[PATCH] alexandria-1/io.lisp: (read-stream-content-into-string): fix recent regression

MichaƂ "phoe" Herda phoe at teknik.io
Mon Aug 22 07:00:23 UTC 2022

On 22.08.2022 04:05, Madhu wrote:
> 1. The function contract requires it to return a string which is of type character.

The function contract doesn't say anything about accepting a stream 
whose element type is not a character.

> 3. Lisps implementation support bivalent streams and alendria (correctly) deferred to the implementations behaviour, and this has been changed.
The fact that implementations support bivalent streams as a language 
extension doesn't mean that trying to stuff octets into strings is 
portable Common Lisp. The third bullet in Alexandria's README 
states that Alexandria is all about portable CL.

Still, after waking up, I am of two minds about this issue, since 
there's also the issue of programmer convenience, "don't break 
userspace", and "if an implementation supports an extension, Alexandria 
could at least try not to get in the way". Are you able to make an 
account at https://gitlab.common-lisp.net and post an issue to 
https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/alexandria/alexandria/-/issues? If not, 
I'll make it and try to ask for opinion there.

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