[ann] [Bese-announce] UCW 0.3.3 - learning to climb up bookshelves (for real)

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Wed Nov 10 18:15:09 UTC 2004

UnCommon Web version 0.3.3 - learning to climb up bookshelves (for real)
Released 2004-11-10

[nb: This release exists simply to fix a number of minor (but fatal)
bugs in the 0.3.2 release]

[nb: this release breaks backwards compatibility]

* Home page


* Download


* Prerequisites

** Prerequisites included in the distribution

- arnesi
- yaclml
- cl-icu
- iterate
- mod_lisp

** Prerequisites you must download and install manually

- a recent CVS version of SLIME. You must have the new inspector for
  the ucw-inspector to work.
- portableaserve 1.2.35 should you want the aserve backend.

* Changes (since 0.3.2)

** "The API has changed" fixes

- Fix various uses of <ucw:a which didn't use the :action attribute.

- Fix wrong environment name in admin repl template

** Components

- New component simple-container

- root-component renamed to window-component

- Remove GOTO and REPLACE macros (and the underlying goto-component
  and replace-component methods). Use (setf context.window-component)
  instead (passing it a component instance).


- Support :href attribute an <ucw:a tags with URL rewriting to add
  the session id.


- Move *debug-on-error* logic out of the handle-request-error's
  :around method and into the standard-server's handle-request method.

- Improved the handling of errors during actions, callbacks and rerl
  internal functions.

* Known Issues

- The transaction example does not work.

* Supported Platforms

SBCL and OpenMCL are known to work on PPC with the mod_lisp backend.
CMUCL is known to work on x86 with mod_lisp backend (apache2).

The aserve backend is not known to work (it might, it just hasn't been

have fun (i know i do),
Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
     -Leonard Cohen

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