[alexandria-devel] Fwd: Fold operators on lists and trees in Alexandria?

Heka Treep zena.treep at gmail.com
Thu Aug 19 15:35:56 UTC 2010

Thanks for this explanation, it helped. Now I can say that you was
right - using a list folders on a trees is not a good idea. However,
this folders expressed in an imperative style may be used to express
some functions on the linear lists (hm, probably not - the list is the
essence of Lisp, and all important functions are already defined in

Well, I checked problem of the global variables affection:

(defun fold-left/list (function list &optional initial-value)
  (let ((list (copy-list list)))
     (unless (endp list)
       (setq initial-value (funcall function initial-value (car list)))
       (setq list (cdr list))
       (go :start)))

(defun fold-rigth/list (function list &optional initial-value)
  (let ((list (nreverse (copy-list list))))
     (unless (endp list)
       (setq initial-value (funcall function (car list) initial-value))
       (setq list (cdr list))
       (go :start)))

(defun flatten/fold-rigth (list)
  (fold-rigth/list #'(lambda (e rest)
                       (if (consp e)
                           (append (flatten/fold-rigth e) rest)
                           (cons e rest)))
                   list nil))

;; Also, this is a folder on vectors:

(defun fold-left/vector (function vector &optional initial-value)
  (declare (type vector vector))
  (let ((i 0)
        (length (length vector)))
    (declare (type integer i length))
     (unless (>= i length)
       (setq initial-value (funcall function initial-value (aref vector i)))
       (setq i (1+ i))
       (go :start)))

It work fine on small lists (better then flatten in TCO-way), but
worse on big lists, for example:

  (labels ((gen-list (n)
             (if (zerop n)
                 (random 10)
                 (loop :for e :in (make-list n)
                       :collect (gen-list (1- n))))))
    (gen-list 9)))

(time (progn (alexandria:flatten *big-list*) nil))

1x time
1x memory

(time (progn (flatten/fold-rigth *big-list*) nil))

4x time
10x memory

By the way, this is a natural folder for trees:

(defun fold/tree (f g tree)
  (typecase tree
    (atom (funcall f tree))
    (cons (apply g
                 (mapcar #'(lambda (e)
                             (fold/tree f g e))

(defun flatten/fold/tree (tree) (fold/tree #'identity #'list* tree))

(time (progn (flatten/fold/tree *big-list*) nil))

2x time
6x memory

if it would be possible to write this in an imperative style as well
as fold-list this could give a good performance.

Ok, sorry for offtop ;)

