[admin] Application for new c-l.net project: Editor-hints

Tobias C. Rittweiler tcr at freebits.de
Wed Jan 2 22:41:41 UTC 2008


I'd like to beg for the creation of the project `editor-hints': 

It'll cover portable code necessary for a better Lisp editing experience
in the 21th century. It'll provide hints (i.e. by storing information in
the Lisp image) for better readtable support, special indentation
support &c. See http://paste.lisp.org/display/52232 for some of the
current ideas.

The code for named readtables is already there.

Name             : Tobias Christian Rittweiler
E-Mail           : tcr at freebits.de
c-l.net account  : trittweiler (does already exist)
PGP key          : See post scriptum.

Project name     : editor-hints
License          : MIT
Members          : trittweiler, rgoldman

Thanks for consideration, and efforts!


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