[admin] New project questions

Gary King gwking at metabang.com
Fri Feb 15 16:38:00 UTC 2008

Hi Liam,

> Is it possible to have the project created "unpublished" so that I
> have time to set up and populate everything before the world can see
> it?

Possible? Yes. Supported? No. <smile>. I can see wanting to do this  
but the current scripts don't make this easy. Sorry.

> Is it possible to create one or zero mailing lists instead of the
> default three?  My experience with my other project is that approval
> requests for spam greatly outweigh any actual traffic, and I expect
> the new project to be low traffic.

This is also difficult but I'll look into improving this since I agree  
that a lot of mailing lists are not currently being used.

> Do you have any kind of hit or download counter available?  I'm
> curious about these numbers.

I'm not aware of such a thing but I've heard lots of good stuff about  
Google analytics.

> You say to proceed as if there are no backups.  I planned to use
> svn-hot-backup and TracBackup to make my own backups, but they don't
> show up under `which'.  What do you use/recommend?

I'll defer to Drew on this. Drew?
Gary Warren King, metabang.com
Cell: (413) 559 8738
Fax: (206) 338-4052
gwkkwg on Skype * garethsan on AIM

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