[alexandria-devel] Moving to next stage

Attila Lendvai attila.lendvai at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 19:38:54 UTC 2007

> > on this note, we should/could add a REMOVE-FROM-ALIST and their
> > DELETE-FROM... counterparts.
> I agree.

i've added the missing delete-from-plist and their modify macro
variants. i'm not sure about the alist versions, though: what should
be their api? plists are usually used with symbols as keys, so using
#'eq for comparison is ok, but alists are mostly addressed by
non-symbols, so the (alist &rest keys) api is not too useful without a
:test argument. because of this i've skipped them for now.

>  > i personally would be ok if they worked so that when called with NIL
>  > they would always return T (so NIL would be taken as an empty
>  > sequence). and if we added FIRST-ELEMENT/LAST-ELEMENT then people
>  > could use them to test if a sequence start and/or ends with NIL as an
>  > element.

yep, i've added them. everybody, feel free to excercise your veto
rights even with an UNDO patch, i won't take it as an offense! this is
how the Alexandria project is planned to work...


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