Hi,<br><br>My name is Elliott Slaughter, and I would like a account on <a href="http://common-lisp.net">common-lisp.net</a> for the purpose of working on SBCL Windows threading for Google's Summer of Code.<br><br>I don't believe I require project hosting, because for the most part, I intend to use existing SBCL resources. However, I would like personal repository for my work on SBCL. My understanding is that I don't need actual project hosting, that a user account will be sufficient to get hosting for a repository.<br>
<br>Thank you for your time.<br><br>Other information you may want:<br><br>Full name: Elliott Slaughter.<br><br>Public key:<br>---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----<br>Comment: "rsa-key-20080502"<br>AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIByGWa4cxUcKXAC/1rlS4LlW/KrkrI7JZx/RY/d<br>
jRN+s3Sozeqy8r/unhbONPXikL6Frq2aqtEOLk2JrLzf0VznC4vAksKahF4VMj33<br>KinySulYURLO/Z+7uAzK546jbVPnSUWN+QPNSYEzAG2zQ7x6/uOX1QpvmzId0a/0<br>dlyTBQ==<br>---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----<br><br>Description of project:<br>An abstract for the project can be found at <a href="http://code.google.com/soc/2008/lispnyc/appinfo.html?csaid=E2FD52402672134E">http://code.google.com/soc/2008/lispnyc/appinfo.html?csaid=E2FD52402672134E</a> .<br>
<br>-- <br>Elliott Slaughter<br><br>"Any road followed precisely to its end leads precisely nowhere." - Frank Herbert<br>