2010/8/8, Gustavo <gugamilare at gmail.com>:
> Sorry, I forgot to CC.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Gustavo <gugamilare at gmail.com>
> Date: 2010/8/8
> Subject: Re: [alexandria-devel] Fold operators on lists and trees in
> Alexandria?
> To: Heka Treep <zena.treep at gmail.com>
> Hello, Heka,
> Just to clarify, I'm not a Alexandria developer, but I'll make some
> criticism.
> I'm sorry but flatten/fold-right is not faster than flatten. It has a bug
> that prevents it from working correctly: fold-right version is destructive
> (it uses nreverse in the incoming list, it should be used in the
> result).Then, if you make a loop that flattens the same tree a lot of
> times, the
> original tree is modified so the running time is altered.
> cl-user> (defvar tree '((1 2 3) (4 5 6)))
> tree
> cl-user> (flatten/fold-right tree)
> (1 2 3 4 5 6)
> cl-user> tree
> ((1))
> It doesn't make sense flatten/fold-right to be faster than flatten because
> it calls append which needs to traverse the first argument, so it gets
> slower when the list to be flattened has large sublists. Also, it treats NIL
> as an atom while flatten treats it as the empty list.
> The following version of flatten is the only one that I have noted to be
> faster than flatten (25% to 45% faster) because it doesn't have to call
> nreverse at the end:
> (defun flatten/tail (tree)
>   (let (list tail)
>     (labels ((traverse (subtree)
>                (when subtree
>                  (cond
>                    ((consp subtree)
>                     (progn
>                       (traverse (car subtree))
>                       (traverse (cdr subtree))))
>                    (tail (setf (cdr tail) (cons subtree nil)
>                                tail (cdr tail)))
>                    (t (setf list (list subtree)
>                             tail list))))))
>       (traverse tree))
>     list))
> Don't worry, everyone commits mistakes. It took me some time to figure out
> the problem too.
> Gustavo.
> 2010/8/7 Heka Treep <zena.treep at gmail.com>
>> Sorry, I made a small typo:
>> (defun flatten/fold-rigth (list)
>>   (fold-rigth #'(lambda (e rest)
>>                   (typecase e
>>                     (atom (cons e rest))
>>                     - (list (append (flatten e) rest))
>>                     + (list (append (flatten/fold-rigth e) rest))))
>>               list nil))
>> But this, of course, does not affect the benchmark.
>> 2010/8/8 Heka Treep <zena.treep at gmail.com>
>> Hi.
>>> I was found that there is no effective fold operators on lists or trees
>>> in
>>> CL. I know that `reduce' can do this (as an article in Wikipedia sayz)
>>> but
>>> `reduce' is not very effective. As stated in the Graham Hutton's article
>>> ``fold is a standard operator that encapsulates a simple pattern of
>>> recursion for processing lists'', also catamorphism at some ADT plays the
>>> same role. So I thought that if we introduce an effective fold operators,
>>> it
>>> becomes possible to express many functions through its shortly and
>>> effectively (in fact, almost any function on that ADT).
>>> Take for example the `flatten' function that is defined in Alexandria as
>>> follows:
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> ;; ok, TCO recursion:
>>> ;;
>>> (defun flatten (tree)
>>>   (let (list)
>>>     (labels ((traverse (subtree)
>>>                (when subtree
>>>                  (if (consp subtree)
>>>                      (progn
>>>                        (traverse (car subtree))
>>>                        (traverse (cdr subtree)))
>>>                      (push subtree list)))))
>>>       (traverse tree))
>>>     (nreverse list)))
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> We need an ADT for the trees, but in the first approximation we can use
>>> nested lists.
>>> When expressed in terms of reduce:
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> (defun flatten/reduce (list)
>>>   (reduce #'(lambda (e rest)
>>>                   (typecase e
>>>                     (atom (cons e rest))
>>>                     (list (append (flatten/reduce e) rest))))
>>>           list
>>>           :initial-value nil
>>>           :from-end t))
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> Now if we translate pure functional operator (here is `reduce') to the
>>> instructions for tagbody/go "state machine":
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> ;;; fold-left f '(a b c) i
>>> ;;;
>>> ;;;       f
>>> ;;;      /\
>>> ;;;     f  c
>>> ;;;    /\
>>> ;;;   f  b
>>> ;;;  /\
>>> ;;; i  a
>>> ;;;
>>> ;;; foldl f z []     = z
>>> ;;; foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs
>>> (defun fold-left (function list &optional initial-value)
>>>   (let ((result initial-value))
>>>     (tagbody
>>>      :start
>>>      (unless (endp list)
>>>        (setq result (funcall function result (car list)))
>>>        (setq list (cdr list))
>>>        (go :start)))
>>>     result))
>>> ;;; fold-rigth f '(a b c) i
>>> ;;;
>>> ;;;   f
>>> ;;;  /\
>>> ;;; a  f
>>> ;;;    /\
>>> ;;;   b  f
>>> ;;;      /\
>>> ;;;     c  i
>>> ;;;
>>> ;;; foldr f z []     = z
>>> ;;; foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)
>>> (defun fold-rigth (function list &optional initial-value)
>>>   (let ((result initial-value)
>>>         (list (nreverse list)))
>>>     (tagbody
>>>      :start
>>>      (unless (endp list)
>>>        (setq result (funcall function (car list) result))
>>>        (setq list (cdr list))
>>>        (go :start)))
>>>     result))
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> Then `flatten' can be written as:
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> (defun flatten/fold-rigth (list)
>>>   (fold-rigth #'(lambda (e rest)
>>>                   (typecase e
>>>                     (atom (cons e rest))
>>>                     (list (append (flatten e) rest))))
>>>               list nil))
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> I try to benchmarc (this three functions) and has the following results:
>>> flatten/fold-rigth
>>> X time
>>> Y memory
>>> alexandria:flatten
>>> 10 * X time
>>> 23 * Y memory
>>> flatten/reduce
>>> 42 * X time
>>> 83 * Y memory
>>> So, its look resonable to use folders there.
>>> ((sorry for my english - I just using google.translate :))
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