[admin] Application for hosting of project SNMP1

Erik Enge erik.enge at gmail.com
Tue Jan 2 02:56:31 UTC 2007


On 1/1/07, Johan Ur Riise <johan at riise-data.no> wrote:
> I have created a small package for SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). It does
> BER-encoding and decoding of the SNMP V1 protocol. There is also a udp-send-and-receive
> function for sbcl, and some salt-functions for getting a value from the agent, and
> a walk function. Then there are some test-functions, and some comments in the code.
> There is already a SNMP project on common-lisp.net, (cl-snmp or SYSMAN) but it is
> not maintained lately, I could not easily make it compile on sbcl, it is not marked
> as Free Software, and I could not get in contact with the author.
> There is no project participants beyond myself.
> The code is GPLv2 or later.
> My gpg-key:
> riise at egg:~$ gpg --armor --export riise
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
> hFGW56HcU4rzR2JqwrE7lC6KiZ7eu6J89SboyYfptz9SD8Mc3kMp8Bo4Ce55jo6J
> hnbFRFgOh9j9wABYASXjaWNtgtM14TsAJh5X84DUJTs2Q4P9k/gttzryCwCg6uAI
> 3tfqx445PmcEF8WvQxsBkEkEAIXQ5rKmw8OafwGAqmw4NMHNrJubK7Rjmy8VcKXG
> 9+fOweYOp/iABXyEv28sbFWgL5/aKaDhYN6evPELFNbdyt0XVbNUKpunqoAsVGs7
> lx9iOuuBM3fJuhRS4WX0n3484VESdWBiawNPp678fCgM0mdfoIp9pWYMSjuJJ4y1
> RgAVA/9XOkuNpT7dQigUWsZ4tT2HhM09Exh/dGRZg9ED6l+oPr5VG8FMY9+wKqAM
> kew/KNbFl3Tl1VsshXlItYoTLwHxxifZAdNRxvdXmGtce+FcnB5coFk4OJNf6PUf
> gleh9K8TKziHVIwkuDuddukUuSwqhO6OT3ZUgdV2d7P14PmAhLQkSm9oYW4gVXIg
> Umlpc2UgPGpvaGFuQHJpaXNlLWRhdGEubm8+iF4EExECAB4FAkIQo9cCGwMGCwkI
> BwMCAxUCAwMWAgECHgECF4AACgkQLwkimGnQPWkwgwCg5dXxX4gNEn80u37EA87I
> IJ4fvrEAn3rtTEx/tET19rWON1UylvC8Km1WuQENBEIQo9kQBACxdlIJlBmvIQe+
> 32kYnUXPKhoaAMXvsxopV10StIPMyVDtRbodwMeHgVg09KPyzgag00W2bKhF13yu
> pxtBG1upZNFKJx2qCEvM4PJ+vbKvtYhuToBRAR9A/8cB+RmMoGn5PW/32+Fpx403
> gdJLzQ/bGZyQzAs7TeYAZupzgGp2awADBgQAjJZhpLRimOfRhwdE6TrMbMiX2T4U
> YC+k72kALwqKx8Sx6VgKV4bih+4o6dONuxNAUCr+xx9sNK4dppkRmiF3FCN491sf
> XCk5lgbYPk/IN+MdyOpMva/YR2bcfb4l8vhQYEnPrSvdpDtNLpuBh5knXwYRLClJ
> S7O2kjiZGvo6ek23qygnOACguPQlw/K8ohbH8zllOhJiwR9iOmk=
> =Gzz+
> The code itself is at http://www.riise-data.net/snmp1/.
> When I announce it on comp.lang.lisp, I would like to have the
> project in shape on common-lisp.net.
> The rest of this message is just about what I would post there:
> ================================================================
> I have put together an ASDF-system for SNMP. Here is
> a description of how it works:
> The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) has, on the bottom, tagged values
> of types integer, octet string, object identifier, null and sequence.
> The object identifiers are pointers into an agent's database of values.
> For example, an object identifier
> could look like this: (:object-identifier ".")
> This specific object identifier also has the name
> .iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.system.sysDescr.0
> or system.sysDescr.0 for short. There are no conversions between
> the two forms in this package.
> On the wire the values are encoded with Basic Encoding Rules (BER). The
> oid above would be encoded like this:
> SNMP1> (ber-encode '(:object-identifier "."))
