[admin] Re: Spam on common-lisp.net mailing lists

Drew Crampsie drew.crampsie at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 00:55:46 UTC 2008

On 20/01/2008, David Lichteblau <david at lichteblau.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> common-lisp.net mailing lists are still being haunted by the default
> mailman setting that allows any mail through if its pretends to come
> from a @common-lisp.net address.

Ouch, this stinks. I don't know much about mailman, so if any of you
do can you point me in the right direction?

This is a stupid default, and i'd like to scrap it completely if nobody objects.



> For the latest examples, see
> http://common-lisp.net/pipermail/closure-devel/2008-January/thread.html
> It's possible to disable this setting for each list separately, and I've
> already had to go through all of my lists to do so.
> Unfortunately, lots of other lists still seem to have this setting.
> Is there perhaps something you can do globally to combat this problem?
> - Change the setting for existing lists?
> - At least change the default for new lists.
> - Alternatively, I guess you'd have to require SMTP auth for senders,
>   so that mails pretending to come from @common-lisp.net addresses are
>   actually verified.
> Thanks,
> David
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