variable has been replaced by the
  compute-url, update-url and component dependency protocol.

- New REDIRECT component for sending HTTP redirect headers.

** Component Rendering 

- Component rendering error handling has been improved.


- Fixed handling of <ucw:input :type "checkbox" tags.


- The URLs associated with entry-points are now registered with the
  backend individually (instead of registering an entire directory as
  was done previously).

** Documentation

- Minor improvements to docs strings, manual and comments in example

** Backends

- The port for the aserve backend can now be set when creating the
  backend object, this avoids having to conditionalize the
  (supposedly) backend independant startup-server form.

- The mod_lisp backend now properly supports generating multiple
  headers in HTTP responses.

- New araneida backend.

** Other

- Added support for CLISP and Allegro Common Lisp.

- The CPS transformer can now allert the user to possible
  order-of-evaluation bugs.

* Prerequisites

** Prerequisites included in the distribution

- arnesi
- yaclml
- cl-icu
- iterate
- mod_lisp

** Prerequisites you must download and install manually

- a recent CVS version of SLIME. You must have the new inspector for
  the ucw-inspector to work.

- portableaserve 1.2.35 should you want the aserve backend.

* Known Issues

- Application dumping does not currently work (and will probably be
  removed in the near future).

* Supported Platforms

Using the mod_lisp backend UCW is known to work on OpenMCL (darwin),
CMUCL (darwin and x86), SBCL (darwin and x86), CLISP (darwin). Using
the aserve backend UCW is known to work on OpenMCL (darwin), SBCL
(x86) and Allegro (windows). Using the araneida backend UCW is know to
work on OpenMCL (darwin) and CLISP (windows).

happy hacking!
Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen
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