> => #(6 8 43 6 1 2 1 1 1 0)
> Basically, the encoding is a tag octet, a length octet, and an octet
> for each sub-identifier, with a few special cases.
> An integer would be coded like this:
> SNMP1> (ber-encode '(:integer 12345))
> => #(2 2 48 57)
> Again a tag, a length and a number of octets representing the value.
> This also works the other way around:
> SNMP1> (ber-decode #(2 2 48 57))
> => (:INTEGER 12345)
> A null value is a tag and a length of zero:
> SNMP1> (ber-encode '(:null))
> => #(5 0)
> We now put two of these values in a sequence. The sequence is encoded
> into two octets in this case, a tag and the length of the other two
> values:
> SNMP1> (ber-encode '(:sequence (:object-identifier ".") (:null)))
> => #(48 12 6 8 43 6 1 2 1 1 1 0 5 0)
> This form, a sequence of an oid and a value, is in SNMP called a variable binding.
> The Protocol Transfer Unit (PDU) uses a sequence of these, so we wrap it in
> another sequence:
> SNMP1> (ber-encode '(:sequence (:sequence (:object-identifier ".") (:null))))
> => #(48 14 48 12 6 8 43 6 1 2 1 1 1 0 5 0)
> This is a GET PDU constructed around the previous varbind list:
> (:get (:integer 12345) (:integer 0) (:integer 0)
>       (:sequence (:sequence (:object-identifier ".") (:null))))
> The :get keyword is the same as a sequence, except it has its own tag. The first integer
> is the request id, whatever we put in there we get back in the response.
> To finish it up, we create an SNMP message, which is a sequence of version, community
> and the PDU. Version is 0 for version 1. The community is a kind of password.
> (:sequence (:integer 0) (:octet-string "public")
>            (:get (:integer 12345) (:integer 0) (:integer 0)
>                  (:sequence (:object-identifier ".") (:null))))
> We encode the complete message, the result is of type (SIMPLE-ARRAY (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8)
> SNMP1> (ber-encode '(:sequence (:integer 0) (:octet-string "public")
>                      (:get (:integer 12345) (:integer 0) (:integer 0)
>                       (:sequence (:sequence (:object-identifier ".") (:null))))))
> => #(48 39 2 1 0 4 6 112 117 98 108 105 99 160 26 2 2 48 57 2 1 0 2 1 0 48 14 48
>   12 6 8 43 6 1 2 1 1 1 0 5 0)
> Then we send this message to the agent. The udp-send-and-receive function is
> a wrapper around sbcl's socket library, the parameters are ip-adress, port,
> wait-between-retries, retry-count and then the buffer to send.
> SNMP1> (udp-send-and-receive #(127 0 0 1) 161 1 3 *)
> => #(48 124 2 1 0 4 6 112 117 98 108 105 99 162 111 2 2 48 57 2 1 0 2 1 0 48 99 48
>   97 6 8 43 6 1 2 1 1 1 0 4 85 76 105 110 117 120 32 98 114 101 97 100 32 50 46
>   54 46 49 53 45 50 55 45 97 109 100 54 52 45 103 101 110 101 114 105 99 32 35
>   49 32 83 77 80 32 80 82 69 69 77 80 84 32 70 114 105 32 68 101 99 32 56 32 49
>   55 58 53 48 58 53 52 32 85 84 67 32 50 48 48 54 32 120 56 54 95 54 52)
> When we decode it we see that we have a :response PDU, where the :null in
> the varbind has been replaced with the value from the agent:
> SNMP1> (ber-decode *)
> => (:SEQUENCE (:INTEGER 0) (:OCTET-STRING "public")
>      "Linux bread 2.6.15-27-amd64-generic #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 8 17:50:54 UTC 2006 x86_64")))))
> We can also do SET, GETNEXT and TRAP PDUs.
> The encoding and decoding functions should work in all implementations, but the
> udp-send-and-receive function will have to be coded for implementations other than sbcl.
> The license is GPLv2 or later.
> The package is available on common-lisp.net under the name SNMP1. To get it, issue this command
> cvs -d ....
> --
> Hilsen
> Johan Ur Riise
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFFmcdZLwkimGnQPWkRAtvDAKDU1hLrV0yJnHVLx8uhDkydAP0hlgCgrvF5
> cg/mbUZebfpXf2ZfSJ6Xkto=
> =DM00
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